
IMPACT Wrestling Results 3/30/21


IMPACT Wrestling Results 3/30/21

The Skyway Studios

Nashville, Tennessee

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs. Jessica Havok & Nevaeh

Kiera Hogan and Jessica Havok will start things off. Havok blocks a boot from Hogan. Havok with a knee lift. Havok with a Hair Biel. Hogan decks Havok with a back elbow smash. Havok with a BackBreaker/Lariat Combination. Havok launches Hogan to the corner. Havok tags in Nevaeh. Pendulum BackBreaker/Running Lariat Combination for a two count. Nevaeh with the irish whip. Neveah with two shoulder blocks. Following a snap mare takeover, Nevaeh with a running neck snap. Nevaeh with a basement dropkick for a two count. Nevaeh applies a front face lock. Nevaeh tags in Havok. Nevaeh with another shoulder tackle. Double Irish Whip. Nevaeh with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Havok with a corner clothesline.

Havok talks smack to Steelz. Hogan crawls under Havok. Hogan tags in Steelz. Double Dropkick. Steelz with a Flying Forearm Smash. Steelz with a lifting uppercut. Steelz sweeps out the legs of Havok. Steelz tags in Hogan. Hogan with a Wrap Around Dropkick for a two count. Hogan applies a front face lock. Steelz tags herself in. Steelz repeatedly stomps on Havok’s chest. Steelz puts her leg on the back of Havok’s neck. Steelz hooks the outside leg for a one count. Steelz applies a rear chin lock. Havok with elbows into the midsection of Steelz. Steelz pulls Havok down to the mat. Steelz flexes her muscles. Steelz hooks the outside leg for a two count. Steelz applies a front face lock. Hogan tags herself in. Hogan kicks Havok in the back for a two count. Hogan applies a rear chin lock. Hogan tags in Steelz. Following a snap mare takeover, Steelz pie faces Havok. Steelz with a Pump Kick. Havok reverses out of the irish whip from Steelz. Havok catches Steelz in mid-air.

Havok with a Fallaway Slam. Havok tags in Nevaeh. Nevaeh clotheslines Steelz. Nevaeh scores the elbow knockdown. Nevaeh with a knee lift to Hogan. Nevaeh drops Steelz with The STO. Nevaeh with a German Suplex for a two count. Steelz denies The Modified Twisting DDT. Steelz drives Nevaeh back first into the turnbuckles. Havok tags herself in. Short-Arm Reversal by Steelz. Steelz hits The CodeBreaker. Steelz starts twerking. Havok connects with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Havok takes a swipe at Hogan. Havok goes for The Tombstone PileDriver, but Steelz lands back on her feet. Steelz tags in Hogan. Hogan with a DDT. Nevaeh answers with a Face Plant. Steelz nails Nevaeh with The Cutter. Hogan SuperKicks Havok. Fire and Flava plants Havok with their Swinging Fisherman’s NeckBreaker/Frog Splash Combination to pickup the victory. After the match, Nevaeh turns on Havok. Nevaeh Spears Havok. Nevaeh transitions into a ground and pound attack. Nevaeh plants Havok with The Modified Twisting DDT.

Winner: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz via Pinfall

– Jazz laid out Susan Yung in the backstage area.

– James Storm had an AMW Reunion with Chris Harris

– Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers don’t seem to be impressed with David Finlay’s recent success in the 2021 New Japan Cup.

Second Match Sami Callihan vs. Larry D w/Acey Romero

Callihan starts things off with The Pump Kick. Forearm Exchange. Callihan delivers his combination offense. Larry drops Callihan with a Body Block. Larry goes for a Running Splash, but Callihan ducks out of the way. Callihan repeatedly drives his knee into Larry’s ribs. Callihan with a sharp knee strike that sends Larry tumbling to the floor. Callihan ducks a clothesline from Larry. Callihan with a back chop. Callihan with a SpringBoard Clothesline. Larry catches Callihan in mid-air. Larry sends Callihan back first into the edge of the ring frame. Larry punches Callihan in the back. Larry with a forearm smash. Larry with a Belly to Back Suplex on the ring apron. Larry rolls Callihan back into the ring. Larry has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Larry dumps Callihan out of the ring. Larry tells the referee to get out of his way. Larry with a forearm smash. Callihan kicks Larry in the gut. Callihan rakes the eyes of Larry. Larry decks Callihan with a back elbow smash. Larry with forearm shivers. Larry tees off on Callihan.

Callihan wants more punishment. Larry rolls Callihan back into the ring. Larry stomps on Callihan’s back. Larry goes for a Bodyslam, but Callihan lands back on his feet. Larry with another back elbow smash. Running Clothesline/Forearm Exchange. Callihan tugs on Larry’s hair. Callihan with clubbing palm strikes. Larry ducks a clothesline from Callihan. Larry drops Callihan with The Discus Lariat. Larry connects with The Running Splash for a two count. Larry with two short-arm clotheslines. Callihan answers with a forearm smash. Larry kicks Callihan in the face. Callihan with an open palm strike. Callihan hits The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Larry denies The Spike PileDriver. Callihan and Larry are trading back and forth shots. Callihan fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Callihan rakes the eyes of Larry. Larry with a straight right hand. Callihan kicks Larry in the face. Callihan plants Larry with The Heat Seeker to pickup the victory. After the match, Acey Romero attacks Callihan from behind. Romero drops Callihan with The Side Walk Slam.

Winner: Sami Callihan via Pinfall

– Jazz tells Tommy Dreamer that she’ll put her career on the line at Hardcore Justice for another shot at the IMPACT Knockouts Title.

– Kenny Omega & Don Callis paid a visit to Johnny Swinger’s Palace.

– Rohit Raju is trying to strike a business relationship with Hernandez. Hernandez wants upfront cash.

– Violent By Design Vignette.

– Next week on IMPACT Wrestling, Kenny Omega & The Good Brothers will battle Rich Swann, Willie Mack, and Eddie Edwards In A 6-Man Tag Team Match.

Third Match: Brian Myers vs. Suicide

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Myers applies a side headlock. Suicide whips Myers across the ring. Myers drops Suicide with a shoulder tackle. Suicide drops down on the canvas. Suicide leapfrogs over Myers. Myers sends Suicide to the corner. Suicide with a Headscissors Takeover. Suicide ducks a clothesline from Myers. Suicide with an Atomic Drop. Suicide with a low dropkick. Suicide applies The Octopus Stretch. Myers grabs the top rope which forces the break. Myers delivers a gut punch. Myers with a straight right hand. Myers with a throat thrust.

Myers transitions into a ground and pound attack. Myers talks smack to Suicide. Myers drives his knee into Suicide’s back. Myers applies a rear chin lock. Suicide with rapid fire sumo strikes. Myers reverses out of the irish whip from Suicide. Myers blocks a boot from Suicide. Suicide with a ShotGun Dropkick. Myers thrust kicks the midsection of Suicide. Myers hits The Michinoku Driver for a two count. Myers toys around with Suicide. Suicide is displaying his fighting spirit. Myers drops Suicide with The Flatliner. Myers connects with The Roster Cut to pickup the victory.

Winner: Brian Myers via Pinfall

Fourth Match: Ace Austin & Madman Fulton vs. TJ Perkins & Josh Alexander

Madman Fulton and Josh Alexander will start things off. Alexander with a waist lock go-behind. Fulton applies a front face lock. Fulton launches Alexander to the corner. Fulton with heavy bodyshots. Fulton tags in Austin. Alexander ducks a clothesline from Austin. Austin tags out to Fulton. Alexander signals for the test of strength. Alexander kicks Fulton in the gut. Alexander applies a side headlock. Fulton with a Belly to Back Suplex. Alexander keeps grasp of the side headlock. Fulton whips Alexander across the ring. Alexander runs into Fulton. Alexander blocks a boot from Fulton. Fulton with a hair whip. Alexander skins the cat. Alexander with a shoulder block. Alexander drops Fulton with a flying shoulder tackle. Alexander sends Fulton face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Austin tags himself in. Austin with a drop toe hold. Alexander applies The Ankle Lock. Austin is trying to pick his spots in this match. Alexander with a waist lock takedown. Alexander applies a front face lock. Austin backs Fulton into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Fulton punches Alexander in the back. Alexander is displaying his fighting spirit. Fulton catches Perkins in mid-air.

Double Leg Takedown/Flying Crossbody Block Combination. Alexander scores the elbow knockdown. Alexander starts arguing with Perkins. Perkins tags himself in. Perkins bodyslams Austin. Perkins with a Slingshot Senton. Perkins slams Austin’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Austin reverses out of the irish whip from Perkins. Fulton runs interference. Austin kicks Perkins in the face. Austin with a knee drop. Austin applies a rear chin lock. Austin transitions into a side headlock. Austin with an elbow knockdown. Austin throws Perkins into the turnbuckles. Austin tags in Fulton. Fulton sits on the top turnbuckle. Fulton applies The Sleeper Hold. Fulton whips Perkins into the turnbuckles. Fulton tags in Austin. Austin with a leaping head kick. Fulton with a Running Crossbody Block into the ropes. Austin hooks the outside leg for a two count. Austin applies a rear chin lock. Standing Switch Exchange. Austin goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Perkins lands back on his feet. Perkins dives over Austin. Perkins hits The Tornado DDT. Fulton and Alexander are tagged in.

Alexander with two running forearm smashes. Alexander decks Fulton with a back elbow smash. Alexander with The Rolling Elbow. Fulton kicks Alexander in the gut. Alexander with a Vertical Suplex. Alexander with a toe kick. Alexander goes for The Jay Driller, but Fulton counters with a Back Body Drop. Fulton drops Alexander with The Big Boot. Austin tags himself in. Perkins shoves Austin off the top turnbuckle. Standing Switch Exchange. Perkins dropkicks the left knee of Fulton. Alexander kicks Fulton in the chest. Perkins with a Spinning Back Kick. Fulton tumbles to the floor. Perkins with a Leaping Meteora. Perkins repeatedly stomps on Austin’s face. Perkins with The Face Wash. Double Chop. Double Irish Whip. Perkins with The Helluva Kick. Alexander levels Perkins and Fulton with The Double Body Avalanche. Alexander dodges The Big Boot. Alexander clotheslines Fulton over the top rope. Austin fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Austin with a Spinning Heel Kick. Austin with The Heat Seeker for a two count. Alexander negates The Fold. Perkins made the blind tag. Alexander with The Rolling Senton. Perkins connects with The Mamba Splash. Alexander was unaware of the blind tag. That leads us to another bickering session. Austin rolls Perkins over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Ace Austin & Madman Fulton via Pinfall

Fifth Match: James Storm w/Chris Sabin, Chris Harris, and Jake Something vs. Eric Young w/Violent By Design

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Young backs Storm into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Young calls Storm a punk. Strong lockup. Stalemate in the corner. Storm shoves Young. Storm is throwing haymakers at Young. Young skins the cat. Young with a shoulder block. Young slides under Storm. Young ducks a clothesline from Storm. Storm scores the elbow knockdown. Storm with a Running Knee Drop. Storm with a Leg Drop for a two count. Storm applies a rear chin lock. Young backs Storm into the ropes. Storm with two haymakers. Storm drives his knee into the midsection of Young. Storm hammers down on the back of Young’s neck. Storm whips Young across the ring. Young holds onto the ropes. Young launches Storm over the top rope. Storm with a straight right hand. Storm gets distracted by Cody Deaner. Young drives Storm face first into the top turnbuckle pad. That leads us to a huge standoff on the outside.

Young has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Young drives Storm face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Young with a big haymaker. Young with a double sledge. Young is mauling Storm in the corner. Young with a forearm smash. Young with the irish whip. Storm decks Young with a back elbow smash. Storm is trying to create separation. Storm goes for The Tornado DDT, but Young counters with a Vertical Suplex into the turnbuckles for a two count. Young stomps on Storm’s chest. Young is choking Storm with his boot. Young puts his leg on the back of Storm’s neck. Young drops Storm with The Hangman’s NeckBreaker for a two count. Young applies a rear chin lock. Storm with a JawBreaker. Storm with a straight right hand. Young reverses out of the irish whip from Storm. Storm with a running haymaker. Storm with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Storm sends Young to the corner. Young launches Storm over the top rope.

Storm with an Apron Enzuigiri. Storm with a Running NeckBreaker for a two count. Storm goes for The Eye Of The Storm, but Young lands back on his feet. Young denies The Last Call SuperKick. Storm ducks a clothesline from Young. Storm kicks Young in the gut. Storm delivers The Eye Of The Storm for a two count. Young kicks Storm in the face. Young with a Leaping NeckBreaker. Young lands The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Young ducks a clothesline from Storm. Young SuperKicks Storm for a two count. Young is displaying his frustration. Haymaker Exchange. Storm kicks the right shoulder of Young. Storm hits The BackStabber. The referee is distracted by Deaner. Standing Switch Exchange. Storm runs Young into Deaner. Storm with The O’Connor Roll for a two count. Young kicks Storm out of the ring. A pier six brawl ensues on the outside. Young grabs his hockey mask. Harris lures Young to the outside. Harris with a forearm smash. Harris rolls Young back into the ring. Storm connects with The Last Call SuperKick to pickup the victory.

Winner: James Storm via Pinfall

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