AEW Dynamite Results 7/31/24

More of THE BEAST MORTOS? I’m in.

  • CMLL Women’s World Championship Eliminator: Willow Nightingale (c) vs. Kris Statlander
  • Lance Archer vs. Will Ospreay
  • The Conglomeration vs. Roderick Strong, Rush, & The Beast Mortos
  • Hangman Page vs. Darby Allin

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 7/31/24

Live from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina!

Joined live in progress here and MJF is leaning heavily into the USA vs. United Kingdom thing here. Will Ospreay is here.

Match #1. Lance Archer vs. Will Ospreay

Faceoff… Chokeslam by Archer! Archer sends Ospreay into the turnbuckle and follows up with a series of running elbows. Ospreay sends Archer to the outside and follows up with a Sasuke Special, but Archer catches him and body slams him on the floor. Ospreay sends Archer into the guard rail and Archer tries to pounce him and does. Ospreay tries to go up top inside the ring but Archer catches him and tosses him off the top. The fight spills to the outside again and Ospreay tries to fire back but Archer isn’t having it. Ospreay back flips out of a chokeslam and Ospreay responds with a superkick and a spinning hook kick. Ospreay wants the OsCutter but Archer catches him in mid-air into a spinning Black Hole Slam. Spinebuster by Ospreay gets two. Archer charges and eats a superkick and a Spanish Fly. Standing stomp by Archer and now he wants to go Old School, but Ospreay crotches him. Archer goozles him however, but Ospreay reverses it into an Avalanche Spanish Fly. OsCutter! Long two count. Ospreay lines up the Hidden Blade but he runs into a huge lariat instead. Ospreay counters a Blackout into a Satellite DDT. Running Blade by Ospreay only gets a one count. Hidden Blade by Ospreay finishes this one.

Winner: Will Ospreay

Rating: ***1/4. Fun story and Archer more than held up his end of the bargain. Ospreay took an absolute beating here but fought his way back.

MJF hits the ring after the bell and puts the boots to Ospreay. Brainbuster by The American Hero, MJF. MJF slides on the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but Kyle Fletcher is here to make the save for his best friend, Will Ospreay. Don Callis is here and Fletcher says Ospreay is his brother and that’s why he went against Callis wishes. Fletcher knows MJF doesn’t care about his country, but Fletcher has been given his country, his girl, his car, and his wife by this country. Fletcher wants MJF right now and MJF teases it… but thinks better of it.

Match #2. CMLL World Championship Eliminator: Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway vs. Willow Nightinale

Shotgun dropkick by Statlander to start. Big boot by Willow and both women trade roll ups. Fisherman’s suplex by Willow gets two. Willow misses a cannonball into the LED board on the outside of the ring and we’re going to commercial. Running back elbow by Statlander and she tries a suplex but Willow responds with a Gordbuster and a pair of clotheslines. Spinebuster by Willow gets two. Willow looks for the POUNCEEEEEE but Statlander moves and picks Willow up in an electric chair… drop! Axe kick by Statlander gets two. Both women fight to the apron where Willow plants Statlander with a big Death Valley Driver! Stokely distracts Willow long enough for Statlander to clothesline her from behind. Back in the ring and Statlander comes off the top with a dropkick but Willow counters with a brutal high-angle powerbomb. Two count. DDT by Willow. Two. 450 Splash by Statlander gets two. Stokely passes Statlander a chain behind her back and the referee doesn’t see it. Discus lariat by Statlander with the chain wrapped around her arm… and that’ll do it.

Winner: Kris Statlander

Rating: **3/4. Not a bad match at all but you’d expect a lot more between those two. That’s why we’re getting a rematch, it seems.

After the match. Statlander lays into Willow with a chair as Stokely watches on. Security is here to stop Statlander, so she beats them up, too.

After a commercial break, Bryan Danielson is here. Danielson says it’s great to be in Greenville, and it’s not just a cheap pop, he and his wife got their engagement photos taken here. The fans chant “Brie” and Excalibur wonders if they love cheese. Danielson says you don’t realize it’s the good old days until they’re almost gone. Danielson says he’s lucky because he was able to be present in his career, and he knew when the good old days were, since they were at one point taken away from him. The fans chant “thank you, Bryan” as Danielson gets emotional. Let’s talk promises. Danielson promised his daughter when she was seven that he would stop wrestling full time. Danielson says that his contract ends tomorrow, and he promised himself that he’d give every single thing that he had, and he did. When Danielson came to AEW, he said he was going to kick people’s heads in and he was going to win the title. Over the last three years, he’s kicked a lot of people’s heads in, but he hasn’t won a title… yet. At Wembley Stadium, at All In, it will be his last shot. Danielson will go to Wembley, and he will be present for that moment. Danielson will give you 100% in that moment. Danielson promises that at All In, with his mind, body, and soul… he will go All In.

Who’s house? Here’s Swerve!

Swerve respects Bryan and if it was anyone else… he’d be cheering for him to have his moment. But this is Swerve’s time. Swerve said Danielson couldn’t handle it when they started kicking back. This is not an achievement award that you get after 25 years of service, the belt is something that shows you are the best in the world… and that’s what Swerve is. Swerve beat Ospreay when Danielson couldn’t. Swerve competed at All In and won, when Danielson was too broken down to even get on the flight last year. Maybe Danielson’s body just can’t handle the pressures of being a champion. Swerve promises Danielson that he’s the most dangerous man in AEW, and he won’t be walking out of All In as champion. And… he won’t be walking out period.

Danielson has one more promise. If he doesn’t win the AEW World Championship… he will never wrestle again. Wow. All In… it’s Title vs. Career.

Renee is in the back and she tries to get a word with Bryan Danielson, who walks past her and sees Jeff Jarrett. Danielson challenges Jarrett to a match next week.

Match #3. Trios Match: Rush, The Beast Mortos, & Roderick Strong vs. The Conglomeration

Brawl to start, as expected, as Don Callis joins commentary. Cassidy tries to matador Mortos, and does. Cassidy goes around the world four times but Mortos spears him instead. Mortos and Ishii trade brainbuster attempts but Mortos settles for a belly-to-belly. Shoulder block by Ishii and a vertical suplex! Rush squares off with Ishii and here we go. Double shoulder blocks. Nobody budges. Ishii finally drops Rush, but he gets snap mared and kicked in the back and we’re resetting. Hard chops by Rush but Ishii doesn’t budge. Huge rolling elbow by Rush drops Ishii. Mark Briscoe is in and he squares up with Rush. CHOP FEST. Running boot in the corner by Briscoe and a flying forearm. Briscoe sets up a chair in the ring but Roderick Strong is here with a big dropkick in the face. Fight to the apron and a running Blockbuster to Strong. Briscoe then jumps off the chair and takes out everyone else on the opposite side. Rush and Cassidy are legal now, with Cassidy in trouble quickly. Quick tags now and a double powerbomb and a double shoulder block by Rush and Mortos. Stundog Millionaire to Mortos as Rush misses a corner charge! Briscoe gets the hot tag and it’s Redneck Kung Fu to everyone. Enziguiri to Rush but Strong comes in, as does Ishii. Ishii eats the elbows and chops Strong to the ground. German suplexes to everyone by Ishii. Satellite DDT by Cassidy and a Froggy Bow by Briscoe as Ishii covers, but it’s a pile on and a two count. Twisting suicide dive by Mortos to Briscoe. Rush with a plancha of his own that takes out everyone. Ishii looks for a brainbuster on Strong but Strong breaks free and plants Ishii with the Olympic Slam. Tiger Bomb by Strong gets two. Shotgun dropkick by Briscoe to Mortos but Rush sends him int he corner with a belly-to-belly. Orange Punch to Strong. Pop-up Samoan drop to Cassidy. Briscoe wants the JayDriller but Rush cracks him with a right hand and Mortos hits the Ganso Bomb! One, two, three!

Winners: Roderick Strong, Rush, & Mortos

Rating: ***3/4. This was great from start to finish, as The Conglomeration are cementing themselves as my favorite faction. All the guys in this match looked great and Mortos got a chance to shine, assuming they’re setting up a ROH World Championship match at some point soon.

After the match, Kyle O’Reilly tends to Mark Briscoe.

The Acclaimed say FTR aren’t serious wrestlers because they didn’t show up to face The Acclaimed in their hometown.

Mariah May chose Toni Storm because she never felt anything for her. May says the business was going to eat Storm alive, but it was just May’s turn to eat.

Match #4. Kamille vs. Brittney Jane

Charge by Kamille and here we go. Boots in the corner. Sit-out Doinaot.

Winner: Kamill

Rating: NR

The post AEW Dynamite Results 7/31/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol