WWE NXT Results 9/10/24

WWE NXT Results 9/10/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. The Street Profits For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship 

Axiom and Montez Ford will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Ford applies a side headlock. Axiom whips Ford across the ring. Ford drops Axiom with a shoulder tackle. Ford taunts Axiom. Ford with three waist lock takedowns. Ford grabs a side headlock. Ford lunges over Axiom. Axiom with a deep arm-drag. Ford transitions into a side headlock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Axiom dropkicks Ford. Ford tags in Dawkins. Axiom ducks a clothesline from Ford. Dawkins with two shoulder tackles. Frazer drops down on the canvas. Frazer leapfrogs over Dawkins. Dawkins cartwheels over Frazer. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Frazer ducks under two clotheslines from Dawkins. Frazer dropkicks Dawkins to the floor. Dawkins rocks Frazer with a forearm smash. Dawkins leapfrogs over Frazer. Dawkins with a corkscrew back elbow smash.

Frazer responds with a Flatliner into the middle turnbuckle pad. Frazer tags in Axiom. Running Forearm Party. Frazer with The DDT. Axiom goes into the lateral press for a two count. Axiom applies a waist lock. Axiom with a short-arm clothesline. Axiom tags in Frazer. Frazer with The Apron Enzuigiri. Axiom with The Half & Half Suplex. Double SuperKick for a two count. Frazer tags in Axiom. Axiom applies The Sleeper Hold. Dawkins with a deep arm-drag. Dawkins with The Exploder Suplex. Ford and Frazer are tagged in. Ford knocks Axiom off the ring apron. Ford with three clotheslines. Ford thrust kicks the midsection of Frazer. Ford kicks Frazer in the chest. Frazer dodges The Step Up Enzuigiri. Frazer kicks Ford in the face. Ford catches Frazer in mid-air.

Ford with The Uranage Slam. Ford with The People’s MoonSault for a two count. Frazer decks Ford with a JawBreaker. Dawkins and Axiom are tagged in. Ford with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Axiom dives over Ford. Pounce/German Suplex Combination for a two count. Dawkins tags in Ford. Frazer with The Missile Dropkick. Axiom SuperKicks Ford. Frazer tags himself in. Axiom with The Frog Splash. Frazer with The Springboard 450 Splash for a two count. Missile Dropkick/Leg Sweep Combination for a two count. Ford tags in Dawkins. Dawkins ascends to the top turnbuckle. Axiom with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Axiom tags in Frazer. Axiom with The Avalanche Spanish Fly. Frazer gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Ford drops Axiom with The Zig Zag. Dawkins tags in Ford. Ford hits The Doomsday BlockBuster for a two count. Tama Tonga throws Ford into the steel ring steps which forces the disqualification. After the match, The Bloodline lays out Axiom, Frazer and The Street Profits.

Winner: The Street Profits via Disqualification, But Still WWE NXT Tag Team Champions, Axiom & Nathan Frazer 

– Tony D’Angelo hired someone to take out Oba Femi tonight.

Giulia Promo 

The top organization in the world. The excitement can be felt from here. The excitement from the fans is flooring. I am so excited.

Second Match: Giulia vs. Chelsea Green 

Green talks smack to Giulia after the bell rings. Green slaps Giulia in the face. Giulia starts laughing at Green. Giulia HeadButts Green. Giulia slams Green’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Giulia with a Hair Biel Throw. Giulia with a running elbow smash. Giulia follows that with The Missile Dropkick for a two count. Giulia goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Green lands back on her feet. Giulia ducks a clothesline from Green. Giulia applies a waist lock. Green decks Giulia with a back elbow smash. Standing Switch Exchange. Green with a straight right hand. Green with a leaping knee smash. Giulia reverses out of the irish whip from Green. Green ducks a clothesline from Giulia. Green with The Pump Kick. Giulia rocks Green with a forearm smash. Giulia applies The Spider Web.

Giulia with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Green avoids The Running Knee. Giulia with a knee lift. Giulia delivers a big forearm smash. Green slams Giulia’s head on the middle rope. Green applies The Sleeper Hold in the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Green fights out of the electric chair position. Green with The Release German Suplex. Green drops Giulia with The Lifting Flatliner for a two count. Green rolls Giulia over for a two count. Green ties Giulia up in a knot. Giulia shifts her weight for a two count. Giulia transitions into a ground and pound attack. Giulia with a Running Boot. Giulia with The Saito Suplex. Giulia follows that with a basement dropkick. Giulia with The Hangman’s NeckBreaker off the ring apron. Giulia rolls Green back into the ring. Green regroups on the outside. Green repeatedly drives Giulia ribs first into the announce table. Green launches Giulia over the announce table. Green rolls Giulia back into the ring. Giulia avoids The Missile Dropkick. Giulia with a vicious knee lift. Giulia connects with The Northern Lights Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Giulia via Pinfall 

– Blake Howard had a backstage interview with Trick Williams. Trick knows that he’s never been in a Last Man Standing Match before, but he knows that he has the grit and determination. Don’t get it twisted, Trick will get his NXT Championship back in Chicago on the debut of NXT on the CW Network. Trick calls Pete Dunne a World Class Butch. He puts over Pete’s resume, but at the end of the night, he’ll be the last man standing.

– Jordynne Grace Vignette.

– Lexis King gloats about his victory last week over Oro Mensah. Oro proceeds to attack Lexis at his barbershop.

– Kelani Jordan and Lola Vice had another run in with The Fatal Influence. Who will step up to Jordynne Grace tonight? Lola and Jacy Jayne nearly got into a fight.

Third Match: Charlie Dempsey (c) w/The No Quarter Catch Crew vs. Je’Von Evans w/Cedric Alexander For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship 


Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dempsey with a Hip Toss. Strong lockup. Dempsey with a wrist lock takedown. Wrist Lock Exchange. Evans brings Dempsey down to the mat. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Second Wrist Lock Exchange. Dempsey goes for a deep arm-drag, but Evans maintains wrist control. Dempsey with the fireman’s carry takeover, but Evans refuses to let go of the hold. Dempsey with The Monkey Flip. Dempsey breaks the grip. Following a snap mare takeover, Evans applies another wrist lock. Demspey backs Evans into the turnbuckles. Dempsey drives his knee into the midsection of Evans. Dempsey with a wrist lock takedown. Dempsey with another Monkey Flip. Dempsey uppercuts the left shoulder of Evans. Dempsey with a double wrist lock takedown for a two count. Dempsey keeps Evans grounded in the center of the ring. Monkey Flip Exchange. Evans with The Rebound Hurricanrana as time expires.


Dempsey side steps Evans into the turnbuckles. Dempsey rolls Evans over for a two count. Dempsey blocks The German Suplex. Evans with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Dempsey whips Evans across the ring. Misfired Hip Tosses. Evans showcases his agility. Evans ducks a clothesline from Dempsey. Dempsey blocks the backslide cover for a two count. Dempsey drives the back of Evans neck into the top turnbuckle pad. Dempsey hits The Bridging Dragon Suplex to score the first pinfall of this match.


Dempsey with an uppercut/forearm combination. Dempsey with The GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Dempsey applies the cravate. Evans kicks out of multiple pinning predicaments. Evans with a deep arm-drag. Dempsey ducks a clothesline from Evans. Dempsey goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Evans counters with a side headlock takeover. Dempsey dodges The Step Up Enzuigiri. Dempsey hooks the outside leg for a two count. Dempsey grapevines the legs of Evans. Dempsey applies The Muta Lock. Dempsey transitions into another cravate. Evans with an inside cradle for a two count. Dempsey drives his knee into the midsection of Evans. Dempsey goes for The Butterfly Suplex, but Evans lands back on his feet. Evans with two clotheslines. Evans scores the elbow knockdown. Dempsey reverses out of the irish whip from Evans. Dempsey blocks a boot from Evans. Evans SuperKicks Dempsey. Evans ties things up with Hold It In The Row.


Evans with a flying forearm smash. Evans with a blistering chop. Evans with repeated shoulder blocks. Evans whips Dempsey across the ring. Dempsey with The Kitchen Sink. Evans dropkicks Dempsey to the floor. Dempsey uppercuts Evans in mid-air. Dempsey drives Evans throat first into the middle rope. Dempsey with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Dempsey with Two Hangman’s NeckBreakers for a two count. Dempsey follows that with hammer elbows. Dempsey applies a front face lock. Evans refuses to quit. Evans with a Deadlift Vertical Suplex. Uppercut Exchange. Dempsey rocks Evans with a forearm smash. Dempsey hits The Bridging Butterfly Suplex for a two count. Dempsey applies The Guillotine Choke as time expires. Cedric Alexander and Myles Borne starts shoving each other after Dempsey’s refuses to let go of the hold.


Evans with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Evans with a flying forearm smash. Chop Exchange. Evans ducks a clothesline from Dempsey. Evans goes for a Springboard Clothesline, but Dempsey counters with The European Uppercut. Dempsey goes for The Dragon Suplex, but Evans rolls him over for a two count. Evans ducks another clothesline from Dempsey. Evans with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri. Evans with The Springboard Crossbody Block for a two count. The referee caught Borne putting Dempsey’s foot on the bottom rope. Alexander lands The Suicide Dive. Alexander and Borne starts brawling on the outside. Dempsey goes for a German Suplex, but Evans lands back on his feet. Evans launches Dempsey over the top rope. Evans delivers The Stage Dive over the steel ring post. Evans rolls Dempsey back into the ring. Tavion Heights hits The Side Belly to Belly Suplex on the floor. Heights rolls Evans back into the ring. That allows Dempsey to steal the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Charlie Dempsey (2-1) via Pinfall 

– Rosemary and Wendy Choo Vignette.

– Sarah Schreiber had a backstage interview with NXT Champion, Ethan Page. Now, before Sarah ask about tonight’s Last Man Standing Match, Ethan would personally like to ask everybody at home watching, to take a good, hard look at the NXT Champion, the man who should be credited for the era NXT is currently in. The man responsible for The All Ego Era, is indeed the man himself, “All Ego” Ethan Page. Ethan is not intimidated by Pete Dunne. Ethan says that Trick Williams is chasing ghosts. Can Trick buy lighting in the bottle, twice? Ethan says that he’ll be rooting for himself during tonight’s main event. All Ethan has to do on October 1st is put down the last man standing.

– Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill will be appearing at the CW Debut Episode in Chicago.

Fourth Match: Oba Femi vs. Alexander Hammerstone 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Femi backs Hammerstone into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Hammerstone shoves Femi. Femi with a straight right hand. Femi applies a side headlock. Hammerstone whips Femi across the ring. Hammerstone ducks a clothesline from Femi. Femi blocks The Hip Toss. Femi drives his knee into the midsection of Hammerstone. Femi goes for The Snake Eyes, but Hammerstone lands back on his feet. Hammerstone with The Hip Toss. Hammerstone applies a side headlock. Femi drives Hammerstone back first into the turnbuckles. Hammerstone kicks Femi in the face. Hammerstone with The Missile Dropkick. Hammerstone clotheslines Femi over the top rope. Femi slaps Hammerstone in the chest. Femi clotheslines the back of Hammerstone’s neck.

Femi repeatedly stomps on Hammerstone’s back. Femi with Two Elbow Drops. Femi with The Fallaway Slam. Femi follows that with a Running Uppercut. Femi applies a rear chin lock. Femi fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Femi with The Gorilla Press Slam for a two count. Hammerstone blocks a running stomp from Femi. Hammerstone avoids The Elbow Drop. Femi HeadButts Hammerstone. Hammerstone sends Femi shoulder first into the steel ring post. Hammerstone with a chop/forearm combination. Femi reverses out of the irish whip from Hammerstone. Hammerstone ducks a clothesline from Femi. Hammerstone with a running clothesline. Hammerstone with Two Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Hammerstone Chokeslams Femi for a two count. Femi denies The Nightmare Pendulum. Femi dumps Hammerstone chest first on the canvas. Femi with The Toss Slam. Femi connects with The Fall From Grace to pickup the victory.

Winner: Oba Femi via Pinfall 

– Hank Walker & Tank Ledger tells Mr. Stone and Stevie Turner that they want a piece of The Good Brothers.

– Duke Hudson plans to give Ridge Holland an Andre Chase University sized ass whipping.

– Kelani Jordan tells Wren Sinclair to focus on Jordynne Grace. Jaida Parker is looking for Fatal Influence and she’s holding a baseball bat.

Fifth Match: Ridge Holland vs. Duke Hudson w/Chase University 

Forearm Exchange. Holland drives his knee into the midsection of Hudson. Holland rocks Hudson with a forearm smash. Holland with heavy bodyshots in the corner. Holland uppercuts Hudson. Holland stomps on Hudson’s chest. Holland punches Hudson in the back. Holland sends Hudson to the corner. Hudson drops Holland with The Big Boot. Hudson slams Holland’s head on the ring apron and the announce table. Hudson clears the announce table. Holland attacks Hudson from behind. Holland with a forearm smash. Hudson whips Holland into the steel ring steps. Hudson with a straight right hand. Hudson with a shoulder block from the ring apron. Hudson follows that with The Slingshot German Suplex. Hudson rolls Holland back into the ring. Holland regroups on the outside. Hudson grabs the MVP Trophy. Thea Hail is trying to calm down Hudson. Holland shoves Hudson into Osborne. Holland drives Hudson back first into the apron.

Holland rolls Hudson back into the ring. Holland with a Running Lariat. Holland with two elbow drops. Holland transitions into a ground and pound attack. Holland with a gut punch. Holland with The Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. Holland is mauling Hudson in the corner. Holland bodyslams Hudson. Holland with clubbing knee strikes. Holland goes for a PowerBomb, but Hudson lands back on his feet. Hudson decks Holland with a back elbow smash. Hudson side steps Holland into the turnbuckles. Hudson rolls Holland over for a two count. Hudson kicks Holland in the gut. Holland blocks The German Suplex. Hudson with another back elbow smash. Holland HeadButts Hudson. Holland with a Running Crossbody Block into the ropes. Holland hits The Jack Hammer. Holland connects with The Redeemer to pickup the victory. After the match, Holland viciously attacks Hudson. Holland throws Hudson through the ringside barricade. Holland dumps a piece of the barricade on Hudson’s back. Holland plants Hudson with The Redeemer on the floor.

Winner: Ridge Holland via Pinfall 

– Pete Dunne Vignette.

– The Miz will be bringing Miz TV to NXT’s Debut on the CW on October 1st.

– Wes Lee has challenged Zachary Wentz to a Chicago Street Fight.

Sixth Match: Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Sol Ruca For The TNA Knockouts World Championship 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Grace with a side headlock takeover. Ruca answers with the headscissors escape. Ruca dodges The Discus Back Elbow. Ruca sweeps out the legs of Grace. Ruca showcases her speed and athleticism. Strong lockup. Ruca applies a side headlock. Grace goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Ruca leapfrogs over Grace. Grace with a running shoulder tackle. Grace with an Inside Out Slam. Grace with a running back elbow smash. Grace whips Ruca back first into the turnbuckles. Grace drops Ruca with The SpineBuster for a two count. Ruca blocks The Hip Toss. Ruca sends Grace to the corner. Ruca with a Headscissors Takeover to the floor. Ruca with The Triangle MoonSault. Ruca rolls Grace back into the ring.

Ruca with The Springboard Splash for a two count. Ruca applies a front face lock. Ruca levels Grace with The Body Avalanche. Following a snap mare takeover, Ruca with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Grace blocks The O’Connor Roll. Grace decks Ruca with a back elbow smash. Grace hammers down on the back of Ruca’s neck. Grace with another back elbow smash. Grace with a Thez Press to the back. Grace with forearm shivers across the back of Ruca’s neck. Grace hooks both legs for a two count. Grace with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Grace sends Ruca to the corner. Grace slaps Ruca in the chest. Grace slams Ruca’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Grace with an overhand chop. Grace kicks Ruca in the gut. Grace toys around with Ruca.

Grace with The Delayed Gourdbuster for a two count. Ruca repeatedly kicks Grace in the face. Grace buries her shoulder into the midsection of Ruca. Grace puts Ruca on the top turnbuckle. Grace with a straight right hand. Grace goes for The Muscle Buster, but Ruca lands back on her feet. Grace yanks Ruca off the middle turnbuckle pad. Ruca denies The Din’s Fire. Ruca with forearm shivers. Ruca with Two Springboard Crossbody Blocks. Grace launches Ruca over the top rope. Ruca with The Roundhouse Kick. Grace catches Ruca in mid-air. Grace goes for The Swinging Uranage Slam, but Ruca counters with The Spinning DDT for a two count. Grace clings onto the top rope. Grace with a Leaping Mule Kick. Grace with The Discus Back Elbow. Grace Powerslams Ruca. Grace lands The Vader Bomb for a two count. Grace goes for The Juggernaut Driver, but Ruca counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Ruca SuperKicks Grace. Grace blocks The Sol Snatcher. Grace with The Back Fist. Grace hits The Muscle Buster. The lights go out in the building. Grace gets distracted by Rosemary. Wendy Choo applies The Cobra Clutch which forces the disqualification.

