Table Tennis

UKAD Clean Sport Week: Journey to the Podium 


This year’s Clean Sport Week theme is “Journey to the Podium”. Throughout the week, UKAD will highlight the significance of the clean sport journey through the experiences of athletes and the elite sport community. Anti-doping should be a fundamental part of every athlete and their support personnel’s journey – it should never be an afterthought. 

Click here to see stories, unique interviews, and videos on the UKAD website 

Clean sport is an essential part of our table tennis athletes’ journeys to the podium. It takes a lifetime of work, commitment, and a network of support to help athletes perform at the highest level. This effort can be undermined in an instant by doping. Creating a culture of clean sport is vital for the health and welfare of our athletes and the integrity of table tennis. 

In anticipation of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, it is more important than ever for all Team GB athletes and support personnel to be well-versed in clean sport practices. This education involves understanding the dangers and consequences of doping, recognising the importance of ethical behavior, and making informed decisions about nutrition and supplements. 

Table Tennis England adhere to the guidelines recommended by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and are committed to ensuring that our athletes have the knowledge and resources they need to stay clean and compete fairly. This commitment aligns with our goal of inspiring world-class performances and achieving medal success through integrity and hard work.  

Click here for more advice and guidance on the TTE Website  

We all have a responsibility to keep sport clean, raise awareness of anti-doping, and celebrate the successes of athletes, achieved through hard work, determination, and by competing clean. Here are some steps you can take: 

Athletes: Stay informed about banned substances and make responsible choices regarding nutrition and supplements. Always check medications against the banned list and seek advice if unsure. 

Coaches and Support Staff: Provide guidance and support to athletes, emphasizing the importance of clean sport. Lead by example and create a culture of integrity. 

Parents: Encourage your children to value clean sport principles. Educate them about the risks of doping and the importance of fair play. 

We encourage everyone in our sporting community who would like to learn more about anti-doping to sign up for UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub, which offers free education courses for athletes, students, coaches, and practitioners.  

For more information on Clean Sport Week, visit UK Anti-Doping’s Clean Sport Week page. 

For specific information related to table tennis and anti-doping guidelines, please visit our Table Tennis England Anti-Doping page. 

Explore more about how we support our athletes’ development on our Athlete Development page. 

UKAD Clean Sport Week: Journey to the Podium  Table Tennis England.

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