AEW Dynamite Results 9/18/24

Grand Slam is next week and we’re finalizing the card tonight!

  • Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho
  • Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos
  • Queen Aminata & Yuka Sazaki vs. Mariah May & Serena Deeb
  • The Elite vs. The Don Callis Family

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 9/18/24

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Marina Shafir are shown entering the arena. Darby is here, too.

Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on commentary and here comes the former International Champion!

Match #1. Orange Cassidy w/ Kyle O’Reilly & Mark Briscoe vs. Chris Jericho w/ Big Bill & Bryan Keith

Everyone squares off to start, but Jericho and Cassidy kick off the match in the ring. Springboard moonsault by Cassidy takes out everyone on the floor! Briscoe with a big dive now, himself. Jericho feigns a dive but Cassidy is here with an Orange Punch that gets two. Jericho rolls to the outside and Cassidy follows up with a suicide dive. Back inside, Jericho looks for a superplex but Cassidy shoves him off. Diving hurricanrana by Cassidy but Jericho catches him and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Cassidy makes his way to the ropes and eventually to the apron, but Jericho sends him to the floor and into the guard rail. Snake Eyes by Jericho on the apron, before grabbing the camera and videoing Cassidy up close. Jericho comes off the top with a double axe handle and continues to put the boots to Cassidy. Cassidy misses a dropkick and Jericho follows up with a Lionsault. Two count. Stundog Millionaire by Cassidy counters a suplex, and a follow up Michinoku Driver gets a two count. Lazy Elbow off the top by Cassidy but Jericho gets his knees up. Both guys fight to the outside now and stand on the guardrail, as Jericho back suplexes Cassidy through a table! Both guys crawl to the ring during the commercial break and slug it out, before falling down in exhaustion. Superkick by Cassidy sends Jericho reeling into the corner, but Jericho fires out with a big clothesline. Two count. Cassidy goes up top for a crossbody and connects. Satellite DDT by Cassidy is blocked into a Walls of Jericho, again in the center of the ring. Cassidy fights to the ropes but Big Bill boots him in the face from the outside, allowing Jericho to get a two count. Kyle O’Reilly fights Bill to the back as a Death Valley Driver by Jericho gets two. Cassidy comes back with a kick to the stomach and a DDT. Satellite DDT by Cassidy! Cassidy goes up top… diving DDT! Long two count. Orange Punch by Cassidy is countered in mid-air with a Code Breaker! Long two count. Cassidy counters Judas Effect and plants Jericho with the Beach Break! Two count. Bryan Keith gets on the apron and Mark Briscoe stops that, but the distraction allows Jericho to pull out of a roll of quarters. Cassidy sees it, takes the quarters, and hits Jericho with an Orange Punch! One, two, three!

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Rating: ***1/4. Bless Orange Cassidy, he got a heck of a lot out of Jericho in this match… which went almost 20 minutes. That’s a tall task, but it was good and really picked up after the table.

Pac and Claudio haven’t heard from Wheeler Yuta since the PPV, as they said last week. Claudio isn’t mad, he’s just disappointed. We’ll see what happens tonight.

Wheeler Yuta left his title in the locker room but commits to defending his trios championship at Grand Slam next week.

Roderick Strong joins the commentary table for the next match.

Match #2. Hook vs. JD Ink

Northern Light’s suplex by Hook. Make that two. Head and arm Hookplex. Crossfaces now by Hook before locking in the RedRum… and this one’s over.

Winner: Hook

Rating: NR

Renee is here with The Patriarchy. Christian said he’s going to hold championships with his son, Nick Wayne, and he wants to be addressed at the future champion going forward. Kip Sabian tries to walk in, but Christian has no time for him and says he’ll bury him next to his father. Woof.

Match #3. Serena Deeb & Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata & Yuka Sakazaki

Yuka and Deeb go hold for hold to start the match. Aminata gets the tag and delivers a running PK as Yuka holds the leg and follows up with a low dropkick. Dragon screw between the ropes by Deeb and a running clothesline to the back. May gets the tag and delivers a big boot as we go to commercial. Deeb back in with a swinging neckbreaker and a two count. Aminata fires back with some right hands and a back body drop before tagging in Yuka. Missile dropkick off the top to Deeb and a hurricanrana to May. Snowplow to Deeb and May gets suplexed on Deeb! Two count. Superkick to Deeb but May is here with a German suplex to Yuka. Aminata with a German to May. Deeb with a German to Aminata. Merry Go Round by Yuka to Deeb. Springboard dive to the outside by Yuka. Magic Girl Splash by Yuka to Deeb! One, two… Mariah May cracks Yuka with the belt and draws the DQ.

Winners via DQ: Yuka Sakazaki & Queen Aminata

Rating: **. This was fine, but it felt kind of thrown together as Yuka is being pushed as a contender seemingly out of nowhere.

Mariah May beats Yuka with the belt before leaving.

Mina Shirakawa says she still misses Mariah May, and she wants to celebrate. Do you really want Mina? Does AEW really want Mina? Mina is coming!

After some technical difficulties, a video package of the history between Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson is shown.

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Marina Shafir are here and they destroy Private Party. Komander tries to make the save but he dives directly into an uppercut. Marina Shafir tosses Alex Abrahantes and Moxley finds a toolkit. Moxley says Private Party have been here since the beginning and they’re in the same spot they’ve been in. Claudio and Marina hold Kassidy’s hand out and Moxley crushes it with a hammer! Darby is here with his skateboard and he takes out Claudio, but Moxley rolls him in the ring and both men square off. Moxley swings as Moxley as Moxley bails. Darby says he’s beating Moxley next week and then walking into Wrestle Dream to take the title.

Match #4. The Beast Mortos vs. Ricochet

Mortos attacks early and forces Ricochet into the corner. Ricochet moves and Mortos goes up and over the top, landing hard. Suicide dive by Ricochet! Springboard clothesline by Ricochet back inside the ring, and a running Shooting Star Press. Two count. Tieres by Ricochet but Mortos shrugs him up and both guys trade arm drags. Mortos handsprings out of a hurricanrana as does Ricochet. Stalemate. Enziguiri by Ricochet and a flipping plancha to the outside, but Mortos catches him and powerbombs him on the apron! Chinlock city as we head to PIP. 619 by Ricochet and a handspring, but Mortos catches him with a huge pop-up Samoan Drop! Two count. Rebound hook kick by Ricochet. Headbutt by Mortos! Mortos looks for a monkey flip but Ricochet dumps him to the floor. Ricochet looks for a somersault plancha but he overshoots it and lands on his feet, kind of, before getting shoved into the guardrail. Mortos looks for another powerbomb but Ricochet counters into a Code Red on the floor! Springboard 450 splash by Ricochet only gets two. Mortos meets Ricochet on the top rope and delivers an avalanche gorilla press! One, two, no! Ricochet counters an inverted fireman’s carry into a Crucifix Bomb! Ricochet looks for the axe kicks and… well, grazes Mortos barely. Vertigo by Ricochet and that’ll do it.

Winner: Ricochet

Rating: ***1/4. Fun sprint here which is exactly what you’d expect, but two obvious missteps took me out of it a bit. Ricochet is so clean so it stands out when things aren’t perfect. Mortos, by the way, also rules and should be on TV every damn week.

Tony Schiavone welcomes Hangman Page to the ring. Page says there are people that have cheered Swerve no matter what he’s done, and a special voice loud and clear above all. A voice coming clear from the commentary desk, as Page turns his attention to Tony Schiavone! Jeff Jarrett is here to make the save for Tony, and both guys brawl through the crowd. Jarrett tries to get a chair but Page bounces him off everything he can find at ringside. Page rolls Jarrett in the ring and looks for the Buckshot, but security finally gets here. Jay Lethal and Satnam Singh are here to pull Jarrett back as well. Jarrett grabs a mic and says everyone in the locker room wants to beat Page’s ass, and he’s at the front of the line.

Renee is with Ricochet… but here’s Will Ospreay. Will says there’s no heat baby, but Ricochet says he’s got Will Ospreay for the International Championship on Dynamite’s 5 Year Anniversary, two weeks away.

Match #5. The Elite vs. Don Callis Family

Running Hurricanrana by Ospreay to Okada, but Takeshita tags himself him. Okada sends Ospreay into Takeshita and the Bucks jump in. Triple sentons from the apron by The Elite, who then pose, roll outside, and pose again. Triple plancha by Don Callis Family. Back in the ring, we reset as Matt back suplexes Ospreay and isolate him from the rest of his team. Okada now tags himself in, snap mares Ospreay, and connects with a single leg sliding dropkick. Fletcher gets the hot tag and he dumps both Bucks with the snap Dragon suplex Running enziguiri to Matthew. One to Nicholas. Brainbuster to Nicholas for two. Corkscrew kick by Nicholas and Okada gets the tag. Okada clears Takeshita from the apron but runs into a Michinoku Driver. Takeshita ges the tag and delivers a huge Takeshitaline to Okada. Running elbow in the corner and a deadlift brainbuster! Diving Senton off the middle rope gets two. Takeshita wants a Blue Thunder Bomb but Okada flips over the top and delives a DDT. Bucks hit the ring but accidentally hit a pair of enziguiris on Okada. Fletcher and Ospreay dump the Bucks to the outside. Running leg lariat by Fletcher and a fireman’s carry into a facebuster by Takeshita. Triple shotgun dropkicks by Don Callis Family but the Bucks make the save. Assisted hurricanrana to Ospreay and a pair of superkicks to Takeshita. Takeshita eats them and he’s back with a double clothesline. Air Raid Crash neckbreaker by Okada to Takeshita. Two count. Running back elbow in the corner by Okada and a tag to Matthew. Diving stomp to Takeshita’s arm as the Bucks tag in and out. Running knee in the corner by Nicholas and assisted Sliced Bread by the Bucks. Two count. Risky Business by the Bucks and now Okada comes off the top with an elbow. No cover, but a bunch of middle fingers instead. Takeshita ducks a BTE Trigger and elbows everyone in the face really hard. Double German to the Bucks! Ospreay gets the tag and fires in with a springboard elbow to Matthew. Handspring Pele kicks to the Bucks. Standing Sky Twister press gets two on Matthew. Superkick Party to Ospreay. Okada drapes Ospreay across the top rope as Nicholas double stomps the back from the top, causing Ospreay to flip directly into a Matthew powerbomb! Two count. Ospreay is here and he gets superkicked a whole bunch. BTE Trigger attempt to Ospreay but Fletcher makes the save. Half-and-half suplex to Nicholas. Runnign boot to Matthew. Double underhooks by Ospreay, right into a sit-out powerbomb by Fletcher! Monster Mafia, Ethan Page and Josh Alexander, used to do that finisher and it’s awesome. Two count. Fletcher wants a powerbomb but Nicholas counters with a rising knee. Double team Cutter to Nicholas by Ospreay and Fletcher. Dropkick by Okada to Takeshita. Takeshita wants the Rainmaker but Takeshita counters with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Somersault plancha to the floor by Takeshita on Okada. Outside-in facebuster by Nicholas on Ospreay and a moonsault off the apron to Takeshita! Bucks want the TK Driver but Fletcher gets free and plants Matthew with the twisting Tombstone! Nicholas breaks up the pin. Fletcher catches a superkick and Ospreay comes out of nowhere with a Hidden Blade! Fidget Spinner to Matthew! One, two, three!

Winners: The Don Callis Family

Rating: ****1/4. No shit this match was anything but awesome. I’ve said it a hundred times but Fletcher and Takeshita are the FUTURE wherever they are, and that was on display here. Ospreay and Fletcher get The Bucks next week for the tag titles, and that story played into this match perfectly.

Final Thoughts: Kind of a messy episode tonight, with no real thread to the show and it kind of felt all over the place. The wrestling was pretty good, the main event especially, but we’ve got a decent amount of time before WrestleDream, though, so there isn’t a huge sense of urgency. Go out of your way to see the main event, though. 7.5/10. 

The post AEW Dynamite Results 9/18/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol