WWE SmackDown Results 8/9/24

WWE SmackDown Results 8/9/24
BOK Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Corey Graves & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Cody Rhodes, Solo Sikoa, Kevin Owens Segment 

Cody Rhodes: So, Tulsa, what do we want to talk about? I don’t want to delve into the past, I want to do something perhaps a little unexpected in this moment. As wonderful, as epic, as truly grand as SummerSlam was, all eyes are on what happens next. This, right here, if you play our game is the north star of the industry. It is the Undisputed WWE Championship. And I have been thinking about who I would like to defend my championship against at Bash In Berlin. This guy.

Solo Sikoa: Cody, let me stop you there. I don’t care what you want to talk about. I don’t care what these people want to hear. Shut your mouths. What I want to talk about is SummerSlam. Yeah, SummerSlam, we both know, if it wasn’t for Roman Reigns, I would’ve been champion. Before you do anything else or say anything else to these people, you will give me a rematch for that title.

Cody Rhodes: So, I said I didn’t want to talk about the past, but you want to talk about SummerSlam? Let’s talk about SummerSlam. The same SummerSlam where you could not get the job done on your own, and you caused Jacob Fatu to get hurt. The same SummerSlam where you set Roman Reigns on a warpath, because you’re cosplaying The Tribal Chief, right? The same SummerSlam that I beat you, right here, in the damn center of the ring, which means you are absolutely, one hundred percent, unequivocally delusional if you think you have any claim to a rematch. So, Solo, what do you want to talk about?

The Bloodline sets the trap. Kevin Owens slides into the ring with two steel chairs. The Bloodline decides that discretion is the better part of valor.

Solo Sikoa: I’ll deal with you later after I find Roman Reigns.

Cody Rhodes: I’ll be right here waiting for you. Kevin, I’m sorry, I don’t mean for this to be awkward, but I want to talk to you about something. Kevin, I’m sure it will be awkward, it would be uncomfortable, and if I know you, which I think I do, you’re likely going to say no. Earlier, before I was interrupted, I was talking about who I would like to face for the WWE Championship. Kevin, I’d like to face you.

Kevin Owens: As much as I appreciate that, I don’t deserve a title match, I really don’t. I appreciate that as well, but I don’t. Title matches need to be earned. I have done nothing to earn it. Look at my win/loss record over the last year, I don’t deserve it. I appreciate it, I really do, but I’m not the guy, man, I’m not.

Cody Rhodes: You know what they’re saying, right? They’re saying, you deserve it. And I had feeling that you would say no. But I haven’t forgot, these people haven’t forgot the sacrifices that you’ve made every time I needed someone in the trenches, you were there to be in the trenches for me. You’re still the prizefighter in the prime of your career. You just happen to be one of my closest friends. Kevin, you can say no all you want, I am getting ready to walk back there, have a conversation with Nick Aldis, and I’m going to tell him all the reasons why Kevin Owens should face me at Bash In Berlin. And Kevin, I’m pretty sure Nick is going to see all the things I see, pretty sure he’s going to see all the things that they see. And hopefully after that conversation with him, the only thing I have to say to you is, I’ll see you at Bash In Berlin.

First Match: The Street Profits w/B-Fab vs. A-Town Down Under In A Number One Contenders Qualifying Match

Angelo Dawkins and Austin Theory will start things off. Waller immediately runs interference after the bell rings. Dawkins rocks Waller with a forearm smash. Theory attacks Dawkins from behind. Theory is throwing haymakers at Dawkins. Theory tags in Waller. Waller with a leaping back elbow smash. Waller punches Dawkins in the back. Waller tags in Theory. Waller with a back elbow smash. Waller pulls Ford off the ring apron. Waller sends Ford ribs first into the ringside barricade. Dawkins punches Theory. Dawkins with a flurry of body strikes in the corner. Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Theory sends Dawkins shoulder first into the steel ring post. Theory tags in Waller. Waller with a Sliding Lariat on the floor. A-Town Down Under gets distracted by B-Fab. Ford lands The SomerSault Plancha. A-Town Down Under regain control of the match during the commercial break. Dawkins reverses out of the irish whip from Theory. Theory with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Theory with The Roll Through Dropkick.

Waller tags himself in. Theory doesn’t seem to be happy with that decision. Dawkins fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Dawkins punches Waller in mid-air. Dawkins with The Exploder Suplex. Dawkins tags in Ford. Ford with The Flying Crossbody Block. Ford blasts Theory off the apron. Ford clotheslines Waller. Ford with a Running Lariat. Ford drops Theory with The Flapjack. Waller goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford with a Belly to Back Suplex of his own. Ford pops back on his feet. Ford with The Standing MoonSault for a two count. Ford dives over Waller. Waller with a running clothesline into the turnbuckles. Waller tags in Theory. Double Rolling Elbow for a two count. Theory goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet. Ford decks Theory with a back elbow smash. Waller pulls Ford out of the ring. Ford ducks a clothesline from Waller. Ford SuperKicks Waller. Dawkins delivers The Pounce that sends Waller into the timekeeper’s area. Ford with The Apron Enzuigiri. Theory catches Ford in mid-air. Ford tags in Dawkins. Ford denies The A-Town Down. The Profits connects with The Doomsday BlockBuster to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Street Profits via Pinfall 

– Kevin Owens interrupted Cody Rhodes meeting with Nick Aldis. Kevin continues to reiterate his opinion that he hasn’t earned the right to have a title opportunity. Nick Aldis says that it’s a moot point, because he’s actually waiting to have a title match discussion with Roman Reigns when he gets here tonight. Kevin is perplexed that Nick is just so willing to give Roman a title shot. He doesn’t care that Roman was the champion for 1,300 plus days. Let’s not the start with the rematch clause excuse because that hasn’t been invoked in years. Kevin says that Nick should go into the locker room and see who really deserves an opportunity at the WWE Championship. Nick says he doesn’t need to go to locker room, he’s right here, he sees what Cody Rhodes see. At Bash In Berlin, it will be Cody Rhodes versus Kevin Owens For The WWE Championship. Kevin tells Cody that he’ll see him in Berlin.

– We get a video recap of Nia Jax becoming the brand-new WWE Women’s Champion at SummerSlam. Tiffany Stratton is making plans for Nia’s Championship Celebration next week. Pretty Deadly says that Tiffany can plan their party when they become the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Chelsea Green calls Tiffany the prettiest princess at the State Fair. Chelsea says that she’s the one who should be planning this party. Tiffany asks Chelsea if she has a ladder that she needs to fall off. Chelsea & Piper believe that Tiffany is using this celebration as an opportunity to cash in her Money In The Bank Briefcase. Tiffany calls Chelsea arrogant, obnoxious and delusional. Tiffany proceeds to flick her hair at Chelsea as she walks away.

Second Match: Jade Cargill w/Bianca BelAir vs. Alba Fyre w/Isla Dawn 

Fyre kicks the left hamstring of Cargill. Fyre applies a waist lock. Cargill transitions into a wrist lock. Cargill lifts Fyre up in the air. Cargill blocks The Sunset Flip. Cargill with a downward punch. Fyre avoids The Stinger Splash. Fyre SuperKicks Cargill. Fyre drops Cargill with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Fyre with clubbing blows to Cargill’s back. Fyre ducks a clothesline from Cargill. Fyre applies The Octopus Stretch. Bianca stops Isla from cheating.

Cargill with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. Cargill with a leaping back elbow smash. Cargill SuperKicks Fyre. Cargill connects with Jaded to pickup the victory. After the match, Blair Davenport and Isla Dawn attack Cargill and BelAir from behind. The Unholy Union gangs up on Cargill and BelAir. Naomi storms into the ring to make the save. Naomi with a pair of Lou Thez Presses. Cargill nails Fyre with The Pump Kick. BelAir drops Dawn with The SpineBuster. Naomi dropkicks Davenport. Naomi clotheslines Davenport over the top rope.

Winner: Jade Cargill via Pinfall 

LA Knight, Santos Escobar Segment 

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. SummerSlam has come and gone. And with all the answers, once question still remains. They say, LA Knight, it had to feel extra sweet to beat Logan Paul in his hometown, right? I’ll tell you who deserved it, Logan Paul deserved to get stomped out, and that’s what he got. YEAH! But I don’t give a damn about beating him in his hometown. The only thing that I care about, is the fact that I stood right there, not too long ago, and I told the entire world. I said, call me whatever you want, but sooner or later you will be calling me champ. And at long last, I have arrived. Fresh United States Champ, why, because I made it that way. And what does that mean? I understand that this thing makes me a marked man. But understand something, I’ve been a marked man from the day I walk into SmackDown, with the ‘ship or not. All that means is that the game is still the same. Just like at SummerSlam with Logan Paul, I walk in, I hit it and quit it, and I moved on to the next. And with the next, I hit it and quit it. And what do I do with the next one? I hit it and quit it. Because I can’t stop the undeniable Kavorka, I can’t stop being the United States Champion, with everybody saying, LA Knight. YEAH!

Santos Escobar: Congratulations. Hey, I mean it. No, you suck, and you suck, sir. Now, listen, congratulations, truly. Not everyday you get a guy like you who finally gets a taste of the gold. But let’s be honest, let’s be real, this whole LA Knight as a champion thing, no, I don’t buy it, it’s not quite a good fit. And your time in the spotlight, good, good, but just that, a fleeting moment, and all your chase, grit, battle, and ultimately your glory is going to be nothing but an opening act to my reign. Because listen to this, and you listen to this, because this is not only the god’s honest truth, but a fact of life. I’m the one that truly deserves to be the United States Champion, with everybody saying, Escobar, SI !!

LA Knight: I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a damn word you just said, all of Tulsa was telling me that you suck. But there’s that word again, deserve. And I’ll tell what you deserve. You deserve to get the brakes beaten out of you, one more time. You got to be sick of getting the brakes beaten off by me over and over again. But I can do it one more time. The only problem is, you talk about what you know, what I know, what everybody else knows, what we both know is that, to get a shot at this, first and foremost, you got to qualify. He’ll be out here in a minute, but in the meantime, let me remind you. Whether it’s you, him or your goof squad here, how it goes down is like this. You’re not taking this off of me. Not because you’re not good enough, but because I won’t let you. Because whose game this is, with everybody saying, LA Knight. YEAH!!

Giovanni Vinci Promo 

The best part about the past is that it’s behind you. There are no losses, only lessons. Nobody should think success is a given, but I know it’s my destiny. I have become the man I was always meant to be. A man who knows no limits and accepts no shortcuts. Skiing the Italian Alps or speeding on the track, I do it with style. Soon, I will bring that same relentless drive to SmackDown.

Third Match: Andrade El Idolo vs. Santos Escobar w/Legado Deal Fantasma In A Number One Contenders Match 

This match started during the commercial break. Idolo applies a side headlock. Escobar whips Idolo across the ring. Idolo drops Escobar with a shoulder tackle. Escobar drops down on the canvas. Escobar leapfrogs over Idolo. Idolo slips over Escobar’s back. Idolo with a running clothesline. Escobar regroups on the outside. Idolo with The Slingshot Pescado. Idolo rolls Escobar back into the ring. Legado Del Fantasma attacks Idolo behind the referee’s back. Escobar with The Pump Knee Strike for a two count. Legado Del Fantasma gets into a brawl with Apollo Crews and Baron Corbin at ringside. Idolo with The Apron Enzuigiri. Escobar swats Idolo out of mid-air. Escobar with clubbing blows to Idolo’s back. Escobar rolls Idolo back into the ring.

Escobar hooks the outside leg for a one count. Escobar whips Idolo across the ring. Escobar with The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Escobar applies an arm-bar. Idolo attacks the midsection of Escobar. Escobar pulls Idolo down to the mat. Escobar puts Idolo on the top turnbuckle. Escobar with The Step Up Enzuigiri. Forearm Exchange. Idolo blocks The SuperPlex. Idolo punches Escobar in the back. Idolo with The Sunset Flip PowerBomb. Escobar has complete control of the match during the commercial break Escobar applies a rear chin lock. Idolo with elbows into the midsection of Escobar. Idolo scores the elbow knockdown. Idolo with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Escobar. Idolo with a flying forearm smash.

Idolo plays to the crowd. Escobar avoids The Shotgun Meteora. Idolo with The Triangle MoonSault. Idolo rolls Escobar back into the ring. Idolo with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Idolo delivers The Three Amigos for a two count. Idolo prepares for The Double Jump MoonSault. Second Forearm Exchange. Escobar with The Avalanche Reverse Hurricanrana for a two count. Escobar goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Idolo ducks out of the way. Escobar SuperKicks Idolo. Idolo dropkicks Escobar. Idolo with The Double Jump MoonSault for a two count. Idolo blasts Carmelo Hayes off the ring apron. Escobar with The Shotgun Meteora. Idolo denies The Phantom Driver. Idolo drops Escobar with The Discus Back Elbow for a two count. Idolo goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Hayes pulls Escobar out of the way. Escobar rolls Idolo over with a handful of tights to pickup the victory.

Winner: Santos Escobar via Pinfall 

– Kevin Sullivan Tribute Package.

– Next t week on SmackDown, Naomi will battle Blair Davenport.

– A-Town Down Under starts complaining to Nick Aldis. Basically, at this point, you can complain, and you get the match you want. Theory made the example of Grayson Waller taking on Kevin Owens. Nick likes that idea and makes the match official for next week.

Fourth Match: DIY vs. Pretty Deadly In A Number One Contenders Qualifying Match 

Johnny Gargano and Kit Wilson will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wilson backs Gargano into the turnbuckles. Prince tags himself in. Gargano ducks a clothesline from Wilson. We have a quick standoff in the center of the ring. DIY is throwing haymakers at Pretty Deadly. Pretty Deadly reverses out of the irish whips from DIY. Pretty Deadly goes for Stereo Dropkicks, but DIY holds onto the ropes. Gargano dumps Prince out of the ring. Ciampa catapults Wilson into Prince on the outside. DIY goes for Stereo Suicide Dives, but Pretty Deadly counters with Stereo Uppercuts. Pretty Deadly poses on the ring apron. DIY with Stereo Baseball Slide Dropkicks. Stereo Pescados. DIY Pose. Pretty Deadly regain control of the match during the commercial break.

Gargano side steps Wilson into the turnbuckles. Prince stops Gargano in his tracks. Gargano with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Forever Clotheslines. Ciampa drops Wilson with The Reverse DDT. Ciampa with The Rolling Elbow to Prince. Ciampa tags in Gargano. PowerBomb/Belly to Back Suplex Combination for a two count. Prince launches Gargano over the top rope. Gargano SuperKicks Wilson. Gargano goes for The Slingshot Spear, but Prince counters with a knee lift. Ciampa tags himself in. Gargano side steps Prince into the turnbuckles. DIY goes for The Shattering Machine, but Wilson gets in the way. Prince rolls Ciampa over for a two count. Prince with a Diving European Uppercut. Prince tags in Wilson. Assisted Diving Bulldog for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Gargano SuperKicks Prince. Wilson clotheslines Gargano. Ciampa with three overhand chops. Wilson decks Ciampa with a back elbow smash. Wilson tags in Prince. Pretty Deadly goes for Spilt Milk, but Gargano counters with The Slingshot Spear. Ciampa with a Roll Through Knee Strike. Ciampa tags in Gargano. DIY hits The Shattering Machine. DIY connects with Meeting In The Middle to pickup the victory.

Winner: DIY via Pinfall 

Roman Reigns & The Bloodline Segment

Solo Sikoa: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Acknowledge Me. Roman Reigns, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m The Tribal Chief now. And if you call yourself, The Tribal Chief, and you want these back, then come and get it from me.

Reigns clotheslines Tama Tong. Reigns throws Tanga Loa into the steel ring steps. Reigns viciously attacks GOD with the ring stairs. We have a huge standoff with Reigns and Sikoa. Reigns slowly enters the ring. Reigns is throwing haymakers at Sikoa. Sikoa kicks Reigns in the face. Reigns delivers The Superman Punch. Reigns prepares for The Spear. Loa pulls Sikoa out of the ring. Reigns retrieves the Ula Fala. GOD attacks Reigns from behind. Tonga gives the Ula Fala back to Sikoa. Reigns dishes out a pair of Superman Punches. Reigns Spears Loa. Reigns then proceeds to Spear Tama Tonga through the ringside barricade. Reigns delivers multiple chair shots to Loa as the show goes off the air.

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The post WWE SmackDown Results 8/9/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol