
NJPW Battle Autumn Results 10/23/22


NJPW Battle Autumn Results 10/23/22
New Aomori Prefecture Sports Park Maeda Arena
Aomori, Japan

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Douki vs. Kosei Fujita 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Douki applies a waist lock. Wrist Lock Exchange. Fujita applies a hammerlock. Douki transitions into a side headlock. Fujita whips Douki across the ring. Douki drops Fujita with a shoulder tackle. Fujita drops down on the canvas. Fujita leapfrogs over Douki. Fujita with a Hip Toss. Fujita dropkicks Douki. Fujita bodyslams Douki for a one count. Fujita backs Douki into the ropes. Fujita with forearm shivers. Fujita sends Douki to the corner. Douki side steps Fujita into the blue turnbuckle pad. Douki with a Running NeckBreaker. Douki whips Fujita across the ring. Douki scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Douki hammer down on the back of Fujita’s neck. Douki applies the cravate. Following a snap mare takeover, Douki applies a rear chin lock. Douki transitions into a headscissors neck lock. Fujita puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Douki toys around with Fujita. Chop Exchange. Douki with the irish whip. Douki with a running haymaker. Douki stomps on Fujita’s chest.

Douki goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Fujita lands back on his feet. Fujita applies a waist lock. Douki with three sharp elbow strikes. Fujita goes for a Dropkick, but Douki holds onto the ropes. Fujita reverses out of the irish whip from Douki. Fujita dropkicks Douki. Fujita with a forearm smash. Fujita with a Running Hip Attack. Fujita follows that with a fireman’s carry takeover. Fujita bodyslams Douki for a two count. Fujita repeatedly kicks Douki in the back. Fujita applies The Boston Crab. Douki grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Fujita stomps on Douki’s back. Douki rakes the eyes of Fujita. Douki kicks Fujita in the chest. Douki with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Fujita ducks a clothesline from Douki. Fujita rolls Douki over for a two count. Fujita with an inside cradle for a two count. Fujita rocks Douki with a forearm smash. Fujita hits The Side Belly to Belly Suplex for a two count. Douki drops Fujita with The Falling Lariat for a two count. Douki makes Fujita tap out to The Italian Stretch No. 32.

Winner: Douki via Submission 

Second Match: Zack Sabre Jr & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. Alex Zayne & Yuto Nakashima

Zack Sabre Jr and Yuto Nakashima will start things off. Nakashima with forearm shivers. Nakashima scores the forearm knockdown. Nakashima knocks Kanemaru off the ring apron. Nakashima continues to pepper Sabre with forearms. Nakashima tags in Zayne. Nakashima kicks Sabre in the gut. Zayne with a wrist lock takeover. Sabre tags in Kanemaru. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Zayne applies a side headlock. Kanemaru whips Zayne across the ring. Zayne drops Kanemaru with a shoulder tackle. Zayne with a SpringBoard Double Knee Drop. Zayne with a Standing Corkscrew Plancha. Zayne applies a front face lock. Nakashima tags himself in. Nakashima kicks Kanemaru in the gut. Nakashima with a forearm smash. Kanemaru rakes the eyes of Nakashima. Kanemaru whips Nakashima across the ring. Kanemaru dropkicks the left knee of Nakashima. Sabre pulls Zayne off the apron. Sabre applies a leg lock on the floor. Kanemaru continues to dropkick the left knee of Nakashima.

Kanemaru slams the left knee of Nakashima on the canvas. Kanemaru tags in Sabre. Sabre applies a toe and ankle hold. Nakashima grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Sabre stomps on the left knee of Nakashima. Sabre tags in Kanemaru. Kanemaru repeatedly stomps on the left knee of Nakashima. Kanemaru with two toe kicks. Nakashima fires back with two forearms. Kanemaru kicks the left knee of Nakashima. Kanemaru hyperextends the left shoulder of Nakashima. Kanemaru tags in Sabre. Sabre applies a leg lock. Nakashima with forearm shivers. Sabre kicks the left hamstring of Nakashima. Nakashima bodyslams Sabre. Nakashima tags in Zayne. Zayne blocks a boot from Sabre. Zayne thrust kicks the midsection of Sabre. Zayne with a SomerSault Leg Drop. Zayne applies a wrist lock. Zayne avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Sabre denies The Taco Driver. Sabre applies a guillotine choke. Zayne puts Sabre on the top turnbuckle. Zayne with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Zayne with a Leaping FrankenSteiner for a two count. Zayne goes for The Baja Blast, but Sabre lands back on his feet. Zayne dodges The PK. Sabre avoids The Low Enzuigiri. Sabre stomps on the back of Zayne’s knees. Sabre tags in Kanemaru.

Kanemaru repeatedly stomps on the left knee of Zayne. Zayne reverses out of the irish whip from Kanemaru. Zayne goes for a Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker, but Kanemaru lands back on his feet. Kanemaru shoves the referee towards Zayne. Kanemaru with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Kanemaru drops Zayne with The DDT for a two count. Zayne goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Kanemaru lands back on his feet. Kanemaru rolls Zayne over for a two count. Zayne with a Roll Through Head Kick. Zayne tags in Nakashima. Nakashima with forearm shivers. Kanemaru reverses out of the irish whip from Nakashima. Nakashima drops Kanemaru with a shoulder tackle. Nakashima sends Kanemaru to the corner. Nakashima with a running elbow smash. Nakashima scores another forearm knockdown. Zayne knocks Sabre off the apron. Nakashima and Zayne gangs up on Sabre. Zayne thrust kicks the midsection of Kanemaru. Nakashima with The Mid-Kick for a two count. Nakashima applies The Boston Crab. Sabre whips Zayne into the steel barricade. Sabre with clubbing mid-kicks. Nakashima rocks Sabre with a forearm smash. Kanemaru blocks a boot from Nakashima. Kanemaru hammers down on the right knee of Nakashima. Kanemaru kicks the left knee of Nakashima. Nakashima with a forearm smash. Kanemaru dropkicks the left knee of Nakashima. Kanemaru with a Knee Crusher. Kanemaru with another dropkick to the left knee of Nakashima. Kanemaru makes Nakashima tap out to The Figure Four Leg Lock.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr & Yoshinobu Kanemaru via Submission 

Third Match: Jeff Cobb, The Great O-Khan and Aaron Henare vs. Togi Makabe, Toru Yano and Ryohei Oiwa In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

The Great O-Khan and Toru Yano will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Khan backs Yano into the ropes. Yano ducks a clothesline from Khan. Yano slaps Khan in the back of the head. Yano starts pulling back Khan’s braid. Khan uppercuts Yano. Khan unloads Three Mongolian Chops. Short-Arm Reversal by Yano. Yano pulls Khan down to the mat. Yano tags in Oiwa. Oiwa transitions into a ground and pound attack. Oiwa applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Khan grabs a side wrist lock. Oiwa with a fireman’s carry takeover. Oiwa reapplies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Khan refuses to quit. Oiwa stomps on the left shoulder of Khan. Oiwa applies an arm-bar. Oiwa transitions into a wrist lock. Oiwa hammers down on the left shoulder of Khan. Oiwa applies a hammerlock. Khan grabs Oiwa’s hair. Khan with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Khan pulls Oiwa down to the mat. United Empire clears the ring. Khan wraps the left shoulder of Oiwa around the top rope. Khan with another Mongolian Chop. Khan with two knee lifts into the left shoulder of Oiwa. Khan applies an arm-bar. Khan tags in Henare.

Henare kicks the left shoulder of Oiwa. Henare punches Oiwa in the back. Henare with clubbing hamstring kicks. Henare rocks Oiwa with a forearm smash for a two count. Henare slams Oiwa’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Henare tags in Cobb. Cobb punches Oiwa in the back. Cobb HeadButts Oiwa. Cobb lifts Oiwa up in the air. Cobb bodyslams Oiwa. Surf’s Up. Oiwa with forearm shivers. Cobb nails Oiwa with a double throat thrust. Cobb sends Oiwa to the corner. Oiwa side steps Cobb into a turnbuckle pad. Oiwa with a Corner Dropkick. Oiwa tags in Makabe. Makabe with a running shoulder block. Makabe knocks Khan off the ring apron. Makabe with forearm shivers. Henare attacks Makabe from behind. Henare with clubbing blows to Makabe’s back. Makabe reverses out of the irish whip from Henare. Makabe with two corner clotheslines. Makabe transitions into a corner mount. Cobb denies The Northern Lights Suplex. Makabe clotheslines Cobb for a two count. Makabe applies a waist lock. Cobb with three sharp elbow strikes.

Cobb dropkicks Makabe. Makabe with forearm shivers. Khan punches Makabe in the back. Khan nails Yano with The Pump Kick. Double Irish Whip. Makabe with a double clothesline. Henare and Oiwa are tagged in. Oiwa runs into Henare. Shoulder Block Exchange. Forearm Exchange. Henare delivers his combination offense. Oiwa reverses out of the irish whip from Henare. Oiwa with a running elbow smash. Oiwa with The Hip Toss for a two count. Henare denies The Gut Wrench Suplex. Henare with a forearm smash. Henare HeadButts Oiwa. Oiwa dropkicks Henare. Oiwa clears the ring. Double Irish Whip. Yano with a running elbow smash. Makabe with a corner clothesline. Oiwa kicks Henare in the gut. Oiwa hits The GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Henare blocks The Boston Crab. Oiwa with forearm shivers. Henare goes for The Full Nelson Slam, but Oiwa lands back on his feet. Oiwa rolls Henare over for a two count. Oiwa dishes out more forearms. Henare with The Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Henare connects with The Rampage to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jeff Cobb, The Great O-Khan and Aaron Henare via Pinfall 

Fourth Match: Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii and Yoshi Hashi vs. David Finlay, Tiger Mask and Ren Narita In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

Tomohiro Ishii and Ren Narita will start things off. Narita kicks Ishii in the gut. Narita punches Ishii in the back. Forearm Exchange. Narita sends Ishii to the corner. Narita drops Ishii with The Big Boot. Narita kicks Ishii in the back. Narita repeatedly kicks Ishii in the face. Ishii grabs Narita by his throat. Second Forearm Exchange. Ishii HeadButts Narita. Ishii with a chop/forearm combination. Ishii tags in Goto. Third Forearm Exchange. Goto whips Narita across the ring. Narita ducks a clothesline from Goto. Narita with a running shoulder tackle. Narta tags in Finlay. Finlay goes into the lateral press for a one count. Finlay applies a side headlock. Goto whips Finlay across the ring. Finlay slides under Goto’s legs. Finlay sends Goto into the ropes. Finlay leapfrogs over Goto. Finlay drops down on the canvas. Finlay dropkicks Goto. Finlay with a Running Uppercut. Finlay with a Snap Vertical Suplex for a two count. Finlay rocks Goto with a forearm smash. Double Shoulder Tackle to Finlay. Assisted Hip Toss.

Tiger with a Flying Double Crossbody Block. Bishamon answers with another double shoulder tackle. Ishii blasts Narita off the apron. Ishii sends Narita face first into the steel ring post. War Drums. Goto whips Finlay across the ring. Goto scores the elbow knockdown for a two count. Goto applies a rear chin lock. Goto a downward elbow strike. Goto kicks Finlay in the gut. Goto tags in Hashi. Hashi is choking Finlay with his boot. Hashi hammers down on the back of Finlay’s neck. Following a snap mare takeover, Hashi applies a rear chin lock. Ishii kicks Narita in the gut. Ishii dumps Narita out of the ring. Ishii whips Narita into the steel barricade. Hashi hammers down on Finlay’s chest. Hashi tags in Goto. Goto kicks Finlay in the gut. Goto sends Finlay to the corner. Goto knocks Tiger off the apron. Goto with another toe kick. Goto with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Goto follows that with The Running Bulldog for a two count. Finlay with heavy bodyshots. Goto drives his knee into the midsection of Finlay. Goto punches Finlay in the back.

Finlay reverses out of the irish whip from Goto. Finlay with The Uranage BackBreaker. Ishii and Narita are tagged in. Ishii dodges The Running Boot. Narita ducks under a forearm from Ishii. Narita with a knee lift. Narita with a Mid-Kick. Narita kicks Hashi in the face. Narita with a running elbow smash. Ishii denies The Half Hatch Suplex. Narita ducks a clothesline from Ishii. Narita with clubbing hamstring kicks. Narita delivers his combination offense. Narita with The Bridging Half Hatch Suplex for a two count. Narita applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Ishii repeatedly stomps on Narita’s face. Ishii kicks Narita in the back. Narita with a forearm smash. Narita applies The Cobra Twist. Ishii with a Hip Toss. Narita decks Ishii with a back elbow smash. Ishii avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Ishii with a Release German Suplex. Narita ducks a clothesline from Ishii. Narita applies a front face lock. Ishii goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Narita lands back on his feet.

Narita with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Hashi and Tiger are tagged in. Tiger rolls under a clothesline from Hashi. Tiger with a Spinning Back Kick. Standing Switch Exchange. Tiger rolls Hashi over for a one count. Hashi avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Hashi applies a waist lock. Tiger with a back elbow smash. Tiger with a Flipping Mule Kick. Finlay follows that with a running elbow smash. Tiger kicks Hashi in the gut. Tiger connects with The Tiger Driver for a two count. Narita with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex to Ishii. Hashi denies The Tiger Suplex. Tiger with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Hashi backs Tiger into a turnbuckle pad. Bishamon with two corner clotheslines. Tiger fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Hashi SuperKicks Tiger. Bishamon delivers The Violent Flash. Hashi plants Tiger with Karma to pickup the victory. After the match, Narita attacks Ishii from behind. Narita makes Ishii pass out to The Sleeper Hold.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto and Yoshi Hashi via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: KENTA, Taiji Ishimori and Gedo vs. Taichi, El Desperado and Taka Michinoku In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

Kenta and Taichi will start things off. Taichi wants a piece of Gedo. Kenta wants to fight Michinoku. Gedo and Michinoku are tagged in. Gedo wants Michinoku to give him the too sweet. Kenta attacks Michinoku from behind. Ishimori clears the ring. Bullet Club gangs up on Michinoku. Michinoku kicks the left knee of Gedo. Eye Poke Party. Ishimori rakes the eyes of Michinoku. Gedo goes after Michinoku’s eyes as well. The referee is losing control of this match. Gedo slams Michinoku’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Gedo starts choking Michinoku in the corner. Kenta and Ishimori chokes Michinoku behind the referee’s back. Gedo tags in Ishimori. Kenta rakes the eyes of Michinoku. Ishimori with a straight right hand. Ishimori tags in Kenta. Kenta punches Michinoku. Kenta with clubbing shoulder blocks. Kenta rams Michinoku’s face across the top strand.

Kenta hooks the outside leg for a two count. The referee is trying to calm down Desperado. Gedo drags Michinoku to the corner. Kenta kicks Michinoku in the ribs. Kenta with a gut punch. Kenta tags in Gedo. Following a snap mare takeover, Gedo applies the greco roman throat hold. Gedo tags in Ishimori. Ishimori is throwing haymakers at Michinoku. Michinoku drops Ishimori with The Pump Kick. Michinoku tags in Desperado. Desperado with a shoulder tackle. Desperado clears the ring. Ishimori kicks Desperado in the face. Desperado with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Desperado goes for Guitarra de Angel, but Ishimori lands back on his feet. Ishimori applies a waist lock. Desperado with a back elbow smash. Ishimori reverses out of the irish whip from Desperado. Ishimori with a Corner Meteora. Following a snap mare takeover, Ishimori cranks on Desperado’s neck.

Ishimori applies The YES! Lock. Desperado responds with Numero Dos. Ishimori grabs the bottom rope which forces the break. Desperado hyperextends the left leg of Ishimori. Ishimori denies The Knee Crusher. Desperado with a forearm smash. Desperado whips Ishimori across the ring. Ishimori with a Handspring Roundhouse Kick. Taichi and Kenta are tagged in. Kenta ducks a clothesline from Taichi. Choke Hold Party. The referee admonishes Kenta. Taichi applies the greco roman throat hold. Kenta dodges The Axe Bomber. Kenta drops Taichi with a DDT. Kenta tags in Gedo. Gedo with a JawBreaker. Gedo SuperKicks Taichi for a two count. Gedo thrust kicks the left knee of Taichi. Gedo with The Gedo Clutch for a two count. Taichi with two sumo style takedowns. Taichi connects with The Yokozuna Elbow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Taichi, El Desperado and Taka Michinoku via Pinfall 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Sixth Match: Sanada & Hiromu Takahashi vs. Master Wato & Tomoaki Honma 

Hiromu Takahashi and Master Wato will start things off. Wato with a shoulder tackle. Takahashi drops down on the canvas. Takahashi leapfrogs over Wato. Wato lunges over Takahashi. Takahashi dodges The Big Boot. Takahashi with a running shoulder tackle. Chop Exchange. Takahashi reverses out of the irish whip from Wato. Takahashi goes for a Running Hurricanrana, but Wato lands back on his feet. Takahashi avoids The Mid-Kick. Takahashi sends Wato into the ropes. Wato with a Hurricanrana. Takahashi regroups on the outside. Wato drives his elbow into the midsection of Takahashi. Wato with a back hand. Wato with a Running Bulldog for a to count. Wato sends Takahashi to the corner. Takahashi side steps Wato into the red turnbuckle pad. Sanada and Honma are tagged in. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Sanada applies a side headlock. Honma whips Sanada across the ring. Sanada runs into Honma. Honma flexes his muscles. Honma kicks Sanada in the gut. Honma applies The Cobra Twist. Sanada with a Hip Toss. Honma scores the elbow knockdown. Sanada avoids The Kokeshi HeadButt.

Takahashi knocks Wato off the ring apron. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown. Double Kokeshi HeadButt to Honma. Sanada applies a wrist lock. Takahashi tags himself in. Takahashi hammers down on the left shoulder of Honma. Takahashi applies a wrist lock. Takahashi tags in Sanada. Sanada targets the left shoulder of Honma. Honma with elbows into the midsection of Sanada. Sanada with a straight right hand. Sanada kicks Honma in the gut. Sanada applies a wrist lock. Sanada tags in Takahashi. Takahashi with a flying double axe handle strike. Takahashi blasts Wato off the apron. Second Chop Exchange. Takahashi with a corner clothesline. Takahashi with a basement dropkick for a two count. Double Irish Whip. Honma kicks Takahashi in the face. Sanada ducks a clothesline from Honma. Sanada applies a waist lock. Honma kicks Takahashi in the face. Honma ducks a clothesline from Sanada. Honma with a DDT/Flatliner Combination. Honma tags in Wato.

Wato scores the elbow knockdown. Sanada kicks Wato in the gut. Wato with a Hurricanrana. Takahashi launches Wato over the top rope. Wato with an Apron Enzuigiri. Wato with a SpringBoard European Uppercut for a two count. Wato applies a waist lock. Takahashi with three sharp elbow strikes. Wato ducks a clothesline from Takahashi. Wato hits The Zig Zag for a two count. Takahashi denies The Recientemente. Wato fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Takahashi blocks The Half & Half Suplex. Takahashi thrust kicks the midsection of Wato. Takahashi with a knee lift. Wato avoids The SuperKick. Wato with a Spinning Back Kick. Takahashi with a running elbow smash. Wato reverses out of the irish whip from Takahahsi. Takahashi with a Pop Up PowerBomb.

Takahashi tags in Sanada. Sanada blocks a boot from Wato. Sanada with a double leg takedown. Wato denies The Paradise Lock. Sanada kicks Wato in the gut. Sanada hammers down on the back of Wato’s neck. Wato with a Leg Lariat. Wato tags in Honma. Forearm Exchange. Sanada HeadButts Honma. Honma sends Sanada to the corner. Honma with a running elbow smash. Honma with a Running Bulldog. Honma scores the elbow knockdown. Honma delivers Two Kokeshi HeadButts. Double Irish Whip. Honma with a running elbow smash. Wato with a leaping back elbow smash. Honma follows that with a Diving Kokeshi HedButt for a two count. Takahashi runs Wato into the steel barricade. Sanada denies The PileDriver. Standing Switch Exchange. Takahashi with a corner clothesline. Double Basement Dropkick. Takahashi knocks Wato off the apron. Takahashi with a Shotgun Dropkick off the apron. Sanada connects with The TKO for a two count. Honma with an inside cradle for a two count. Sanada with a forearm smash. Sanada with The Rolling Elbow. Honma HeadButts Sanada. Sanada dropkicks Honma. Honma refuses to go down. Sanada makes Honma tap out to Skull End.

Winner: Sanada & Hiromu Takahashi via Submission 

Seventh Match: Tetsuya Naito, Bushi and Titan vs. TJ Perkins, Francesco Akira and Gideon Grey In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

United Empire attacks LIJ before the bell rings. Grey with clubbing blows to Naito’s back. Grey with forearm shivers. Grey follows that with a Mongolian Chop. Naito with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Naito makes Grey run the ropes. Naito tags in Bushi. Bushi with a double sledge. Bushi kicks Grey in the back. Bushi fish hooks Grey. Bushi with two double handed chops. Bushi tags in Titan. Titan kicks Grey in the back. Titan whips Grey across the ring. Grey holds onto the ropes. Grey kicks Titan in the face. Perkins tags himself in. Perkins ducks a clothesline from Titan. Perkins kicks Titan in the gut. Perkins whips Titan across the ring. Titan with a SpringBoard Crossbody Block. Akira pulls Titan down to the mat. Titan kicks Akira off the ring apron. Titan whips Perkins across the ring. Perkins with a spider man evasion. Akira dropkicks Titan off the apron. Akira with The Slingshot Pescado. All hell is breaking loose in Aomori. Double Irish Whip. Akira kicks the left hamstring of Titan. Perkins kicks out the legs of Titan. Akira with a basement dropkick for a two count. Akira slams Titan’s head on the blue turnbuckle pad. Akira repeatedly stomps on Titan’s face. Akira is choking Titan with his boot. Simultaneous tag to Perkins.

Grey with a BackBreaker. Akira with a basement dropkick. Perkins follows that with The Slingshot Dropkick for a two count. Perkins applies a wrist lock. Perkins transitions into The Cobra Twist. Perkins goes after Titan’s mask. Perkins thrust kicks the midsection of Titan. Titan matrix under a clothesline from Perkins. Titan with a Leaping Side Kick. Grey knocks Bushi off the apron. Assisted X-Factor for a two count. Perkins unloads a flurry of strikes in the corner. Perkins sweeps out the legs of Titan. Perkins with clubbing boot scrapes. Perkins goes for The Face Wash, but Titan counters with The SpringBoard Tornado DDT. Naito and Akira are tagged in. Naito ducks a clothesline from Akira. Naito punches Grey. Naito kicks Akira in the gut. Naito whips Akira into Grey. Naito scores the elbow knockdown. Naito dropkicks the back of Akira’s neck. Naito with a Corner Dropkick. Naito sweeps out the legs of Akira. Combination Cabron. Naito wraps Grey’s cane around Akira’s neck.

Akira with forearm shivers. Short-Arm Reversal by Naito. Naito kicks Akira in the gut. Naito punches Akira in the back. Naito tags in Bushi. Naito whips Akira across the ring. Naito with a toe kick. Sunset Flip/Low Dropkick Combination for a two count. Akira side steps Bushi into a turnbuckle pad. Bushi with a Pendulum Kick. Bushi delivers The Missile Dropkick. Akira thrust kicks the midsection of Bushi. Bushi with a forearm smash. Akira ducks a clothesline from Bushi. Akira SuperKicks Bushi. Akira hits The Speed Fire. Akira tags in Grey. Bushi with a forearm smash. Grey ducks a clothesline from Bushi. Grey punches Bushi. Grey goes for a Bodyslam, but Bushi lands back on his feet. Grey blocks a boot from Bushi. Grey with a Running Crossbody Block for a two count. Titan with a Spinning Back Kick. Titan follows that with a SpringBoard Splash. Bushi hooks the outside leg for a two count. Naito dumps Perkins out of the ring. Titan lands The SomerSault Plancha. Bushi with a running elbow smash. Naito decks Grey with a back elbow smash. Naito with a Step Up Enzuigiri. LIJ connects with their CodeBreaker/SpringBoard Double Foot Stomp Combination to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, Bushi and Titan via Pinfall 

Eight Match: EVIL, SHO and Yujiro Takahashi (c) w/Dick Togo vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Hikuleo and Ryusuke Taguchi w/Jado For The NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship

House Of Torture attacks Hontai before the bell rings. House Of Torture repeatedly stomps on Taguchi’s chest. Taguchi unloads a flurry of chops. House Of Torture dodges The Double Hip Attack. Double Irish Whip. Taguchi side steps EVIL into a turnbuckle pad. Taguchi drops Sho with a Hip Attack. EVIL answers with The Atomic Drop. Taguchi kicks EVIL in the face. Taguchi scouted The Inverted Atomic Drop. Taguchi delivers a low blow. Hip Smash Party. Sho and Takahashi attacks Hikuleo from behind. EVIL dumps Taguchi out of the ring. EVIL rakes the back of Taguchi. EVIL drives Taguchi back first into the steel barricade. The ring announcer goes down in the process. EVIL wraps the microphone cord around Taguchi’s neck. EVIL rolls Taguchi back into the ring. Taguchi gets crotched on the top rope. EVIL tags in Sho. Sho is choking Taguchi with his boot. Togo drives a steel chair into the midsection of Taguchi. EVIL rolls Taguchi back into the ring. Red Shoes ignores Sho’s pin cover. Sho tags in Takahashi.

Takahashi tugs on Taguchi’s hair. Taguchi with heavy bodyshots. Takahashi rakes the eyes of Taguchi. Takahashi with a Leg Drop/Elbow Drop/Falling HeadButt Combination for a two count. Takahashi tags in EVIL. EVIL throws his t-shirt at Tanahashi. EVIL applies The Cobra Twist. EVIL uses House Of Torture for leverage. EVIL goes into the lateral press for a two count. EVIL tags in Sho. Sho starts bending Taguchi’s fingers. Sho with combination kicks. Sho SuperKicks Taguchi for a two count. Takahashi tags himself in. Takahashi kicks Taguchi in the gut. Takahashi slams Taguchi’s head on a turnbuckle pad. Takahashi with two back elbow smashes. Takahashi with The Helluva Kick. Taguchi decks Takahashi with a back elbow smash. Taguchi repeatedly drives Takahashi face first into his glutes. Takahashi avoids The Flying Hip Attack. Taguchi drops Sho with a Standard Hip Attack. Taguchi tags in Hikuleo.

Hikuleo with The Big Boot. Hikuleo with The Snake Eyes to Sho. EVIL kicks Hikuleo in the gut. Double Irish Whip. Hikuleo with a double clothesline. Takahashi ducks a clothesline from Hikuleo. Takahashi kicks the left knee of Hikuleo. Hikuleo denies The Pimp Juice. Takahashi starts biting Hikuleo’s fingers. Hikuleo reverses out of the irish whip from Takahashi. Hikuleo scores the elbow knockdown. Hikuleo with a Leaping Elbow Drop for a two count. Hikuleo blocks the low blow. Takahashi rakes the eyes of Hikuleo. Takahashi with a Running Boot. Hikuleo Powerslams Takahashi for a two count. Sho runs away from Hikuleo. Hikuleo tags in Tanahashi. Tanahashi with a flying forearm smash. Tanahashi clears the ring. Tanahashi with forearm shivers. Takahashi reverses out of the irish whip from Tanahashi. Tanahashi with a Sliding Dropkick to Togo. Tanahashi blocks a boot from Takahashi. Tanahashi with a palm strike. Takahashi responds with The Fisherman’s Buster. Takahashi tags in EVIL.

EVIL toys around with Tanahashi. EVIL blocks a boot from Tanahashi. EVIL goes for a Side Thrust Kick, but Tanahashi counters with Two Dragon Screw Leg Whips. Stereo Texas Cloverleafs. Tanahashi stomps on EVIL’s chest. Tanahashi skins the cat. EVIL applies a waist lock. Tanahashi decks EVIL with a back elbow smash. EVIL with a Running Lariat. House Of Torture clears the ring. EVIL hits Darkness Falls for a two count. Misfired STO’s. EVIL rakes the eyes of Tanahashi. EVIL whips Tanahashi into the exposed steel. EVIL tags in Sho. House Of Torture gangs up on Tanahashi. Double Irish Whip. Tanahashi side steps Sho into a turnbuckle pad. Taguchi with a Hip Attack to EVIL. Hikuleo clotheslines Takahashi. Taguchi with a Corner Hip Attack. Hikuleo with a corner clothesline. Taguchi delivers a gut punch. Tanahashi follows that with The SlingBlade for a two count. Tanahashi with The Ace’s High. Tanahashi goes for The High Fly Flow, but Sho shoves Red Shoes into the ropes.

Takahashi attacks Hikuleo with the pimp stick. Magic Killer to Tanahashi. Sho hooks the outside leg for a two count. Tanahashi denies The Deadlift German Suplex. Tanahashi with The Twist and Shout. Tanahashi tags in Taguchi. Taguchi with a SpringBoard Hip Attack. Taguchi connects with The Bomaye for a two count. Taguchi applies The Ankle Lock. Sho denies The Dodon. Sho drives Taguchi back first into the exposed steel. Taguchi kicks Sho in the face. Taguchi goes for a Hip Attack, but Sho counters with a German Suplex. Sho with The Cross Armed PileDriver for a two count. EVIL clotheslines Tanahashi. Hikuleo goes for The Chokeslam, but Takahashi counters with a low blow. Takahashi hits The Pimp Juice. Sho grabs the wrench. Taguchi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Taguchi dropkicks Takahashi. Taguchi with The Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Taguchi with The Dodon for a two count. Sho denies The Olympic Slam. Taguchi thrust kicks the midsection of Sho. Sho with a Jumping Knee Strike. Sho pulls down Taguchi’s pants. Taguchi sits on top of Sho for a two count. Togo throws a chair into Taguchi’s face. Sho rolls Taguchi over for a two count. Sho plants Taguchi with The Shock Arrow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Champions, EVIL, SHO and Yujiro Takahashi via Pinfall 

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