- Wheeler Yuta vs. The Butcher
- Harley Cameron vs. Nyla Rose
- Bryan Keith vs. Jackson Drake
- Brian Cage vs Manny Lo
- MxM Collection vs. Private Party
Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!
AEW Rampage 8/2/24
From the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina!
Match #1. Butcher vs. Wheeler Yuta
Yuta eats a few hard shots from Butcher but comes back with a big elbow an a diving Octopus Hold. Butcher gets free and drops Yuta with a discus lariat. Big clothesline in the corner by Butcher and a one count. Back body drop by Butcher but Yuta sends him to the outside. Tope suicida by Yuta. who then tosses Butcher into the steel guardrail. Back inside the ring and Butcher counters with a big choke breaker! Two count. Butcher sets Yuta up on the top rope and he shoves Butcher off and follows up with a diving crossbody. Yuta goes up and over with a flying clothesline. Manhattan Drop and an enziguiri by Yuta. Flying elbow in the corner and one off the top rope. Deadlift German suplex by Yuta, with a bridge, for two. Yuta stomps the elbow of Butcher and locks in a kimura. Butcher powers out with a back breaker. HARD powerbomb by Butcher! Two count. Yuta paintbrushes Butcher, who then beats him down with overhand. Yuta backflips out of a back suplex and hammerlocks the arm and throws him into the top turnbuckle. Double overhook from behind and hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Cattle Mutiliation by Yuta! Butcher taps.
Winner: Wheeler Yuta
Rating: **3/4. Fine opener here and a good win for Yuta.
MxM Collection cut a straight edge promo.
Match #2. Brian Cage vs. Manny Lo
Belly-to-belly by Cage and a big Cutter. Weapon X by Cage and this one is over.
Winner: Brian Cage
Rating: NR
Kyle Fletcher and Don Callis are with Renee. Callis says that we didn’t need to get involved in Will Ospreay’s business, but Brian Cage is here and he thinks he should be the one talking to Renee. Fletcher says he wants a warm up before next Wednesday, and he and Cage will settle it tomorrow.
Match #3. Harley Cameron vs. Nyla Rose
Shoulder blocks by Nyla as she dumps Cameron outside. Baseball slide by Nyla sends Cameron reeling. Cameron posts Rose on the outside and tosses her into the guardrail. Cameron sends Nyla into the turnbuckles inside the ring as we go to commercial. Cameron looks for a tieres but Nyla counters with a powerslam and a big leg drop. Running back elbow by Nyla gets two. Jawbreaker by Cameron and a monkey flip attempt, but Nyla catches her with a World’s Strongest Slam. Cannonball in the corner by Nyla misses. Question mark kick, kind of, by Cameron and a Shining Wizard. Two count. Tieres by Cameron and a running splash in the corner. Bronco Buster by Cameron but Nyla holds on, stands up, and plants her with the Beast Bomb for the finish.
Winner: Nyla Rose
Rating: **1/4. Cameron got a ton of offense in, which is nice, but the right person won in the end.
Match #4. Bryan Keith w/ The Learning Tree vs. Jackson Drake
Keith gouges the eyes and here we go. High roundhouse kick by Keith. Hammer throw into the middle buckle by Keith. Tree of Woe by Keith and a huge running boot in the corner. Diamond Dust by Keith and this one’s over.
Winner: Bryan Keith
Rating: NR
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