
Top Dolla Says His End Goal Is To Be The Host Of The Tonight Show


WWE star Top Dolla was the latest guest on Ryan Satin’s Out Of Character podcast, where the Hit Row member discussed a wide range of topics, including his thoughts on working for “WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures,” and how his end goal is to become the new host of the Tonight Show, something he believes he can achieve after climbing the ranks in the pro-wrestling circuit. Highlights from the interview are below.

Says his end goal is to be the new host of the Tonight Show:

“I have one goal left. It’s to host ‘The Tonight Show’. That’s my end goal at the end of all of this, 20 years from now. That’s what I want to do. I started, when I was in high school, doing videos, trying to make myself better on camera, being able to perform on camera, understanding how you should present yourself when presenting a scene as opposed to when you’re doing an interview, as opposed to when you are doing wrestling and it’s action, and you have to work different cameras at the same time. I’ve been teaching myself that since I was 14 years old. Now I’m 32, and it’s all coming to fruition.”

Talks landing the role on “WWE’ Most Wanted Treasures” program:

“When I got that gig hosting on A&E for ‘WWE’s Most Wanted Treasures’, WWE didn’t pitch me to get that gig. They had no real reason for them to want me to be that role because I hadn’t been on TV yet and hadn’t done anything yet. They wanted somebody that had already been on TV. But the network and the production company were like nah, we see what he’s done on ESPN and NFL Network and FOX and NBC Sports and ABC and all these other things that I did when I was in the NFL and when I was in college. They were like, nah, we want him. Anybody who watches that show knows that it was a great idea for it to be me because I did a really good job in that show, and the show itself was really good.”

(H/T and transcribed by Fightful)


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