Bobby Lashley Says He Would ‘Definitely’ Love To Fight Jake Hager In Bellator MMA


WWE Champion Bobby Lashley made an appearance on the Battleground Podcast to promote SummerSlam where he’ll defend the title against Goldberg. 

During it, was asked if he would want to take on AEW’s Jake Hager in an MMA fight since their both under contract with Bellator MMA. 

“I’m a fighter. When it comes to doing something like that, yes, I do want another fight. Yes, I would like to fight more. I’m never one of those guys that call out, I don’t want to see the headlines that say, ‘Oh, Bobby Lashley calls out so and so’, because that’s not what it is. I think Hager, I think he’s doing great. I think he’s moving up. He almost got the Fedor fight. I think he was politicking for that for a while, but a fight with him is something that would be cool, and I would definitely do it. I would probably fight anybody if I went back to fighting, so I’m not saying it’s one particular person I’m looking for.  Wrestling fans would love to see one wrestler fight another wrestler, and I think he’s probably the only one that’s fighting right now that’s an option. It’s not one of those things that I want to call him out, but it would be a cool fight, and definitely entertaining.”

H/T to

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