
Britt Baker On Rebel’s Knee Injury


During her interview with TalkSport, Britt Baker spoke on Rebel’s recent knee injury. Here’s what she had to say:

I was kind of unaware what was going on [in the ring]. I had a lot going on too because I got powerbombed through a table, so that was miserable. So we met back up in the medical room. I was in there after the table bump, she was in there because her knee popped out. But, as a team, we had a nice little squat in the back, got the knee popped right back in. We had a nice little shot to celebrate and, you know, Reba is a trooper! She’s a badass. We hung out the rest of the night, had a couple of drinks and some food and of course, she’s got some soreness, some swelling, this and that but she’s good to go. She’s going to be fine.

You can check out the interview HERE.

Credit: TalkSport.

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