Winner: Still TNA Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace via Disqualification 

– Lyra Valkyria tries to reconnect with Tatum Paxley ahead of their tag team match next week with Wendy Choo and Rosemary.

– Roxanne Perez confronted Giulia inside of AVA’s office. Giulia says that Roxanne is scared of her.

– Tension continues to rise with Eddy Thorpe and Ashante THEE Adonis.

– Shawn Spears is not happy that Dion Lennox is trying to drive wedge between him and Brooks Jensen.

– Next week on NXT, Lola Vice will battle Jacy Jayne. Plus, we’ll have a NXT Championship Contract Signing Segment.

Seventh Match: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne In A Last Man Standing Match. The Winner Becomes The Number One Contender For The WWE NXT Championship 

Rockers Punches. Wiliams ducks a clothesline from Dunne. Williams uppercuts Dunne. Williams with a leaping clothesline. Dunne backdrops Williams to the floor. Dunne with The Slingshot Pescado. Dunne with a running forearm smash. Dunne whips Williams into the steel ring steps. Chop Exchange. Williams tugs on Dunne’s hair. Williams goes for a PileDriver, but Dunne counters with a Back Body Drop on the ring apron. Dunne drives Williams face first into the steel ring post. Dunne slams Williams head on the chairs. Williams catapults Dunne face first into the steel ring post. Williams with a straight right hand. Williams is lighting up Dunne’s chest. Williams throws Dunne into the ringside barricade. Williams grabs the steel ring steps. Dunne thrust kicks the midsection of Williams. Dunne repeatedly slams Williams face on the ring stairs. Dunne fish hooks Williams. Dunne rolls Williams back into the ring. Dunne repeatedly kicks Williams in the face. Williams blocks The Pump Kick.

Williams uppercuts Dunne. Williams with Two Leg Lariats. Williams ducks a clothesline from Dunne. Williams with The Flapjack. Williams with The Pop Up Book End. Dunne punches Williams from the outside. Dunne drives a chair into the midsection of Williams. Dunne stomps on both of Williams hands. Williams avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Williams drives the chair into the midsection of Dunne. Williams with a Leaping NeckBreaker. Williams goes for The Dragon Sleeper Suplex, but Dunne lands back on his feet. Dunne with The Release German Suplex. Dunne with a diving forearm smash. Dunne toys around with Williams. Dunne repeatedly stomps on Williams chest. Dunne wedged a chair in between the turnbuckles. Dunne drives Williams face first through the wedged chair. Dunne with a Running Boot. Dunne starts removing the ringside padding. Dunne is throwing haymakers at Williams. Dunne nails Williams with a DDT on the exposed floor.

Dunne slaps Williams in the chest. Dunne nails Williams with The Pump Kick. Dunne viciously stomps on Williams face. Williams responds with a Pop Up Haymaker. Dunne avoids The Trick Shot. Dunne hits The Bitter End. Williams gets back on his feet at the count of nine. Williams avoids a chair shot from Dunne. Williams delivers The Cyclone Boot. Williams connects with The Trick Shot. Dunne gets back on his feet at the count of nine. Dunne PowerBombs Williams through the hood of the announce table. Dunne and Williams are brawling in the crowd. Dunne brings Williams to the scissors lift podium. Dunne and Williams are trading back and forth shots. Dunne with The Side Russian Leg Sweep off the podium through two tables on the floor. Ethan Page tells Dunne to get up. Williams puts Page through the announce table with a Back Body Drop. Williams avoids the referee’s ten count to pickup the victory. After the match, we head back to AVA’s office. Next week on NXT, CM Punk will be making a very special announcement.

Winner: Trick Williams 

Checkout Episode 429 of The Hoots Podcast

The post WWE NXT Results 9/10/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol