
Booker T Questions Whether WWE Can Trust Keith Lee After His Health Issue


Booker T discussed a wide range of topics on a recent episode of his Hall of Fame podcast. 

During it, Booker T talked about Keith Lee and whether WWE management trusts to book him in a major way due to his health issues earlier this year. 

Lee said in a video on YouTube that he contracted COVID-19 in January and that was why he missed TV for 3 weeks. He returned only to go on hiatus for months as there was an issue with his heart and thus, he was forbidden from training as there was a fear that he could pass away if he put a strain on his heart. The inflammation in his heart eventually went down to normal and he was eventually cleared to return. 

“Hey man, you know what? I think the verdict’s still out on Keith Lee. I know some people are gonna be talking about, ‘What is he talking about?’ I think the verdict is still out on Keith Lee as far as how far this guy’s gonna go. Is he the next big thing? I don’t know what the injury was still to this point and I really don’t care. It’s not my business or anything like that.

But I do know one thing about the business and getting to that certain spot, you gotta be trusted. And I’m not saying trusted whether I can leave my wallet lying around or anything like that [laughs]. I’m talking about trusted to be able to make all these shows. All of them. You cannot call in sick when you’re the champion. You cannot call in and say, ‘Hey, I’m not gonna be able to make it today because I gotta take my daughter to work.’ ‘I’m not gonna be able to make it because somebody died.’

I’m just saying, it’s a rough spot to be in. I was reading something, an ex-WWE writer, I didn’t see who the writer was. I don’t know if they said his name or if he was nameless, said that Keith Lee would never get over in WWE. And the thing is, he could be right 100 percent and it’s gonna take someone like Keith Lee to make them wrong.”

H/T to SEScoops for the quotes

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