
Alexa Bliss Opens Up On Wrestlers Dealing With Negative Fans On Social Media


Speaking with Alistair McGeorge of Metro, Alexa Bliss discussed the cruelty wrestlers face from fans on social media.

She expressed her opinion that many fans are unaware of the demanding, both physically and mentally draining, lifestyle of a wrestler.

“I feel like a lot of people don’t really understand – nine times out of 10 when you see us performing, we are going on no sleep, we are going on beat up bodies because we do travel four, five, six days a week. We are emotionally exhausted, we are mentally exhausted, we are physically exhausted but we are doing it to entertain everyone else,” Bliss said.

Everyone has the right to express themselves, but the former Raw Women’s Champion said it is inappropriate when people criticize the real person who created a character. She said that when the performers are giving it their all every night, the brutality may be demoralizing.

“I agree that everyone should have the right to speak their opinion. But when you talk about us as human beings, people, and not our characters, that’s where the line stops and I don’t feel like that’s OK. But we do it because we love what we do, we love entertaining people. It’s really disheartening and heartbreaking when we are putting our all out there,” Bliss said.

Bliss acknowledged that it can be challenging to perform at her peak in the ring, but she always makes an effort to give it her all. She continued by stating that it is excessive for detractors to say that talent should be dismissed.

“It’s my physical best. I know it may look like my best, but that’s all the energy I had to give that day. I gave my personal all. We’re told how terrible we are and how we should be fired – that’s not nice, and people forget that there is a person behind the character we are portraying on TV,” she said.

The WWE Raw star continued by expressing gratitude to the appreciative audience. She said that talent values their assistance and always gives 100% to provide the public with what they deserve. Bliss said it’s on the fans if that’s not enough for them.

“There are people that are so nice on social media and appreciate what we do, and we appreciate that appreciation back,. We will always give our all, we will always give every moment to the crowd because they deserve it. They’re spending their money, they’re traveling, they’re doing all these things to watch us so we owe it to them to give it our ultimate best. If it’s not enough for some people, it’s on them I guess,” Bliss said.

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