WWE NXT Results 7/30/24

WWE NXT Results 7/30/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: The Unholy Union (c) vs. Meta Four For The WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship 

Unholy Union attacks Meta Four before the bell rings. Dawn puts her knee on the back of Legend’s neck. Unholy Union throws Legend into the ringside barricade. Jackson with an inside cradle for a two count. Fyre stomps on Jackson’s back. Fyre applies a front face lock. Fyre tags in Dawn. Fyre with The Gourdbuster. Dawn with a Running Meteora for a two count. Dawn punches Jackson in the back. Dawn sends Jackson shoulder first into the steel ring post. Dawn tags in Fyre. Dawn drives Legend face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Tarantula/SuperKick Combination. Following a snap mare takeover, Fyre goes into the lateral press for a two count. Fyre tags in Dawn. Dawn with clubbing shoulder blocks. Dawn tags in Fyre. Double Vertical Suplex. Legend rocks Dawn with a forearm smash. Legend with The Pump Kick. Legend dumps Fyre over the top rope. Jackson lands The Suicide Dive. Meta Four Pose. Jackson rolls Fyre back into the ring. Jackson with a forearm smash. Jackson with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Jackson tags in Legend.

Legend whips Fyre back first into the turnbuckles. Jackson with a Running Hip Attack. Legend levels Fyre with The Body Avalanche. Legend with The Standing Frog Splash for a two count. Legend with a waist lock takedown. Jackson tags herself in. Jackson with rapid fire bodyshots. Jackson with a big forearm smash for a two count. Fyre decks Jackson with a back elbow smash. Jackson blocks The O’Connor Roll. Dawn slams Jackson’s head on the top rope. Fyre hooks the outside leg for a two count. Fyre tags in Dawn. Fyre sweeps out the legs of Jackson. Dawn with a Running Hip Attack. Fyre SuperKicks Jackson. Dawn goes into the cover for a two count. Dawn with The Bridging Vertical Suplex for a two count. Dawn punches Jackson in the back. Dawn tags in Fyre. Fyre headbutts the back of Jackson. Fyre applies The Abdominal Stretch. Fyre uses Dawn for leverage. Jackson rolls Fyre over for a two count. Fyre stops Jackson in her tracks. Fyre drives Jackson back first into the turnbuckles. Fyre with repeated shoulder blocks. Jackson is displaying her fighting spirit. Jackson drops Fyre with The SitOut Rear Mat Slam. Fyre tags in Dawn. Jackson with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Jackson tags in Legend. Legend slaps Dawn in the chest. Legend clotheslines Dawn. Legend whips Dawn across the ring. Legend repeatedly drives her knee into Dawn’s back.

Legend uses Dawn’s legs as a weapon. Legend with The Fallaway Slam. Legend pops back on her feet. Legend with The Uranage BackBreaker. Legend Chokeslams Dawn for a two count. Legend goes for a Bodyslam, but Dawn lands back on her feet. Dawn applies The Dragon Sleeper. Fyre with The Roundhouse Kick behind the referee’s back. Dawn knocks Jackson off the ring apron. Dawn tags in Fyre. BackStabber/Swanton Bomb Combination for a two count. Jackson dumps Daw out of the ring. Jackson with a flying hair pull takedown on the floor. Fyre ducks a clothesline from Legend. Fyre with The Satellite DDT for a two count. Fyre is lighting up Legend’s chest. Legend reverses out of the irish whip from Fyre. Legend with a Corner Spear. Legend blocks The Reverse Hurricanrana. Legend tags in Jackson. Assisted Running Cutter for a two count. Dawn sends Legend tumbling to the floor. Dawn with The Flying Meteora off the apron. Fyre dodges The Famouser. Fyre SuperKicks Jackson. Fyre tags in Dawn. Unholy Union connects with The Evil Touch to pickup the victory. After the match, Ethan Page comes out to poke fun at Oro Mensah. He hopes that Meta Four can be there to pick him up after next week, because there will be no fluke 1-2-3 pins during their NXT Title Match. Page goes for a belt shot, but Oro rolls him over and Meta Four makes the three count.

Winner: Still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Unholy Union via Pinfall 

– We get a clip from earlier today where Cedric Alexander was giving advice to some of the younger talent from the WWE Performance Center. He and Trick Williams are in a good place, but Trick needs to stop letting his emotions dictate his actions. Shawn Spears joins the conversation. Spears says that Cedric is no position to give out any advice. With the power of an open eye, Brooks Jensen seen the light. He’s making a difference in that young man’s life. Spears says that he would do the same thing for Cedric, but some people are a lost cause. Cedric says that Spears can’t manipulate him, he’s not one of the weak-minded people he goes after. Brooks Jensen takes issue with Cedric calling him weak-minded. Jensen proceeds to challenge Cedric to a match

– Tavion Heights tells Hank Walker that he’s looking forward to bringing the Heritage Cup back to The No Quarter Catch Crew. It was just four years ago where Heights was representing this country in the Olympics in Greco Roman Wrestling. In that same year, he got a bronze medal in the World Championships. Big matches don’t scare him. Tony D’Angelo may be The DON of NXT, but he’s a former NCAA Wrestler. So, with all of that bravado, Tony D is a grappler and a real shooter. Tavion is ready for this fight. The Don tells Tank Ledger that Tavion is a legit guy. Representing your country in the Olympics is a big deal. Tonight, Tavion is going to find out that The Don delivers inside and outside of the ring.

Pete Dunne Promo

I have been in this business for 18 years. I started at 12 years old, and when I look around this locker room, I’ve seen it all before. Grown men that can’t handle a setback, they just can’t figure it out. Pete Dunne has always been young and bitter. The first time in my life that I turn to someone for advice, I got stuck with a terrible nickname, and a front row seat to The Sheamus Show. You’d be bitter, too. Sheamus went home, Ridge ran when things got a little tough, and Tyler is laid up at home resting up. They’re not like me, and neither are you, Trick. You just can’t seem to figure it out. When I was a teenager back in Birmingham, I was traveling on the bus before a show, and one day these group of guys jumped me, they robbed me in front of a bus full of people. Nobody stepped up for me, nobody stepped in. I pulled myself together. Cracked teeth, black eye, and I stood up, pulled myself together, and made the town. I handled business. You know why? Because I just figure it out. Now, Trick, you are the face of NXT, a man with all the tools. 6’4 Superstar Athlete, and you’ve answered some tough questions. You beat Ilja Dragunov, you beat Carmelo Hayes. You’d think with someone that has so much confidence, they would be able to trust their instincts. But, no, you have to come to a man like me for answers. So, next week, you’re in for a painful lesson, and I’m going to force you to figure it out.

Second Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The Family vs. Tavion Heights w/The No Quarter Catch Crew For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship 


Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Angelo with a tight clinch. Angelo brings Heights down to the mat. Heights shoots the half for a one count. Angelo goes back to the tight clinch. Angelo with a fireman’s carry takeover. Heights answers with an ankle pick. Heights with a Counter Hip Toss. Heights takes a bow. Angelo with a double leg takedown. Angelo with a Modified SpineBuster. Angelo drops Heights with a Running Shoulder Tackle. Angelo with a side headlock takeover. Heights whips Angelo across the ring. Angelo with a shoulder tackle. Angelo with another side headlock takeover. Heights sends Angelo into the ropes. Heights applies The Sleeper Hold. Heights goes for The GutWrench Suplex, but Angelo counters with a single leg takedown. Angelo applies The Heel Hook as time expires. Heights gets distracted by Wren Sinclair who’s cheering in the crowd.


Heights with a single leg takedown. Heights applies a side headlock. Heights reverses out of the irish whip from Angelo. Angelo side steps Heights into the turnbuckles. Angelo hyperextends the left shoulder of Heights. Angelo applies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Heights rolls Angel over for a two count. Angelo reapplies The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Heights with another rollup for a two count. Angelo with a corner clothesline. Angelo transitions into a corner mount. Heights dumps Angelo face first on the top turnbuckle pad. Heights kicks Angelo in the gut. Heights with Two NeckBreaker for a two count. Heights sends Angelo to the corner. Angelo dumps Heights face first on the top turnbuckle pad. Angelo with The Avalanche Fisherman’s Suplex as time expires.


Heights with a forearm smash. Heights kicks Angelo in the gut. Heights punches Angelo in the back. Heights goes for a Bodyslam, but Angelo counters with a Crossbody Block. Heights drives his knee into the midsection of Angelo. Angelo blocks The GutWrench Suplex. Angelo hits The Forget About It to score the first pinfall of this match. Wren is trying to wake up Heights during the rest period.


Heights clotheslines Angelo. Heights with clubbing blows to Angelo’s back. Heights ducks a clothesline from Angelo. Heights with a Diving NeckBreaker. Heights ties things up with The Side Belly to Belly Suplex.


NQCC is unsure what to do with Wren Sinclair. Haymaker/Forearm Exchange. Angelo sends Heights to the corner. Heights side steps Angelo into the turnbuckles. Heights sends Angelo chest first into the canvas. Heights with The GutWrench Suplex for a two count. Heights whips Angelo across the ring. Heights with The Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex for a two count. Angelo dodges The Diving Crossbody Block. Angelo with two haymakers. Angelo scores the elbow knockdown. Angelo with a Side Belly to Belly Suplex. Angelo connects with Two SpineBusters to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, (2-1) Tony D’Angelo via Pinfall 

– Je’Von Evans Vignette.

Third Match: Brooks Jensen w/Shawn Spears vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander with a single leg takedown. Jensen uses his feet to create separation. Alexander ducks a clothesline from Jensen. Alexander applies a side headlock. Jensen with a Belly to Back Suplex. Jensen repeatedly drives his knee into Alexander’s back. Jensen grabs a side headlock. Jensen with a side headlock takeover. Alexander rolls Jensen over for a two count. Alexander ducks under two clotheslines from Jensen. Alexander with The Sunset Flip for a one count. Alexander unloads three knife edge chops. Jensen reverses out of the irish whip from Alexander. Alexander slides under Jensen’s legs. Alexander with a deep arm-drag. Alexander applies an arm-bar. Jensen backs Alexander into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break.

Jensen punches Alexander in the ribs. Jensen with forearm shivers. Jensen repeatedly stomps on Alexander’s chest. Jensen goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Alexander lands back on his feet. Alexander ducks another clothesline from Jensen. Alexander with a Hurricanrana. Jensen side steps Alexander into the turnbuckles. Alexander kicks Jensen in the face. Alexander with The Missile Dropkick. Alexander lands The Suicide Dive. Alexander rolls Jensen back into the ring. Jensen kicks Alexander in the gut. Jensen with clubbing blows to Alexander’s back. Jensen with a Running Knee Strike. Jensen transitions into a ground and pound attack. Jensen sends Alexander to the corner. Jensen catches Alexander in mid-air.

Jensen gets Alexander tied up in the tree of woe. Jensen with a Running Diving Crossbody Block for a two count. Jensen applies a rear chin lock. Alexander with elbows into the midsection of Jensen. Alexander decks Jensen with a JawBreaker. Alexander scores two forearm knockdowns Alexander with a Snap German Suplex. Alexander with a flying forearm smash. Alexander follows that with a running basement dropkick. Alexander hits The Michinoku Driver for a two count. Jensen with a desperation boot out of the corner. Alexander and Jensen are trading back and forth shots. Jensen with a cross chop that sends Alexander crashing into the canvas. Jensen with The Diving Leg Drop for a two count. Jensen argues with the referee. Jensen with The Gourdbuter onto the announce table. Jensen goes for a Corkscrew Plancha off the apron, but Alexander ducks out of the way. Alexander connects with The Lumbar Check to pickup the victory.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via Pinfall 

– The Rascalz reunites in their signature Magical Treehouse. They’re back in business. MSK was one of the best tag teams in NXT history. They never lost their tag team titles. That fire main event was a good reminder of what they bring to the table. The reunited MSK should get a shot at the NXT Tag Team Titles. Wes Lee says that he’s going to text Axiom and Nathan Frazer and see what they have to say about their challenge.

Joe Hendry Concert 

Joe Hendry: Say his name and he appears. Welcome to the historic, first ever Joe Hendry Concert in WWE. Now, my concerts are critically acclaimed all across the world, but tonight we brought it here to NXT. I can feel the buzz in the air. I knew I needed to create something special, because the world is saying they believe in Joe Hendry, so we need a song that everyone is gonna love. Well, almost everyone. Give me one more second here. There we go, beautiful. Joe Hendry makes things so much better, but there’s still so much to do. Joe Hendry makes things better for everyone in NXT.

There’s a wrestler from Scotland, he’s representing TNA, but with the chef in the kitchen, and he summoned Joe Hendry, because he knows he has his fans, and they’re singing we believe. But the president of his fan club is a man named Booker T. Now, let’s talk Joe Coffey, because there’s a story I can tell. And he claims he’s from Scotland, but he’s the son of Dutch Mantell. If you hate Gallus, then wave your hands in the air. They got deported for having horrible facial hair. If you hate Gallus, then wave your hands in the air, they got deported for having awful facial hair. Everyone, all together, if you hate Gallus, then wave your hands in the air, they got deported for having awful facial hair. I knew this was gonna be fun, but you’re really in the party mood tonight. So, how about we have ourselves a little encore? And maybe we should sing a certain song, when I spin around, and you see a certain face. What do you think NXT Universe? Well, people have spoken, so let’s sing it together.

Joe Coffey: Enough, enough. Mic Check, 1-2. Goodnight NXT, there will be no encore. You, you are a flash in a pan, you are a one-hit wonder, you’re an internet meme. And if I hear that song, one more time, somebody is going to get decked. I feel as if, Joe, I’ve heard that song before. So, if you want some, come get some.

Gallus gangs up on Hendry to close this segment.

– Roxanne Perez is loving the respect she’s getting from Hank Walker & Tank Ledger. She refuses to participate in their shenanigans. She’s clearly getting ready for her main event title defense. Jaida Parker walks past Perez saying that she might not be the champion by the end of the night.

Ethan Page & Oro Mensah Contract Signing

AVA: Okay, okay. Hi, guys, I see we have a lot of big feelings, but let’s remember why we’re here.

Ethan Page: Oh, we’re here because I granted Oro a gift, a title match. A gift that you don’t even deserve.

Oro Mensah: Okay, be quiet, my guy. Two months ago, you attacked my brother, Noam. You put him on the shelf, and then you had the audacity to attack me. I’ve been chasing your goofy face the entire time, and you run, you hide, and you duck, because you know, every week, I pin you, 1-2-3. Again and again. Your precious ego couldn’t take it. Your stupid ego couldn’t handle the fact that I pinned you, that’s why you wanted this match to happen, and that’s why this match is going to be official.

Ethan Page: Oro, none of this stuff counts. Nothing you’ve done to me matters. And get this through your head, you can’t beat me, and you won’t beat me.

Oro Mensah: Sign it. Beautiful. You see, you might be the champion, but I have zero respect for everything that you think you are.

Ethan Page: Like I care.

Oro Mensah: Page, you look at me, and you think, Oro Mensah has no right to be a champion. That kid that never fit in. But when I beat you next week, that NXT Title is going to fit perfectly around the main man’s waist.

Fourth Match: Jaida Parker w/OTM vs. Kendal Grey w/Carlee Bright 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Parker backs Grey into the turnbuckles. Parker pie faces Grey. The referee calls for a clean break. Standing Switch Exchange. Grey with a fireman’s carry takeover. Grey applies an arm-bar. Parker drives her knee into the midsection of Grey. Grey with a forearm smash. Parker reverses out of the irish whip from Grey. Grey dives over Parker. Grey with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Grey with another fireman’s carry takeover. Grey applies an arm-bar. Parker tugs on Grey’s hair. Parker slams Grey’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Parker dumps Grey ribs first on the top rope.

Parker tees off on Grey. Parker repeatedly slams Grey’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Parker with The Reverse Vertical Suplex for a two count. Parker slaps Grey in the ribs. Parker applies the sitting abdominal stretch. Parker goes for The Reverse Suplex, but Grey lands back on her feet. Forearm Exchange. Short-Arm Reversal by Grey. Grey with a NeckBreaker. Grey scores two elbow knockdowns. Grey with a leaping corner clothesline. Bright gets distracted by Myles Borne and Wren Sinclair. Grey delivers another Belly to Belly Suplex on the floor. Grey ducks a clothesline from Parker. Grey hits The Olympic Slam for a two count. Parker with a BackBreaker. Parker lays Grey flat on the middle turnbuckle. Parker with The Tear Drop. Parker with The Gourdbuster. Parker connects with The Running Hip Check to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jaida Parker via Pinfall 

– Mr. Stone hands Nathan Frazer a contract. In the contract, it states that Frazer and Axiom will put their NXT Tag Team Titles on the line next week against MSK. Axiom immediately signs the contract without talking to Frazer first. Frazer is upset that Axiom is more preoccupied with his upcoming match on WWE Speed. Frazer tells Axiom to lock in. Axiom says that they’re fine and there’s nothing to worry about.

– Ridge Holland tells Thea Hail to do whatever it takes to bring the gold back to Chase University.

Fifth Match: Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic, Sol Ruca vs. Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

Sol Ruca and Fallon Henley will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Standing Switch Exchange. Henley decks Ruca with a back elbow smash. Henley with a drop toe hold. Henley does the surfboard. Henley drops her weight on Ruca’s back. Henley applies a side headlock. Henley whips Ruca across the ring. Ruca showcases her athleticism. Ruca drops Henley with The X-Factor. Ruca delivers The Surfboard. Ruca stomps on Henley’s back. Ruca tags in Petrovic. Petrovic kicks Henley in the ribs. Petrovic applies a wrist lock. Henley tugs on Petrovic’s hair. Henley backs Petrovic into the turnbuckles. Nyx tags herself in. Henley drives her knee into the midsection of Petrovic. Nyx hyperextends the left shoulder of Petrovic. Wrist Lock Exchange. Petrovic kicks Nyx in the back. Petrovic with a Mid-Kick. Petrovic with a Running Blockbuster for a two count. Short-Arm Reversal by Petrovic. Petrovic with The Hook Kick. Petrovic applies The Muta Lock. Petrovic sends Nyx to the corner. Petrovic with a Running Roundhouse Kick. Petrovic tags in Vice.

Vice with a Judo Throw. Nyx tags in Jayne. Vice kicks the right shoulder of Jayne. Jayne rolls Vice over for a two count. Vice blocks The Pump Kick. Jayne avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Chop Exchange. Vice reverses out of the irish whip from Jayne. Rollup Exchange. Vice with a double leg takedown for a tw count. Vice applies a front face lock. Petrovic tags herself in. Following a snap mare takeover, Vice and Petrovic with a Sliding Lariat/Back Kick Combination for a two count. Petrovic applies a wrist lock. Jayne rocks Petrovic with a forearm smash. Jayne tags in Henley. Henley and Jayne goes for a Double Vertical Suplex, but Ruca gets in the way. Assisted Mule Kicks. Stereo SuperKicks to Nyx. Henley with a straight right hand. Vice punches Henley in the ribs. Vice kicks Henley off the ring apron. Petrovic lands The Suicide Dive. Ruca with The Sky Twister Press to the outside.

Petrovic rolls Henley back into the ring. Petrovic hooks the outside leg for a two count. Petrovic applies an arm-bar. Ruca tags herself in. Ruca applies a wrist lock. Ruca sends Henlley to the corner. Ruca with The Stinger Splash. Ruca with The Rolling Crucifix for a one count. Ruca maintains wrist control. Vice tags herself in. Vice with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Vice with a double leg takedown. Vice applies The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Henley rolls Vice over for a two count. Vice applies a front face lock. Petrovic tags herself in. Forearm Exchange. Henley whips Petrovic across the ring. Petrovic holds onto the ropes. Petrovic kicks Henley in the face. Petrovic ducks a clothesline from Nyx. Petrovic gets distracted by Jayne. Henley attacks Petrovic from behind. Unicorn Stampede to Petrovic. Nyx is choking Petrovic with her boot. Jayne with a Running Cannonball Strike for a two count.

Jayne drives her knee into the midsection of Petrovic. Jayne sends Petrovic to the corner. Petrovic with a Leaping Side Kick. Petrovic rolls Jayne over for a two count. Jayne scores the elbow knockdown. Jayne tags in Nyx. Nyx with a NeckBreaker. Nyx with a Running Mid-Kick for a two count. Nyx wraps her legs around Petrovic’s neck. Petrovic rolls Nyx over for a two count. Nyx with a corkscrew elbow strike. Petrovic with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Jayne tags herself in and stops Petrovic in her tracks. Petrovic uses her feet to create separation. Petrovic tags in Vice. Vic with Two Spinning Back Kicks. Vice with rapid fire shoulder kicks. Vice with Two SuperKicks. Ruca with The Springboard Double Lariat.

Petrovic with The Discus Lariat. Triple Running Hip Attack. Stereo SuperKicks to Jayne and Nyx. Ruca PowerBombs Henley for a two count. Jayne and Nyx wisely pulls Vice and Petrovic off the apron. Ruca SuperKicks Henley. Henley gets perched on the top turnbuckle. Simultaneous tag to Nyx. Jayne with The Draping Cutter. Nyx with The Perfect Plex for a two count. Henley dumps Petrovic out of the ring. Jayne attacks Vice from behind. Jayne with a Cannonball Senton off the apron. Petrovic avoids The 619. Petrovic dumps Henley face first on the apron. Nyx with clubbing mid-kicks. Second Forearm Exchange. Ruca delivers her combination offense. Nyx with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Petrovic tags herself in. Petrovic scores two forearm knockdowns. Petrovic ducks a clothesline from Nyx. Petrovic with combination kicks. Petrovic with a Diving Bulldog for a two count. Petrovic goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Nyx blocks it. Nyx with The Pele Kick. Simultaneous tag to Henley. Jayne drops Petrovic with TheRolling Elbow. Henley connects with The Modified Cutter to pickup the victory.

Winner: Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley, Jazmyn Nyx via Pinfall 

– Kelani Jordan runs into Tatum Paxley in the backstage area. Kelani still doesn’t want to play with Tatum or her dolls. Tatum suggests that Kelani should give her a shot at the NXT Women’s North American Championship. Kelani gets disturbed by Wendy Choo staring at her.

– Gallus ruin a milestone moment in his career. Joe Hendry says that he’s driven by proving that he belongs in NXT and competing against the best in the world. Hendry proceeds to challenge Joe Coffey to a match, and he will force Gallus to believe in Joe Hendry.

NXT Great American Bash 2024: Week Two Card 

– Ethan Page (c) vs. Oro Mensah For The WWE NXT Championship

– Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

– Joe Hendry vs. Joe Coffey w/Gallus

– Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Tatum Paxley For The WWE NXT Women’s North American Championship

– Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. MSK w/Trey Miguel For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

Sixth Match: Roxanne Perez (c) vs. Thea Hail w/Chase University For The WWE NXT Women’s Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Rollup Exchange. Hail applies The Kimura Lock. Perez immediately runs into the middle rope which forces the break. The referee is trying to calm down Hail. Perez kicks Hail in the gut. Perez hyperextends the left shoulder of Hail. Perez uppercuts the left shoulder of Hail. Perez applies an arm-bar. Hail whips Perez across the ring. Hail drops down on the canvas. Hail leapfrogs over Perez. Hail goes for a Headscissors Takeover, but Perez lands back on her feet. Perez goes for a Hip Toss, but Hail counters with a deep arm-drag. Hail with The Exploder Suplex. Perez regroups on the outside. Hail with The Orihara MoonSault. Hail is fired up. Hail rolls Perez back into the ring. Hail works on the left shoulder of Perez. Hail with another arm-drag. Perez clings onto the middle rope. Perez drives Hail shoulder first into the middle rope. Perez hammers down on the left shoulder of Hail. Perez drops her weight on the left shoulder of Hail. Perez drives Hail shoulder first into the top turnbuckle pad. Perez with a Running Hip Attack. Perez with a Side Russian Leg Sweep for a two count.

Perez wraps the left shoulder of Hail around the bottom rope. Perez with The Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Perez continues to target the left shoulder of Hail. Perez goes for a Knee Drop, but Hail ducks out of the way. Hail rolls Perez over for a two count. Hail with heavy bodyshots. Perez goes for a Northern Lights Suplex, but Hail counters with The DDT. Perez blocks a boot from Hail. Perez rocks Hail with a forearm smash. Perez toys around with Hail. Hail with forearm shivers. Hail whips Perez across the ring. Hail with a flying forearm. Hail with a diving crossbody block. Hail thrust kicks the midsection of Perez. Hail with The Flipping NeckBreaker. Hail with The World’s Smallest Slam. Hail follows that with a SomerSault Senton. Hail goes for The SpringBoard Back Senton Splash, but Perez ducks out of the way. Perez with The Rolling Crucifix for a two count. Perez applies The CrossFace. Hail puts her foot under the bottom rope which forces the break.

Perez is displaying her frustration. Perez lands The Suicide Dive. Perez rolls Hail back into the ring. Perez talks smack to Chase U. Hail with a Suicide Dive of her own. Hail rolls Perez back into the ring. Hail with The Flying Crossbody Block. Hail hits The Michinoku Driver for a two count. Perez cranks on the left shoulder of Hail. Perez with a Spinning Back Kick. Perez goes for Pop Rocks, but Hail counters with the backslide cover for a two count. Hail applies The Kimura Lock. Perez responds with The CrossFace. Hail goes back to The Kimura Lock. Perez transitions into another CrossFace. Hail gets back to a vertical base. Hail with The Rolling Senton. Hail with The Springboard Back Senton Splash for a two count. Perez scrambles out of The Kimura Lock. Perez rakes the eyes of Hail. Perez with The Back Drop Driver. Perez with a Running Uppercut. Hail drives Perez shoulder first into the steel ring post. Hail gets Perez trapped in The Kimura Lock. Both ladies spill to the floor. Perez drives Hail back first into the steel ring steps. Perez applies a hammerlock. Perez drives Hail shoulder first into the ring stairs. Perez reapplies The CrossFace. Hail rolls Perez over for a two count. Hail locks in The Kimura. Perez responds with The CrossFace. Hail refuses to quit. Perez connects with The Pop Rocks to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT Women’s Champion, Roxanne Perez via Pinfall 

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The post WWE NXT Results 7/30/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol