AEW All Out 2024 Results

We were All In, and now we’re All Out, as AEW returns to Chicago!

  • MJF vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Chicago Street Fight: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander
  • AEW World Tag Team Championship Three-Way: Young Bucks (c) vs. Blackpool Combat Club
  • AEW TBS Championship Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Hikaru Shida
  • AEW Continental Championship Four-way: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Konosuke Takeshita
  • AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Pac
  • AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jack Perry
  • Lights Out Steel Cage Match: Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW All In 2024

Live from the NOW Arena in Hoffman Estates, Illinois! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and at least for the first match… Matt Menard are on commentary.

Match #1. MJF vs. Daniel Garcia

Garcia jumps MJF before the bell and here we go! MJF pulls Garcia into the middle turnbuckle head-first and lays some boots in the corner. Garcia delivers some mounted punches in the corner and now the brawl spills to the outside briefly, but MJF recovers with a neckbreaker back in the middle of the ring. Running arm twister into the corner by MJF. MJF locks in a kravat as we slow the pace down. Garcia goes to the body to fight out of the draping hammerlock DDT but it doesn’t work and Garcia gets SPIKED. MJF looks for a brainbuster but both guys go over the top and crash on the floor! Back in the ring, Garcia with a trio of swinging neckbreakers, but he can’t make the cover. Garcia looks for a piledriver but MJF back body drops him. MJF catches a Garcia leap frog with a powerbomb on the knee. Garcia looks the worse for wear here as he’s now bleeding. MJF looks for a tombstone on the top rope but Garcia fights out and BLEEDS in MJF’s MOUTH. Avalanche DDT by Garcia! Two count. Garcia’s neck is bothering him and MJF takes advantage of it with a Panama Sunrise! MJF puts the boots to Garcia but Garcia Hulk’s up. MJF spits in his face and pokes him in the eye! Both guys trade cradles for two. Vicious right hand by MJF and both guys are down. German suplex by MJF. German suplex by Garcia. Lariat by Garcia! Garcia looks for a piledriver but MJF trips the legs out and locks in a Walls of Jericho. Garcia counters with a Lebell Lock but MJF is able to counter with one of his own. Garcia is fighting for the ropes but he forward rolls into a Dragon Tamer! Garcia strains the neck as he grabs the free arm and locks in the Salt of the Earth! Garcia uses his hips to get to the bottom rope but MJF grabs the outstretched arm, and now the far leg. Garcia is forced to use his only free limb to get to the bottom rope! MJF heads to the middle turnbuckle for the Panama Sunrise but Garcia falls back limp. MJF tries to pick him up but Garcia rolls him up for two. Garcia grabs the throat and lays in some brutal palm strikes. Guillotine choke by Garcia and MJF looks like he’s out! Wait, Garcia catches the arm and doesn’t let the referee count it. Piledriver by Garcia! 2.999! Garcia pulls MJF up to the top rope but MJF shrugs him off. MJF shoves the referee and low blows Garcia! Jackknife cover and that’ll do it.

Winner: MJF

Rating: ****.

After the match, MJF shakes the hand of Garcia and tries to kick him low, but Garcia catches it, kicks MJF, and then hits an avalanche piledriver! Security checks on MJF as Garcia exits through the crowd.

Match #2. AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Blackpool Combat Club

Nick takes both guys down with a head scissor but the BCC come back with a double shoulder. Wishbone to Matt. Atomic drop by Claudio and a Manhattan drop by Yuta. Backstabber by Nick and a diving double stomp by Matt. Yuta tries to fight out of the corner by The Bucks have cut them off. Gut buster and a flipping neckbreaker combo by The Bucks. Two count. Backbreaker by Matt and a diving elbow drop by Nick. Two count. Claudio gets the hot tag and it’s an uppercut party to both Bucks before a double clothesline. Bucks roll to the outside and Claudio continues the uppercut party all the way around the ring. Crossbody from Claudio to Matt gets two. Claudio looks for the Big Swing but Matt escapes. Nick superkicks Claudio’s knees out and drapes him over the middle rope, but Yuta is here and changes course. Rocket launcher by BCC. Arm-trapped Olympic Slam by Yuta gets two. Superkick by Nick but Yuta sends it into Matt’s head. A second time. German suplex with a bridge by Yuta gets two on Matt. Cattle Mutiliation by Yuta! Nick breaks it up with a senton from the top! Claudio is in to break up the pin and gets hurricanrana’d to the outside. Double team X-Factor by The Bucks on Yuta. Two count! Claudio gets the tag and uppercuts Nick, who’s on the top rope, and a springboard to Matt. EVP Trigger to Claudio out of nowhere but Yuta is here to make the save! Double superkick to Claudio! EVP Trigger but Claudio catches it and double suplexes both guys. Tope suicida by Yuta takes out Nick and Matt is stuck in the Big Swing! Two count after the swing. Fastball Special attempt by BCC but The Bucks superkick Yuta and now Claudio. Matt heads up top with Yuta but Claudio is here with an uppercut and a superplex OVER Yuta! Fastball Special but Matt gets the knees up and cradles Yuta as Claudio is held back by Nick.

Winners and STILL AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

Rating: ***3/4.

Match #3. AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Pac

The crowd is on their feet before the guys even tough, and it feels like a big moment… so Pac takes a walk. Genius. Both guys trade amazing counters to start as it ends with Ospreay cartwheeling his way out of a hurricanrana. Pump kick by Pac sends Ospreay to the floor and he follows up with a huge Sky Twister Press! Back in the ring, Ospreay kicks Pac as he rolls to the outside, and connects with a Sky Twister Press of his own! Both guys are so evenly matched and trade elbows in the middle of the ring. Pac quickly targets the heavily-taped neck of Ospreay with boots in the corner. Avalanche brainbuster by Pac! Two count. Ospreay is up and trying to fight back with elbows, but gets pump kicked on the outside. Pac sends Ospreay into the guardrail but Ospreay hops over and springboards into an elbow. Sasuke Special by Ospreay takes out Pac. Handspring corkscrew kick back in the ring gets a two count. Ospreay looks for Cheeky Nandos but Pac kicks him off, moonsaults off the top, gets caught, and counters into a Tornado DDT! Two count. Liger Bomb by Pac gets another two count. Pac heads up top for the Black Arrow, but Ospreay rolls away from him. Pac charges Ospreay and gets countered with a standing Spanish Fly for two. Pac blocks an Oscutter but catches Ospreay with a superkick to the body. Pump kick to the back of the head! Ospreay hits the ropes and comes off with an Oscutter! Two count. Both guys stand toe-to-toe in the center now, as Ospreay gets the better of it with a hook kick. Both guys are on the apron now and Pac blocks an Oscutter with a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE APRON! YEEEEEEESH. POISONRANA ON THE APRON. Pac rolls Ospreay back in the ring and locks in the Brutalizer in the center of the ring! Ospreay somehow makes it to the bottom rope with his foot. Pump kick by Pac in the corner as hegoes up top for the Black Arrow. Ospreay gets the knees up! Pac counters a Hidden Blade with a roll up. Backflip kick and an enziguiri by Opreay. Rebound German suplex by Pac! Ospreay backflips over Pac and looks for a powerbomb but Pac shifts his weight and DRILLS Ospreay with a Frankensteiner! ANOTHER POISONRANA! Ospreay somehow kicks out at 2.9999999. Brutalizer by Pac! Ospreay somehow walks to his feet to break the hold. Pac tries another Poisonrana but Ospreay shrugs him off and hits one of his own! Hidden Blade! 2.9999999! Ospreay goes for the Oscutter out of the corner but Pac crotches him and follows him up top. Avalanche Poisonrana but Ospreay lands on his feet! RUNNING HIDDEN BLADE THAT TURNS PAC INSIDE OUT! TWO COUNT! Oscutter! Ospreay holds on. Stormbreaker is countered into a Frankensteiner, but Ospreay holds on, stands up, Styles Clash! Hidden Blade! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Rating: ****3/4.

Match #4. Chicago Street Fight: Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway vs. Willow Nightingale

Willow’s hair is braided and she’s wearing white… we know what that means. Stokely hands Statlander a chair to start and Willow pounces her. Buckle bomb by Willow early and a cannonball in the corner! Two count. Both women fight to the apron as Willow tries to suplex Willow to the floor, but she instead opts for a chair shot to the back and a powerbomb through the Spanish announcer’s table. Statlander now throws Willow into the guardrails are ringside as Stokely had set up a table on the outside. Willow is set up on the table and Statlander goes up top, but Willow moves and Statlander Swanton’s through the table but her feet also crack Willow in the back of the head! Brutal landing for both women. Willow pounces Statlander through the guardrail! Larait by Willow on the ramp. Statlander reverses Willow and suplexes her on the stage, as she yells for Stokely to “get the stuff”. Stokely brings out a garbage can full of plunder and cracks Willow with the can on the back. Statlander suplexes Willow on the ramp, missing the garbage can. Statlander has a barbed wire bat and misses, but Willow blasts her with light tubes! G C f’n W, baby. Willow is busted open as Stokely runs from Willow. Statlander now spears Willow off the stage through a table! Statlander brings Willow into the ring and connects with a body slam. Now it’s one by Willow. Double clothesline and both women go down. Willow lays in some heavy right hands and then bites the forehead of Statlander. Statlander ducks a lariat and tosses Willow with a German suplex. Bag of goodies… and it’s thumbtacks. Statlander misses an axe kick and lands in the tacks.. in a split. Yikes. Death Valley Driver by Willow in the tacks! Long two count. Both women head up top and Statlander connects with a Spanish Fly! Statlander wraps a chain around the arm and hits the discus lariat! One, two, no! Statlander grabs a dog collar from underneath the ring and we’ve got ourselves an impromptu dog collar match here. Willow pulls Statlander in and spinebusters her on the tacks! Double lariats here and Willow looks at Statlander one last time… Staturday Night Special! Statlander wraps the dog collar around the neck and mouth of Willow as she pulls back, with Willow in the tacks. Willow gives up!

Winner: Kris Statlander

Rating: ****.

Renee is in the back with Will Ospreay. Ospreay says Pac can have a rematch whenever he wants, but the one guy that’s got to stop collecting a paycheck and try for that title is Ricochet. Here’s Ricochet as both guys jaw at each other.

Match #5. AEW Continental Championship: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Mark Briscoe vs. Konosuke Takeshita w/ Don Callis

Okada and Takeshita dump Cassidy and Briscoe and square off, much to the delight of the fans. Suicide dive by Cassidy to Takeshita and a Satellite DDT to Okada. Briscoe and Takeshita fire elbows at each other and Briscoe follows up with a clothesline in the corner. Avalanche by Briscoe. Taz and Don Callis have joined the commentary table, by the way. Briscoe and Takeshita trade some of the hardest chops I’ve ever heard and Briscoe hits an enziguiri. Briscoe and Cassidy square off, but Okada shows up, only to get dumped. Same to Takeshita. Double baseball slides by Cassidy and Briscoe. Cactus Elbow off the apron by Briscoe! Lazy Elbow by Cassidy… lol. Suplex by Takeshita. Suplex by Briscoe. Suplex by Okada. Another one to Cassidy. Briscoe to Okada. Takeshita to Briscoe. Takeshita to Cassidy. Everyone has suplexed someone twice, except Cassidy. Briscoe to Takeshita. Okada to Briscoe. Cassidy tries again, but it fails, and Okada suplexes him. Briscoe to Okada. Takeshita to Briscoe. Cassidy tries again on Takeshita… but settles for Stundog Millionaire. Finally Cassidy suplexes Takeshita! Takeshita runs into a Cassidy boot but Okada dropkicks Cassidy from the top to the floor. Somersault plancha by Takeshita to the floor. Briscoe sets up a chair and he takes out Takeshita. Briscoe and Cassidy square off now, Conglomeration on Conglomeration violence, baby. Hard elbow by Cassidy but Takeshita and Okada show up and it’s a pair of release German suplexes. Okada and Takeshita are here again and the fans come alive. Dropkick by Okada. Takeshita counters a Rainmaker into a Blue Thunder Bomb! Two count. Okada blocks a Powerdrive knee but eats a big boot. Takeshita sets Cassidy up on the top rope and brings him in hard with a superplex. Froggy Bow by Briscoe on Takeshita out of nowhere! Two count as Okada breaks it up. Body slam by Okada on Briscoe and a diving elbow off the top. Briscoe counters a Jay Driller with a big lariat. Big boot to Okada by Takeshita. Orange Punch by Okada. Takeshita dumps Briscoe to the floor and blocks a Satellite DDT. Overhook tombstone to Cassidy and a Wheelbarrow suplex! Briscoe blocks a Powerdrive knee and hits the Jaydriller on Takeshita! Okada breaks up the pin. Froggy Bow to Takeshita but he gets the knees up. Powerdrive knee by Briscoe but Cassidy breaks it up before the three. Cassidy goes pocket hands and Beach Breaks Takeshita! Orange Punch attempt but Takeshita hits a big right hand. Lariat by Takeshita! Okada dumps Takeshita and hits the Rainmaker on Briscoe. Dropkick to Takeshita! Rainmaker to Cassidy! One, two, three!

Winner and STILL AEW Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

Rating: ***3/4

Match #6. AEW TBS Championship: Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

Lost my streak for the first half of this match. In progress as Mone is kicking Shida in the teeth and follows up with the Three Amigos. Moe looks for a Frog Splash but Shida gets the knees up. Trio of Falcon Arrows but Mone is still out at two. Mone catches a Kitana and hits a shinbreaker. German suplex by Mone. German suplex by Shida. Kitana by Shida… kind of. A second Kitana and she BLASTS Mone in the head. A third Kitana, well, kind of. Shida covers but Mone gets out at one and rolls to the outside…? Weird spot here. Mone grabs the kendo stick and Shida pulls Mone into the ring post. Question mark kick by Shida and a Meteora misses. Mone looks for the Mone Maker but can’t get it, so she chop blocks Shida, and then hits the Mone Maker for the win.

Winner and STILL Champion: Mercedes Mone

Rating: NR

Jim Ross joins the announce table ahead of the championship match.

Match #7. AEW World Heavyweight Championship: Bryan Danielson (c) vs. Jack Perry

It’s THE FINAL COUNT DOWN.. DOO DOO DO DOO DOOOOO. The best. Perry comes out with a riot squad… just in case. Nice arm drag by Perry, before he cools down the fans by rolling to the outside. Danielson quickly wrestles out of a top wrist lock and catches a leap frogging Perry by the ankle. Romero Special by Danielson before grabbing the neck and stretching back. Perry rolls to the outside and Danielson follows with a baseball slide. Springboard somersault senton by Danielson to Perry on the outside! Back in the ring, Danielson tosses Perry with a release German suplex. Danielson follows Perry to the outside and gets superkicked in the face. Draping DDT off the apron by Perry! Shotgun dropkick sends Danielson reeling into the guardrail, and Perry rolls him in the ring and gets a two count. Neckbreaker by Perry for two. Perry with a few chops but Danielson fights back with chops of his own and they are STINGING. Danielson heads up top and Perry catches him and heads up top. Danielson sneaks in between the legs and crotches Danielson. Hammer and anvil elbows on the top rope! Avalanche back suplex by Danielson! YES kicks by Danielson to the chest of Perry, but Perry ducks a high kick and rolls up Danielson for two. Backslide by Danielson but he pivots and locks in the Lebell Lock! Perry inches himself to the bottom rope but Danielson grabs the arm, but Perry uses the leg to get to the rope. Another brutal chop in the corner by Danielson, followed by some roundhouse kicks and mounted punches. Perry locks in the Snare Trap out of nowhere, but Danielson frees himself. Dragon suplex by Perry. Make that two. Danielson rolls to the apron and Perry follows. Roundhouse kicks by Danielson. Chops by Perry. Back and forth here. Perry catches a kick from Danielson, but Danielson counters and butterfly suplexes Perry off the apron to “you deserve it” chants! Back inside the ring, Danielson drops a knee to the arm of Perry! Danielson screams “you wanna be tough” to Perry as he lays in brutal kicks to the stomach, followed by a head kick! Danielson looks for the Busaiku Knee but Perry rolls through a la Lance Storm and does lock in the Snare Trap. Danielson military crawls to the bottom rope but Perry gouges the eyes before breaking. Perry rebounds off the ropes with a huge lariat! Inside cradle by Danielson gets two. High kick by Danielson and Busaiku Knee, but Perry pulls the referee into it! Regal Plex by Danielson and now he’s going to kick his head in. Wrists trapped by Danielson, but here’s the Young Bucks. Bucks jump Danielson and plant him with the TK Driver! Bucks look for BTE Trigger but Claudio and Wheeler are here to chase the Bucks off! Perry tries to wake up the referee and does. Regal Knee by Perry! One, two.. NO! Perry traps the wrists now and proceeds to stomp Danielson’s face before mocking the YES chants. Perry charges and Danielson meets him in the middle of the ring with the Busaiku Knee! Both guys trading shots from their knees now. Perry drops Danielson and then slaps him in the face, waking Danielson up! Danielson walks Perry down as Perry slaps him in the face, but Danielson fires back some over hands and a rolling elbow. Perry flips out of a German suplex but Danieslon is there with another Busiaku Knee. Perry is out at two! Danielson looks surprised Perry kicked out but says NOW IT’S TIME TO KICK HIS EFFIN HEAD IN. Wrist trapped by Danielson and some vicious stomps to the face. Referee looks ready to call it, but Danielson continues. Perry makes his way up to his knees and extends his arms a la Raven… Busaiku Knee! One, two, three.

Winner and STILL AEW World Heavyweight Champion: Bryan Danielson

Rating: ****1/4.

After the match, Killswitch appears from behind and headbutts Danielson. Wait, Christian and The Patriarchy are here with his contract that he won at the Casino Gauntlet.

Jon Moxley is here and he stands in front of The Patriarchy, but here’s Claudio, Wheeler, and Pac! The Patriarchy think better of it and walk to the back as Danielson celebrates. Moxley hits the ring and hugs Danielson, as the BCC celebrate.


The fans chant “this is murder” as Yuta held back in an arm triangle choke. Moxley drops Danielson as he, Claudio, Pac, and Shafir exit through the crowd. The medical team rips the bag off and gets oxygen to Danielson.

Page and Swerve have been locked in their respective lockers until the lights go out after the main event, and now since the lights have come back on… we can have our lights out match!

Match #8. Lights Out Steel Cage Match: Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Page

Both guys are in the cage as it lowers and they try to kill each other, holding them under the lowering cage. Nana saves Swerve and here we go. Rolling Thunder Flatliner and a Housecall by Swerve out of nowhere to start this one. Swerve wants Big Pressure but Hangman fights out and German suplexes Swerve. There’s a giant plastic bucket in the ring and it’s… a staplegun. Hangman staples Swerve in the chest a bunch and Swerve eats them! Swerve chokes Hangman and then staples his back, and then hits a backbreaker. Swerve pulls out the staples and doesn’t flinch. Swerve pulls out pictures of his family and their home, and staples them on Hangman’s chest. Now Swerve staples pictures to Hangman’s face… and then rips them out! Hangman tries to head up top but Swerve hits him in the head with the edge of the chair. Death Valley Driver by Swerve into the cage! Swerve gets crotched on the top rope and Hangman catches him with a double jump lariat. Hangman covers his arm in barbed wire and delivers another big lariat. Hangman wraps some barbed wire around the chain links and throws Swerve into it. Swerve is busted open now and Hangman is putting the boots to him, and grinding his face over the chain links. Big boot by Hangman, who’s now looking for the Buckshot, but the cage is too close and he can’t do it. Swerve fires back some right hands and flying elbows, only to get flap jacked into the steel. Hangman lays into Swerve with some chair shots and the referee tries to take the chair away, but Swerve dives over him with a Housecall. Swerve now has the chair and blasts Hangman’s back. Twice. Three times. Swerve wedges the chair under the top turnbuckle and lawndarts Hangman into it! There’s more stuff in that box, and Swerve pulls out a cinderblock! Swerve tries a piledriver but Hangman blocks it. VERTEBREAKER BY SWERVE ON TO THE CINDERBLOCK! YUCK. Two count. Hangman’s back is covered in blood after that. Swerve sets up a table and heads up top, but Hangman follows and bounces Swerve’s head off the steel pillars. Swerve fights Hangman off and stomps him through the table! Swerve thinks about the Housecall but Hangman catches him with a Deadeye in the middle of the ring for two. Hangman pulls something out of a bag and it’s a giant splinter of burnt wood, from the house that Hangman burnt down the other day. Ya know, Swerve’s house. Both guys fight over the spike and Swerve finally gets it, and stabs Hangman in the head a bunch! Reminiscent of Tully and Magnum. Hangman is on his knees and Swerve is crying, allowing Hangman to low blow Swerve. POWERBOMB ON THE CINDERBLOCK! Swerve somehow kicks out. Hangman mounts Swerve against the ropes and delivers some punches, but Swerve goes underneath and powerbombs Hangman into the cage! Housecall by Swerve sends Hangman’s head into the steel! Another Housecall! Hangman now finds a way to kick out. Swerve heads up top, then pauses, and looks even higher. Swerve goes to the top of the cage and Hangman follows him. Powerbomb off the top! Deadeye! Swerve barely rolls his shoulder before the three count. Hangman grabs the chair and blasts Swerve with the hard edge of it, as Hangman demands that Swerve beg for mercy. Again. Swerve is hurt, but he’s laughing! Hangman rips the grill out of Swerve’s mouth, and goes back to the bag. It’s a hypodermic needle. Hangman has stuck a hypodermic needle through Swerve’s cheek. HANGMAN BLASTS SWERVE IN THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR. SWERVE IS OUT. THIS IS OVER.

Winner: Hangman Page

Rating: ****1/2.

Final Thoughts: A sleeper PPV here, to be honest. All In really commanded the spotlight for the better part of the summer, and this was almost forgotten. However, as usual, AEW overdelivered big time when it counts on PPV. MJF and Garcia opened the PPV hot, Pac and Ospreay took it to the stratosphere, and then Willow and Statlander gave us quite a brawl. The only down spot for me was the AEW TBS Championship match, but Danielson and Perry put on a heck of a match that showcased Perry’s never say die attitude, while giving us an entirely new direction with the BCC. The main event was, another level of violence. Outlaw mudshow level violence, in some people’s minds, I’m sure, but I enjoyed it for what it was and this should be the end of Hangman and Swerve for now. 9/10.

The post AEW All Out 2024 Results appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol