
Ludwig Kaiser, Sheamus have a chance to steal the show next week on Raw



Gunther’s sidekick has a chance to make it on his own against the former WWE Champ.

The burgeoning feud between Sheamus and Ludwig Kaiser stands out as one of WWE’s most captivating mid-card storylines. While Raw’s championship battles take center stage, Sheamus and Ludwig Kaiser will attempt to steal the show next week.

This past Monday on Raw, Sheamus discussed missing the King of the Ring finals due to interference by Kaiser during his match with Gunther, who eventually won the tournament. The Irish bruiser said he wasn’t upset about that as much as he was bothered by, as Sheamus put it, Gunther’s “glorified coat rack” talking crap about him while he was waiting to be cleared to return to action.

As Sheamus expressed his intense desire to confront Kaiser, Kaiser appeared on the arena’s Titantron and began taking digs at the “old fella.” Having heard enough, Sheamus went backstage to find Kaiser. Except Kaiser found him first, and a melee ensued.

As a result, the two will meet on Raw next week in a match between an established veteran and a promising performer with all the tools to become a significant contributor to WWE’s programming.

“Next week, when you’re gonna face me in that ring, on that mat that is so sacred to me, you better bring your absolute A-game,” said Kaiser in a WWE digital exclusive. “Because what you’re going to witness is A-plus talents, A-plus aesthetics, A-plus everything. Because Ludwig Kaiser is an A-plus specimen.”

Since joining the main roster with Gunther in 2022, Kaiser has outshined The Ring General at times, on the microphone and through his character work. In addition to being a skilled in-ring worker, the former NXT Tag Team Champion excellently portrays a believably disdainful attitude towards the fans, viewing them as beneath him. His arrogance makes him thoroughly unlikable and easy to root against, making him a rare bastard that fans ultimately love to hate.

Next week’s encounter with Sheamus will be intriguing. Regardless of the outcome, Kaiser has a chance to shine. If he succeeds with the opportunity given, WWE might consider giving him more opportunities to see how far he can go as a solo act.

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