
Dynamite Beach Break recap and reactions: Face of the women’s division


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AEW Dynamite (July 3, 2024) emanated from Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL. The Breach Break special featured Dr. Britt Baker DMD challenging Mercedes Moné, MJF going berserk with violence, Hangman Page returning as a loose cannon, and more on the fallout to Forbidden Door.

Catch up on all the details with the excellent play-by-play from Claire Elizabeth.

Face of the women’s division

Mercedes Moné became a double champ at Forbidden Door, but Dr. Britt Baker DMD decided to reveal her return in the aftermath to steal some of the spotlight. Soon, it will be time to determine who really is the face of the women’s division in AEW. The two superstars confronted each other on Dynamite.

Baker was out first to address the crowd and hug Tony Schiavone. The dentist mentioned that her absence was due to suffering a transient ischemic attack, which is like a mini stroke with not enough blood flowing to her brain. Baker needed time to recover.

Attention turned to Mercedes holding the TBS Championship as the face of women’s wrestling in AEW. It sounded like jealousy dripping from Baker’s sarcasm to run down Mercedes. The CEO arrived like a boss to cut off Baker’s ramblings. She schmoozed with the EVPs to start her championship celebration.

The crew set up balloons and decorations while Baker remained standing in the ring. Mercedes made her grand entrance to dance. Upon realizing Baker was still present, the CEO made a face of disgust. I was hoping Mercedes would quote a Doc Holliday line from Tombstone, “I apologize. I forget you were there. You may go now.” Baker stood pat being a good sport about having her spotlight stolen like she did to Mercedes. Baker had a simple request. All In. Mercedes dished a sassy pie-face in response. Get to the back of line.

Great scene to fire up this feud. On a serious note, it’s a happy return for Baker to be cleared from her medical issues. On a story note, AEW leaned into the naturally positive reaction to embrace Baker as a babyface. If there was any doubt, they doubled down by having Mercedes associate with the evil EVPs. I don’t think they overdid it though, and I like that. Fans can choose which wrestler to support. Mercedes was just paying back the favor to steal the spotlight. In my view, she shined brighter as the star. Part of that is Mercedes decked out in flashy fashion while Baker spoke plainly from the heart in normal clothes. I can’t wait to see next time they meet when Baker is in full pro wrestler mode. Whichever side you choose, energy is electric for two of the biggest stars in AEW to clash. I’m pumped for it.

MJF is a scumbag

News flash, slick! MJF is a scumbag. I know, I know. That’s not a revelation. Just in case there were any doubts after his fan friendly return from injury, MJF made sure to hammer home the point. He did so with a ruthless attack on Daniel Garcia.

The main event of the evening was Will Ospreay defending the AEW International Championship against Garcia. MJF started as pals with his little buddy by offering his coaching services for the bout. Maxwell even received the stamp of approval from Daddy Magic.

Over in Ospreay’s corner, he finally cut ties with Don Callis. He doesn’t have that killer’s edge anymore. Ospreay was grateful for the opportunities that Callis provided. Callis responded by granting that wish to part ways, and perhaps he will ask for a favor from Ospreay one day. The cameras made sure to portray Callis as a snake in the grass, so this story will be continued at some point.

Garcia brought his best to attack the neck with neckbreakers, DDTs, and piledrivers. He even danced his crotch into Ospreay’s face.

MJF was supportive throughout. In the end, he handed the Dynamite Diamond Ring to Garcia as a foreign object. Garcia milked the drama debating to use it. He decided to hand the ring back to MJF. Boom! Garcia turned around into a Hidden Blade from Ospreay to finish the match.

Business really picked up in the aftermath. Garcia was in tears about his blown opportunity. Ospreay consoled the young warrior, then MJF did the same. MJF gave a hug to Garcia and kicked him in the groin. MJF went full scumbag to violently punch Garcia with the ring into a bloody mess. He executed an avalanche piledriver as the parting blow. Ospreay eventually returned, and MJF fled from the scene. Garcia was loaded onto a stretcher by medical staff.

Whoa, that escalated quickly. One second MJF was genuinely supporting Garcia, and the next minute he was pounding Garcia’s face into chopped meat. I’m not so sure this can be explained as an evil heel turn. Obviously, MJF is the heel now against Ospreay and Garcia, but I mean that I viewed it as killing two birds with one stone. The less evil explanation is a lesson of tough love to Garcia. Those kind of antics are how MJF made it to the top, so he’s showing Garcia the necessary mentality. Garcia will definitely be fueled to come back better than ever. The more evil plot is using Garcia after the fact to send a message to Ospreay. I wouldn’t expect anything less from a scumbag.

Let’s jam through the rest of Dynamite.

Owen Hart Cup semifinal: Bryan Danielson defeated PAC. Down the stretch, Danielson connected on the Busaiku Knee, but he was slow to cover due to previous damage taking its toll. PAC countered the pin into a Brutalizer submission. Danielson forced a roll-up to transition to the LeBell Lock. PAC forced a roll-up to escape. Danielson countered with a crucifix pin to win.

Two studs working their craft. Danielson squeaked by in victory, and PAC was protected as an equal in a flash defeat. The story moving forward for Danielson could be the health of his body. Wrestlers are never 100% healthy, but the American Dragon has weak spots in the neck and shoulder to be targeted.

Team AEW in Blood & Guts. Mark Briscoe declared himself as the first member of Team AEW for Blood & Guts against the Elite. Jack Perry attacked him from behind. Kyle O’Reilly ran in for the save, then Okada flattened him with a Rainmaker. The Young Bucks gloated on stage and entered the ring for a BTE Trigger to Briscoe. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn ran out as the Elite skedaddled to safety.

Briscoe is a good choice for Team AEW. Four spots remain. The Acclaimed fit the bill as well. Swerve Strickland talked a big game previously about representing AEW, and he has beef with the Elite. We’ll see if he backs up his talk. I’m curious if Kyle O’Reilly gets the call, because there are other higher profile stars, such as Orange Cassidy.

Owen Hart Cup semifinal: Willow Nightingale defeated Kris Statlander. Willow delivered a babyface promo about the power of smiling.

The fight started on stage. Willow pounced Statlander to roll down the ramp to the ring.

In the end, Stokely Hathaway placed a steel chain in the corner for Statlander to retrieve. Statlander wound up for a punch, Willow ducked, and Statlander stopped short of clocking Stooley. Willow took advantage of the pause for a roll-up to win.

Good round one for this grudge. Willow and Statlander started with fire in their eyes and threw down heavy moves. Willow’s avalanche German suplex was particularly delightful. There is plenty of fighting left to warrant a more aggressive rematch once the tournament is over. Willow is an interesting choice to win, since it guarantees a babyface versus babyface final. I like that AEW doesn’t shy away from those matchups in tournaments, so that the outcomes are tougher to predict.

Samoa Joe, Katsuyori Shibata, & Hook defeated Brian Cage & Gates of Agony. Chris Jericho arrived before the bout to join commentary and have Taz removed from the venue, thanks to paperwork approved by the EVPs. Jericho didn’t feel safe in Taz’s presence.

The hosses hossed up to satisfaction. On a triple chokeslam from the heels, the heroes all countered for a triple choke. Joe was the official winner on Toa Liona. Afterward, the Learning Tree ambushed the winner. Bryan Keith smashed Shibata’s arm with a chair as payback. Big Bill cracked Joe in the back with a chair. Jericho cleaned Hook’s clock with a brass knuckles punch. Bill finished the pain with a chokeslam to Hook through a table.

The lessons weren’t over for Hook. The wizard flashed a fireball.

The trios match was blast of heavy hitting dudes. The finish was a fun way to demonstrate teamwork chemistry. Jericho made the most of his TV Time. -match beatdown on Hook was brutal, but the fireball takes the animosity to a higher level. Hook is going to rage on the Learning Tree with pruning shears. All together, this was a great job to create anticipation in wanting to Hook’s big payback.

Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinal: Hangman Page defeated Jeff Jarrett. Double J was in his feelings in memory to Owen.

Hangman was revealed as the Elite’s hand-picked wildcard. The cowboy was extra vicious with a powerbomb on the apron and smashing Jarrett’s head into the ring steps. Jarrett rallied with the Stroke on the apron. He also delivered a handful of Owen’s signature moves, such as the sharpshooter.

Hangman’s mood was all about dishing out punishment. After hitting a Deadeye piledriver, he decided to attack more. That’s when a buckshot lariat was countered into the sharpshooter. But Hangman escaped and connected a buckshot lariat. He added a second Deadeye to finish the job. Hangman advances to wrestle Jay White in the semifinal on Collision.

Backstage, the Young Bucks tried to buddy up with Hangman. He wasn’t having it. Hangman glared with angry eyes and wanted no part of being on their Blood & Guts team.

Wow, that was an intense return from Hangman. Not only did he tear through Jarrett, he grew a set of cojones to see through the Elite’s bullshit. He was a wild man. Hangman’s new character shift demanded my attention.

Speaking of the EVPs, I really like how effort was put into re-establishing their power. The Young Bucks have been quiet on that front in recent week since winning Anarchy in the Arena. On this episode, they were back using favors to cultivate relationships. That dynamic gives a greater excitement in the air. They’re conniving knows no bounds, so it keeps viewers on their toes to see what happens next.

Notes: Toni Storm pep talked Mariah May for her match against Hikaru Shida in the Owen Hart Cup tournament on Collision. Storm advised that as long as Mariah digests thunder and defecates lighting then not a damn thing can stop her.

For those wondering, Swerve Strickland was not on the show. AEW advertised his return for next week.

Stud of the Show: Hangman Page

Impactful return inside and outside of the ring.

Match of the Night: Willow Nightingale vs. Kris Statlander

It wasn’t the cleanest, but they delivered where it mattered most in aggression to service the feud.

Grade: A-

There’s not much more to want from a fallout episode. Action rocked the ring as usual, and explosive angles were presented. This is the type of episode that makes me eager to tune in next week to see the next chapter.

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