
Top Brawlhalla Tips to Climb the Ranks


Brawlhalla is one of the top fighting games, but at over 10 years old it’s not exactly the easiest to jump into. You’re missing a full decade of history where players have pushed the meta forward. If you want to improve or get started correctly with Brawlhalla, these tips and tricks will help you get ahead.

Brawlhalla is a fighter with tons of choice. At 62 playable characters, there’s a bit of a paradox of choice even at your very first decision to pick a character. Then you’ve got stances, weapons, tons of factors to keep track of. Knowing the meta in Brawlhalla goes much further than most other fighters, it isn’t just picking the best Brawlhalla fighters. The gameplay is even pretty unique for a platform fighter. To help you get the hand of Brawlhalla, we’ve got some important tips and tricks to master.

Brawlhalla Tips and Tricks

Picking the Right Character

In fighting games, there’s a tendency to focus in on a smaller part of the cast. Picking a main, or mains. This is for a good reason.

You can’t possibly have the time to master every combo and intricate detail of every fighter. Especially for a game like Brawlhalla which has a crazy number of Legends that’s only growing. It’s best to find a character who you gel with and go with them and a few others.

Brawlhalla Tips - Picking character

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Having a main helps you specialize. You’ll need to know a bit about the cast to know what your match ups are and how to defend against some characters. However, picking a few to focus on for yourself will mean you can go much deeper with your mechanics. This can be the Legends at the top of the Brawlhalla tier list, or just the ones who suit you the best.

Mobility – Brawlhalla Tips

Brawlhalla X Tekken

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Brawlhalla isn’t a flat fighter on a single plane, it’s a platform fighter. Players can move around the map considerably more.

Mobility is an important tool and vital for being a skilled player though. You need to learn the mobility options for your Legends. Where they excel, and where their weak points are. Some Legends will have much more versatility moving around the air and platforms, while others will prefer to stay a bit more grounded. You’ll need to suit your playstyle to this. Especially if you’re using a fast legend like Thea.


Players have to employ a bit of strategy in Brawlhalla. In a direct fight against a lot of Legends, it’s not just about stringing together combos. You need to read your opponents.

This is similar to getting good at any fighting game. Watch for patterns. Figure out how your opponent plays and use the counter that works best. Most players fall into these patterns, where you can anticipate and respond to them so you can take the next step.

Dodging – Brawlhalla Tips

Brawlhalla Tips

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

A core mechanic in any fighting game is the ability to block or dodge. In Brawlhalla, this is an area that’s often forgotten. The top players in Brawlhalla tournaments make bigger use of dodging. It’s a mechanic which you can spend quite a bit of time just trying to master.

Just jump in against different characters and try to get the dodge down for their patterns. Once you master the dodge, you’ll have many more opportunities for your own attacks. Often, dodging a bigger sig move leaves your opponent open to start your own attack.

Learning Movesets

Your character’s moves aren’t just their flashy ones, there are also your weapon attacks. When learning your character, you need to get to know their whole moveset, including their weapons and how this changes how they play.

Each character can use different weapons. If you’re exploring different characters, these groups of Legends with similar weapons are a good starting point.

Brawlhalla Combos

Source: Blue Mammoth Games

Moving Up to Combos

Once you’ve mastered the moves, you can look into Brawlhalla combos for your character. These will be different depending on who you’re playing. However, there are plenty of combos out there that allow you to string together moves to deal more damage and take the step up.

Once you’re at this stage, it’s going to come down to drilling combos. You’ll need to practice them until you can pull them off consistently. With a combo, a slip-up will usually negate its power, by allowing an opponent to escape. Drilling them might not be the most engaging gameplay, but once you start consistently pulling them off, you’ll be in a much stronger position.

Brawlhalla Combos

Source: Blue Mammoth Games


Just like when picking Smash Bros characters, recovery is a factor in Brawlhalla. Since you get smashed off the stage, characters can still survive thanks to their mobility to get back on that stage. This is their recovery.

Not every player has great recovery, but it’s a mechanic you need to put the time into. You need to learn to use your tools the best that you can. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll be dying considerably less often thanks to needing a much stronger knockout to actually get eliminated from the stage.

Practise and Labbing

One of the key elements of getting good at any fighting game is purely practice. This can be done in a few ways. There’s a practice in the dedicated training zone, where you can just try things out and try to get a combo down. Labbing out new combos is a great way to improve.

Then there’s playing matches. That’s the more fun part of practice! These Brawlhalla tips will all take time to master, so jump into practice mode and try to get the hang of the mechanics to win in Brawlhalla.

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