AEW Collision Results 7/27/24

The first part of a doubleheader for AEW starts… now!
  • The Conglomerate vs. The Premier Athletes
  • Top Flight vs. Blackpool Combat Club vs. Brian Cage & Lee Moriarty
  • Johnny TV vs. Orange Cassidy
  • Thunder Rosa vs. Maya World
  • FTR vs. MxM Collection
  • Pac vs. Lio Rush
  • The Beast Mortos vs. Hologram

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Collision 7/27/24

Live from the ESports Stadium in Arlington, Texas! Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on the call and we get some highlights of an AEW vs. Adult Swim match that took place on the Jericho Cruise. Which leads us to…

Match #1. Orange Cassidy vs. Johnny TV

Hammerlock by Cassidy but TV flips out. TV throws two of the slowest high kicks in the history of high kicks and Cassidy goes sunglasses and pocket hands. Dropkick and a suicide dive by Cassidy. TV blocks a Satellite DDT with a back breaker and a Russian Leg Sweep. TV misses a moonsault. And he misses another moonsault. Then he hits moonsault. TV works over the arm on the outside of the ringThis feels weird. Disaster kick by TV and a rolling neckbreaker to Cassidy, who was draped over the middle rope. Diving victory roll by Cassidy gets two. Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy and a Satellite DDT. Two count. TV blocks an Orange Punch and comes back with a swinging neckbreaker. Starship Pain misses and Cassidy comes off the top with a diving DDT, but he gets caught. Another swinging neckbreaker by TV and Starship Pain connects this time. Two count. Beach Break by Cassidy and the Orange Punch finishes this one.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Rating: *3/4. This was… pretty rough all around. TV seemed like he was moving in slow motion and there were a bunch of awkward spots here.

After the match, TV clips the leg and Taya Valkyrie hits the ring, but Willow Nightingale makes the save.

The Bang Bang Gang are upset with The Patriarchy and they want them to know that Saturday nights are their show. The Collision Cowboys, baby.

Match #2. Blackpool Combat Club vs. Brian Cage & Lee Moriarty vs. Top Flight

Moriarty and Yuta to start… just twenty-four hours after Moriarty beat Yuta for the ROH Pure Championship. Dropkick to start and Darius tags himself in. Enziguiri by Dante and a springboard crossbody. Two count. Darius is in with a snap suplex and a senton by Dante. Double dropkick to Claudio and an assisted Tornado DDT. German suplex by Yuta to Dante and a tag to Claudio. Double shoulder block to Dante and Cage tags himself in. Spinning Full Nelson slam by Cage. Dante lands on his feet about a powerbomb and catches Cage with an enziguiri. Wheelbarrow into a neckbreaker by Cage and here comes Moriarty. Shining Wizard to Dante for two. Claudio gets the tag and it’s European uppercuts for everyone. Giant Swing to Moriarty and Claudio is looking for the Neutralizer. Blind tag by Darius and he comes off the middle rope with a swinging Complete Shot. Fisherman’s Buster to Yuta, who just tagged himself in. Death Valley Driver into a facebuster by Darius for two. Powerbomb by Cage to Darius. Dante with a somersault senton off the top. European uppercut by Claudio. Claudio and Cage now square off. Clotheslines by both guys and a pair of superkicks by Top Flight. and a double plancha to the outside. Running European uppercut by Claudio to Cage. Knee to the face of the head off the top by Moriarty but Yuta tags himself in and dropkicks Moriarty out of the ring. Arm-trapped Olympic Slam by Yuta and he finishes this one with the seatbelt.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

Rating: **1/2. Fine tag scramble here, with BCC maintaining dominance and Yuta setting up a rubber match with Moriarty at some point.

Lexy Nair is with Willow Nightingale and The Conglomeration and it’s a promo that you have to see to believe. Mark Briscoe inducts the newest member… and it’s his brand-new son, Jay. Briscoe tells Kyle to hold his baby, the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship, which Kyle throws in the air like a child. Ishii does Ishii things. Just go watch it.

Match #3. Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos

Tieres into an arm drag by Hologram. By Mortos. Lots of lucha libre to start this and it’s too fast to follow. Snap mare by Mortos and a neck twister. Snap powerslam by Mortos. Two count. Back elbows by Hologram and a POUNCEEEEEE by Mortos. Mortos in control throughout the break as he tries to rip the mask off Hologram. Back from commercial and Hologram with a triple inside-out tieres that has the fans on their feet. Headbutt by Mortos and he heads up top. Hologram catches him and sits out with a hammerlock powerbomb. Mortos stands over him and wants a pin but the ref doesn’t count it. UP AND OVER DESTROYER ON THE APRON BY HOLOGRAM! Kind of, but woooof that was a rough landing. Hologram walks the ropes and dives with a senton about 2/3 of the way across the ring. Wow. Fans are chanting his name and they’re all on their feet… AEW might have something here. Tope suicida by Hologram! Pop-up Poisonrana by Hologram and he gets a two count. Spinning back kick by Hologram but he gets caught charging and Mortos powerbombs him on his knee. Running headbutt by Mortos! Two count. Enziguiri by Hologram but Mortos responds with an overhand chop. Hologram hurricanranas himself out of an avalanche gorilla press! Springboard Crucifix Bomb by Hologram and a seatbelt will finish this one.

Winner: Hologram

Rating: ***. I mean, if you like lucha libre, you’ll love this. You won’t find much storyline here or much selling, but you’ll get “holy s” chants move after move. Hologram, however, has something and the fans, children especially, love it.

Match #4. Thunder Rosa vs. Maya World

Hip tosses by Thunder and a single leg dropkick. Slap to the face by Thunder and a Thesz Press. Forever clotheslines in the corner by Thunder and a running dropkick to the chest of a seated World. Half-nelson clutch by Thunder and this one is over.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Rating: NR

Lance Archer is wrestling Will Ospreay this week, so he’s in the back destroying everyone.

Match #5. The Conglomeration vs. The Premier Athletes

Quick tags by The Conglomeration to start and Ishii is there chopping the heck out of Nese. Nese fires a chop back and Ishii doesn’t seem to care. Vertical suplex by Ishii and a tag to Kyle. Daivari pulls Kyle outside and it’s a triple team beat down, but Mark dives off a chair in the ring and takes everyone out. Daivari gets tossed into the guard rail and it’s Redneck Kung Fu to Woods. Back in the ring, Kyle grabs a Thai clinch and delivers some knees, but Nese counters with the Macho Man neck drop. Back from break and Kyle back suplexes Daivari and Ishii gets the tag. Shoulder blocks for everyone and a clothesline in the corner. Elbow to Daivari and a German suplex. Daivari ducks a lariat and tags Nese, who in turn, eats the lariat. Flying knee by Mark Briscoe and chops to everyone. Brainbuster to Nese gets a two count. Briscoe now looks for the JayDriller but Sterling provides the distraction. Jawbreaker by Nese and a tirple team by Premier Athletes. Kyle makes a blind tag and Ishii runs through Daivari on the outside. Backbreaker by Woods into a lariat. Brainbuster by Ishii. Superkick by Daivari to Ishii. Striking combo by Kyle to Daivari and one to Nese. Nese fires back with a low spinning back kick. Nese accidentally takes out Daivari with a backflip over the top. Spicy dropkick by Briscoe. Woods clears houes with Saito suplexes to everyone. Kyle catches him with a knee and TOTAL ELIMINATION by Kyle and Ishii. Straight armbar and Woods taps!

Winners: The Conglomeration

Rating: ***. The Conglomeration have three of my favorite wrestlers in the world in the same faction, and while I don’t love the name, they deliver every single time they’re in the ring. Kyle and Ishii’s version of Total Elimination is so good. They’re a great trio though and there are so many combinations you can make out of them.

Jericho is here with Renee. Suzuki broke his pinky, and Jericho isn’t done with him yet.

Lance Archer chokeslams some dude on the apron. Oh, this is a match.

Match #6. Lance Archer vs. ???

Chokeslam. Chokeslam. Blackout.

Winner: Lance Archer

Rating: NR

Match #7. FTR vs. MxM Collection

Body slam by Dax and a hard chop to Mansoor, who loves to pose. Slingshot shoulder block by Cash. Mansoor jumps in the arms of Mason. Double leg drops by MxM to Cash gets two. Drop toe hold by Cash and an elbow drop by Dax. Right hands by Dax and FTR look for the Shatter Machine early but Mason makes the save. Fight spills to the outside and Dax lets a fan chop Mansoor as we go to commercial. Right hands by Dax who cradles Mansoor for a five count but the referee is distracted. Clotheslines by MxM in the corner, a low dropkick by Mansoor, and a running hip attack by Mason. Two count. Hart Attack but with a leg lariat by MxM. Two count. Hot tag to Cash who dropkicks and uppercuts everyone. Gory Special Bomb by Cash gets two on Mansoor. Cash and Mansoor trade roll ups but only get two. Mansoor misses a moonsault and Cash catapults him into the turnbuckle. FTR want a spike piledriver but Mason boots Dax off the top rope. Mason gets crotched on the top rope. Blind tag by Dax and Mansoor turns around into the Shatter Machine and that’ll do it.

Winners: FTR

Rating: ***. I had absolutely no idea what to expect from the MxM Collection, and I was very pleasantly surprised. This one took a little bit to get going but it was fun down the stretch.

FTR and MxM TOUCH TIPS after the match in a show of respect.

Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Pac gets two. Match quickly spills outside after Pac catches Rush with a knee to the jaw. Pac batters Rush around the ringside area before catching Pac with a pair of boots in the corner inside the ring. Rush looks for a head scissors but Pac folds him up with a brutal powerbomb. Two count. Pac heads up top but Rush charges him and Pac tries for a rebound German suplex, but Rush holds on and kicks him in the face. Outside the ring, Rush posts Pac and dives through him with a suicide dive under the middle rope! Make that two. Falcon Arrow inside the ring by Rush gets two. Rush charges Pac but Pac trips him up into the middle turnbuckle, landing face-first. Lio goes up top and kicks Pac in the side of the head. Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Rush but Pac holds on and PLANTS HIM with a high German suplex with a bridge for two. Another German suplex by Pac. High kick by Lio and a Poisonrana. Bottom rope assisted Stunner by Rush gets two. Rush goes up top… Rush Hour! But Pac gets the knees up. Rusheats a huge lariat and finishes this one with the Brutalizer.

Winner: Pac

Rating: ***. Lio Rush in the main event of Collision was a bold choice, but these guys had a fine match here. Did it have the star power to warrant the main event slot? That part, I’m not sure of. However, Pac has his American Championship shot waiting in the wings so he should be building some momentum.

Final Thoughts: I think the Conglomeration have because the new Collision Cowboys, because they’ve been on almost every show this week and they’ve delivered. The rest of the show was kind of middle of the road, not bad, but nothing that really stood out. The smaller venue, however, is doing wonders for the crowd and this Texas crowd absolutely loves AEW. 7/10.

The post AEW Collision Results 7/27/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol