
The Andorra Open returns with the Alps Tour


For the third consecutive year, Aravell Golf Andorra Country Club will host a tournament on the Alps Tour from June 27th to 29th, following the successes of 2022 and 2023.

In 2024, the tournament returns with some updates, including a new name: the Aravell Golf Andorra Open by Creand, incorporating the club’s new branding, Creand.

This Alps Tour event will gather top players from the circuit, and to provide more opportunities for local players—both professionals and amateurs—a qualifying tournament will be held on June 24th. This qualifier will offer 10 spots for pros and amateurs alike.

Andorra, results

In its third edition, the tournament will feature the presence of Juan Postigo, a professional adaptive golfer who was also a winner in Abu Dhabi 2023. Also participating will be veteran professional Pedro Oriol, winner of a Challenge Tour Rolex Trophy event and a European Tour doubles tournament.

Additionally, the tournament will showcase the talents of Álvaro Velasco, a seasoned professional from the European Tour and Challenge Tour winner, along with Julien Quesne, a French golfer and double winner on the European Tour.

Furthermore, the tournament winner at Aravell is scheduled to conduct a clinic for the children of the club’s school.

At the tournament presentation held at the Creand building in Andorra la Vella, Gerard Fonolleda, Director of Business Development Banking at Creand Crèdit Andorrà, Antonio Rodríguez, Institutional President of Aravell Golf Andorra Country Club, and José Manuel Lara, tournament promoter—a distinguished professional with victories on the European Tour, director of RFEG Forenex Courses, and a commentator on Movistar Golf—highlighted the increasing interest among players to participate. Lara emphasized that the high number of players competing in the June 24th qualifier demonstrates the growing appeal of the tournament.

Andorra, officially known as the Principality of Andorra, is a small landlocked country located in the eastern Pyrenees Mountains between France and Spain. Here are some key points about Andorra:

Geography: Andorra is one of the smallest countries in Europe, covering an area of about 468 square kilometers (181 square miles). It is known for its rugged mountainous terrain, with the highest peak being Coma Pedrosa at 2,942 meters (9,652 feet).

Government: Andorra is a parliamentary co-principality with two princes serving as co-princes: the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell (Spain). It has a unique form of government where the head of government is the elected Prime Minister.

Economy: Traditionally known as a tax haven, Andorra’s economy has diversified over the years. Tourism, especially skiing and duty-free shopping, is a major contributor to its economy. Banking and finance also play significant roles.

Culture: Andorra has a rich cultural heritage influenced by its neighbors, France and Spain, as well as its own traditions. Catalan is the official language, and Roman Catholicism is the predominant religion.

Tourism: The country attracts tourists primarily for its ski resorts in winter and hiking trails in summer. The capital city, Andorra la Vella, is popular for shopping due to its duty-free status.

Sports: Andorra is known for its love of sports, particularly skiing and cycling. It has hosted stages of the Tour de France and is home to the Grandvalira and Vallnord ski resorts.

Population: Andorra has a population of around 77,000 people (as of 2021). The majority of the population are Spanish, Portuguese, and French nationals, along with a significant number of Andorrans.

Infrastructure: Despite its small size, Andorra has modern infrastructure, including a well-developed road network connecting its towns and ski resorts. It does not have its own airport; the nearest airports are in Spain and France.

Andorra’s unique political status, picturesque landscapes, and blend of Catalan culture make it a distinctive destination in Europe, attracting visitors seeking both natural beauty and recreational activities.

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