AEW Dynamite Results 8/21/24

AEW ventures across the pond for a big week, starting tonight!

  • Chris Jericho vs. Tommy Billington
  • Serpentico vs. Michael Oku
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Saraya
  • AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli
  • Darby Allin & FTR vs. The Elite

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 8/21/24

From the Utilita Arena Cardiff in Cardiff, Wales, UK! Tony Schiavone is in the ring and we’re having ourselves a contract signing.

Britt Baker is out first, and here comes Mercedes Mone with Kamille. Say hello to your CEO, Cardiff. Mone says that Baker is the past and she will forever be the future. Baker reminds Mone of her role at All In last year. Mone says she inspired Baker to become a wrestler but she had to get a little degree to fall back on, so is Baker really “all in”? Mone says she doesn’t have the guts to go all in, and she will never beat her.

The guts? Baker says she had the guts, the hard, and the balls, and she never had a plan B… she had two plan bs. Baker says Mone was one of four, but Baker is one of one and she’s the baddest bitch on the block. Baker says the person that Mone used to be is gone, and she cares more about money than the product, and the legacy that inspired future stars like Britt Baker. Baker doesn’t know where that girl went… but Baker hopes she finds her fast. Baker wants to beat that version of Mone, not the one we see now. Baker says she’s going to follow the rules they agreed to, but this other bitch is getting on her nerves! Baker cracks Kamille in the head with the mic and dives off the table on both women.

The Learning Tree are in the back with Renee. Jericho wants to know what right Tommy Billington has to call himself the Dynamite Kid? Are you as good as the original? Jericho doesn’t think so, and he hopes Hook is watching.

Match #1. Chris Jericho w/ Bryan Keith & Big Bill vs. Tommy Billington

Billington comes out to The British Bulldogs music and here we go. Arm drags by Billington to start. Crowd is super lively tonight, by the way. Billington breaks a wrist lock by going over the top and tries a few shoulder blocks to no avail, until the third one, which drops Jericho. Body slam by Billington and a shotgun dropkick off the top. Both guys roll to the outside and Jericho distracts the referee, allowing Bill to post Billington as we go to PIP. Jericho in control now throughout the commercial. Double crossbody in the middle of the ring and both guys are down. Clotheslines by Billington and a scoop slam. Billington misses a dropkick and Jericho takes advantage with a Lionsault. Two count. German suplex by Jericho and now the Walls of Jericho are locked in. Snap suplex by Billington and a tombstone piledriver! Billington heads up top for the headbutt but changes course and takes out Bryan Keith are ringside. Billington sidesteps Big Bill and goes back up top. Jericho meets Billington in mid-air with a Code Breaker! One, two, three.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Rating: **1/2. Technically sound match here that didn’t overstay it’s welcome. Billington got a chance to showcase some of what he can do, but Jericho wasn’t in much trouble here and he shouldn’t have been.

Jericho takes the mic. Hook is a stupid bastard, and Jericho hopes he’s watching.

Here’s Hook. Both guys stand face-to-face and Big Bill blasts Jericho from behind. Huge chokeslam by Bill.

Match #2. AEW Women’s World Championship: Toni Storm (c) vs. Saraya

Headlock takeover by Storm and a roll up for two. A World of Sport style back and forth here as Saraya bails to the outside and we reset. Saraya pulls Storm through the ropes and knees her in the face a bunch. Cameron throws Storm into the guardrail and Saraya comes off the apron with a cannonball… as we go to PIP. Saraya was in control until Storm dropped her with a headbutt and now a big DDT by Storm. Fisherman’s suplex by Storm, with a bridge, gets a two count, Storm wants Storm Zero but Saraya blocks it and counters with the Knightcap. Two count. Both women head up top now as Saraya connects with a Sunset Flip powerbomb. Elevated spike DDT by Saraya! Storm grabs the bottom rope at 2.99. Sky High by Storm for two. Harley Cameron gets on the ropes but Storm kisses her on the mouth and Saraya catches her with an elbow by accident. Storm gets the roll up for two. Storm Zero! That’ll do it.

Winner and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Rating: **3/4. Strong win for Storm, five days before she defends her title against May this weekend. Glad Saraya got a chance to wrestle in the UK, as well.

Mariah May is here and she blasts Toni Storm from behind with a shoe, before coddling her and then mocking her pose.

Renee is here with The Conglomeration. Mark Briscoe does Mark Briscoe things and runs down The Conglomeration’s participation at All In and then challenges The Undisputed Kingdom to a match on Collision.

Here’s Will Ospreay, and now, MJF. Ospreay talks about some British television show that goes over my head, and then there’s a Barry Scott reference which I also don’t get… but the crowd does, and that’s what’s important. MJF doesn’t look impressed. MJF says jampacked arenas have chanted his name louder than Ospreay’s. MJF calls Ospreay a flip merchant and then puts over the kangaroo kick. Great stuff. MJF says top brass in AEW and Warner Brothers begged him to come back early from injury, and he calls Ospreay arrogant. Ospreay refutes the statement and puts over AEW. Fans and wrestlers giggled when they saw MJF was champion, and the joke went on too long, and everyone forgot what AEW was about.

*There’s a remake Dino Crissi sign in the crowd and by the way, I’m all for it*

Ospreay says Tony Khan called him to remind people what professionalism looked like and asked him to put on a good match because he can’t rely on MJF to do it. Woof. Ospreay says AEW is meant to be the alternative and to cater to the fans. It’s not about restoring the International Championship, it’s about restoring the feeling, and bruv… OSPREAY IS THE FEELING.

MJF says he actually believed TK when he said the company would be safe in Ospreay’s hands when he was out injured. MJF says the fans here only know who Ospreay is because they’re redcoat terrorists Everyone knows who MJF is, and everyone agrees MJF is the best wrestler on God’s green earth. Who told Ospreay he was the best in the world? Ospreay says the fans did. MJF says the fans don’t know anything, and facts are more important than feelings. Ospreay has the only move that may be able to beat MJF, the Tiger Driver, but he’s too much of a coward to use it. Ospreay says to go any country and they’ll tell you who the best is. Ospreay says it took MJF four years to get the fans love, and it took him four beats of his music.

MJF loses his cool and says the fans loved him until Ospreay got there! Whoops. MJF says in every way he fell short being the face of AEW, Ospreay excelled. MJF says he got a chance to meet Will’s wife and so-called kid, and he says so-called because the child is his wife’s from a previous marriage. MJF says the next kid that Ospreay’s wife has won’t be his either. Ospreay asks Tony Schiavone how much the fine is for hitting him, and it’s 100 pounds. Ospreay is fine with it and blasts MJF, as security tires to intervene. The security distraction allows MJF to put on the Dynamite Diamond Ring and blast Ospreay with it. MJF destroys the rest of the security and hits the brainbuster on Ospreay. MJF teases the Tiger Driver but the security, including Christopher Daniels, make the save.

The post AEW Dynamite Results 8/21/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol