
Logan Paul Discusses His First Meeting With Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, Thoughts On His Title Shot At Crown Jewel


Logan Paul recently chatted with Alex McCarthy from Inside The Ropes about a wide range of pro-wrestling topics, including details about his first meeting with Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, and how he feels about his upcoming world title match against the Tribal Chief at Crown Jewel. Highlights from the interview are below.

Discussing his upcoming Universal championship shot:

“[It’s a wild ride so far] to say the least. I’m having a hard time understanding how I got here, but I think it falls in line with the way I attack every industry I go into. Like in my head, I’m like, ‘Why would I not just go for the top immediately?’ I don’t have much patience, bruh. I was a social media kid, instant gratification is what I’m used to. So I don’t know. I could do all the other stuff, and go through the ranks and wrestle little by little and make my way up there. But I prefer dropping the explosion as soon as I enter, so yeah. Called out Roman Reigns, pretty much baited him into a match. It worked, and here we are — November 5th, taking on Roman Reigns for the title at Crown Jewel in Saudi Arabia. Yeah, it’s insane.”

Recalls the first time he met Roman Reigns:

“That’s a great question. Before — I think it was a Monday Night Raw, it might have been Smackdown — yeah, I saw him backstage. And he shook my hand and said, ‘Hey, my name’s Joe.’ And in my head I was like, ‘I thought your name is Roman.’ But it was just Joe. And that was it, man. It warranted — that conversation warranted a full-length podcast. And when he was on the podcast, I started getting that bug. I started getting that itch to — you know, when an alpha enters my presence, I feel it. [Laughs] Then I want to out-alpha the alpha. And the guy’s an alpha, he’s huge, just a massive human being at the top. I’d like to be there someday. Why not November 5th?”

Shares story of his first meeting with Brock Lesnar:

“I saw him at SummerSlam, and that one was interesting for me. Because — and I think Brock probably knows this, I’ve talked about it before. I’m like a big Brock Lesnar fan, because I watched UFC growing up like religiously. And so when I met him for the first time it was, you know, I had to play cool. I think I said like, ‘Hey Mr. Brock Lesnar, nice to meet you.’ And that was it. But yeah it is so cool, because you know, you see these WWE Superstars on TV your whole life, and then all of a sudden somehow I’m in it and I’m meeting them in person, and it’s — you’re meeting superheroes essentially as an adult now. And it is really cool.”

His thoughts going into Crown Jewel:

“Going into Crown Jewel, I’m feeling incredibly athletic, incredibly strong, and I think — most importantly — so much smarter as an entertainer and a wrestler. You gotta remember this is my third big match. And every time I do it, I think it’s very easy to see my progress. And I can feel myself advancing leaps and bounds every time I step in that ring. Saudi Arabia on November 5th is gonna be the biggest stage in the world, and I promise I’m gonna step up to the plate and put on a show like you’ve never seen before, as I do.”

(H/T and transcribed by 411 Mania)

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