WWE NXT Results 10/15/24

WWE NXT Results 10/15/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

Tony D’Angelo Championship Celebration 

Tony D’Angelo: Look, I wanted to come out here and have a big celebration as the new NXT North American Champion. And I wanted to celebrate with my family, because without them, I wouldn’t be sitting here today with this title. But I want to give a toast to the former North American Champion, Oba Femi. You see, he’s the longest reigning North American Champion in history, and the man, I’ll be honest, broke me. Oba, you’re a machine, but I needed to win this title by any means necessary. So, I used your greatest strength against you, pride. Pride that you would dominate and break any man who stands across the ring from you. Oba, I baited you. I baited you into believing that, once again, you broke The Don. No, I had you right where I wanted you, I seized the moment, did the unthinkable, and I beat you. Part of me wants to think that this is over, but I’ve been doing this a long time now, and I know we’re far from it. So, in the meantime, to Oba Femi, salute.

Oba Femi: I can’t lie, you got me, Tony, you really did. Congratulations. It happened once, but it will not be happening again. Because, at Halloween Havoc, I will be regaining my North American Championship, and once again, I will be the ruler of NXT. One more thing, your little family here, they will not be by your side to help you.

Oba spins the Halloween Havoc Wheel on the stage. The Don and Oba will be having a Tables, Ladders and Scares Match at NXT Halloween Havoc.

– Byron Saxton had a backstage interview with Oro Mensah. Tonight, he takes on Lexis King in a Gentlemen’s Duel, which has some very unique rules. You can’t strike your opponent while they have all four points of contact on the ground. You can throw your opponent over the top rope, to the floor. Competitors have until the referee’s count of three, not five, to break when in the ropes. There’s absolutely no fighting on the floor, or you will get disqualified. Oro wants to know why Lexis continues to play games. Lexis claims that Oro cheated during their match. He wanted to make his father proud, so may the better man win tonight.

First Match: Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair w/The No Quarter Catch Crew 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Sinclair applies a hammerlock. Vaquer transitions into a wrist lock. Sinclair with a single leg takedown. Sinclair applies a side headlock. Vaquer answers with a headscissors neck lock. Vaquer with The European Clutch for a two count. Leg Sweep Exchange. Vaquer with a single leg takedown. Vaquer grapevines the legs of Sinclair. Sinclair drives Vaquer face first into the canvas. Sinclair applies The Bridging Butterfly Lock. Sinclair transitions into The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Vaquer rolls Sinclair over for a two count. Vaquer ducks a clothesline from Sinclair. Vaquer thrust kicks the midsection of Sinclair. Vaquer with clubbing boot scrapes. Sinclair with heavy bodyshots. Vaquer reverses out of the irish whip from Sinclair. Vaquer blocks The Sunset Flip. Vaquer with a Double Foot Stomp. Vaquer with a Running Leg Drop.

Vaquer wraps her legs around Sinclair’s neck. Vaquer repeatedly drives Sinclair face first into the canvas for a two count. Sinclair slaps Vaquer in the chest. Forearm Exchange. Sinclair is lighting up Vaquer’s chest. Sinclair ducks a clothesline from Vaquer. Sinclair drops Vaquer with a shoulder tackle. Sinclair with a Diving Bulldog. Sinclair with The Butterfly Suplex. Sinclair follows that with a corner clothesline. Vaquer side steps Sinclair into the turnbuckles. Vaquer with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Vaquer hits The Shotgun Meteora. Vaquer connects with The Package BackBreaker to pickup the victory. After the match, Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade gangs up on Vaquer. Giulia storms into the ring to make the save. Giulia HeadButts Jade. Perez attacks Giulia from behind. Double Irish Whip. Giulia with a Double Dropkick. Giulia and Vaquer kicks Perez and Jade out of the ring. Vaquer challenges Perez and Jade to a tag team match at Halloween Havoc.

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer via Pinfall 

– We see Trick Williams chopping it up with Kelani Jordan in the backstage area. Regardless of who wins tonight’s triple threat main event, Trick knows that this title reign is going to be better than the last. Kelani doesn’t know who her next opponent is going to be. She’s going to allow AVA to make that decision, and she’ll be ready. We see The Fatal Influence lurking in the background.

– Shawn Spears and Brooks Jensen take issue with how Ashante THEE Adonis continues to flirt with Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece. Brooks decide to rip the flower in half. Mr. Stone prevents a big fight from happening. We see Karmen picking up the roses on the floor.

Second Match: Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King In A Gentleman’s Duel Match 

King drop steps into a side headlock. Side Headlock Takeover/Headscissors Escape Exchange. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Mensah backs King into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Wrist Lock Exchange. Mensah kicks King in the chest. King answers with a front boot. Mensah with a Spinning Back Kick. Mensah almost forgot that you can’t strike an opponent when they’re not on their feet. King rolls Mensah over for a two count. King continues to use the rules of this match to advantage. Mensah with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Mensah rolls King over for a two count. Arm-Drag Exchange. King goes for a Hip Toss, but Mensah counters with a cradle rollup for a one count. Mensah with The Monkey Flip. Mensah sends King to the corner. King with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count.

Mensah with a straight right hand. Mensah ducks a clothesline from King. King trips Mensah up in the ropes. Mensah blocks a boot from King. Mensah kicks King in the gut. Mensah whips King across the ring. King ducks a clothesline from Mensah. King leapfrogs over Mensah. Both guys are knocked down after a Double Crossbody Block. King has complete control of the match during the commercial break. King is throwing haymakers at Mensah. King with The Swanton Bomb for a two count. King drives his knee into the midsection of Mensah. Mensah with a Back Body Drop. Mensah sweeps out the legs of King. Mensah unloads a flurry of chops. King reverses out of the irish whip from Mensah.

Mensah with a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors Takeover. Mensah with The Modified Powerslam for a two count. King ducks a clothesline from Mensah. King hits The Made In Japan for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Chop Exchange. Uppercut Exchange. King with forearm shivers. Mensah responds with The Rolling Capo Kick. King buries his shoulder into the midsection of Mensah. Mensah dropkicks King off the top turnbuckle. Mensah with The Springboard Sidekick for a two count. King SuperKicks Mensah. King goes for The Drive By, but Mensah counters with a Lariat. King avoids The Spinning Heel Kick. King goes for The Coronation, but Mensah counters with an inside cradle for a two count. King with a jackknife hold for a two count. Mensah responds with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. King connects with The European Clutch to pickup the victory. After the match, Mensah rakes King’s hand.

Winner: Lexis King via Pinfall 

– Cedric Alexander is trying to give some encouragement to Je’Von Evans following his big lost to Randy Orton last week. Axiom and Nathan Frazer join the conversation. Cedric says that Axiom and Frazer should apologize for costing them a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles. Wes Lee says that Je’Von is not ready for the NXT Title Picture. Wes tells Je’Von to stay out of his way. Je’Von points out that Wes has been a little bit salty as ever since he turned his back on his friends. Wes and Je’Von continue to bicker with each other about their resume and potential, and Axiom had to step in before a brawl breaks out.

– Meta Four Vignette.

Third Match: Nikkita Lyons vs. Lola Vice 

Sparring display after the bell rings. Vice with a waist lock go-behind. Lyons flings Vice across the ring. Vice punches Lyons in the ribs. Vice with a Hook Kick. Vice starts shaking her hips. Vice applies a side headlock. Lyons whips Vice across the ring. Lyons drops Vice with a shoulder tackle. Lyons mocks Vice. Vice reverses out of the irish whip from Lyons. Vice drives her knee into the midsection of Lyons. Vice kicks Lyons in the ribs. Vice whips Lyons across the ring. Lyons with Two Bodyslams. Lyons sends Vice to the corner. Lyons with clubbing shoulder blocks. Lyons with a Back Body Drop. Vice sends Lyons shoulder first into the steel ring post. Vice applies The Sleeper Hold. Lyons drives Vice back first into the canvas for a two count.

Lyons repeatedly kicks the left hamstring of Vice. Vice with a double leg takedown. Ground and Pound Exchange. Vice applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Lyons grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Lyons decks Vice with a back elbow smash. Lyons with forearm shivers. Lyons clotheslines Vice. Vice with Two Windmill Kicks. Lyons avoids The Spinning Roundhouse Kick. Vice fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Vice with rapid fire shoulder kicks. Vice nails Lyons with The Running Hip Attack. Vice with an Axe Kick. Vice gets distracted by Jaida Parker. Vice kicks Parker off the ring apron. Lyons SuperKicks Vice. Parker blasts Vice with The Running Hip Check behind the referee’s back. Parker rolls Vice back into the ring. Lyons connects with The Vader Bomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Nikkita Lyons via Pinfall 

– We head back to AVA’s office. The Fatal Influence are whining and complaining about Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer being handed out things. AVA says that if Fatal Influence wants a shot at championship gold, they can take on Giulia and Vaquer in a tag team match next week.

Fourth Match: Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne w/Thea Hail  

Osborne attacks Holland before the bell rings. Osborne with The SomerSault Plancha. Osborne with forearm shivers. Osborne rolls Holland back into the ring. Osborne with three dropkicks. Osborne with a diving corner clothesline. Holland blocks The Running Bulldog. Holland kicks Osborne in the gut. Holland sends Osborne to the corner. Osborne with a Corkscrew Plancha. Osborne with The Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Osborne follows that with forearm shivers. Holland whips Osborne across the ring. Osborne ducks under two clotheslines from Holland. Holland with a Side Slam. Holland transitions into a ground and pound attack. Holland kicks Osborne in the back. Holland with a Falling Lariat.

Holland drives Osborne face first into the ring apron. Holland with a running knee lift. Holland poses for the crowd. Holland lays Osborne flat on the announce table. Osborne drops Holland with The Tornado DDT on the floor. Osborne rolls Holland back into the ring. Osborne ascends to the top turnbuckle. Holland with a running haymaker. Holland and Osborne are trading back and forth shots. Holland with The Avalanche Exploder Suplex. Holland PowerBombs Osborne. Holland drives his knee into the midsection of Osborne. Holland connects with The Redeemer to pickup the victory. After the match, Holland continues to beat down Osborne. Holland dumps Osborne out of the ring. Holland gets Osborne in position for another Redeemer. Andre Chase makes the save for Osborne. Chase clotheslines Holland over the top rope. Chase gives Hail a big hug.

Winner: Ridge Holland via Pinfall 

– Jaida Parker interrupted Tatum Paxley’s interview with Byron Saxton.

Fifth Match: Brooks Jensen w/Shawn Spears vs. Ashante THEE Adonis

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jensen backs Adonis into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Adonis is throwing haymakers at Jensen. Adonis repeatedly stomps on Jensen’s chest. Jensen reverses out of the irish whip from Adonis. Jensen shrugs off a clothesline from Adonis. Adonis with a Running Lariat for a one count. Jensen dumps Adonis face first on the top rope. Jensen is putting the boots to Adonis. Jensen transitions into a ground and pound attack. Jensen with a pinpoint elbow strike. Jensen goes for a Bodyslam, but Adonis counters with an eye rake. Adonis is mauling Jensen in the corner.

Jensen with a throat thrust. Jensen with another elbow strike for a one count. Jensen applies a rear chin lock. Adonis with heavy bodyshots. Jensen kicks Adonis in the gut. Jensen punches Adonis in the back. Jensen with a knee smash. Jensen whips Adonis across the ring. Adonis holds onto the ropes. Adonis sends Jensen tumbling to the floor. Adonis with The Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Adonis rolls Jensen back into the ring. Jensen with another throat thrust. Adonis with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Adonis dropkicks Jensen. Adonis gets distracted by Karmen Petrovic. Adonis with a series of haymakers. Adonis with a Delayed Double Foot Stomp. Spears runs interference. Adonis gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Jensen connects with The Draping DDT to pickup the victory.

Winner: Brooks Jensen via Pinfall 

– DELTA Vignette.

– Luca Crusifino wants to have a match with Oba Femi next week.

– Next week on NXT, Meta Four will take on Damage CTRL.

Sixth Match: Wes Lee vs. Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evans In A Triple Threat Match. The Winner Will Face Trick Williams For The NXT Championship At NXT Halloween Havoc

Evans SuperKicks Lee after the bell rings. Page with two haymakers. Page whips Evans across the ring. Rollup Exchange. Page blocks The Sunset Flip. Second Rollup Exchange. Lee kicks Evans in the face. Lee with a gut punch. Lee pie faces Page. Evans dropkicks Lee off the ring apron. Evans with a Rebound Headscissors Takeover. Evans dropkicks Page. Lee dropkicks Evans. Lee kicks Evans in the ribs. Page launches Lee over the top rope. Page with a straight right hand. Page with a Fallaway Slam into Lee. Page drops Evans with The Big Boot for a two count. Page with a Pendulum BackBreaker. Page goes for The Ego’s Edge, but Evans lands back on his feet. Evans with The Slice Bread. Lee breaks the pin up with a Slingshot Senton for a two count. Lee with a straight right hand. Lee repeatedly kicks Evans in the face. Lee transitions into a ground and pound attack. Evans with a palm strike/forearm combination. Page likes seeing Lee and Evans tear each other apart. Evans uses the right leg of Lee as a weapon. Assisted Enzuigiri to Page. Evans with The Superman Punch.

Lee punches Evans in the ribs. Lee whips across the ring. Page trips Evans from the outside. Lee with The Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Page blocks The Tornado DDT. Page drives Lee back first into the ring apron. Page with a Back Body Drop onto the announce table. Evans with The Stage Dive over the announce table. Evans is fired up. Evans has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Evans whips Page into Lee. Page and Lee avoids The Stinger Splash. Lee and Evans are trading back and forth shots. Both guys are knocked down after a double clothesline. Page repeatedly stomps on Lee’s chest. Page bodyslams Evans on top of Lee. Page with The Gourdbuster into Evans. Page drives Lee shoulder first into the steel ring post. Page transitions into a ground and pound attack on Evans. Page with The Pop Up Powerslam for a two count.

Lee tees off on Page. Lee decks Page with a back elbow smash. Evans with The Superman Punch to Page. Lee SuperKicks Evans. Lee with a Dropkick/Spinning DDT Combination. Lee with The Standing Shooting Star Press for a two count. Haymaker Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Lee with The Pump Kick. All three men after knocked down after a Triple Roundhouse Kick. Lee with The Roll Through Shotei to Page. Page HeadButts Lee. Evans with The Avalanche Spanish Fly. Evans with The Handspring Corkscrew Kick to Lee for a two count. Page shoves Evans into Lee. Page with The Roundhouse Kick. Page goes for The Ego’s Edge, but Evans counters with a Hurricanrana. Lee with The Flying Meteora. Evans connects with The Double Jump Cutter for a two count. Evans drags Lee to the corner. Page attacks Evans from behind. Lee SuperKicks Page. Page PowerBombs Lee. Evans SuperKicks Page out of the ring. Evans lands Hold It In The Row for a two count. Page sneaks back into the ring and rolls Evans over to pickup the victory. After the match, Page grabs the microphone. Page calls Trick Williams out. At NXT Halloween Havoc, Trick Williams will take on Ethan Page in a Devil’s Playground Match for the NXT Championship. Page attacks Williams with a piece of the stage. Page poses with the NXT Championship as the show goes off the air.

Winner: Ethan Page via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 434 of The Hoots Podcast

The post WWE NXT Results 10/15/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol