
Grayson Murray died from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning: Details


The news of Grayson Murray’s death shocked the public. The 30-year-old golfer who was part of the PGA Tour passed away a few days ago. Immediately, reactions poured in from golf fans, popular golfers, and many others. Grayson was a talented and skilled golfer who particularly attracted attention with his talent in his junior days. 

What many didn’t know was that Murray had committed suicide. This was confirmed by his parents the day after his death. 

Now, several days later, the Daily Mail reports that Murray took his own life by poisoning himself with carbon monoxide after filling his house with toxic gases. Apparently, Murray left his car (a Land Rover) running in the ground-floor garage, then went upstairs, where the car pumped gases. After some time, the alarm went off, and the police came to his estate, where he lived with his fiancée.

One of his neighbors, who wished to remain anonymous, thought that perhaps a child had started the car. However, the situation was quite different.

‘My thought was maybe it was a kid revving a car. I went outside to investigate but by then there was no sound. What I later heard is that he started the car in the garage and went upstairs. He went to sleep and never woke up. People only found out because the CO alarm kept going off.’- he said.

Murray withdrew from the Charles Schwab Challenge several days earlier, citing that he wasn’t feeling his best. His parents were also left shocked, considering it seemed like Murray was recovering from anxiety and depression that had been haunting him for years. 

This popular golfer had openly spoken about the mental issues he faced. Murray recently admitted to overcoming alcoholism and turning a new leaf in his life. Yet, it seems that Grayson still struggled with his demons. His parents still have trouble coming to terms with the fact that their son is no longer among the living.

‘We have spent the last 24 hours trying to come to terms with the fact that our son is gone,’ his parents, Eric and Terry Murray said.

‘It’s surreal that we not only have to admit it to ourselves, but that we also have to acknowledge it to the world. It’s a nightmare.’

His family has admitted that they have been a huge support for the popular golfer since day one. They knew that Grayson struggled with depression and anxiety, and they were always open to helping him and providing support. It also seems that the parents believed that things were getting better, but unfortunately, what they feared the most happened.

‘We have so many questions that have no answers. But one. Was Grayson loved? The answer is yes. By us, his brother Cameron, his sister Erica, all of his extended family, by his friends, by his fellow players and – it seems – by many of you who are reading this. He was loved and he will be missed.’- they continued.

Grayson Murray

Grayson Murray© Andrew Redington/Getty Images Sport


People close to him have been saying in the past few days that it seemed like Murray had turned a new leaf in his life and appeared positive, ready for new challenges. He even recently spoke about his family in superlatives, happy to have a wonderful fiancée who was a tremendous support to him. 

Grayson admitted that he still has tough days, but he manages to find peace much more easily. Grayson also confirmed that he values everyone’s support, not just his parents’, given that the struggle with anxiety and depression is not easy.

CO and its danger

Carbon monoxide, despite its simple chemical formula (CO), can be a serious threat to your life. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that does not irritate mucous membranes – making it practically imperceptible until it’s too late. Carbon monoxide is produced as a byproduct of burning substances containing carbon without sufficient oxygen in the air, which occurs in households when burning wood in a fireplace or stoves and with gas ovens, including gas boilers. Additionally, it is abundant in car exhaust fumes, which can be especially dangerous if you start the car in a closed garage and then let it run to warm up the engine.

At concentrations above 1% (10,000 ppm), carbon monoxide incapacitates its victim after just a few breaths, and death occurs within a few minutes. At such concentrations, death occurs so rapidly and painlessly – practically unnoticed – that as a curiosity, we can mention the fact that in 2001, suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning from burning charcoal in a closed space accounted for as much as 25% of self-inflicted deaths in Hong Kong.

To mention: If you are suffering from depression, be sure to reach out to a professional and seek help. There is no situation that is hopeless.

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