
NJPW Strong Results 10/22/22


NJPW Strong Results 10/22/22
Sam’s Town Live
Las Vegas, Nevada

Commentators: (Ian Riccaboni & Alex Kozlov)

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: The West Coast Wrecking Crew vs. Greg Sharpe & Jakob Austin Young

Royce Isaacs and Greg Sharpe will start things off. Isaacs with a single takedown. Isaacs with a waist lock takedown. Isaacs applies a front face lock. Isaacs with another waist lock takedown. Sharpe applies a side headlock. Isaacs whips Sharpe across the ring. Isaacs drops Sharpe with a shoulder tackle. Sharpe drops down on the canvas. Isaacs catches Sharpe in mid-air. Isaacs goes for a GutBuster, but Sharpe counters with a deep arm-drag. Sharpe with a Running Uppercut. Sharpe applies a front face lock. Young tags himself in. Sharpe and Young gangs up on Isaacs. Double Basement Dropkick for a one count. Isaacs drives Young back first into the blue turnbuckle pad. Nelson tags himself in. Nelson kicks Sharpe off the ring apron. Nelson attacks the left knee of Young. Nelson with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Isaacs with a Sliding Lariat. Isaacs delivers a gut punch. Nelson with a Pounce into the ropes. Stereo Bodyslams for a two count. Nelson applies a waist lock. Nelson with a waist lock takedown. Chop Exchange. Young ducks a clothesline from Nelson. Young with a Hurricanrana. Nelson tags in Isaacs.

Isaacs attacks Young from behind. Isaacs knocks Sharpe off the apron. Isaacs with a GutWrench Suplex. Isaacs tags in Nelson. Nelson stomps on the left hand of Young. Nelson uppercuts Young for a two count. Young with heavy bodyshots. Nelson whips Young across the ring. Young kicks Nelson in the face. Young drops Nelson with a Running Flatliner. Isaacs and Sharpe are tagged in. Sharpe ducks a clothesline from Isaacs. Sharpe with two short-arm lariats. Sharpe dropkicks Isaacs. Isaacs scores the elbow knockdown. Isaacs goes for The Jack Hammer, but Sharpe lands back on his feet. Sharpe applies a waist lock. Isaacs decks Sharpe with a back elbow smash. Sharpe side steps Isaacs into a turnbuckle pad. Sharpe with a Roundhouse Kick. Sharpe with The Bridging German Suplex for a two count. Young with a flying forearm smash. Sharpe with a running forearm smash. Isaacs responds with The Uranage Slam. Isaacs tags in Nelson. Nelson with a Pop Up PowerBomb. Isaacs connects with a Death Valley Driver onto Nelson’s knees to pickup the victory.

Winner: The West Coast Wrecking Crew via Pinfall 

– Alex Zayne joins forces with Mistico.

Second Match: Christopher Daniels vs. Yuya Uemura

Uemura attacks Daniels before the bell rings. Uemura transitions into a ground and pound attack. Uemura shoves down the referee. Uemura punches Daniels in the back. Uemura rolls Daniels back into the ring. Uemura with a double leg takedown. Uemura is raining down forearms. Uemura whips Daniels across the ring. Uemura scores the elbow knockdown. Uemura with a Corner Dropkick. Uemura continues to pepper Daniels with forearms in the corner. The referee admonishes Uemura. Uemura wraps the trunks around Daniels neck. Daniels begs for mercy. Uemura kicks Daniels in the gut. Uemura punches Daniels in the back. Uemura whips Daniels across the ring. Uemura with a Flapjack. Uemura clotheslines Daniels over the top rope. Uemura with a Swan Dive to the outside. Daniels kicks Uemura in the gut. Daniels with a knife edge chop. Uemura sends Daniels shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Uemura bodyslams Daniels on the floor. Daniels blocks The Vertical Suplex. Daniels rakes the eyes of Uemura. Daniels with a NeckBreaker against the top strand. Daniels with a Falling Lariat. Daniels kicks Uemura in the chest. Daniels hammers down on the back of Uemura’s neck. Following a snap mare takeover, Daniels with a Knee Drop for a two count. Daniels applies the cravate. Uemra with heavy bodyshots. Uemura whips Daniels across the ring. Uemura goes for a Dropkick, but Daniels holds onto the ropes. Daniels with a back chop. Daniels with a straight right hand. Daniels cranks on Uemura’s neck. Daniels with The Back Drop Driver. Daniels with a forearm smash. Daniels continues to chop the back of Uemura. Daniels transitions into a corner mount. Daniels with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Daniels puts Uemura on the top turnbuckle. Daniels uppercuts Uemura. Uemura denies The SuperPlex.

Uemura HeadButts Daniels. Uemura with The Shotgun Dropkick. Uemura with forearm shivers. Daniels reverses out of the irish whip from Uemura. Uemura with a flying forearm smash. Uemura with a Diving Crossbody Block. Daniels reverses out of the irish whip from Uemura. Uemura kicks Daniels in the face. Uemura with a Diving Bulldog for a two count. Uemura applies a waist lock. Daniels decks Uemura with a back elbow smash. Daniels hits The Death Valley Driver for a two count. Daniels applies The Koji Clutch. Uemura puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Uemura side steps Daniels into the red turnbuckle pad. Uemura goes for a Hurricanrana, but Daniels counters with a PowerBomb. Uemura denies The Angels Wings. Uemura rolls Daniels over to pickup the victory. After the match, Daniels attacks Uemura from behind. Daniels connects with The Tombstone PileDriver. Daniels plants Uemura with The Angels Wings on the steel chair.

Winner: Yuya Uemura via Pinfall 

– There was a cleaning/disinfecting intermission during this broadcast.

Third Match: Shingo Takagi vs. Rocky Romero

Romero wants Takagi to give him a fist bump. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Takagi shoves Romero into the canvas. Romero with forearm shivers. Romero kicks Takagi in the gut. Romero with a knife edge chop. Takagi reverses out of the irish whip from Romero. Romero kicks Takagi in the face. Takagi with a corner clothesline. Romero with a Jumping Knee Strike. Romero ducks a clothesline from Takagi. Romero with a Running Hurricanrana. Romero lands Two Suicide Dives. Romero chops Takagi. Romero rolls Takagi back into the ring. Romero kicks Takagi in the face. Romero with a blistering chop. Takagi decks Romero with a back elbow smash. Following a snap mare takeover, Romero kicks Takagi in the back. Romero unloads a flurry of kicks. Takagi tells Romero to bring it, Romero kicks the left hamstring of Takagi. Romero with clubbing mid-kicks. Takagi whips Romero across the ring. Takagi with a back elbow smash. Takagi scores a right jab. Takagi with The Ryukon Lariat.

Takagi clotheslines Romero over the top rope. Takagi with a knife edge chop. Takagi repeatedly slams Romero’s head on the ring apron. Takagi dumps Romero face first on the apron. Takagi punches Romero in the back. Takagi rolls Romero back into the ring. Takagi with a Slingshot Knee Drop. Chop Exchange. Takagi with an elbow drop for a two count. Takagi with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Takagi applies a bodyscissors hold. Takagi rolls Romero over for a two count. Second Chop Exchange. Takagi with forearm shivers. Takagi dumps Romero back first on the canvas. Takagi with a Senton Splash. Takagi toys around with Romero. Forearm Exchange. Palm Strike Exchange. Takagi with two haymakers. Romero delivers his combination offense. Romero with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Forever Clotheslines. Romero blocks a boot from Takagi. Romero with a forearm smash. Takagi answers with a back elbow smash. Takagi with a right jab. Romero avoids The Ryukon Lariat. Romero with a Running Lariat.

Romero repeatedly kicks Takagi in the back. Romero with a knee lift. Romero with The Strong Zero for a two count. Romero unloads three knife edge chops. Romero talks smack to Takagi. Romero with a gut punch. Takagi blocks The Shiranui. Romero hammers down on the back of Takagi’s neck. Romero uppercuts Takagi. Romero with a Tornado DDT. Takagi goes for The Vertical Suplex, but Romero counters with The Falcon Arrow for a two count. Romero applies The Diablo Arm-Bar. Takagi puts his foot on the bottom rope which forces the break. Romero kicks the right shoulder of Takagi. Romero with clubbing arm-ringers. Sleeper Hold Exchange. Takagi drives Romero back first into the canvas. Takagi with clubbing elbow smashes.

Romero avoids The Sliding Lariat. Takagi with a back elbow smash. Takagi with a right jab. Takagi follows that with a Fake Out DDT. Takagi with a Sliding Lariat. Takagi hits The Noshigami for a two count. Romero denies Last Of The Dragon. Romero with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Romero rolls Takagi over for a two count. Romero delivers The Rewind Kick. Takagi with a short pumping bomber. Romero with a Jumping Knee Strike. Romero with a Palm Strike. Romero connects with The Shiranui for a two count. Romero applies the cravate. Romero with a knee lift. Romero goes for The Slice Bread #2, but Takagi counters with a Death Valley Driver. Takagi clotheslines Romero. Takagi with The Pumping Bomber. Takagi goes for Last Of The Dragon, but Romero counters with The Hurricanrana for a two count. Romero applies The Diablo Arm-Bar. Romero transitions into a Triangle Choke. Takagi plants Romero with Last Of The Dragon to pickup the victory.

Winner: Shingo Takagi via Pinfall 

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