AEW WrestleDream 2024 Results

We are here for WrestleDream tonight live, from Tacoma!

  • Two out of Three Falls: Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos
  • Jay White vs. Hangman Page
  • Brody King vs. Darby Allin
  • Ring of Honor World Championship: Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Chris Jericho
  • AEW TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship: Young Bucks (c) vs. Private Party
  • AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May (c) vs. Willow Nightingale
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ricochet
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jon Moxley

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW WrestleDream 2024

Live from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington!  Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.

Match #1. Jay White vs. Hangman Page

White slaps Page to get under his skin.  Hangman responds by beating him down in the corner.  White chops him down and they head outside.  Frontface suplex on the apron gets two back inside.  Hangman with a jumping clothesline sending Switchblade to the floor.  Fall away slam into the buckle gets two.  Sleeperhold applied with Page swinging and slamming White down for a two count.  Page looks for the Buckshot Lariat, but White moves out of the way, lures Page into the corner and suplexes him into the buckle.  DDT by White gets two.  Flatliner by White, followed by a bridging German suplex for two.  To the top where Page gets chopped down and his foot caught, allowed White to go to work.  Hangman quickly comes back with a DVD on the apron.  He looks for the Buckshot again but this time White moves towards him to counter.  Big right hand knocks White down, but Switchblade gets a dragonscrew in the ropes as they head to the floor again.  Hangman with a powerbomb on the apron, and another on the steel steps.  White spits on Hangman, causing Page to swing wildly with his belt.  He misses and White gives him a kneebreaker on the ramp.  Clothesline from White and they go back inside.  Dragonscrew from White and a uranage gets two.  Half and half suplex from White, but Page counters the Bladerunner with Deadeye.  Buckshot is caught by White and he immediately gets the Bladerunner for the win.

Winner:  Jay White

Rating:  ***1/2

Match #2. AEW Women’s World Championship: Mariah May (c) vs. Willow Nightingale

Willow with a biel and bodyslam.  She does a cartwheel and gets dropkicked down by the champion.  May charges but gets hit with a Pounce.  Willow goes up, but Mariah yanks her leg out sending her into the buckle.  May stomps away in the corner.  Low dropkick gets two.  Right hands follow, but Willow bites the champion.  Willow pulls May down by the hair and hits a clothesline in the corner, followed by a big boot.  Spinebuster gets two.  May comes back with a German suplex for two.  Willow comes back with an Indian Deathlock.  Cannonball in the corner and Willow goes up.  Moonsault misses and the champion goes up.  Missile dropkick connects and gets May Day but Willow kicks out at two.  May gets a headbutt, but Willow rebounds with a clothesline and both are down.  They exchange pin attempts and Willow gets a DVD into the corner for two.  Top rope rana from May and a running kneestrike.  Storm Zero hits for the win.

Winner and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May

Rating:  ***

Match #3. AEW TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata

Shibata wrestles him down so Perry takes a powder to the floor.  Back in Perry gets a snap suplex for two.  Kicks to the back of Shibata which have no impact.  Perry goes to the eyes which works.  Jack tries chops to no avail, and Shibata rocks him with his own.  Vertical suplex gets two.  Shibata sits on the mat, so Perry spits on him and tries kicks to the chest which Shibata no-sells.  Kneestrike and rapid fire chops from Shibata, but the delayed dropkick in the corner misses.  On the floor, Shibata suplexes the champion into the ring apron.  Delayed corner dropkick hits this time and a front chancery suplex gets two.  Shibata tries a PK but Jack catches it and gets and STF.  Perry slides outside and gets a hanging DDT on the floor.  Back in that gets two.  Jack tries a running kneestrike but gets caught with a DVD and a neckbreaker onto the knee.  Sleeper applied but Perry is able to fall back and the ref counts Shibata’s shoulders down to end it.

Winner and still AEW TNT Champion:  Jack Perry

Rating: ***

After the match, Perry attacks Shibata with the title belt.  Daniel Garcia runs out to make the save and has a staredown with the champion.  Then…MJF’s music hits and he walks out to go face to face with Garcia, which allows Perry to come back in with a belt shot to the back of Garcia’s head.  MJF then beats him down and talks trash.  He reveals that he got his diamond ring back and loads it up…only for Adam Cole’s music to hit!  Cole chases MJF off.  Well that was quite the segment.

Match #4. AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ricochet

Callis joins commentary.  Takeshita gets attacked right away.  Ricochet and Ospreay then to a crazy counter/reversal sequence ending in a stalemate, so Takeshita dropkicks them both.  DDT on the floor to Ricochet, and Takeshita pulls out a table.  He can’t get a Blue Thunder Bomb through the table however and they head back in.  Takeshita misses a corner kneestrike allowing Ricochet to dropkick Ospreay.  Ricochet tries a Sasuke Special but Takeshita catches him, only for Ospreay to get his own Sasuke Special to take both out.  Flying forearm on Takeshita gets two for Ospreay.  Ricochet jumps back in with a standing shooting star on Takeshita for two.  Takeshita with a big forearm strike to take over.  Ospreay with a double Pele kick.  They go to the apron and tease more table spots.  Takeshita catches a diving Ospreay and gets a DVD on the apron.  Ricochet follows with a meteora on the apron.  Takeshita is set up on the table and Ricochet charges, but Ospreay jumps in with a Spanish Fly for two.  Ricochet counters a Stormbreaker with a rana for two.  Backslide bomb gets two.  450 Splash misses and Ospreay gets a powerbomb and Styles Clash for two.  Takeshita with a deadlift German on Ospreay and Blue Thunder Bomb on Ricochet for two.  Takeshita connects with forearms to both, leading to Ricochet and Ospreay teaming up on Takeshita again.  He comes back with big forearm shots again but can’t get a rolling lariat.  Ospreay with an enzuigiri.  Oscutter is blocked, but he flips out of a clothesline and gets the Oscutter.  Ricochet immediately comes off the top with a 450 Splash for two.  Takeshita gets Ricochet in an Electric Chair, allowing Ospread to clothesline him off.  Ricochet lands on his feet, and Takeshita gets a double German suplex.  Takeshita with a tope con hilo to the floor on both.  Lariat on Ricochet gets two.  Top rope rana from Ospreay on Ricochet, into Takeshita where Ricochet gets a roll through cover for two.  Ricochet up top and gets a Shooting Star Press on Ospreay gets a kneestrike and tries to pin both but only gets two.  On the apron, Takeshita gets a Kryptonite Krunch through the table.  Ospreay gets a kick on Takeshita for only one.  Hidden Blade hits, but Callis pulls the referee out at two.  Callis goes for the screwdriver shot but Ospreay catches him.  Kyle Fletcher then runs out and hits Ospreay with the screwdriver to turn on him.  Takeshita with a running kneestrike as Fletcher tosses the ref back in to count the three.

Winner and new AEW International Champion:  Konsuke Takeshita

Rating: *****

Prince Nana is in the ring to introduce Swerve Strickland.  He is now medically cleared to return.  MVP interrupts with Shelton Benjamin.  Swerve rejects MVP’s offer and sticks with Nana.  Benjamin gets in his face and officials rush out to break it up.

Match #5. Two out of Three Falls: Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos

We get some Lucha armdrags at the start.  Hologram dumps Mortos to the outside and gets a tope suicida.  Back in, Mortos takes over with a pop-up Samoan drop for two.  They go up, and Hologram gets a leg scissor takedown and diving cruicifix bomb for the pin and first fall.  Corkscrew tope suicida from Mortos to the outside starts the second fall.  Press slam onto the rampway by Mortos.  Back inside Mortos gets a two count.  Mortos hangs him in the corner and charges but misses.  Hologram follows with a moonsault to the outside.  Poison rana from Hologram.  Mortos comes back with a backbreaker, powerbomb and discus lariat to get the second fall.  Another discus lariat gets two.  To the top and a tilt-a-whirl headscissors sends Mortos to the mat.  Enzuigiri from Hologram.  Poison rana on the apron by Hologram.  Somersault planch to the floor by Hologram.  Diving footstomp and Hologram goes up again.  450 Splash hits the knees of Mortos.  Discus lariat from Mortos again.  They go up where Mortos gets an avalanche press slam for two.  Backbreaker, powerbomb to the knee and discus lariat from Mortos gets only two.  Up top, Hologram gets a rana and Cruicifix Bomb for two.  Blue Thunder Bomb from Hologram connects for the win.

Winner:  Hologram

Rating:  **1/2

Match #6. Darby Allin vs. Brody King

They immediately go outside where Brody casually toss him into the barricade.  He goes for the steps, and Darby dives on his back, but King slams him into the barricade again.  Darby charges and leaps off the steps right into a forearm from Brody.  King puts the steps on Darby and then walks up them.  Snake Eyes onto the steps.  Senton back inside gets two for King.  Brody gets some loud chops and hangs Darby in the corner.  Cannonball charge misses.  Darby with two straight topes and a Coffin Drop to the floor.  Code Red gets two for Allin.  He gets a sleeper on the ring apron, but Brody drops back onto the apron to break it.  More chops from Brody and he locks in his own sleeper.  German suplex by King and then an avalanche German.  Back up again a top-rope avalanche German hits.  That gets two.  To the top once again Brody looks for a superplex to the outside on the steps, but can’t get it, and Darby pushes him off onto the stops, then hits the Coffin Drop.  Brody narrowly beats the 10 count and Darby gets another Coffin Drop for the win.

Winner: Darby Allin

Rating:  ***1/2

Match #7. AEW World Tag Team Championship: Young Bucks (c) vs. Private Party

Top Flight along with Lio Rush are sitting front row.  Stokely Hathaway separately as well.  Matt runs down Private Party which incites them to attack.  The Bucks tease walking away but get superkicks on Private Party on the ramp as the bell hasn’t officially rung yet.  Zay takes out both Bucks and Quen climbs one of the entrance tunnels and hits a somersault plancha onto everyone.  Bell finally rings and Zay gets a diving crossbody on Nick for two.  Quen gets a rana on both Bucks then Zay follows with a corkscrew plancha.  Cutter and a swanton gets two on the champs.  The Bucks doubleteam to take over and get a tandem sliced bread and double superkick.  Double back elbow from the Bucks.  Quen comes back with a kick but and tags Zay.  Zay runs wild on both Bucks, dropkicking them to the outside.  Moonsault press to the floor on Nick.  Springboard DDT inside on Matt gets two.  Zay goes for a rana but Matt counters into a powerbomb/enzuigiri combo.  Nick tries a faceplant but Zay slips out and gets his own.  Zay gets a rana on Matt to the floor, but Nick follows with a Sky Twister to the floor.  They toss Quen onto Top Flight and Nick gets a moonsault.  Zay gets a poison rana on Matt, but Nick gets a Canadian Destroyer on him.  Quen then follows with a 450 splash off the barricade and all four men are down.  Nick gets a top-rope cutter on Zay for two.  Bucks set up for the TK Driver, but Quen interferes and Zay rolls up Matt for two.  Slingshot into an enzuigiri by the Bucks, and Nick gets a double footstomp.  Double superkicks on Quen.  Quen counters More Bang for Your Buck and Private Party gets Gin & Juice for two.  Private Party gets double superkicks on the Bucks then get More Bang for Your Buck for two.  They go up with Nick, but Matt blocks a superplex attempt and get a missile dropkick.  Dropkick into a senton and EVP Trigger…gets two.  Elevated superkick on Quen outside.  EVP Trigger misses this time and Matt gets rolled up for a close two.  Matt counters an Irish Whip and the Bucks get the TK Driver to retain.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions:  The Young Bucks

Rating: ***3/4

Match #8. Ring of Honor World Championship: Mark Briscoe (c) vs. Chris Jericho

JR joins commentary here.  Hockey fight won by Briscoe, but he runs into a Codebreaker for only one.  Briscoe clotheslines Jericho outside and they brawl on the floor.  Vertical suplex by Mark followed by the Cactus elbow from the apron.  Briscoe tosses a chair inside but Jericho discards it.  Mark follows with a tope con hilo outside taking out Jericho and Big Bill.  He places Jericho on a chair and hits a blockbuster from the apron.  Mark tosses him back in, and Bill sneaks over with a big boot, then sets up a table against the announce table.  Before Bill can get a chokeslam, Orange Cassidy runs out to even the odds.  Briscoe with a side suplex on the apron and gets a rolling DVD inside.  They fight on the apron where Jericho rakes the eyes.  Jericho gets a suplex from the apron to the floor.  Jericho sends him into the steps next and grabs the camera, filming himself stomping on Briscoe.  Inside, Jericho gets some chops.  Mark goes up top but Jericho pushes him off.  Top rope rana by Jericho.  Briscoe fights back with forearms and gets a Fisherman’s Buster for two.  He looks for the Jay Driller but Jericho counters with the Lion Tamer.  Mark gets to the ropes, but Bryan Keith runs out to give him a shot behind the ref’s back which gets two.  Now Rocky Romero runs out to fight off Keith.  Jericho grabs a chair but Mark kicks him in the face with it, then gets a diving somersault plancha through the table set up outside.  Briscoe goes for the Froggy Bow but Jericho counters with a Codebreaker for two.  Judas Effect is ducked, and Mark goes for the Jay Driller again.  Jericho counters that and hits the Judas Effect this time.  He pauses and gets his own Jay Driller…for two.  Mark fires up with Redneck Kung-Fu.  Rolling DVD and a Froggy Bow, and now Mark pauses to try the Jay Driller again.  He gets it this time for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Champion:  Mark Briscoe

Rating:  ***1/4

Match #9. AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jon Moxley

Bryan takes the fight to Moxley on the floor before the bell while “Final Countdown” is still playing.  Moxley chokes Bryan with some cable, but Danielson returns the favor.  Shafir jumps on Bryan’s back but he shrugs her off, allowing Mox to get a clothesline.  He grabs a chair but Bryan dropkicks it into Mox and the bell finally rings.  Side suplex by the champion and the Busaiku Knee gets two.  Danielson with a somersault plancha to the floor.  A tope suicida from Bryan is next.  The champion gets some Yes Kicks on Mox on the Spanish announce table, but Moxley is able to come back with a piledriver on the table.  Mox chokes Bryan again and swats the headset off Nigel.  Shafir gets some shots in while Mox has the referee distracted.  Moxley stomps on Bryan’s face and beats on Danielson some more.  He covers for two.  Neckbreaker and some elbows to the back of the neck of Bryan.  Shafir interferes again behind the ref’s back.  Mox steps on his head on the steel steps and jaws with a fan.  He rips up the padding on the floor and goes for a piledriver, but Bryan backdrops him to reverse it.  To the top, Mox rips the tape off Bryan’s neck and shoulder area, then bites him.  Bryan manages to slip away and bite Mox in the head.  With Mox hanging in the corner, Danielson delivers more kicks and a low dropkick.  Up top again, Bryan gets a release German suplex.  Diving headbutt misses and Moxley gets a Stomp for two.  Gator roll into a Bulldog Choke.  Danielson manages to roll out of it and get a piledriver.  They face off in the center and exchange blows.  Danielson’s neck gives out on him so Mox charges with a kick, but Bryan suckered him in and gets a running clothesline.  More Yes Kicks from the champion and a roundhouse kick.  He sets up for the Busaiku Knee but Shafir grabs his leg and gets caught this time and tossed.  Mox gets a cutter while this is going on.  Danielson flips out of a German suplex attempt and gets the Busaiku Knee for two again.  Bryan stomps on Mox’s face and puts on the LaBell Lock.  Mox manages to get to the ropes with his leg.  Tope suicida by Bryan is caught by Mox on the floor, and he gets the Death Rider on concrete.  Back in that only gets two somehow.  Mox hammers him with elbows and locks in the Bulldog Choke again.  Bryan somehow climbs the ropes during this and drops Mox onto his back.  Bryan gets a triangle choke but Mox rolls through.  Half and half suplex and Busaiku Knee again gets only two.  Bryan charges again but gets clotheslined down for two.  Death Rider gets a one count.  Bryan spits in Mox’s face and slaps him, so Mox gets a Gotch style piledriver and Bulldog Choke again.  Bryan fights for the ropes but can’t get there and passes out to give Moxley the win and the title.

Winner and new AEW World Champion:  Jon Moxley

Rating:  ****1/2

Shafir returns with Claudio and PAC.  Mox hands the belt to Claudio and he puts it in a gym bag.  Moxley looks for the plastic bag treatment again but Wheeler Yuta and Darby Allin run out to chase him off.  Yuta then attacks Darby to seemingly join up with Mox’s group again.  Mox hands the plastic bag to Yuta who puts it over Danielson’s head, while Darby’s hands are taped up to the ropes so he can’t help.  Private Party and Jeff Jarrett run out to prevent murder.  Claudio puts a chair around Bryan’s neck and stomps it.  Then Orange Cassidy and several other babyfaces run out to finally end the beating.  Danielson gets stretchered out to end the show.

Final Thoughts:  Pretty good show here on ppv from AEW once again.  The International Title match delivered on its expectations.  We got returns from MJF and Adam Cole, and a really good main event with a heavy closing angle.  8/10.

The post AEW WrestleDream 2024 Results appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol