
Ariane Andrew Reveals What She Thinks The Current WWE Women’s Division Is Missing


Pro-wrestling star Ariane Andrew (fka as Cameron in WWE) was a recent guest on the Wrestling Inc. Daily to discuss a wide range to topics, most notably naming what she thinks is missing in the current WWE women’s division. Hear Andrew’s full thoughts on the subject below.

Compliments Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks for making history at Mania:

I think [Naomi would knock it out of the park] too. I never want to bash a place that gave me such an amazing opportunity to be where I’m at now. But I do think the thing that is lacking at the moment in the Women’s division is they went so far left with creating a revolution to have women who are badass, which I think is great. [They are] giving them an opportunity to main event. Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair, I mean, that’s history. When have we ever seen two black women, and I’m not a person [to make things] about race. But to have that WrestleMania moment, that was major.

Says that the women’s division is an underdog:

But what’s missing in the Women’s division is. . .if you start seeing the same thing, I don’t care how talented someone is, that person who used to be the underdog that has now elevated, you start to almost become upset. Because you want to see the next underdog, [you want to see] the next person get that opportunity. What I’ve learned as a fan from watching wrestling is you want the underdog to prevail. That’s why people watch wrestling. Because it’s an average person who isn’t rich, [doesn’t] have these amazing things in life. When they look at someone who is an underdog it’s like you’re looking at yourself and you are like, ‘Damn, I want that person to have that because it feels like that’s me.’ Let’s take away race. Black, white, man, woman, it doesn’t matter. I feel like what wrestling does is [it tells] the person watching it, ‘F*ck race, f*ck color, f*ck gender.’ It’s about saying, ‘Damn, if that person can do it so can I.’ And I think what is missing at this moment is you keep seeing the same s–t over and over, eventually you’re like, ‘I want the next underdog.’ Think about when Zack Ryder, think about that moment where everyone was like, ‘What the f*ck?!’ I feel like what [the WWE] is missing right now is a, ‘What the f*ck?!’ moment.

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