WWE NXT Results 8/20/24

WWE NXT Results 8/20/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

Chase University Championship Celebration 

Andre Chase: Thank you. It’s a new year here at Chase University. New students. New classrooms. And new NXT Tag Team Champions.

Thea Hail: Mr. Chase, Ridge, I’m so proud of you. You really did prove that you’re Chase U through and through.

Duke Hudson: Congratulations, Ridge. All the way from the rugby fields, to Chase University, your desire, your passion, your intensity, it’s a little much sometimes, but it was exactly what Chase University needed to bring the gold home.

Riley Osborne: Ridge, you know, I gave you a little bit of flack when you got here, but you made a believer out of me, and you got your first ever championship in NXT.

Andre Chase: Guys, I couldn’t agree more. Ridge, without you, I wouldn’t be standing here as the NXT Tag Team Champion. So, on behalf of Duke, Riley, Thea, and the entire student body, Ridge, we want to say, thank you.

Nathan Frazer: Hey, congrats on the last week, guys. Genuinely, good job. It was a tremendous win. I hate to break up this little party, but me and my amigo here have something that we want to talk to you about.

Axiom: Because you were the better team that day, but we just don’t think that you’re the better team every day. Because we are, we are the best tag team in NXT.

Nathan Frazer: And say it louder for the people in the back. And admittedly, we might have run ourselves into the ground for the past couple of weeks. I mean, The Rascalz match, back-to-back speed matches, back-to-back tournaments. Ridge, you picked a perfect time to challenge us for the NXT Tag Team Titles. But we figured, right now would be the perfect time to ask you.

Ridge Holland: Boys, boys, boys. Look, I’m sorry to cut you off, and I appreciate all the kind words. But what I don’t appreciate is that you interrupted a Chase U moment. Yeah, Chase U, the little engine that could, the underdogs that never give up. The greatest strength lies in never giving up, and that’s what Chase U taught me. I came to NXT to find myself. But the more I look, the more I was lost. I couldn’t take the pressure, the whispers. Everybody turned their back on me. But Chase U stood by my side. Mr. Chase told me to take things one day at a time. Thea Hail rebuilt my confidence and showed me that I can mix it up with the very best in NXT. Duke and Riley, they challenged me to prove that my heart was pure. I care about the university that they wear on the chest every single day. I busted my ass for six years to become a champion, and last week, I did it. But last week was bigger than me. Last week was about bringing gold to Chase U. And I begged, I pleaded, casting all my favors with my mission statement. And the mission statement is, mission accomplished.

Axiom: Well, that is lovely mate, but we still want our tag team title match.

Riley Osborne: Woah, if you want your tag team title match, you’re going to have to go through the heart of Chase University.

Duke Hudson: How about this, boys? How about if you go through the MVP Duke Hudson and The Daredevil Riley Osborne, then maybe, just maybe you’ll get a tag team title rematch at No Mercy.

Nathan Frazer: We accept. Well, then, we’ll see you boys later tonight.

Duke Hudson: See, that’s the thing about Chase U, we’re always ready.

First Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer vs. Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne w/Chase University

Riley Osborne and Axiom will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Axiom brings Osborne down to the mat. Osborne wraps the leg around Axiom’s neck. Axiom sends Osborne to the corner. Osborne dives over Axiom. Osborne slips over Axiom’s back. Osborne dropkicks Axiom. Osborne applies a side headlock. Axiom whips Osborne across the ring. Axiom drops down on the canvas. Axiom with The Hip Toss for a one count. Axiom goes for The Cross-Arm-Breaker, but Osborne rolls him over for a two count. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Osborne. Axiom dropkicks Osborne over the top rope. Hudson stops Axiom in his tracks. Frazer with The Missile Dropkick. Osborne kicks Axiom in the ribs in mid-air. Hudson blocks The Suicide Dive. Hudson drives Frazer back first into the ring apron. Osborne lands The SomerSault Plancha. Chase University has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Forearm Exchange.

Axiom applies The Sleeper Hold. Axiom with a short-arm clothesline. Osborne with a Running Boot. Axiom follows that with The Standing Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom applies The Ankle Lock. Osborne tags in Hudson. Osborne sends Axiom face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Hudson with The Slingshot German Suplex. Frazer tags himself in. Frazer kicks Hudson in the face. Hudson with The Stratusfaction. Hudson with The Bossman Slam for a two count. Hudson goes for The Razor’s Edge, but Frazer counters with The Hurricanrana for a two count. Hudson goes for The Uranage Slam, but Frazer counters with a deep arm-drag. Hudson blocks The Leaping DDT. Frazer ducks under two clotheslines from Hudson. Osborne tags himself in. Assisted Esperanza. Frazer avoids The Shooting Star Press. Tip Up by Frazer. Frazer with The SpringBoard Reverse Spanish Fly for a two count. Axiom delivers The Golden Ratio to Hudson. Osborne dodges The Phoenix Splash. Osborne with The Roundhouse Kick. Osborne knocks Axiom off the ring apron. Osborne blocks The SuperPlex. Axiom tags himself in. Frazer with The SuperPlex. Frazer wipes out Hudson with The SomerSault Plancha. Axiom and Frazer connects with their BrainBuster/SuperKick Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: Axiom & Nathan Frazer via Pinfall 

– Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone are trying to convince AVA that they should be the one that decides who replaces Karmen Petrovic in the No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator Match. Izzi Dame suggest that it should be her because she should’ve been selected in the first place. AVA says that she’s not going to reward bad behavior and Brinley Reece will be taking Petrovic’s place.

– Wren Sinclair is looking forward to bringing gold to The No Quarter Catch Crew.

Second Match: Lola Vice vs. Wendy Choo 

Choo with The Lou Thez Press. Ground and Pound Exchange. Choo ducks a clothesline from Vice. Choo applies The Cobra Clutch. Vice backs Choo into the turnbuckles. Choo blocks a boot from Vice. Choo with a single leg takedown. Choo slams Vice’s head on two turnbuckle pads. Vice with a gut punch. Vice kicks Choo in the ribs. Choo rolls Vice over for a one count. Choo reapplies The Cobra Clutch. Choo scores the elbow knockdown. Choo with a running forearm smash. Choo with clubbing shoulder blocks. Vice answers with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Vice with an Axe Kick to Choo’s back. Vice whips Choo across the ring. Vice Powerslams Choo. Choo regains control of the match during the commercial break. Choo applies the cravate on the bottom rope. Following a snap mare takeover, Choo cranks on Vice’s neck. Choo with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Vice with forearm shivers. Choo kicks Vice in the gut. Choo with a Vertical Suplex for a two count.

Choo and Vice are trading back and forth kicks. Choo tugs on Vice’s hair. Vice with an inside cradle for a two count. Choo drops Vice with The Big Boot. Choo is picking Vice apart in the corner. Choo starts choking Vice with her boot. Short-Arm Reversal by Vice. Vice with a series of bodyshots. Choo answers with a toe kick. Choo with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Choo sends Vice to the corner. Choo with The Handstand Forearm. Choo gets Vice tied up in the tree of woe. Choo with a Running Dropkick for a two count. Choo reapplies the cravate. Choo punches Vice in the back. Vice side steps Choo into the turnbuckles. Vice rolls Choo over for a two count. Vice delivers her combination offense. Vice shakes her hips. Vice nails Choo with The Running Hip Attack for a two count. Choo with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Choo goes back to The Cobra Clutch. Vice decks Choo with The SitOut JawBreaker. Vice inadvertently clocks Kelani Jordan with The Spinning Back Fist. Choo attacks Vice with the loaded pillow behind the referee’s back to pickup the victory. After the match, Kelani challenges Wendy to a NXT Women’s North American Championship Match at NXT No Mercy.

Winner: Wendy Choo via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Wes Lee. Wes wanted to move on to bigger and better things. Is there anything bigger than tonight’s Triple Threat Match? Wes calls Pete Dunne a brilliant technician in the ring. He plans to send Pete back to Monday Night Raw more bitter than he already was. As far as Joe Hendry is concerned. He’s a social media sensation living off the NXT rub. Wes is looking forward to sending Joe back to TNA empty handed as he waves his hands side to side. Wes says that he’s going to be the man who will face Ethan Page at No Mercy. Joe Hendry joins the conversation. Joe appreciates the added motivation from Wes. He’s very familiar with The Rascalz, and what Wes did to them was completely disgusting. Wes says that the pinnacle of Joe’s career won’t even scratch the bottom of his. Tonight is the biggest match of Joe’s career. Joe says that he’s going to make a believer out of himself when he becomes the number one contender.

– Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx Vignette.

Third Match: Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Brinley Reece vs. Adrianna Rizzo vs. Kendal Grey vs. Wren Sinclair In A No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator Match. The Winner Will Battle Roxanne Perez For The WWE NXT Women’s Championship At NXT No Mercy. 

Sol Ruca and Wren Sinclair will start things off. Rollup Exchange. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Arm-Drag Exchange. Wrist Lock Exchange. Ruca applies the full nelson lock. Sinclair with a single leg takedown. Ruca drops down on the canvas. Ruca leapfrogs over Sinclair. Ruca with a single leg takedown. Ruca applies The STF. Sinclair transitions into a single leg crab. Sinclair applies The Modified Surfboard. Sinclair stomps on Ruca’s back. Sinclair applies The Bow and Arrow Stretch. Ruca falls on top of Sinclair for a two count. Misfired Clotheslines. Both ladies are knocked down after a Double Hair Pull Takedown. Adrianna Rizzo is the next entrant. Rizzo with The Flying Crossbody Block. Rizzo scores two forearm knockdowns. Rizzo with Two Northern Lights Suplex’s. Rizzo follows that with two flying forearm smashes. Ruca side steps Rizzo into the turnbuckles. Ruca SuperKicks Rizzo. Sinclair ducks a clothesline from Ruca. Sinclair applies The Sleeper Hold. Rizzo jumps on Sinclair’s back. Ruca drives Sinclair back first into the turnbuckles. Rizzo kicks Ruca in the face. Rizzo with a Modified Judo Throw. Rizzo with a SomerSault Seated Senton for a two count.

Rizzo dumps Sinclair out of the ring. Ruca with an inside cradle for a two count. Rizzo with a NeckBreaker. Sinclair trips Rizzo from the outside. Rizzo kicks Sinclair in the face. Ruca drops Rizzo with The CodeBreaker. Ruca PowerBombs Rizzo to score the first pinfall of this match. Adrianna Rizzo has been eliminated. Sinclair with a shoulder block. Sinclair with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Ruca reverses out of the irish whip from Sinclair. Sinclair kicks Ruca in the face. Sinclair applies The Upside Down. Sinclar punches Ruca in the back. Brinley Reece is the next entrant. Second Rollup Exchange. Reece clotheslines Ruca over the top rope. Reece blocks The O’Connor Roll. Reece drops Sinclair with a shoulder take. Reece bodyslams Sinclair. Reece with clubbing shoulder blocks. Reece side steps Ruca into Sinclair. Reece with a double shoulder block. Following a snap mare takeover, Reece with a Standing Frog Splash for a one count. Reece blocks another O’Connor Roll this time from Ruca.

Ruca with a straight right hand. Reece fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Ruca sends Reece shoulder first into the steel ring post. Ruca blasts Sinclair with The PK. Reece with forearm shivers. Ruca responds with The Tarantula. Sinclair kicks Ruca in the face. Sinclair rolls Reece over for a two count. Reece with a Double Vertical Suplex. Reece with a Handstand Double Lariat. Reece follows that with Two TKO’s. Kendal Grey is the next entrant. Grey ducks a clothesline from Reece. Short-Arm Reversal by Grey. Grey with a NeckBreaker. Grey with two fireman’s carry takeovers. Ruca reverses out of the irish whip from Grey. Grey with a Flying Hurricanrana. Grey with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex to Sinclair. Grey puts Reece away with Two Side Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Brinley Reece has been eliminated. Grey with a drop toe hold. Grey crawls under Sinclair’s legs. Grey rolls Sinclair over for a two count. Sinclair reverses out of the irish whip from Grey. Grey slips over Sinclair’s back. Grey applies a side headlock. Grey with a Double Headscissors Takeover. Grey with a Springboard Crossbody Block. Grey with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Grey dropkicks Sinclair. Ruca with The Electric Chair Drop. Ruca applies The Surfboard Stretch. Sinclair with a Diving Bulldog for a two count.

Sinclair whips Ruca across the ring. Sinclair goes for a Hip Toss, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Ruca drops Sinclair with The X-Factor. Ruca throws Grey into Sinclair. Ruca with The Orihara MoonSault. Jaida Parker is the final entrant. Parker launches Ruca over the ringside barricade. Parker rolls Grey back into the ring. Third Rollup Exchange. Grey goes for a Flying Crossbody Block, but Parker counters with a Running Stampede into the turnbuckles. Parker slaps Grey in the ribs. Parker delivers The Silencer. Parker hits The Gourdbuster. Kendal Grey has been eliminated. Sinclair with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Ruca nails Sinclair with The Sol Snatcher. Wren Sinclair has been eliminated. Rockers Punches. Parker goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Ruca with The Roundhouse Kick. Parker stops Ruca in her tracks. Parker with The Falcon Arrow for a two count. Parker goes for The Gourdbuster, but Ruca counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Parker kicks Ruca in the gut. Parker goes for a PowerBomb, but Ruca shifts her weight to block it. Ruca showcases her agility. Ruca with a Release German Suplex. Ruca goes for The Springboard Splash, but Parker ducks out of the way. Parker connects with The Drive By to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Ethan Page. He can’t believe that someone who’s not on the NXT Team believes that they deserve a shot at the NXT Championship. What’s best for this brand is for All Ego to be the NXT Champion. Pete Dunne calls Ethan a geezer that’s been here for a cup of coffee. Ethan reminds Pete that he’s the NXT Champion, something that’s still on his to-do list. Pete says that Ethan is no different from any previous NXT Champion. He was the NXT UK Champion for 675 days. When he gets his hands on a title, it stays there. Ethan says that Pete has to make it to No Mercy first. When he makes it to No Mercy, he’ll break not only Ethan’s fingers, but his ego.

– Shawn Spears got into a backstage brawl with Edris Enofe and Malik Blade.

Fourth Match: The Good Brothers vs. Hank Walker & Tank Ledger 

Karl Anderson and Hank Walker will start things off. Walker kicks Anderson in the gut. Walker with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Walker slams Anderson’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Walker tags in Ledger. Ledger with The Stinger Splash for a two count. Ledger applies a wrist lock. Anderson with a chop/forearm combination. Anderson sends Ledger to the corner. Ledger dives over Anderson. Ledger with another Stinger Splash. Walker tags himself in. Assisted Rough Ryder. Hank & Tank with a Double Body Block for a two count. Walker punches Anderson in the ribs. Anderson kicks Walker in the face. Anderson ducks a clothesline from Walker. Walker leapfrogs over Anderson. Anderson decks Walker with a back elbow smash. Anderson tags in Gallows.

Gallows drops Walker with The Big Boot. Gallows rolls Walker back into the ring. Gallows tees off on Walker. Gallows tees off on Walker. Gallows slams Walker’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Gallows is throwing haymakers at Walker. Gallows with The Roundhouse Kick. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson hooks the inside leg for a two count. Anderson applies a top wrist lock. Walker with heavy bodyshots. Anderson transitions into a front face lock. Anderson kicks Ledger’s hand out of the way. Walker creates distance with a Back Body Drop. Gallows and Ledger are tagged in. Ledger with a Clothesline/Stinger Splash Combination. Gallows responds with The Roundhouse Kick. Gallows tags in Anderson. The Good Brothers goes for The Magic Killer, but Walker pulls Gallows out of the ring. Walker drives Gallows face first into the steel ring post. Ledger with a Diving Shoulder Block. Ledger tags in Walker. Hank & Tank connects with The Honk Horn Powerslam to pickup the victory.

Winner: Hank Walker & Tank Ledger via Pinfall 

– Je’Von Evans refuses to have a drink with Gallus. Cedric Alexander comes to the aid of Evans.

The No Quarter Catch, Oba Femi, The Family Crew Segment 

Charlie Dempsey: Lou Thez once said that the only gimmick he ever had in wrestling was wrestling itself. Billy Robinson said that wrestling is life. This Heritage Cup is the oxygen that the NQCC needs to live. Now, it’s been three long grueling months, but order has finally been restored.

Wren Sinclair: The cup has finally returned home. Now, I don’t know who Lou Robinson or Billy Thez is, but if Charles says that they’re good people, then I believe him.

Charlie Dempsey: Wren, what are you doing? Why are you interrupting me?

Wren Sinclair: I’m sorry, I’m still a little upset that I lost the eliminator tournament, continue.

Charlie Dempsey: Right. Anyways, as I was saying, The D’Angelo Family reign of terror is finally over. And The NQCC is going to take this Heritage Cup, and we’re going to make it the most prestigious, most honorable title in all of NXT.

Wren Sinclair: Charles is going to defend our Heritage Cup against anyone who’s brave enough to face him. Any men, any time. And Charles doesn’t care who it is. I’m so sorry.

Oba Femi: Mr. Dempsey, congratulations on reclaiming your Heritage Cup, but I just wanted you and your group to know, that when it comes to prestigious, the most prestigious title on this brand is the North American Championship. And it’s held by the most dominant champion in the history of NXT. “The Ruler” Oba Femi. And trust me when I say this, I’ve defended this title against so many strong contenders, former champions and main roster superstars. I will not hesitate to add the Heritage Cup Title to that list.

Charlie Dempsey: Oba, look, sorry that The Don decided to come out here to interrupt you. But Tony, I was completely expecting you. I mean, I actually was wondering if you want to rechallenge me for my cup, right?

Tony D’Angelo: No, Mini Don. See, lucky for you, I have my eyes on something else. But I don’t forget, and my family doesn’t forget. So, they are going to handle their business. The Family gets into a massive brawl with The NQCC. Femi kicks Angelo in the gut. Femi goes for a PowerBomb, but Angelo lands back on his feet. Angelo hits The SpineBuster to close this segment.

Fifth Match: Dion Lennox vs. Ashante THEE Adonis 

Adonis with a running haymaker after the bell rings. Adonis kicks the left hamstring of Lennox. Adonis with clubbing blows to Lennox’s back. Adonis is throwing haymakers at Lennox. Adonis is choking Lennox with his boot. The referee admonishes Adonis. Lennox sends Adonis back first into the canvas. Lennox dropkicks Adonis. Lennox tees off on Adonis. Lennox whips Adonis across the ring. Lennox scores the elbow knockdown. Lennox bodyslams Adonis. Lennox with The Release Northern Lights Suplex. Adonis regroups on the outside. Adonis with a drop toe hold on the floor.

Adonis kicks Lennox in the face. Adonis with The Twisting Pescado to the outside. Adonis slams Lennox’s head on the ring apron. Adonis rolls Lennox back into the ring. Adonis hooks the outside leg for a two count. Adonis grabs the left ear of Lennox. Adonis slaps Lennox in the face. Lennox with a haymaker/forearm combination. Lennox whips Adonis across the ring. Adonis holds onto the ropes. Adonis kicks Lennox in the chest. Lennox with a big palm strike. Lennox drops Adonis with The SpineBuster for a two count. Lennox goes for The Delayed Vertical Suplex, but Adonis counters with a thumb to the eye. Adonis with The Arm-Ringer across the top strand. Adonis connects with The Long Kiss Goodnight to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ashante THEE Adonis via Pinfall

– Lexis King tries to flirt with Meta Four.

– Next week on NXT, Karmen Petrovic battles Izzi Dame. The Fatal Influence collides with Meta Four. Plus, The Family vs. The No Quarter Catch Crew In A Six Person Mixed Tag Team Match

Sixth Match: Joe Hendry vs. Wes Lee vs. Pete Dunne In A Triple Threat Match. The Winner Will Become The Number One Contender For The WWE NXT Championship 

Ethan Page joins the commentary team for this match. Dunne and Lee attacks Hendry before the bell rings. Rockers Punches. Dunne slaps Lee in the chest. Hendry launches Dunne over the top rope. Hendry with a Rising Knee Strike. Lee kicks Hendry in the face. Hendry catches Lee in mid-air. Hendry sends Lee chest first into the canvas. Hendry ducks a clothesline from Dunne. Hendry scores the forearm knockdown. Hendry with The Vertical Suplex. Lee delivers his combination offense. Following a snap mare takeover, Lee dropkicks the back of Hendry’s neck. Dunne attacks Lee from behind. Dunne with a low dropkick to Hendry. Dunne stomps on the left hand of Hendry. Chop Exchange. Dunne rakes the eyes of Hendry. Dunne repeatedly stomps on Hendry’s chest. Lee kicks Dunne in the gut. Chop/Forearm Exchange. Dunne blocks The Sunset Flip. Hendry catapults Lee into the nether regions of Dunne. Hendry goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Lee lands back on his feet. Lee ducks a clothesline from Hendry. Lee drops Hendry with The Rolling Capo Kick. Dunne avoids The Suicide Dive.

Lee side steps The Apron MoonSault. Lee with The Hook Kick. Lee and Dunne are trading back and forth shots. Hendry with a Diving Splash to the outside. Hendry rolls Dunne back into the ring. Hendry with three uppercuts. Standing Switch Exchange. Hendry goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Lee counters with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Lee attacks the hamstrings of Dunne. Lee blasts Dunne with The PK. Lee goes for The Standing MoonSault, but Dunne gets his knees up in the air. Dunne applies The Triangle Choke. Dunne transitions into The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Hendry whips Lee into the turnbuckles. Second Chop Exchange. Dunne launches Lee over the top rope. Dunne toys around with Hendry. Hendry is throwing haymakers at Dunne. Hendy with two clotheslines. Hendry with a double clothesline. Hendry follows that with Two Fallaway Slams. Hendry pops back on his feet.

Hendry with The Double Fallaway Slam. Hendry plays to the crowd. Dunne blocks The Double Standing Ovation. Dunne with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Dunne with a Rising Knee Strike. Dunne chops Hendry. Lee responds with The Quebrada. Dunne with The Roundhouse Kick. Dunne works on his joint manipulation game. Dunne applies The Double Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Dunne with The X-Plex into Hendry for a two count. Dunne goes for a German Suplex, but Lee lands back on his feet. Lee ducks a clothesline from Dunne. Lee lands The Suicide Dive. Lee SuperKicks Dunne. Lee with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Lee drops Dunne with The Spinning DDT for a two count. Lee gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Hendry with a Leaping Uppercut. Hendry with The Avalanche Fallaway Slam. Lee follows that with The Frog Splash for a two count. Lee goes for The Kardiak Kick, but Dunne counters with The Finger Snap. Hendry connects with The Standing Ovation for a two count. Page pulls the referee out of the ring. Hendry blocks The PK. Hendry sends Lee face first into the ring apron. Hendry delivers The Standing Ovation onto the announce table. Page continues to run interference. Dunne kicks Hendry in the gut. Dunne hits The Bitter End. Trick Williams clocks Dunne with The Trick Shot. That allows Hendry to pickup the victory. After the match, Zachary Wentz attacks Wes Lee from the crowd. Wentz and Lee gets into a massive pull apart brawl as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Joe Hendry via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 426 of The Hoots Podcast

The post WWE NXT Results 8/20/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol