WWE SmackDown Results 8/2/24

WWE SmackDown Results 8/2/24
Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse
Cleveland, Ohio

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Cody Rhodes & Solo Sikoa Segment 

Cody Rhodes: So, Cleveland, what do you want to talk about? Better yet, who do we want to talk to? Solo Sikoa.

Solo Sikoa: Cleveland, Ohio. Acknowledge Me.

Cody Rhodes: I see it, chip on your shoulder, you’re a little brother, right? I’m a little brother, too. It’s not easy what you’ve been trying to do, becoming the Tribal Chief, and the lengths you’ve gone to get what you’re after. From a distance, I almost admire it. But once the ballyhoo is through, once all the cinema that The Bloodline is so famous for is over, there’s an old expression in the wrestling business. Tomorrow night at SummerSlam, the bell is going to ring. And when it rings, you’re going to find this out. That you have nothing to lose, and I have everything on the line.

Solo Sikoa: Are you done? Are you, because you’re wasting my time, and I’m running out of patience, right now. Just like your title reign, tomorrow night at SummerSlam.

Cody Rhodes: No, I’m not done. See, you’re a self-appointed Tribal Chief. I stand here, the actual Undisputed WWE Champion. I stand here on top of WWE. I sit on a throne, a throne I once broke, and I sit there in deep emotional debt to those who have helped me in achieving my goals. Men who have pay the price with their bodies. Men like, Randy Orton. Men like, Kevin Owens. If I lose at SummerSlam, if I lose to you, I can’t repay that debt. I don’t intend to lose, I intend to pay those men back, pay them back with your blood. I intend to do what I did to your cousin, Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, when I defeated him a Bloodline Rules Match.

Solo Sikoa: Bloodline Rules, huh? Bloodline Rules Match. You keep bringing that match up. You know what? When you beat Roman Reigns at WrestleMania, he was a Tribal Chief that was weak. You see, me, Cody, I’m not weak. As a matter of fact, I’m the opposite, I’m dangerous. And tomorrow night at SummerSlam, I’m going to show you how dangerous I am. So, you talk a big game, huh, champ? I say, he talks a big game, huh, champ? Shut up. Let’s put your money where your mouth is, alright? Let’s make tomorrow night a Bloodline Rules Match.

– The Bloodline lurks around the ringside area.

Cody Rhodes: Bloodline Rules Match, tomorrow night at SummerSlam, that’s what you want? I’ve looked in your eyes, and I know what you’re all about. Allow me a moment to talk to your friends. Tanga Loa, I see you there. Just so you know, I’m not scared of you. Tama Tonga, we got a lot of history, more than most people know about, I ain’t afraid of you. And Jacob Fatu, as dumb as it is for me to say, I ain’t scared of you either, you son of a bitch. Tomorrow night, Cleveland, SummerSlam, you want a Bloodline Rules Match? It’s probably not the smartest decision I’ve ever made, but it’s the only decision I can make. I accept.

Solo Sikoa: Well, since you accepted the challenge, you know what I can do to you right now before SummerSlam? If I snap my fingers, these three men in here will tear your ass apart. But I’m not going to do that, because tonight, the tag team titles come back to The Bloodline. And then tomorrow night, that title comes back to The Bloodline, too.

Cody Rhodes: I get it, I get it. Basically, every time one of you are born, there’s one thing in common, you guys hate Cody Rhodes. I understand, but I don’t have to fight your family. No, all I have to do is defeat The Tribal Chief. And since The Tribal Chief is not here, I’ll settle for the wannabe.

Carmelo Hayes Promo 

You guys keep asking me questions about Andrade. Why do you want to see me and Andrade so bad? Alright, if you want to talk about it, let’s talk about it. Last week, Andrade, you want to call me Bronny Jr. What do you know about being a player? You’re not about making a team. The only thing you know about is quitting teams and switching teams, let’s talk about it. You talk about how you beat me in some cornfield in Nebraska. Nobody is going to remember that, Andrade. What they are going to remember is, that Melo has a breakout performance. They’re going to remember, that was the night that Melo officially became, HIM. So, the next time we get on the court, it’s going to be a different game. It’s going to be, Melo in 3, Melo in 5, no matter how many times you want to do this, because the same thing is going to happen. When I shoot, I don’t miss.

First Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade El Idolo 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Idolo applies a side headlock. Hayes backs Idolo into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Hayes with a knife edge chop. Idolo shoves Hayes. Strong lockup. Idolo grabs a side headlock. Hayes reverses the hold. Hayes with a side headlock takeover. Idolo answers with the headscissors escape. Chop Exchange. Hayes kicks Idolo in the gut. Hayes with a straight right hand. Hayes grabs a side headlock. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Idolo drops down on the canvas. Idolo leapfrogs over Hayes. Hayes slips over Idolo’s back. Hayes runs into Idolo. Dropkick Exchange. Idolo brings Hayes back into the ring. Rollup Exchange. Idolo kicks Hayes in the gut. Hayes blocks The Message. Hayes regroups on the outside.

Hayes regains control of the match during the commercial break. Hayes throws Idolo shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Hayes repeatedly stomps on Idolo’s chest. Hayes rolls Idolo back into the ring. Idolo reverses out of the irish whip from Hayes. Hayes with a Springboard Clothesline for a two count. Hayes works on the left shoulder of Idolo. Idolo with heavy bodyshots. Idolo with a chop/forearm combination. Idolo drops Hayes with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Hayes. Idolo with a flying forearm knockdown. Idolo goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Hayes ducks out of the way. Hayes kicks out the legs of Idolo on the middle rope. Idolo avoids The Fade Away. Idolo rocks Hayes with a forearm smash. Hayes with a Slingshot Vertical Suplex.

Hayes ascends to the top turnbuckle. Idolo with a blistering chop. Hayes HeadButts Idolo. Hayes and Idolo are trading back and forth shots. Forearm Exchange. Idolo with The SuperPlex. Second Forearm Exchange. Second Chop Exchange. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Idolo cuts off The Springboard Clothesline. Idolo with The Triangle MoonSault. Idolo rolls Hayes back into the ring. Idolo goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Hayes counters with The La Mistica for a two count. Hayes mocks Idolo. Hayes dodges The Discus Back Elbow. Counter Fest. Idolo delivers The Discus Elbow for a two count. Idolo with The Double Jump MoonSault for a two count. Idolo denies The First 48. Idolo applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. Hayes grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Hayes with Two SuperKicks. Idolo dodges Nothing But Net. Hayes denies The Message. Hayes goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Idolo counters with The Japanese Leg Clutch Hold to pickup the victory.

Winner: Andrade El Idolo via Pinfall 

– Santos Escobar is not happy with Angel and Berto’s performance during last week’s tag team gauntlet match. It’s time for Legado Del Fantasma to get back on track. Their failure last week is no indication to the true potential of this family. Their fortune will turn. And it starts tonight by taking care of Apollo Crews, right now.

Second Match: Santos Escobar w/Legado Del Fantasma vs. Apollo Crews w/Baron Corbin 

Escobar dropkicks Crews. Escobar kicks Crews in the gut. Escobar is throwing haymakers at Crews. Escobar repeatedly stomps on Crews chest. Escobar with a Running Boot. Escobar with a knee lift. Escobar slams Crews head on the top turnbuckle pad. Escobar with forearm shivers across the back of Crews. Escobar with a Corner Spear. Escobar follows that with The Apron Enzuigiri. Escobar with The Slingshot Senton for a one count. Crews with three haymakers. Escobar rakes the eyes of Crews. Crews is displaying his fighting spirit. Escobar reverses out of the irish whip from Crews. Escobar with The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker for a two count.

Escobar applies a waist lock. Crews with two sharp elbow strikes. Crews with The Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Crews with a straight right hand. Crews with two clotheslines. Crews thrust kicks the midsection of Escobar. Crews with The Pump Kick. Crews ducks a clothesline from Escobar. Crews with a Leaping Clothesline. Crews get distracted by Angel Garza. Corbin blocks Garza with a big haymaker. Crews with The Gorilla Press Slam. Crews blasts Carrillo off the ring apron. Crews with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Crews drags Escobar to the corner. Crews ascends to the top turnbuckle. Legado gangs up on Corbin on the outside. Escobar with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Escobar connects with The Phantom Driver to pickup the victory.

Winner: Santos Escobar via Pinfall 

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill. For weeks, they’ve been adamant about regaining the Women’s Tag Team Titles, so with that in mind, how confident are they going into this match? Jade says that they’re very confident. Now, they’ll always stand on business. Bianca reminds Byron that The Unholy Union didn’t pin them at Clash at the Castle. They can’t whoop them. When you have the Storm and the EST, anybody stepping up is going to get stepped on. Time’s up, because they’re walking out of Cleveland tonight, the new WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions.

Logan Paul & LA Knight Segment 

Nick Aldis: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here tonight, along with these Cleveland dignitaries, to welcome one of your very own. So, without further ado, please welcome the United States Champion, and Cleveland’s own, Logan Paul.

Logan Paul: Hey, Cleveland, I’m home. LA Knight, I have never met a man so eager to take my belt off of me. Hey, bad news, bicep boy, you’re not my type. And you’re delusional if you think you’re going to strip me of my United States Championship, in my own hometown. Whether you want to admit it or not, I inspire this great city. I represent this great city. I am Cleveland. What kind of welcome is this? The reason LA Knight has so many fans, let’s be honest, people like you can relate to him. A bunch of try hard that never made it.  And look, sounds like y’all think I’m not a great champion. I guess I see your point. I’ve only had two title defenses in 273 days. But, hey, that’s two more title defenses than LA Knight will ever have. I’ll be honest, I can’t relate to you people, I’m great, I made it. So, today, we are here to recognize my greatness. Which is why I have brought these esteem dignitaries, Cleveland’s finest.

Nick Aldis: Actually, I’m glad you brought that up, Logan, because I put these people’s names in my google machine, after your assistant emailed them to me, and I couldn’t seem to find anything.

Logan Paul: See, Nick, you’re not from around here, you wouldn’t get it. Trust me, these people are very legit. And it’s a little insulting to me, insulting to them, this my moment. And ladies and gentlemen, it’s my time to unveil my championship that will hang in the banners of this sacred arena. To permanently reminded everybody that Logan Paul is Cleveland’s finest. Drum roll, please.

– We get a huge banner of Logan Paul, with a large YEAH! spray painted on it.

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. I apologize, but these shades ain’t helping me see what that banner says, but maybe Cleveland can tell me. What does that banner say? YEAH!

Logan Paul: Oh, congrats, you people can read.

LA Knight: My man, you better get serious. We’re 24 hours away from SummerSlam, we’re 24 hours out from you losing that US Title. And considering what happened last week, you’re lucky that’s the worst of what’s happening to you, right now. I’ll tell you what, you talk about being the best thing to come out of Cleveland, you’re from West Lake, aren’t you, you goof?

Logan Paul: It’s a suburb of Cleveland.

LA Knight: Well, while you’re out here pretending to be Cleveland’s own, I’ll tell you what, you’re worried about homecomings, you’re worried about banners. Since I ruined your banner, I’m going to do you a solid. Since tomorrow, it’s going to be the worst day of your life, I’m going to give you a gift. I’m going to go back here, and I’m going to get you another banner, okay. So, hang out, I’ll be right back.

– LA Knight runs into Pretty Deadly in the backstage area. LA has no interest in their upcoming musical. LA decides to drive away in Logan’s PRIME Hummer to close this segment. Nick tells Logan that he’ll take this issue to his “dignitaries”

Third Match: The Unholy Union (c) vs. Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill For The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship

BelAir and Cargill avoid a pre-match sneak attack from Unholy Union. Stereo Fallaway Slams. Stereo Kip Ups. Cargill gets distracted by Fyre. Dawn attacks Cargill from behind. Dawn with forearm shivers. Cargill drops Dawn with a shoulder tackle. Cargill with The Stinger Splash. Cargill with a Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Dawn fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Forearm Exchange. Cargill tags in BelAir. BelAir repeatedly stomps on Dawn’s chest. BelAir goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Fyre gets in the way. Misfired Double Vertical Suplex. Stereo Forearms from BelAir and Cargill. The referee is losing control of this match. Stereo Gorilla Press Slams. Unholy Union regains control of the match during the commercial break. Second Forearm Exchange. Fyre stops Cargill in her tracks. Cargill uses her feet to create separation. Dawn wisely pulls BelAir off the ring apron. Fyre with a running sledge. Fyre kicks Cargill in the ribs. Fyre tags in Dawn. BackStabber/Swanton Bomb Combination for a two count. Dawn tags in Fyre. Cargill with The Double Vertical Suplex. Cargill tags in BelAir.

BelAir with two forearm smashes. BelAir with a Flying Crossbody Block. BelAir follows that with a shoulder block/forearm knockdown combination. BelAir dropkicks Dawn. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Fyre. BelAir with a Running Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. BelAir with a Corner Spear. BelAir transitions into a corner mount. BelAir dives over Fyre. BelAir with a Double Corner Spear. BelAir transitions into a Double Corner Mount. Fyre tugs on BelAir’s braid. BelAir whips Fyre into Dawn. BelAir drops Fyre with The SpineBuster. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. Dawn dumps Cargill out of the ring. Cargill pulls Dawn out of the ring. Cargill SuperKicks Dawn. Fyre rolls BelAir over for a two count. BelAir rocks Fyre with a forearm smash. Blair Davenport attacks Cargill from behind which forces the disqualification. After the match, Davenport joined forces with The Unholy Union. Fyre SuperKicks BelAir. Davenport hits The Kamigoye. Cargill nails Davenport with The Pump Kick. Fyre delivers a chop block. Unholy Union gangs up on Cargill. Davenport sends Cargill face first into the steel ring post. Unholy Union launches Cargill over the announce table.

Winner: Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill via Disqualification, But Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Unholy Union 

– We got a video package to hype up the Bayley/Nia Jax WWE Women’s Championship Match at SummerSlam.

– Nia Jax gives Tiffany a brand-new custom-made Money In The Bank Briefcase. Now, Nia wants to remind Tiffany that if she decides to cash in tomorrow night, she will no longer be the princess, and she’ll have to answer to the queen. Chelsea Green is not too fond of the new briefcase. She makes her case as to why she should be Ms. Money In The Bank. Tiffany says that Green is definitely not Chelsea’s color.

Fourth Match: DIY (c) vs. Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga w/The Bloodline For The WWE Tag Team Championship

Tommaso Ciampa and Tama Tonga will start things off. Tonga with clubbing sledges and bodyshots. Tonga unloads a flurry of strikes in the corner. Ciampa with a chop/forearm combination. Tonga shoves Ciampa. Ciampa ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Tonga drives his knee into the midsection of Ciampa. Tonga bodyslams Ciampa. Tonga sends Ciampa shoulder first into the steel ring post. The Bloodline has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Ciampa decks Fatu with a back elbow smash. Ciampa side steps Fatu into the turnbuckles. Gargano and Tonga are tagged in.

Gargano ducks a clothesline from Tonga. Gargano is throwing haymakers at Tonga. Tonga reverses out of the irish whip from Gargano. Gargano scores the forearm knockdown. Gargano clotheslines Tonga. Gargano with Two Enzuigiri’s. Gargano sends Fatu tumbling to the floor. Tonga launches Gargano over the top rope. Gargano with The Apron Enzuigiri. Gargano SuperKicks Fatu. Gargano hits The Slingshot Spear for a two count. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Running Knee/Enzuigiri Combination. Gargano with a Cannonball Senton off the ring apron. Ciampa with The Avalanche Air Raid Crash for a two count. Ciampa unloads three knife edge chops. Standing Switch Exchange. Tonga with a knife edge chop. Ciampa answers with a Running Boot. Fatu tags himself in.

Fatu scores the elbow knockdown. Fatu SuperKicks Gargano off the apron. Fatu with a Running Hip Attack. Fatu tags in Tonga. Tonga lands The Supreme Flow for a two count. Fatu with a cross chop to Gargano. Fatu with repeated headbutts on the outside. Fatu goes for a Running Hip Attack, but Gargano ducks out of the way. Ciampa rolls Tonga over for a two count. Ciampa tags in Gargano. Ciampa avoids The Stinger Splash. DIY delivers The Shattering Machine. Tanga Loa runs interference. Solo Sikoa nails Ciampa with The Samoan Spike. Tonga connects with The Tongan Twist for a two count. Tonga transitions into a ground and pound attack. Tonga tags in Fatu. Fatu repeatedly stomps on Gargano’s chest. The Bloodline poses for the crowd. Gargano with Three SuperKicks. Gargano lands The Suicide Dive. Gargano ducks a clothesline from Fatu. Fatu shrugs off The Reverse Hurricanrana. Fatu SuperKicks Gargano. Fatu with The Pop Up Samoan Drop. Fatu with The Double Jump MoonSault. Fatu plants Gargano with The Impaler DDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE Tag Team Champions, Jacob Fatu & Tama Tonga via Pinfall 

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The post WWE SmackDown Results 8/2/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol