WWE NXT Results 8/6/24

WWE NXT Results 8/6/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Dunne applies a side headlock. Williams whips Dunne across the ring. Williams leapfrogs over Dunne. Williams dropkicks Dunne. Williams unloads two knife edge chops. Williams lifts Dunne up in the air. Dunne applies The Kimura Lock. Williams with The Delayed Vertical Suplex for a two count. Dunne blocks a chop from Williams. Dunne with a double wrist lock takedown. Dunne applies a rear chin lock. Dunne works on his joint manipulation game. Dunne stomps on the right elbow of Williams. Dunne transitions into a ground and pound attack. Dunne applies The Triangle Choke. Williams PowerBombs Dunne. Chop Exchange. Dunne rakes the eyes of Williams. Williams reverses out of the irish whip from Dunne. Dunne goes for The MoonSault, but Williams counters with a Leaping NeckBreaker for a two count.

Forearm Exchange. Dunne hits The Divorce Court on the ring apron. Dunne viciously stomps on the left hand of Williams. Dunne with a Double Foot Stomp off the steel ring steps. Dunne rolls Williams back into the ring. Dunne applies a hammerlock. Dunne starts bending Williams fingers. Dunne toys around with Williams. Dunne stomps on Williams back. Standing Switch Exchange. Williams with The Dragon Sleeper Suplex for a two count. Dunne applies The Bulldog Choke. Dunne transitions into a Rear Naked Choke. Dunne with a basement dropkick. Dunne is picking Williams apart. Dunne with two running forearm smashes. Williams responds with an Inside Out Lariat. Williams is throwing haymakers at Dunne.

Williams with Two Leg Lariats. Williams whips Dunne across the ring. Williams with The Flapjack. Williams pops back on his feet. Dunne with a roll through escape. Williams drops Dunne with The Book End for a two count. Dunne repeatedly kicks Williams in the face. Dunne with The German Suplex. Dunne stomps on Williams fingers. Dunne with The Roundhouse Kick. Dunne ascends to the top turnbuckle. Williams with The Avalanche Flapjack for a two count. Williams goes for The Trick Shot, but Dunne counters with a forearm smash. Williams with The Pump Kick. Dunne answers with The Step Up Enzuigiri. Williams with The Cyclone Kick for a two count. Dunne dodges The Leg Lariat. Dunne PowerBombs Williams. Dunne is putting the boots to Williams. Williams fires back with a chop/haymaker combination. The referee admonishes Williams. Dunne slaps Williams in the chest. Williams uppercuts Dunne. Williams tees off on Dunne. Williams repeatedly stomps on Dunne’s chest. Dunne delivers The Finger Snap. Dunne avoids The Trick Shot. Dunne connects with The Bitter End to pickup the victory.

Winner: Pete Dunne via Pinfall 

– The NXT Locker Room takes issue with Lexis King being the DJ during the barbeque. Lexis can’t stand Eddy Thorpe’s EDM Music. Tank Ledger says that there will be no fighting at Hank & Tank’s BBQ. Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner bicker about who can eat more. That leads us to a rib-off and AVA looks completely confused as she sees what’s transpiring.

– Nathan Frazer wishes Ethan Page luck with his upcoming title defense. On the contrary, Page says that it’s Frazer who needs the luck because his tag team partner got pinned by MSK last week. Frazer says that getting pinned is kind of Ethan’s forte as of late. Let’s see who actually walks out of The Bash a champion by the end of the night.

Second Match: Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley For The WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Jordan with a cartwheel escape. Strong lockup. Paxley applies a side headlock. Paxley transitions into the cravate. Paxley showcases her athleticism. Standing Switch Exchange. Paxley blocks The O’Connor Roll. Paxley glances at the title. Jordan rolls Paxley over for a two count. Jordan with an arm-drag takedown. Jordan applies an arm-bar. Paxley whips Jordan across the ring. Jordan drops Paxley with a shoulder tackle. Paxley drops down on the canvas. Paxley leapfrogs over Jordan. Paxley goes for a Hip Toss, but Jordan counters with a deep arm-drag. Jordan with a Spinning Arm-Drag. Paxley dodges The PK. Jordan with The SomerSault Leg Drop. Paxley regroups on the outside. Jordan with The Corkscrew Pescado. Paxley crawls under the ring. Paxley kicks Jordan in the face. Paxley disappears. Jordan pulls out a doll from under the ring.

Paxley delivers the chop block on the floor. Paxley stomps on the left ankle of Jordan. Jordan rocks Paxley with a forearm smash. Paxley drives Jordan face first into the ring apron. Paxley repeatedly slams the left knee of Jordan on the canvas. Paxley chops Jordan. Paxley repeatedly stomps on Jordan’s chest. Paxley with a knee drop for a two count. Paxley with Two Dragon Screw Leg Whisps for a two count. Jordan blocks a boot from Paxley. Jordan with The Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Jordan applies a side headlock. Paxley with The Knee Crusher for a two count. Paxley ties Jordan up in a knot. Paxley with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Paxley applies a Modified Stretch Muffler. Jordan rocks Paxley with a forearm smash. Paxley kicks the left hamstring of Jordan.

Paxley goes for another Knee Crusher but Jordan counters with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Jordan dodges The Step Up Enzuigiri. Jordan bends the left ankle of Paxley. Paxley with a flying hair pull takedown. Wendy Choo makes her way down to the ringside area. Jordan clotheslines Paxley. Jordan scores the elbow knockdown. Jordan with The Cartwheel Back Elbow Smash. Paxley blocks a boot from Jordan. Jordan with a big forearm smash. Jordan goes for The Handspring Kick, but her left knee gives out. Paxley goes for The Pumphandle Driver, but Jordan counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Jordan drops Paxley with The Flatliner. Jordan goes for The Split Legged MoonSault, but Paxley ducks out of the way. Paxley lands The 450 Splash for a two count. Jordan denies The Overdrive. Paxley side steps Jordan into the turnbuckles. Paxley kicks out the legs of Jordan. Jordan with The Roundhouse Kick. Jordan hits The Avalanche Spanish Fly. Jordan connects with The Frog Splash to pickup the victory. After the match, Choo starts choking out Paxley.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Women’s North American Champion, Kelani Jordan via Pinfall 

– Charlie Dempsey is not pleased that Myles Borne keeps getting thrown around like nothing by Kendal Grey. Wren accuses Dempsey of stuffing Tavion Heights in the trunk. Dempsey reminds Wren that Tavion is in Japan competing in the N-1 for Pro Wrestling NOAH. Dempsey is still reluctant to allow Wren in The NQCC. Tony D’Angelo pokes fun at Dempsey for a little bit. However, he wants to sweeten the pot. If Wren wins her match tonight, The DON will deliver another Heritage Cup Title opportunity. Charlie says that Wren can join the group if she wins because she’ll be ticket to him getting his Heritage Cup Trophy back.

– Pete Dunne gets into a backstage brawl with Trick Williams.

Third Match: Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah w/Meta Four For The WWE NXT Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Page backs Mensah into the turnbuckles. Mensah ducks a clothesline from Page. Mensah unloads three knife edge chops. Mensah uppercuts Page. Short-Arm Reversal by Page. Page with a straight right hand. Page with a blistering chop. Forearm Exchange. Page whips Mensah across the ring. Mensah with a Headscissors Takeover. Mensah with a diving corner clothesline. Mensah blasts Page with The PK for a one count. Mensah with clubbing blows to Page’s back. Mensah sends Page to the corner. Mensah with a running chop. Page rocks Mensah with a forearm smash. Page slams Mensah’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Page hammers down on the back of Mensah’s neck. Chop Exchange. Mensah with forearm shivers. Mensah is lighting up Page’s chet. Page reverses out of the irish whip from Mensah. Mensah kicks Page in the face. Mensah goes for a rollup, but Page sits down for a two count. Mensah sweeps out the legs of Page. Mensah with a Running Boot through the ropes. Page regroups on the outside.

Second Forearm Exchange. Mensah attacks the midsection of Page. Page drives Mensah back first into the ring apron. Page with a Back Body Drop on the floor. Page rolls Mensah back into the ring. Page hooks the outside leg for a two count. Page whips Mensah across the ring. Page scores the forearm knockdown. Page poses for the crowd. Mensah with a chop/forearm combination. Page blocks a boot from Mensah. Page with a Hip Toss into the turnbuckles. Page repeatedly stomps on Mensah’s back and chest. Page transitions into a ground and pound attack. Page with a short-arm clothesline. Mensah fires back with forearm shivers. Page with another Back Body Drop. Page with The Vertical Suplex for a two count. Page with Two HeadButts. Page is raining down haymakers. Page bodyslams Mensah. Page applies a waist lock. Page transitions into The Bear Hug. Mensah is displaying his fighting spirit. Page kicks Mensah in the gut. Mensah with a Spin Kick. Mensah goes for The Springboard MoonSault, but Page counters with The Claymore. Page with The Pop Up Powerslam for a two count. Third Forearm Exchange. Page kicks Mensah in the chest. Page goes for The Butterfly Suplex, but Mensah counters with The Exploder Suplex. Mensah unloads a flurry of strikes. Mensah blocks a boot from Page. Mensah clotheslines Page. Mensah delivers his combination offense. Mensah drops Page with The Scissors Kick for a two count.

Mensah with clubbing blows to Page’s back. Page with The Roundhouse Kick. Page goes for The SuperPlex, but Mensah lands back on his feet. Mensah uppercuts Page. Page and Mensah are trading back and forth shots. Mensah with a Tiger Wall Flip Kick. Mensah lands The Suicide Dive. Mensah rolls Page back into the ring. Mensah with The Rolling Capo Kick for a two count. Haymaker Exchange. Hockey Fight in Winter Park. Page launches Mensah over the top rope. Mensah with The Apron Enzuigiri. Mensah with The Springboard Sidekick. Mensah follows that with a Diving Dropkick through the ropes. Page and Mensah are brawling on the stage. Page with The Belly to Back Suplex onto the picnic table. Page delivers The Ego’s Edge through the picnic table. Page rolls Mensah back into the ring. Page drops Mensah with The DDT for a two count. Page goes for The Ego’s Edge, but Mensah lands back on his feet. Mensah rolls Page over for a two count. Mensah SuperKicks Page for a two count. Mensah with a Leaping DDT. Mensah with The Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Page had foot placed under the bottom rope. Mensah slips off the top rope. Page nails Mensah with The Pump Kick. Page connects with The Ego’s Edge to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Champion, Ethan Page via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with The Rascalz. It’s been a long journey to get to this moment tonight, so what does this tag team title match mean to them? It’s been 852 long days since MSK had those NXT Tag Team Titles. There’s been frustration but hope that this day would come. They never thought this moment would come. Wes says that he’s had some very dark days in NXT. They were on cloud nine being champions, and then he was all alone. He was fortunate enough to have an incredible run with the North American Championship, but this is without a shadow of doubt the best part of his career. NXT is all about moments, it’s going to take a lot of effort to beat Nathan Frazer and Axiom, but tonight is their moment.

– Ashante THEE Adonis tries to flirt with Jaida Parker and Brinley Reece. Jaida bickers with Lola Vice and Sol Ruca about who should get the next shot at Roxanne Perez’s NXT Women’s Championship.

Fourth Match: Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus 

Hendry wipes out Gallus with a Flying Plancha before the bell rings. Hendry uppercuts Coffey in mid-air. Hendry rolls Coffey back into the ring. Hendry is throwing haymakers at Coffey. Coffey with a Pop Up Uppercut. Coffey with a Running European Uppercut. Coffey sends Hendry back first into the turnbuckles. Coffey with The Pendulum BackBreaker. Coffey with The Twisting Elbow Drop for a two count. Coffey applies a side headlock. Hendry whips Coffey across the ring. Hendry drops down on the canvas. Hendry leapfrogs over Coffey. Hendry with a Rising Knee Strike. Hendry goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Coffey blocks it. Coffey with a southpaw haymaker. Hendry reverses out of the irish whip from Coffey. Coffey kicks Hendry in the face. Coffey goes for The Flying Crossbody Block, but Hendry ducks out of the way. Hendry with The Vertical Suplex. Hendry unloads three knife edge chops. Hendry tees off on Coffey. Hendry repeatedly stomps on Coffey’s chest. Hendry whips Coffey across the ring.

Hendry scores the elbow knockdown. Hendry whips Coffey across the ring. Coffey holds onto the ropes. Hendry clotheslines Coffey over the top rope. Coffey regroups on the outside. Hendry is playing mind games with Coffey. Hendry knocks Gallus off the ring apron. Coffey attacks Hendry from behind. Coffey with The Glasgow Sendoff into the steel ring steps. Coffey rolls Hendry back into the ring. Coffey mocks Hendry. Coffey with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Coffey with clubbing shoulder blocks. Hendry answers with a knee lift. Coffey with a double leg takedown. Coffey repeatedly stomps on the midsection of Hendry. Hendry with a series of up kicks. Coffey goes for The Elbow Drop, but Hendry ducks out of the way. Coffey goes for The Discus Lariat, but Hendry counters with The DDT. Forearm/Uppercut Exchange. Coffey with a big haymaker. Coffey delivers The Glasgow Sendoff for a two count.

Coffey with hammer elbows. Coffey applies a waist lock. Coffey drives his knee into Hendry’s back. Coffey uppercuts the small of Hendry’s back. Coffey reapplies the waist lock. Hendry with three sharp elbow strikes. Coffey whips Hendry across the ring. Hendry blocks The Boston Crab. Coffey decks Hendry with a back elbow smash. Coffey dumps Hendry face first on the top rope. Coffey is choking Hendry with his boot. Hendry is brawling with Gallus on the outside. Hendry channels his inner Eddie Guerrero pretending that Wolfgang attacked him with a steel chair. The referee has ejected Gallus from the ringside area. Hendry rolls Coffey over for a two count. Coffey HeadButts Hendry. Hendry with two haymakers. Coffey reverses out of the irish whip from Hendry. Hendry scores two elbow knockdowns. Hendry with The Back Body Drop. Hendry with The Fallaway Slam. Hendry pops back on his feet. Hendry plays to the crowd. Hendry connects with The Standing Ovation to pickup the victory. After the match, Sarah Schreiber conducted a post match interview with Hendry. Hendry is not done with NXT. There may be a lot of people in the locker room that will have a problem with that, but they can find him next week. As far as what’s next, you won’t even have to say his name because he will appear.

Winner: Joe Hendry via Pinfall 

– Next week on NXT, Chase University will get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles, they’ll take on the winner of tonight’s main event. It will be Ridge Holland and Andre Chase representing Chase U. Ridge says that Mr. Chase deserves the opportunity to capture some gold.

– Shawn Spears tells Brooks Jensen to open his mind and stop feeling sorry for himself. Mr. Stone has an idea, there should be a multi-person match, featuring superstars who hasn’t got a shot at the NXT Women’s Championship. Stevie decides to punch Stone in the face because she wants to pitch this idea to AVA. Hank & Tank gets into a brawl with The Good Brothers.

– Vic Joseph recaps the big news today that NXT’s Debut on the CW will be emanating from the Allstate Arena in Chicago. CM Punk will make a special guest appearance. And the following week, Randy Orton will be stopping as the show heads to the Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri.

Fifth Match: Wren Sinclair w/The No Quarter Catch Crew vs. Kendal Grey w/Carlee Bright 

Sinclair grabs the left leg of Grey. Grey applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Sinclair rolls Grey over for a two count. Grey with a fireman’s carry takeover. Grey applies an arm-bar. Sinclair transitions into a headscissors escape. Sinclair with a headscissors takedown. Sinclair transitions into a hammerlock. Standing Switch Exchange. Sinclair sends Grey to the corner. Grey dives over Sinclair. Grey with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Grey with a deep arm-drag. Grey applies another arm-bar. Grey sends Sinclair to the corner. Sinclair dives over Grey. Sinclair drops Grey with a shoulder tackle. Sinclair with a diving bulldog.

Sinclair reapplies the hammerlock. Sinclair adds a single leg crab. Sinclair transitions into a Modified Bow and Arrow Stretch. Sinclair grapevines the legs of Grey. Sinclair applies The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Grey falls on top of Sinclair for a two count. Short-Arm Reversal by Grey. Grey with a NeckBreaker. Grey scores two elbow knockdowns. Grey with The Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Grey rolls Sinclair back into the ring. Grey trips Myles Borne. Grey with The Olympic Slam for a two count. The referee gets distracted by Borne. Grey with a double leg takedown. Grey goes for the jackknife cover, but Charlie Dempsey trips her from the outside. Sinclair rolls Grey over for a two count. Sinclair with a straight right hand. Sinclair connects with The Dirty Deeds to pickup the victory.

Winner: Wren Sinclair via Pinfall

– Je’Von Evans Vignette.

– Oba Femi had a very productive meeting with AVA. Next week, he’ll be putting his North American Title on the line. Tony D’Angelo proceeds to interrupt Femi’s interview just to plug his upcoming title defense against Charlie Dempsey. Femi was not happy about that.

– Next week on NXT, we’ll get Lexis King/Eddy Thorpe II.

Sixth Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. MSK w/Trey Miguel For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

Axiom and Wes Lee will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Axiom with a side headlock takeover. Wrist Lock Exchange. Axiom dropkicks Lee for a one count. Axiom applies a rear chin lock. Axiom transitions into a side headlock. Frazer tags himself in. Lee whips Axiom across the ring. Axiom holds onto the ropes. Axiom kicks Lee in the face. Frazer rolls Lee over for a two count. Frazer with a deep arm-drag. Frazer applies an arm-bar. Lee sends Frazer to the corner. Frazer dives over Lee. Leg Sweep Exchange. Frazer drops down on the canvas. Frazer leapfrogs over Lee. Lee scores the forearm knockdown. Frazer launches Lee over the top rope. Lee with The Apron Enzuigiri. Lee with The Slingshot Dropkick. Wentz tags himself in. Wentz with The Bronco Buster. Lee tags himself in. Lee pulls Frazer out of the corner. Lee hooks the outside leg for a two count. Frazer clings onto the top rope. Frazer with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom with a Flying Crossbody Block. Axiom knocks Wentz off the ring apron. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Lee. Axiom with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Frazer with The SomerSault Plancha. Axiom follows that with The Orihara MoonSault.

Axiom and Frazer poses for the crowd. Axiom rolls Lee back into the ring. Axiom goes into the lateral press for a two count. Lee with a running forearm smash to Frazer. Lee dives over Axiom. Lee tags in Wentz. Wentz with The Axe Kick. Axiom blocks The Slingshot CodeBreaker. Wentz with rapid fire sumo strikes. Wentz kicks the left hamstring of Axiom. Wentz with The Mid-Kick. Wentz with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Wentz chops Axiom. Axiom reverses out of the irish whip from Wentz. Axiom dropkicks Wentz for a two count. Axiom tags in Frazer. Frazer hammers down on the back of Wentz’s neck. Frazer with The Snap Vertical Suplex for a one count. Frazer applies the single leg crab. Frazer transitions into The STF. Frazer grabs a side headlock. Wentz goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Frazer lands back on his feet. Frazer with a Belly to Back Suplex of his own for a two count. Frazer applies a rear chin lock. Wentz gets back to a vertical base. Wentz with forearm shivers. Standing Switch Exchange. Wentz SuperKicks Frazer in mid-air. Lee and Axiom are tagged in.

Lee scores two forearm knockdowns. Lee unloads a flurry of strikes. Following a snap mare takeover, Lee dropkicks the back of Axiom’s neck. Lee with a running forearm smash. Lee SuperKicks Axiom. Lee with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Lee with The Half & Half Suplex for a two count. Lee tags in Wentz. Wentz goes for The Catapult SuperKick, but Axiom counters with a forearm smash. Axiom stomps on Lee’s chest. Wentz kicks Axiom in the face. Axiom with The Step Up Enzuigiri. Frazer tags himself in. Axiom with The Avalanche Spanish Fly. Frazer lands The Phoenix Splash for a two count. Lee rocks Axiom with a forearm smash. Axiom inadvertently superkicks Frazer. Lee SuperKicks Axiom. Wentz with The Springboard Cutter for a two count. Wentz tags in Lee. MSK delivers Hot Fire Flame for a two count. Axiom dumps Wentz out of the ring. Frazer dropkicks Lee off the top turnbuckle. Axiom SuperKicks Wentz. Frazer with The SuperPlex. Axiom made the blind tag. BrainBuster/Golden Ratio Combination for a two count. Axiom connects with The Golden Ratio to pickup the victory. After the match, Lee SuperKicks Trey Miguel. Lee delivers the low blow to Wentz. Lee brutally attacks The Rascalz as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom & Nathan Frazer via Pinfall

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The post WWE NXT Results 8/6/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol