
Athena limps out of ROH match with rumored injury


Rumors were abound that Athena suffered an ankle injury, as reported by PWInsider, during an ROH TV taping on May 16. That match aired on episode 66 (May 30, 2024), and it was clear that the Fallen Goddess was in pain limping.

Athena wrestled Viva Van in a Proving Ground match. A win or a draw by Van would mean she earns a shot at the ROH Women’s World Championship.

Van found success with the armbar. ARMBAR! Athena inched under the ropes to pull Van outside for a powerbomb on the floor. The Forever Champ took control. When Athena taunted Van, the underdog snatched that limb for another armbar. Athena escaped and charged toward Van. This is when the injury happened. Van ducked low to pull down the middle rope, and Athena shot through falling down to the floor. It was a typical tactic to outsmart an overzealous opponent. The landing was out of view from the camera angle on screen. When Athena re-entered the ring, she was clearly compromised in pain standing on one leg. They went straight to the finish. Van ran forward, and Athena blasted her with a knockout blow to win. In this image, Athena is loading up without putting any weight on her injured leg.


Athena has carried the ROH Women’s World Championship for 533 days and counting. Her next big title defense would be at Death Before Dishonor on July 26. That should give Athena plenty of time to heal. There is currently no indication that she is in danger of missing the PPV.

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