
Kurt Angle Reflects On WWE Dark Match With Owen Hart


Kurt Angle shared his opinion on Owen Hart during an Inside the Ropes live event.

Angle worked with Hart in a dark match days before Owen tragically passed away.  It was a non-televised match prior to a TV taping on May 10, 1999, just 12 days before Hart’s fatal accident at Over the Edge 1999.

“Vince McMahon decided to have a dark match with Owen Hart and myself. At the time I had just started and I didn’t really know what I was doing. Owen said, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll call it in the ring’. I’m like ‘holy sh*t, don’t say that’ because I don’t know how to call it in the ring. He said ‘don’t worry, just listen to me and let me lead you’”. 

“We had one of the best 15-minute matches and he made me build my confidence to a level that it never was before because he carried me through this match, and the match turned out to be a pretty damn good match. And I had just started a couple of months prior to that. So Owen Hart, he doesn’t get enough credit for how good he was. I think Bret gets most of the credit for being the best wrestler in the family, but Owen Hart was every bit as good as Bret Hart”.

 H/T Sportskeeda

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