
Tyler Breeze Discusses The Frustrations He Had With WWE, Advice Norman Smiley Gave Him


Pro-wrestling star Tyler Breeze recently appeared on the Straight Shootin podcast to discuss a number of different topics, including his frustrations with WWE prior to being release and advice that Norman Smiley gave him during his FCW days. Highlights from the interview are below.

Says he was frustrated on WWE not properly using talents:

“My least favorite time…I remember being so frustrated — I hate this. I hate when people are like, ‘I was never given an opportunity, I was never given a chance. I was held down.’ That’s a whole separate conversation, but that’s such an excuse of, ‘you don’t know what you signed up for.’ We signed a piece of paper for a certain amount of money to sit on the bench and get used if we get used. If they choose not to use you, it doesn’t mean I can go on social media and bitch and complain, and go, ‘I’m getting held down.’ Nope, if you’re not okay with that, then quit your job. That’s what this is. It’s a casting call. Sometimes they need you, sometimes they don’t. It’s always a rollercoaster. You’re going to get used, but you can’t stay at the top forever. You’re going to get cycled out. People are so entitled that they’re like, ‘I should’ve got this and you deserve this.’ No, none of us deserve anything and we’re very lucky to be part of it and we’re lucky to get an opportunity. If that opportunity comes, you better be ready and nail it, and you might get more opportunities. That’s a weird culture going on.”

Reveals the advice Norman Smiley gave him during his FCW days:

“My least favorite time, FCW was very much a detached entity, we were very much on an island and you weren’t in WWE. You were, but you know what I mean. I remember at the time, I just could not get going. No matter what I did, I could not figure it out. I was trying to figure out the system and I just can’t. Norman (Smiley) told me, ‘Hey man, you care too much.’ I said, ‘How can I not care, this is all I’ve ever wanted to do, now I’m here and I’m going to get fired if I don’t figure this out. What is happening?’ He said, ‘You’ll understand what I mean eventually.’ Years later, I understand what he meant. You have to care enough so that when your number gets called and you have an opportunity, you look good and are in shape and you can do everything they need you to do, but until that point, you better detach and unplug because you’re just going to sit there and stew and stew and get miserable and miserable. Then, when your opportunity does come, you’re going to be so bitter and mad, you’re going to mess it up and blame everyone else when, in reality, you’re putting all your eggs in the wrestling basket to make you happy in life. If you do that, you will get made miserable every single time because wrestling’s job is to not make you happy, it is to give you and opportunity and freedom to do whatever you want in this world.”

(H/T and transcribed by 411 Mania)

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