WWE NXT Results 8/13/24

WWE NXT Results 8/13/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

Ethan Page & Joe Hendry Segment 

Ethan Page: We are live back on the USA Network. And I know you guys all saw what happened last week at The Great American Bash. Ethan Page finally beat Oro Mensah. Wes Lee finally got a spine and dropped all that dead weight. But what we’re most excited about, is your NXT Champion is about to address the NXT Universe, right now. Hit my music. And now you can cut it. Ladies and gentlemen, the NXT Universe wanted so badly for Oro Mensah to dethrone me as NXT Champion. But what Oro found out, and what everyone here found out, and what everyone watching at home found out is, when Ethan Page says it, oh, it comes true.

I said that I was talented, I said I had the skills to back it up, and I call myself, All Ego, and I have every single right to do so. The era of Ego will continue to roll on and roll on strong. No one is taking this championship from Ethan Page. Hell, I heard Wes Lee chirping. Wes, you are not taking this away from All Ego. Hell, Trick Williams, if you manage by some miracle to figure out Pete Dunne, and you want to come at me one more time, you’re not the one that’s going to take this away from All Ego. Hell, Pete, you can break every single finger on my hands, and it will not loosen the grip that I have on the NXT Championship. Because the era of Ego will roll on. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not NXT, it’s NXME.

Joe Hendry: Ethan, apologies for the interruption, but last week I did say, you wouldn’t even need to say my name, I will just appear. So, here I am, and looking at you, I can see how you think you are the talk of NXT. After all, you are the NXT Champion. And at Heatwave, you showed the world when you won that championship, you became the talk of the WWE.

Ethan Page: Hell, yeah. Thank you, Joe. I appreciate you saying that.

Joe Hendry: For about 90 seconds until this face appeared and closed the show. Seriously though, Ethan, incredible performance against Oro Mensah. Once again, you were the talk of the town, but the truth is, the fans left here talking about Wes Lee. So, Ethan, it seems like your ego is seeing one thing, but the reality is.

Ethan Page: Okay. You know what, Joe? I don’t have to sit here, and listen to you, especially your opinions, your thoughts or the fact that you want to come out here and ramble. If you ask me, I think what you should do is, take your victory from last week, get your ass back to TNA. Because if I’m being honest with you, if I’m being honest with you, Joe, I don’t even know why you’re still hanging around NXT.

Joe Hendry: Ethan, I’m here for the same reason everyone is, to win the NXT Championship.

Ethan Page: Of course you are. I mean, it makes sense, everyone believes in Joe Hendry, right? Yeah. TNA clearly believes in Joe Hendry. NXT clearly believes in NXT. All the people here tonight, everyone watching at home, the entire world believes in Joe Hendry. The only problem is, I don’t. You know what do I believe? I believe that your song, yeah, it makes me sick to my stomach every single time I listen to it. I also believe that you are on the 14th minute of your 15 minutes of fame. And you know what I believe the most? With my heart of hearts, Joe, I believe that if you are silly enough to come after me and my NXT Title, I will expose you for the flash in the pan that you are.

Joe Hendry: Ethan, you can call me a flash in the pan, a one-hit wonder, but I am no overnight success. I’ve been grinding for ten plus years. And everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve made believers out of everyone who has watched me perform, and everyone who has faced me. And I’ve made believers out of Hall of Famers like, Kurt Angle. Booker T is the president of the Joe Hendry Fan Club. Ethan, your boss, HBK, Shawn Michaels believes in Joe Hendry. Ethan, I will make a believer out of you when I take the NXT Championship. And when I do, I’m going to take it to London, Paris, and Tokyo. America, Scotland, Canada and Mexico.

The rest of Joe Hendry’s theme song plays. Wes Lee SuperKicks Hendry to close this segment.

– Wren Sinclair interrupts Charlie Dempsey’s sparring session. She’s looking forward to Charlie bringing the Heritage Cup back to The NQCC. Charlie tells Wren to stay out of his way. Wren reminds Charlie that Tavion Heights is in Japan. Charlie needs to focus, he’s been waiting for this moment for over three months.

– Next week on NXT, there will be a No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator. It’s going to feature women who haven’t won a title or received a title opportunity. And the winner will take on Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women’s Championship at NXT No Mercy. And the six participants will be chosen at random via the tumbler. It will be Wren Sinclair, Adrianna Rizzo, and Sol Ruca. Mr. Stone starts bickering with Stevie Turner about whose idea this was.

First Match: Tony D’Angelo (c) w/The Family vs. Charlie Dempsey w/The No Quarter Catch Crew For The WWE NXT Heritage Cup Championship


Angelo with a double leg takedown. Angelo transitions into a ground and pound attack. Angelo with a waist lock takedown. Angelo applies a front face lock. Dempsey transitions into a side headlock. Angelo reverses the hold. Dempsey whips Angelo across the ring. Angelo drops Dempsey with a shoulder tackle. Angelo with the fireman’s carry takeover. Dempsey grapples around Angelo. Chain Grappling Exchange. Dempsey applies a double wrist lock. Dempsey with a top wrist lock takedown. Dempsey applies a hammerlock. Angelo with another double leg takedown. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Angelo goes for The SpineBuster, but Dempsey counters with The Kimura Lock. Angelo drives Dempsey back first into the turnbuckles. Angelo blocks The Butterfly Suplex. Angelo goes for The GutWrench Suplex, but Dempsey blocks it. Dempsey applies The Triangle Choke. Angelo goes for The Deadlift PowerBomb, but Dempsey counters with The Fujiwara Arm-Bar. Angelo with another takedown. Angelo with a Back Body Drop. Dempsey turns a Sunset Flip into a Knee Bar as time expires.


Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Angelo sends Dempsey face first into the canvas. Angelo with The Gator Roll for a one count. Dempsey holds onto the bottom rope to create separation. Dempsey drives his knee into Angelo’s ribs. Dempsey applies the cravate. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Dempsey with a shoulder tackle. Angelo drops down on the canvas. Angelo leapfrogs over Dempsey. Dempsey rolls Angelo over for a two count. Angelo with an inside cradle for a two count. Angelo hits The Forget About It to score the first pinfall of this match.


Angelo with a flying forearm smash. Angelo is choking Dempsey with his boot. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Angelo clotheslines Dempsey for a two count. Angelo dumps Dempsey out of the ring. Angelo with a straight right hand. Dempsey with heavy bodyshots. Dempsey follows that with a NeckBreaker across the top rope. Dempsey repeatedly stomps on Angelo’s chest. Dempsey reapplies the cravate. Angelo backs Dempsey into the turnbuckles. Angelo with clubbing shoulder blocks. Dempsey kicks Angelo in the gut. Dempsey uppercuts Angelo. Dempsey whips Angelo back first into the turnbuckles. Dempsey stomps on Angelo’s back. Dempsey with repeated uppercuts. Angelo is throwing haymakers at Dempsey. Dempsey with The Hip Toss. Angelo uses his feet to create separation. Dempsey kicks Angelo in the face. Angelo sends Dempsey to the corner. Dempsey decks Angelo with a back elbow smash. Dempsey rolls Angelo over for a two count. Dempsey with two uppercuts. Angelo responds with the backslide cover for a two count. After the bell rings, Dempsey clocks Angelo with a vicious knee strike.


Dempsey starts bickering with Sinclair. Angelo rolls Dempsey over for a two count. Dempsey with an uppercut/forearm combination. Dempsey repeatedly stomps on Angelo’s chest. Angelo clotheslines Dempsey. Angelo with a flurry of haymakers. Angelo with Two Side Belly to Belly Suplex’s. Angelo Powerslams Dempsey for a two count. Angelo goes for Forget About It, but Dempsey counters with an inside cradle for a two count. Angelo with The Release German Suplex. Standing Switch Exchange. Dempsey drives Angelo face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Dempsey ties things with The Bridging Jackknife Hold.


Forearm Exchange. Dempsey with two palm strikes. Dempsey drives his knee into the midsection of Angelo. Dempsey with a front face lock takedown for a two count. Angelo hits The SpineBuster for a two count. Angelo punches Dempsey. Short-Arm Reversal by Dempsey. Dempsey with The Bridging Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Angelo blocks The Butterfly Suplex. Angelo whips Dempsey across the ring. Angelo goes for The SpineBuster, but Dempsey counters with The Cross-Arm-Breaker. Dempsey transitions into The Triangle Choke. Angelo with The Deadlift PowerBomb. Angelo puts Dempsey on the top turnbuckle. Dempsey with clubbing blows to Angelo’s back. Angelo knocks Myles Borne off the ring apron. Assisted SomerSault Plancha. Wren trips Angelo behind the referee’s back. Dempsey connects with The Bridging Butterfly Suplex to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE NXT Heritage Cup Champion, Charlie Dempsey (2-1) via Pinfall 

– Lola Vice gives Kelani Jordan her props for beating Tatum Paxley last week. It seems Tatum is not taking this lost very well. Kelani wants to help her, but she doesn’t know where she stands with Tatum, especially after the whole Wendy Choo situation. Lola tells Tatum that everything is going to be okay. Tatum is dejected that she has no friends, and that includes Lola, so what does she want? Tatum says that Lola just had everything handed to her because she was a popular MMA Fighter. Lola doesn’t know where Tatum is going with this. Tatum says that she’ll show Lola.

– Tickets go available this Thursday for the upcoming NXT on The CW events at the Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois on October 1st, plus October 8th, Enterprise Center in St. Louis, Missouri. CM Punk and Randy Orton will be making very special appearances on those perspective shows.

Second Match: Lexis King vs. Eddy Thorpe 

King attacks Thorpe before the bell rings. King with clubbing blows to Thorpe’s back. King rolls Thorpe back into the ring. Thorpe avoids The SuperKick. Thorpe with a running back elbow/mid-kick combination. King blocks The Impaler DDT. Thorpe with a big right hand. King kicks Thorpe in the gut. King punches Thorpe in the back. King drives Thorpe shoulder first into the steel ring post. King kicks the right hand of Thorpe. King stomps on the right hand of Thorpe. King starts bending Thorpe’s fingers.

King dumps Thorpe elbow first on the top rope. King is mauling Thorpe in the corner. King continues to dish out transitional strikes. Thorpe reverses out of the irish whip from King. Thorpe with a Back Body Drop. Thorpe unloads three knife edge chops. King with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. King transitions into a ground and pound attack. Thorpe HeadButts King. Thorpe is lighting up King’s chest. Thorpe with a pair of boots. Thorpe with The Release German Suplex. Thorpe follows that with a Running Elbow Drop. King denies The Impaler DDT. King hyperextends the right shoulder of Thorpe. King connects with The Coronation to pickup the victory.

Winner: Lexis King via Pinfall 

Trick Williams Promo 

Okay, Pete, let’s talk about it. You said I haven’t figured you out, yet, but I will. Because Trick Williams solves problems. I fix issues. Problem, best friend stabs me in the back, solution, I walk out of the biggest show in NXT history with my hand raised high. Issue, I can’t beat The Red Dragon, solution, I become the new NXT Champion. And the truth is, Pete, we’re more similar than we realize. Yeah, I heard your story about how you were 18 years old, and you got beat up on the bus. Well, I got jumped at 18, too, except I was making plays. Turns out that the upperclassmen don’t like it when a freshman comes in and he balls early. So, some teammates decided to throw rocks at my car. They didn’t know that I was on the inside, and they took off running to the dorm room. And I followed them up there, then I popped off just like Trick Williams always does, running up to three dudes in a small room, it didn’t make no sense. Yeah, it didn’t go well for me, but let’s just say, I figured it out. By the end of that year, each one of those dudes hold the L, believe that. I may not have the NXT Title, but I’m still looking to be the man around here in NXT. So, Pete, I’m not coming to you for advice, I’m coming for a rematch. One lost is not going to scare me off. One way or another, I’m going to figure your ass out.

– Pete Dunne tells Kelly Kincaid that Trick Williams hasn’t earned the right to get a rematch. People like to bitch and complain. Meanwhile, people like Pete Dunne, they shrug it off and they move on forward. Speaking of which, I’m moving towards the NXT Championship.

– Speaking of complaining, we see Meta Four bickering with Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx about who’s more deserving to get title shots in the Women’s Division.

Third Match: Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley 

Kelani Jordan joins the commentary team for this match. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Side Headlock Takeover Exchange. Rollup Exchange. Paxley avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Paxley sends Vice face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Paxley with a Running Crossbody Block into the turnbuckles. Paxley with a Roll Through Enzuigiri for a two count. Paxley applies a front face lock. Paxley punches Vice in the back.

Vice reverses out of the irish whip from Paxley. Paxley ducks a clothesline from Vice. Vice Powerslams Paxley. Vice plays to the crowd. Vice with a Running Hip Attack. Vice with an Axe Kick for a two count. Vice goes for a double leg takedown, but Paxley counters with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Paxley with The Step Up Enzuigiri. Paxley applies the single leg crab. Wendy Choo gets Jordan trapped in The Cobra Clutch. Paxley with an Inside Out Slam. Vice avoids The Flying Double Foot Stomp. Vice connects with The Spinning Back Fist to pickup the victory.

Winner: Lola Vice via Pinfall 

– Jaida Parker, Kendal Grey and Karmen Petrovic will be the remaining competitors in the No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator. Izzi Dame was not pleased with that announcement.

Wes Lee, Pete Dunne, Joe Hendry Segment 

Wes Lee: Hey, look, I get it. Last week shocked the world. Honestly, I shocked myself, too. You see, like, I believed that I was going to win the tag team titles with my best friend. But Zach let me down, again. Now, you see, this goes back to two years ago, when Zach first let me down. One of the greatest tag teams in NXT history, done. MSK was dead. And when all of that happened, everybody was feeling sad for Zach, but they were feeling sorry for me. They doubted me. Saying things like, what is Wes going to do now? Is he going to find a new tag team partner? I mean, everybody only had me pegged as a tag team guy, so it only made sense. But I dried my tears, I picked myself back up, and I busted my ass to become the greatest North American Champion of all-time.

Some of y’all cheer that, some of y’all boo that. You all witnessed it, firsthand. But Zach and Trey were not here. They abandoned me. They reunited in TNA, and they absolutely killed it, while I broke my back trying to become a top star here in NXT. And, you see, all of us, we all inspire to reach greatness together. We all wanted to have a legacy that lived beyond all of our years, but it was I, and I alone that reached that greatness. You see, y’all don’t know this, but Zach does. Zach, I’m just done being your caretaker, dog. I’m done worrying about what you’re going to say or do. I was the one that kept everything together when we were The Rascalz. I was the one driving us from city to city for our shows. I was the one squashing the beefs when you were being too childish.

I was the one waking you up for your flights, so that you didn’t miss them. I’m tired of taking care of you. Now, where I want to go, I know I that I can’t have my best friends riding my coattails. And I know that the only reason why they came back was for the WWE rub. And more importantly, I truly know how this is about to go. Zach, I know you and I are about to have a match, I know you desperately want to get your hands on me. No Mercy is coming up, and I feel like the title is fitting. But the thing is, when we have our match, you’re going to learn, first-hand, that everything that I’ve said here tonight rings true. I’m going to show you no mercy, dog, when I beat the living hell out of you. Once all of that is done, you and Trey can go back to TNA, and have a wonderful career as a TNA Wrestler, while I inspire and focus on bigger and better things, like that NXT Championship. So, on behalf WWE Superstar Wes Lee, I wish you the best on all of your future endeavors.

Pete Dunne: Look at this. I’m actually impressed. Because finally someone around here has started to figure it out. But don’t get too carried away, mate, because last week, I beat Trick, and now my eyes are fixed firmly on that NXT Championship.

Joe Hendry attacks Wes Lee from behind. Hendry uppercuts Lee. All hell starts breaking loose in the ring to close this segment.

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Will we see another successful title defense tonight? It’s no secret that they haven’t been on the same page as of late, but that’s a thing of the past. They’re not going to be distracted by their own individual goals. They are locked in on tonight’s main event. Chase U did bring the fire at Heatwave. Axiom is certain the result will remain the same.

– Oba Femi interrupts Tony D’Angelo backstage interview as he heads towards the arena.

Fourth Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Otis w/The Alpha Academy For The WWE NXT North American Championship

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Femi backs Otis into the turnbuckles. Strong lockup. Femi shoves Otis. Quick shoving contest. Femi kicks Otis in the gut. Femi applies a side headlock. Otis whips Femi across the ring. Femi runs into Otis. Shoulder Block Exchange. Otis ducks a clothesline from Femi. Otis drops Femi with a running shoulder tackle. Femi regroups on the outside. Femi regains control of the match during the commercial break. Femi applies a rear chin lock. Otis backs Femi into the turnbuckles. Otis with The Sidewalk Slam for a two count. Femi slaps Otis in the chest. Femi with a Running Uppercut into the steel ring steps. Alpha Academy checks on Otis. Femi rolls Otis back into the ring.

Femi hooks the outside leg for a two count. Femi with Three Elbow Drops for a two count. Femi with Three Running Uppercuts for a two count. Femi goes for a PowerBomb, but Otis counters with a Back Body Drop. Otis is throwing haymakers at Femi. Otis HeadButts Femi. Otis with a Corner Spear. Femi dodges The Discus Back Elbow. Femi with a running forearm across the back of Otis neck. Femi blasts Akira Tozawa with an overhand chop. Otis is pissed. Otis clotheslines Femi. Otis rolls Femi back into the ring. Otis runs into Femi. Otis with The Discus Back Elbow. Otis with repeated back elbow smashes. Otis follows that with The Western Lariat. Otis Powerslams Femi. Otis hits The Caterpillar for a two count. Otis lands The Compactor for a two count. Otis transitions into a corner mount. Femi connects with The SitOut PowerBomb to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE NXT North American Champion, Oba Femi via Pinfall 

Brooks Jensen & Shawn Spears Segment 

It’s been documented, I was in a dark place. Spiraling out of control. I hit rock bottom. Some people say that they were looking out for me. Those were empty words. But there was one man that vouched for me in every sense. He stook his neck out for me to get another shot. He told not what I wanted to hear, but what I needed to hear. I was doing dumb and immature things and I’m better than that. He made sure I got home safe, every night, no matter what I was doing. This place is cutthroat. Friends are turning on each other. People are out for themselves. Well, I finally got someone looking after me besides Brooks Jensen. He was a leader, a mentor to me. Does that work?

Shawn Spears: Yeah, Brooks, that was perfect.

– Next week on NXT, The Good Brothers will battle Hank Walker & Tank Ledger.

Fifth Match: Izzi Dame vs. Brinley Reece 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Dame with a waist lock takedown. Reece avoids The Elbow Drop. Reece works on the left shoulder of Dame. Dame whips Reece across the ring. Dame blocks The Sunset Flip. Dame sends Reece to the corner. Reece side steps Dame into the turnbuckles. Reece with a Handstand Lariat for a one count. Reece hyperextends the left shoulder of Dame. Dame goes for a Bodyslam, but Reece lands back on her feet. Dame blocks The O’Connor Roll. Dame drops Reece with a shoulder tackle. Reece drops down on the canvas. Dame with The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Dame with clubbing shoulder blocks. The referee admonishes Dame.

Dame with The Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Dame with a corner clothesline. Dame sends Reece to the corner. Reece kicks Dame in the face. Reece decks Dame with a back elbow smash. Dame hits The Sky High for a two count. Dame applies The Canadian BackBreaker Rack. Dame blocks The Alabama Slam. Reece with a knee lift. Reece with two shoulder tackles. Reece follows that with a Running Body Block. Reece transitions into a ground and pound attack. Dame drives her knee into the midsection of Reece. Short-Arm Reversal by Reece. Reece with The Delayed Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Dame fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Dame with a forearm shot across the back of Reece. Reece with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Dame responds with The Big Boot. Dame connects with The Spinning Side Slam to pickup the victory.

Winner: Izzi Dame via Pinfall 

– Roxanne Perez takes issue with the No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator. AVA also announces that Joe Hendry will take on Wes Lee and Pete Dunne. The winner of that match will go on to face Ethan Page for the NXT Championship at NXT No Mercy.

Sixth Match: Axiom & Nathan Frazer (c) vs. Andre Chase & Ridge Holland w/Chase University For The WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

Checkout Episode 425 of The Hoots Podcast

The post WWE NXT Results 8/13/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol