AEW Rampage Results 8/30/24

Five matches highlight tonight’s stacked episode of Rampage
  • Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett vs. The Undisputed Kingdom vs. Private Party
  • Grizzled Young Veterans vs. The OutRunners
  • Mina Shirakawa vs. Missa Kate
  • Nyla Rose vs. Aminah Belmont
  • Konosuke Takeshita vs. Komander vs. Lio Rush vs. The Beast Mortos

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Rampage 8/30/24

From the State Farm Arena in Champaign, Illinois! The match is already in the ring as Excalibur, Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone are on commentary.

Match #1. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal vs. Private Party vs. The Undisputed Kingdom

Taven dropkicks Kassidy in the face to start. Kassidy moonsaults over Taven and sends him reeling with a hurricanrana. Quick tags between Private Party now, double flapjacking Taven. Neckbreaker/double stomp combo and they want some shots. Double jump assisted senton to the floor by Quen. On the floor, Bennett drops Quen with a Boston Bayonet as Taven connects with a clothesline inside the ring. Quick tags between the Kingdom now but Lethal gets the tag and hip tosses Taven, right into a low dropkick. Lethal tries for a Figure Four on everyone, but everyone shrugs him off. Taven avoids a Lethal Injection and sends Lethal right into a huge elbow from Bennett. Vertical suplex by Bennett and Lethal is in trouble as we go to commercial. Jawbreaker by Lethal on Taven and an upkick to Bennett, as Jarrett gets the hot tag! Right hands and clotheslines to eveyrone as Jarrett pounds on Taven in the corner. Quen gets back body dropped and Jarrett hits the Bossman Bump on the middle rope. Fargo strut! Taven in now as he gets kicked in the stomach and Lethal is here with a swinging neckbreaker. Lethal Combination to Bennett but a spinning back kick by Taven evens the field. Silly String to Taven! 450 off the top by Quen but the pin is broken up. Rolling elbow and a DVD to Quen by Bennett. Diving neckbreaker by Kassidy. Lethal Injection to Kassidy! Just the Tip to Lethal! Jarrett gets poked in the eye but Taven misses the Kick of the King. Double Figure Fours by Lethal and Jarrett on The Kingdom! Bennett and Taven tap in stereo.

Winners: Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal

Rating: **1/2. This was fine… but I hate The Kingdom losing here.

A highlight video of Konosuke Takeshita, one of the four men in the main event, is shown.

Match #2. Grizzled Young Veterans vs. The OutRunners w/ Erica Leigh

GRIT. YOUR. TEETH. Drake grounds Floyd momentarily, but gets body slammed. Now it’s a double body slam by The OutRunners. Gibson makes the blind tag and it’s a double clothesline to Floyd. Floyd makes the tag and shoots Truth into a shoulder block on Gibson and a double elbow drop. Commercial break now as Drake takes control of Magnum. Back from break and Drake makes a blind tag to Gibson, who saves Drake from a suplex. Clotheslines in the corner by GYV and a spinning leg lariat by Drake. Magnum back suplexes his way out of a headlock. Floyd gets the hot tag and clears the ring with right hands and body slams. Gibson anchors Floyd to the mat and Drake hits an enziguiri. Floyd’s back with a double clothesline. Magnum goes up top but Drake throws him off the top. Throat thrust by Gibson and a tag to Drake. Doomsday Device by the GYV. Total Elimination by GYV and this one’s over.

Winners: GYV

Rating: **. Little offense from The OutRunners but’s it’s great to have the GYV here.

Komander video package time.

Match #3. Nyla Rose vs. Aminah Belmont

Rebound headbutt by Belmont out of nowhere but she runs into a lariat. Avalanche in the corner by Rose. Chokeslam. Beast Bomb. Finito.

Winner: Nyla Rose

Rating: NR

Lio Rush highlight package, now, and it’s main event time.

Match #4. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Lio Rush vs. Komander vs. Mortos

Mortos and Takeshita mirror each other, headbutting and gorilla pressing Komander and Rush. Rush and Komander escape and send them to the floor with dropkicks. Mortos and Takeshita catch dives and crush them in the middle. Double dives by Komander and Rush as the other two get into it. Rush and Komander trade roll ups and escapes. The action is too fast to keep up with but darn it, it’s good. Mortos and Takeshita finally come back to the ring and corner Rush. Rush tries to evade both guys and hurricanranas Mortos but runs into a huge boot from Takeshita. Pop-up dropkick by Komander. Rope walk Sky Twister by Komander. Running Tornillo through the ropes by Mortos! Commercial time. Rush and Komander try a double suplex on Takeshita, but Takeshita reveres and suplexes both men. Mortos is here with a huge headbutt to Takeshita but Takeshita responds with a rolling elbow. Rush tries a hurricanrana but Takeshita catches him, Rush escapes. Strike combo by Rush and a bottom rope assisted Stunner! Komander cuts Rush off with a spinning facebuster. Tombstone into a lungblower by Mortos on Komander! Double clothesline. Komander with an around the world hurricanrana but he eats a right hand from Mortos. Mortos heads up top and Komander meets him there. Takeshita is here now, too. German suplex/Spanish Fly Tower of Doom! Takeshita has the pin but Rush comes off the top with a Frog Splash at two! Superkick by Komander to Rush. To Takeshita. Komander tries Poisonrana but settles for a victory roll. Deadlift superplex by Takeshita but Komander gets free and trips out the legs. Springboard Poisonrana by Komander to Mortos! Wow. Rope walk Shooting Star Press by Mortos moves. Suicide dive by Rush! Two of them. Rush Hour to Komander but Komander moves and Rush gets cut in half with a spear. Backbreaker and a pwoerbomb on the knee by Mortos to Komander. Powerdrive knee by Takeshita! Blue Thunder Bomb to Komander and a deadlift spinning Falcon Arrow finishes this one.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Rating: ***1/2. This ruled, and it could have gone a heck of a lot longer. Takeshita is poised to take a huge leap and be that next big star, and this is the beginning of the post-G1 run. Match was a blast as everyone looked great. Also, this is the best Lio Rush we’ve ever seen.

Final Thoughts: Fun episode of Rampage tonight, as they built towards a main event that felt important, and that’s a nice change of pace. The video packages on all the guys throughout the show was a nice touch. Undisputed Kingdom vs. FTR tomorrow night… but they just tapped out to Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal? That part doesn’t make sense. The show was a lot of fun tonight and the main event ruled, so you’ll get no complaints from me. 8/10. 

The post AEW Rampage Results 8/30/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol