WWE NXT Results 8/27/24

WWE NXT Results 8/27/24
The WWE Performance Center
Winter Park, Florida

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Vic Joseph & Booker T) 

Ring Announcer: Mike Rome

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: The Fatal Influence w/Jazmyn Nyx vs. Meta Four 

Jacy Jayne and Jakara Jackson will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Jackson with a deep arm-drag. Jayne drives her knee into the midsection of Jackson. Jayne punches Jackson in the back. Jayne with a straight right hand. Jackson reverses out of the irish whip from Jayne. Jackson with a flying forearm smash. Jackson dropkicks Jayne. Jackson tags in Legend. Legend applies The Full Nelson Lock. Jackson with rapid fire bodyshots. Jackson with a knife edge chop. Legend follows that with a Leaping Elbow Drop for a two count. Legend goes for a Bodyslam, but Jayne lands back on her feet. Jayne tags in Henley. Legend catches Henley in mid-air. Legend goes for a Powerslam, but Henley counters with The Sleeper Hold. Jackson tags herself in. Following a snap mare takeover, Jackson with two knee drops. Henley rocks Jackson with a forearm smash.

Jackson responds with a leaping back elbow smash. Jackson dropkicks Henley. Henley fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Henley with a big haymaker. Jayne and Legend are tagged in. Misfired Pump Kicks. Jayne ducks a clothesline from Legend. Jayne with a Running Hurricanrana. Legend starts dribbling Jayne and Henley’s head inside the ropes. Legend uses Henley’s legs as a weapon. Legend tags in Jackson. Assisted Dropkick. Jackson lands The Suicide Dive. Henley receives medical attention on the outside. Jackson rolls Henley back into the ring. Henley kicks Jackson in the face. Henley tags in Jayne. Jackson is throwing haymakers at Jayne. Jackson dropkicks Jayne. Jackson talks smack to Jayne. Jayne decks Jackson with a JawBreaker. Jayne with a forearm smash. Jayne goes for a Vertical Suplex, but Jackson counters with an inside cradle for a two count.

Jayne with a running clothesline. Jayne hammers down on Jackson’s chest. Jayne applies a rear chin lock. Jayne sends Jackson to the corner. Jackson with a back elbow smash. Jayne blocks a boot from Jackson. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Henley and Legend are tagged in. Legend clotheslines Henley. Legend scores the forearm knockdown. Legend repeatedly drives her knee into Jayne’s back. Legend with The Fallaway Slam. Legend pops back on her feet. Legend with The Uranage BackBreaker to Jayne. Legend hits The Slam Dunk for a two count. Legend tags in Jackson. Doomsday Lariat for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Henley with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Henley tags in Jayne. Henley with a Twisting Flatliner. Jayne drops Jackson with a Running NeckBreaker for a two count. Jayne tees off on Jackson. Jackson ducks a clothesline from Jayne. Jackson with The SitOut Rear Mat Slam. Jackson tags in Legend. The referee gets distracted by Nyx. Henley sends Jackson tumbling to the floor. Jayne rolls Legend over for a two count. Jayne SuperKicks Legend. Legend blocks The PK. Legend nails Nyx with The Pump Kick. Jayne with The Rolling Elbow. Jayne tags in Henley. Fatal Influence connects with The Fatal Mistake to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Fatal Influence via Pinfall 

– Wes Lee & Zachary Wentz Vignette.

– Eddy Thorpe had a backstage confrontation with Ashante THEE Adonis. Ashante seems surprised that Eddy is only DJ’ing for the love of the music. We see Brooks Jensen viciously attack Edris Enofe with a steel chair.

Second Match: Karmen Petrovic vs. Izzi Dame 

Petrovic with clubbing hamstring kicks. Dame grabs Petrovic by her throat. Petrovic with another hamstring kick. Dame goes for a Bodyslam, but Petrovic lands back on her feet. Petrovic applies a side headlock. Dame whips Petrovic across the ring. Dame drops Petrovic with a shoulder tackle. Petrovic drops down on the canvas. Dame blocks The Drop Toe Hold. Petrovic ducks a clothesline from Dame. Dame with The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker. Dame with clubbing shoulder blocks. Dame follows that with The Pendulum BackBreaker for a two count. Dame with a corner clothesline. Petrovic kicks Dame in the face. Petrovic with a Step Up Enzuigiri.

Dame catches Petrovic in mid-air. Dame with The Sky High for a two count. Dame applies The Torture Rack. Petrovic with three sharp knee strikes. Dame whips Petrovic across the ring. Dame goes for The Tilt-A-Whirl BackBreaker, but Petrovic counters with The Crossbody Block for a two count. Petrovic crawls under Dame’s legs. Petrovic kicks Dame in the ribs. Petrovic with a leaping side kick. Petrovic drops Dame with The Spinning Heel Kick. Petrovic with two running forearm smashes. Petrovic with The Discus Lariat for a two count. Petrovic goes for The Windmill Kick, but Dame counters with a Lariat. Dame with The Big Boot for a two count. Dame argues with the referee. Petrovic with forearm shivers. Dame responds with The Big Boot. Dame goes for The Spinning Side Slam, but Petrovic rolls her over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Karmen Petrovic via Pinfall 

– Wren Sinclair & Charlie Dempsey bicker about who should be taking lead in The No Quarter Catch Crew.

Jaida Parker & Roxanne Perez Interview 

Sarah Schreiber: Jaida Parker, less than a year ago, you made your NXT in-ring debut in the Women’s Breakout Tournament. Fast forward to last week, you outlasted five other women in a No Mercy Gauntlet Eliminator to earn your first ever NXT Women’s Title Match. How has this journey been for you?

Jaida Parker: It’s been fast, I’ll tell you that. I signed with the WWE exactly two years ago, but before signing, I was a D1 Soccer Player at LSU and making that transition from the field to the ring, I was kind of nervous, but I took it one step at a time, and everything fell into place. Get on TV for the Breakout Tournament. My first PLE was a tag team match in February. My first solo PLE was at Battleground. My big TV match against Michin, then the eliminator last week, and now come Sunday, I will get the chance to win the NXT Women’s Title.

Sarah Schreiber: But I have to ask, that gauntlet eliminator was a battle, and you took a hard hit from Sol Ruca, how are you feeling, your ribs, your sternum, are you at one hundred percent going in on Sunday?

Jaida Parker: I’m not going to lie to you, I’m kind of sore, but nothing broke or crack, so I’ll be ready to go.

Sarah Schreiber: On that note, there’s no denying your confidence. Do you think Roxanne Perez is underestimating you?

Jaida Parker: Oh, absolutely, she is. Now, I’m not going to lie, I’ll give Roxanne her flowers, because she is up there as one of the greatest NXT Women’s Champions of all-time, but what Roxanne fails to realize, is that I’m not scared of the spotlight, because I’ve been it since I was a teenager. I had D1 scholarship offers when I was in middle school, baby. I played at LSU in front of thousands and thousands of fans. I was on the USA Women’s National Team for Soccer. So, no, I’m not a soccer player that became a WWE Superstar, I am a WWE Superstar who used to play soccer. Sarah you’ve seen me around here for the past year. Baby, I’m confident, I’m cocky, I say what’s on my mind, all the time. And when that money is in the middle, Jaida Parker is always on point. My actions speak for themselves. And on Sunday at No Mercy, they will speak even louder.

Roxanne Perez: Sarah, get up. You heard what I said, did I stutter? Get up, leave, get out. Congrats. No less than a year from her debut to a big title match. A confident challenger

Jaida Parker: Keep going.

Roxanne Perez: Oh, I wasn’t talking about you, I was talking about Lola Vice, because that was her story, there was also Thea Hail’s story with her whole redemption thing. Everybody just always has a story when it comes to challenging me for my championship, but those stories always end up in the exact same way, disappointment. And don’t get me wrong, Ms. Parker, a future champion, sure. Yeah, I mean, look at you. You got it all, except for one thing. You’re not the prodigy. And on Sunday, you’re going to find out what everybody else already knows, that there’s no one better than me.

Jaida Parker: Roxanne, I’m going to slap the taste out of your mouth.

Roxanne Perez: I would like to see you try.

Parker slaps Perez in the face to close this segment.

Third Match: The Family w/Tony D’Angelo vs. The No Quarter Catch Crew In A Six Person Mixed Tag Team Match 

Channing Lornezo and Charlie Dempsey will start things off. Lorenzo dropkicks Dempsey. Lorenzo with a single leg takedown. Lorenzo transitions into a ground and pound attack. Dempsey slaps Lorenzo in the chest. Dempsey with a BackBreaker for a one count. Dempsey with two uppercuts. Lorenzo punches Dempsey. Lorenzo tags in Crusifino. Drop Toe Hold/SuperKick Combination for a one count. Crusifino applies the cravate. Borne tags himself in. Borne uppercuts Crusifino. Crusifino kicks Borne in the gut. Uppercut Exchange. Crusifino with the backslide cover for a two count. Crusifino applies a side headlock. Lorenzo tags himself in. Lorenzo drives his knee into Borne’s back. Borne with a Belly to Back Suplex. Borne uppercuts Lorenzo. Borne repeatedly stomps on Lorenzo’s chest. Sinclair tags herself in. Rizzo ducks a clothesline from Sinclair. Chop/Forearm Exchange. Sinclair clotheslines Rizzo. Sinclair with a Running Bulldog for a one count. Sinclair kicks Rizzo in the gut. Rizzo reverses out of the irish whip from Sinclair. Rizzo dropkicks Sinclair.

Rizzo with a flying forearm smash. The DON left the ringside area after hearing an urgent message from his cronies. The Family has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Crusifino with The Atomic Drop. Triple Bada-Bing Bada-Boom. Lorenzo with a Running Uppercut. Lorenzo clotheslines Borne. Borne launches Lorenzo over the top rope. Lorenzo with a straight right hand. Lorenzo kicks Dempsey in the face. Borne slams the right leg of Lorenzo on the middle rope. Borne rolls Lorenzo back into the ring. Dempsey tags himself in. Dempsey with a Leaping Foot Stomp. Dempsey is putting the boots to Lorenzo’s right knee for a two count. Dempsey applies a toe and ankle hold. Dempsey transitions into The Muta Lock.

Dempsey stomps on Lorenzo’s back. Dempsey uppercuts Lorenzo. Dempsey tags in Borne. NQCC gangs up on Lorenzo in the corner. Borne applies a toe and ankle hold. Borne tags in Dempsey. Dempsey stomps on the right knee of Lorenzo. Dempsey grapevines the legs of Lorenzo. Dempsey goes for a German Suplex, but Lorenzo rolls him over for a two count. Dempsey blocks a boot from Lorenzo. Dempsey with The Release German Suplex. Dempsey tags in Borne. Dempsey inadvertently slaps Borne in the chest. Boren tags in Crusifino. Crusifino scores the forearm knockdown. Crusifino with a Running Uppercut. Crusifino with two clotheslines. Crusifino follows that with a double shoulder tackle. Crusifino clotheslines Dempsey over the top rope. Crusifino ducks a clothesline from Borne. Crusifino turns a Hip Toss into a NeckBreaker for a two count. Borne sends Crusifino to the floor. The referee is losing control of this match. Rizzo lands The Suicide Dive. Rizzo with The Fireman’s Carry Takeover on the floor. The Family connects with The Shattering Machine to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Family via Pinfall 

– Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Pete Dunne. Pete knows that Trick Willams cost him a shot at the NXT Title, but he’s not going to sit around and bitch about it like he would. Pete says that he’s going to figure it out, because his main priority is becoming the NXT Champion. But first, Pete wants to teach Trick one last lesson, when you mess with The Bruiserweight, he’s going to beat him within an inch of his life. Pete says that he’ll see Trick next week.

– We see Ethan Page talking to AVA inside her office. AVA says that what Ethan did last week was completely unacceptable. He can’t go around manhandling referees like that. What was he thinking? Ethan suggests that he should be suspended, that way he doesn’t have to defend his NXT Title against Joe Hendry at No Mercy. That’s not going to happen, but AVA needs some time to figure things out. Ethan can only assume that AVA wouldn’t want a singing Scottish man as her NXT Champion. It’s not time to assume things because all she wants is for Ethan to leave her office. AVA says that Ethan will be the first to know when she makes her decision.

Zachary Wentz & Wes Lee Segment 

Wes Lee: Go ahead, say whatever you need to say.

Zachary Wentz: Why did I think that we would be different? Every team, every family in professional wrestling, they break up. But not The Rascalz, not MSK.

Wes Lee: Alright, look, you yelling, screaming and talking like this just shows how naive you are, Zach.

Zachary Wentz: Bro, nine years, you’re willing to piss away nine years because you think you’re some big star?

Wes Lee: Think? No, I know I’m a huge star. Matter of fact, I know that I’m a bigger star than you are. And look, we have to be honest here, we know that you are jealous of everything that I’ve accomplished. I mean, why did you even come back here? It’s clearly for the NXT rub. Now, look, I want you to get this through your head, you and I are on different levels.

Zachary Wentz: Bro, nobody was prouder of you and what you’ve accomplished than me. But I messed up, okay. MSK was one of the greatest tag teams in NXT history. And I ruined that. But I can own up to my mistakes. Even through it all, you got to become the main event superstar that you always wanted to be. And I got to grow up, I got to become a man. And through two years, I had that picture of you, in this ring, alone, crying, wondering what was going to happen next. But it motivated me, it motivated me to pick my head up, to dig myself out of that hole, and to come back to NXT, and to be reunited with my brother.

Wes Lee: Hey, look, I am so glad that I motivated you. But look, we would’ve won the tag team titles, and it would’ve been great for a couple of weeks, then I would realize that you and I are just not on the same level. Look, this is not 2022 anymore, dog. You get that, right?

Zachary Wentz: Now you want to be cold? Bro, you are one of the most sensitive people on the planet. But what happened, when Trey and I were going to make our entrance last month, you were out here getting ready to quit NXT for the third time. Brother, you want to go there, so let’s go there. What happened when you went through your back surgery? Who was there getting food for you when your wife was at work? Who took you to physical therapy? And who texted you at one o’clock in the morning when you were having self-doubts, when you were thinking that you were never coming back? In front of these cameras, I couldn’t be your tag team partner, but behind the scenes I was always your brother.

Wes Lee: Whatever you need to say, so that you can sleep at night, dog. But look, on Sunday, I am going to show you, as I have said so many times before, that you and I are just on different levels.

Zachary Wentz: You have underestimated me our entire lives. I used to wish for your success. But now after everything that you’ve done, I’m going to make sure that you fail, starting this Sunday. And when you were smashing records in NXT, Trey and I were in TNA doing something that you and I could never do, becoming the TNA Tag Team Champions.

Wes Lee: Hey, look, Sunday, I want you to dead everything. Forget the friendship that we’ve had, forget everything that we’ve done. This Sunday at No Mercy, I am going to show you why I am the WWE Superstar, and you are nothing but a TNA Wrestler.

Zachary Wentz: Bro, at No Mercy, this TNA Wrestler is going to beat the ass of this WWE Superstar, Wes Lee.


– Kelani Jordan & Wendy Choo Segment 

– Brooks Jensen vs. Malik Blade 

– Joe Coffey w/Gallus vs. Je’Von Evans 

– Joe Hendry Concert 

Checkout Episode 427 of The Hoots Podcast 

The post WWE NXT Results 8/27/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol