AEW Battle of the Belts XI Results

Back-to-back tonight as we’re hot off the heels of Collision so letls not waste any time!
  • CMLL Women’s Championship Eliminator: Willow Nightingale vs. Deonna Purrazzo
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Toni Storm (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie
  • Ring of Honor World Six-Man Championships: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs vs. The Undisputed Kingdom

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Battle of the Belts XI

Live from the ESports Stadium in Arlington, Texas! Ian Riccaboni joins Tony and Nigel at commentary and here’s the Timeless one!

Match #1. AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Toni Storm (c) vs. Taya Valkyrie

Taya says Toni is old Hollywood and she throws her glasses at her. Toni puts them on and Thesz Presses her, and here we go. Hip attack sends Taya to the floor. Toni sends Taya hard into the guard rail and follows up with some chops to the chest. Electric chair drop onto the apron by Taya and we’re going to commercial. Back from break and Toni catches Taya with a DDT. Taya drops Toni throat-first on the top rope and hits a sliding German suplex for two. Taya wants double unders but settles for a spear. Glam Slam by Taya! Two count. STF by Taya and Toni is trying to crawl to the bottom rope. Shania Pain by Taya! Two count. Headbutt by Toni. Storm Zero! One, two, three.

Winner: Toni Storm

Rating: **1/4. Fine win for Storm, but a win over a relatively unknown to the AEW audience Taya Valkyrie isn’t going to do a heck of a lot in terms of building momentum.

“This tramp is still the champ!” Storm takes the mic and says May was perfect… she was all of her dreams come to life. Sometimes, May was even a better Storm than Toni was. May made one mistake, when Storm was on her knees crying, bleeding, and screaming her name… she should have cut her head off!

Kip Sabian is with Lexy Nair and he said after losing his father, he realized the most important thing for him is becoming the best wrestler. If Nick Wayne can’t let this elimination thing go, than you know where to find him.

Match #2. CMLL Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Willow Nightingale vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Both women trade Greco Roman knuckle locks to start. Deonna looks for a tieres but Willow holds on, kind of, and DROPS HER ON HER NECK. Holy cow. Deonna seems to be alright thankfully. Low crossbody by Willow gets two. Deonna kicks Willow out of the ring and both women fight around the ringside area as we go to commercial. Back from break and Willow delivers some clotheslines with one arm as her other is compromised. Pump kick by Willow and a spinebuster. Two count. Willow wants the Babe with the Powerbomb but Deonna fights out, so Willow delivers a bunch of clotheslines in the corner and a suplex. Willow heads up top for a moonsault but Deonna swipes the legs out and Willow lands HARD on the neck. Two count. Willow fights out of a piledriver and counters with a Death Valley Driver. Two count. Willow sets Deonna up on the top rope and brings her back in the hard way with a superpelx. Willow holds on but Deonna blocks a suplex and delivers some elbows… only for Willow to rebound off the middle rope with a lariat. Taya Valkyrie is here again, armed with a turnbuckle. Taya tries to give Deonna the turnbuckle but it’s right in front of the referee and now here’s Thunder Rosa to fight off Taya. POUNCE back in the ring by Willow. Babe With the Powerbomb and this one is over.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Rating: ***. These two women were on their way to a pretty good match here. Deonna is a very good technical wrestler and the fans love Willow, so this worked well. Both women escaped injury after some scary spots,

Match #4. Ring of Honor World Six-Man Championship: The Kingdom vs. Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs

Dropkick by Marshal to Roddy and here we go. Bennett gets the tag and he gets hip tossed a few times. Taven gets the tag now and he suffers the same fate. Taven in and he dropkicks everyone, but now Marshal is back with dropkicks of his own and triple dropkick by Dustin & company sends the UK to the floor. All six men are on the floor now as Bennett piledrives Dustin on the ramp! Ross is in trouble now as the UK have cut the ring in half and they’re making quick tags. Brainbuster by Taven gets two. Ross flips out of a back suplex and connects with a Slingblade on Taven. Dustin is finally back on the apron after the piledriver and he’s calling for the tag. Ross gets the tag and Dustin cleans house with clotheslines to Bennett and a drop down uppercut. Snap powerslam to Dustin. To Bennett. Bulldog to Taven. Running Destroyer to Taven! Dustin looks for CrossRhodes to Bennett and gets it! Piledriver to Bennett for good measure but Taven and Roddy break up the pin. Dustin looks for Shattered Dreams on Bennett but Taven pulls him out. Spinebuster to Dustin but Taven misses a Lionsault. Roll up by Dustin gets two. Elbow by Bennett, Kick of the King by Taven, and Sick Kick by Roddy! Von Erichs broke up the pin. Ross sends Taven into the guard rail but Taven superkicks him. Marshal gets posted and now the UK grab the title belts. Bennett blasts Dustin with the cowbell! One, two, th-no! Two count! Katsuyori Shibata is here and he puts the claw on Taven! High knee by Ross and a discus lariat by Marshal! Curtain Call by Dustin! One, two, three!

Winners and NEW Ring of Honor World Six-Man Champions: The Von Erichs & Dustin Rhodes

Rating: ***1/2. Dustin Rhodes is the perfect addition to the Von Erichs and the fans ate up every single part of this. Great, feel good moment for Texas and the families here. The match was a lot of fun and the Undisputed Kingdom played their parts perfectly.

Final Thoughts: Nice to see a championship finally crowned on a Battle of the Belts, so that made the show feel important. We knew who was winning the first two matches, which is usually the case with these specials. That said, Storm got a win and cut a good promo and Willow helped establish the CMLL Championship so no harm no foul. The main event was the highlight of the show and it did it’s job. Good stuff. 7.5/10. 

The post AEW Battle of the Belts XI Results appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol