WWE SmackDown Results 8/30/24

WWE SmackDown Results 8/30/24
Uber Arena
Berlin, Germany

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Wade Barrett) 

Ring Announcer: Samantha Irvin

Transcription by Josh Lopez

LA Knight & Ludwig Kaiser Segment 

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. 27 years. Some of you may not know this, but it’s been 27 long years since the WWE has come here and done a major televised event here in Berlin. And, my god, what better way to kick it off other than with the man they call the megastar, YEAH! Now, I understand that, sitting on my shoulder right here is the United States Championship, and I think to myself. Just last week, I had my very first successful title defense, I might add, in the United States capital of Washington, DC. Well, you don’t need to boo it, let’s calm down now. But I thought to myself, well, hold on now, you might really want to say that here in a minute, because I thought to myself.

If I’m going to defend this, I know it’s the US Championship, but if I’m going to defend it in the capital of the United States, I might as well come over here and defend it in the capital of Germany. We just might keep a little trend going. The Capital. We could call this thing, The Capital Championship for all that I care. But right here, standing here, your United States Championship, I said it last week, I’m holding the LA Knight Invitational US Open Challenge, right here in Berlin. Anybody that wants to go ahead and answer it, I’ll tell you what, we’re a day away from Bash In Berlin, but we’re here at SmackDown, we’re in Berlin, and as far as I’m concerned, if somebody wants to walk down there, you can get bashed. YEAH!

Ludwig Kaiser: Berlin. I, Ludwig Kaiser am home. LA Knight, if you’re really the champion that you say that you are, I’m sure that you would defend that United States Championship against the very best all over the world, right? Well, my self and the entirety of Berlin, we can guarantee you, there is no one better on German soil than the German, Ludwig Kaiser. Let me give you a little news flash here, because after I beat you in the capital of my home country, 1-2-3, I am going to take that championship, I’m going to bring it across the pond, I will make it bigger than it ever was. And I will make it my own personal European Championship.

LA Knight: I got to be honest, that’s pretty impressive. That’s really impressive for GUNTHER’s stooge. Well, I’ll tell you like this, you talk about what you’re going to do with this championship. You can do whatever you want with this championship, pal. The only problem with that equation is that you got to win it, but you won’t, because you can’t, because I won’t let you. So, here’s how it goes down, you want to talk about what you want to do with this? The only thing you’re going to do, you’re going to lay down, and catch three the hard way, when I hit it and quit it, move on to the next. And you, with everybody here in Berlin, and all around the world, can pledge allegiance to the champ of the United States of America, with everybody saying, LA Knight. YEAH!

First Match: LA Knight (c) vs. Ludwig Kaiser For The WWE United States Championship 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Knight backs Kaiser into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Strong lockup. Kaiser applies an arm-bar. Wrist Lock Exchange. Knight hyperextends the left shoulder of Kaiser. Knight brings Kaiser down to the mat. That leads us to a quick shoving contest. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Stalemate in the corner. Kaiser with a gut punch. Kaiser with a side headlock takeover. Knight rolls Kaiser over for a one count. Knight scores the elbow knockdown. Knight repeatedly stomps on Kaiser’s chest. Knight unloads a flurry of jabs. Kaiser reverses out of the irish whip from Knight. Kaiser blocks a boot from Knight. Kaiser with a big right hand. Kaiser repeatedly stomps on Knight’s chest.

Knight explodes out of the corner with a running clothesline. Knight kicks Kaiser out of the ring. Knight with a Belly to Back Suplex on the ring apron. Kaiser bullrushes Knight into the ring apron. Kaiser drives Knight head first into the steel ring steps. Kaiser nails Knight with The Wrap Around Dropkick against the ring steps. Kaiser has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Kaiser transitions into a ground and pound attack. Knight and Kaiser are trading back and forth shots. Kaiser slaps Knight in the chest. Kaiser kick Knight in the face. Knight drives Kaiser back first into the turnbuckles. Knight with repeated shoulder blocks. Knight chops Kaiser. Knight clotheslines Kaiser over the top rope. Knight repeatedly dunks Kaiser’s head on the announce table.

Knight rolls Kaiser back into the ring. Knight ducks a clothesline from Kiser. Knight with a Leaping NeckBreaker. Knight with a Flying Elbow Drop. Knight is putting the boots to Kaiser in the corner. Knight with a Running Knee Strike. Knight with The Inverted Atomic Drop. Knight ducks a clothesline from Kaiser. Kaiser with The Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Knight blocks The Death Valley Driver. Haymaker Exchange. Knight reverses out of the irish whip from Kaiser. Knight with The Pop Up Powerslam. Knight goes for The BFT, but Kaiser rolls him over for a two count. Kaiser with a palm strike. Kaiser with a short-arm clothesline. Kaiser follows that with The PK. Kaiser hits The Kaiser Roll for a two count. Kaiser plays to the crowd. Knight denies The Twisting DDT. Knight drops Kaiser with The Side Effect. Knight connects with The BFT to pickup the victory.

Winner: StilL WWE United States Champion, LA Knight via Pinfall

– GUNTHER/Randy Orton Preview Video Package.

– Nia Jax Vignette.

Second Match: Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews vs. Los Garza w/Legado Del Fantasma 

Apollo Crews and Humberto Carrillo will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Crews applies a side headlock. Carrillo whips Crews across the ring. Carrillo drops down on the canvas. Carrillo leapfrogs over Crews. Crews lunges over Carrillo. Crews leapfrogs over Carrillo. Crews drops down on the canvas. Crews dropkicks Carrillo. Crews with The Delayed Vertical Suplex for a two count. Crews applies a wrist lock. Crews tags in Corbin. Corbin with a straight right hand. Carrillo kicks Corbin in the gut. Carrillo punches Corbin in the back. Carrillo tags in Garza. Double Irish Whip. Corbin escapes The Basket Toss. Corbin with a double clothesline. Corbin transitions into a corner mount. Corbin with The Uranage Slam into the turnbuckles. Corbin with a running clothesline. Garza drives Corbin back first into the turnbuckles. Carrillo tags himself in.

Los Garza gangs up on Corbin. Carrillo slams Corbin’s head on the top rope. Garza with a Running Knee Strike. Carrillo hooks the outside leg for a two count. Corbin sends Carrillo over the top rope. Corbin tags in Crews. Crews thrust kicks the midsection of Garza. Crews with a Running Pump Kick. Crews with a Running Hurricanrana. Assisted SomerSault Plancha. Los Garza regains control of the match during the commercial break. Los Garza delivers The Garza Special for a two count. Carrillo puts Crews on the top turnbuckle. Carrillo punches Crews in the back. Carrillo tags in Garza. Los Garza tees off on Crews. Garza with another Running Knee Strike. Garza levels Crews with The Body Avalanche. Garza tags in Carrillo. Crews kicks Garza in the face. Crews decks Carrillo with a back elbow smash.

Crews sends Carrillo shoulder first into the steel ring post. Crews tags in Corbin. Corbin ducks a clothesline from Garza. Corbin scores the elbow knockdown. Corbin throws Carrillo back into the ring. Corbin with a Rising Knee Strike. Corbin with The Death Valley Driver. Corbin follows that with a short-arm lariat. Corbin with The Flying Clothesline. Corbin drops Carrillo with The Elevated Cutter for a two count. Corbin tags in Crews. Garza thrust kicks the left knee of Corbin. Crews with The Flying Crossbody Block. German Suplex Party. Carrillo with The Springboard Enzuigiri. Corbin throws Carrillo into the turnbuckles. Garza SuperKicks Corbin. Misfired Clotheslines. Both guys are knocked down after a Double Crossbody Block. Corbin with The Uranage Slam onto the German announce table. Santos Escobar drives Corbin shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Carrillo rolls Crews over for a two count. Crews with The Pump Kick. Garza runs interference. Carrillo with The Avalanche Arm-Drag. Carrillo tags in Garza. Los Garza connects with The MTY to pickup the victory.

Winner: Los Garza via Pinfall 

Solo Sikoa Promo 

You know what’s going to happen next week? The Bloodline versus DIY and The Street Profits. And the four of you, you will acknowledge me, so that you understand what you are up against. The first day I took over The Bloodline, I sacrificed my own brother, Jimmy. Then I took out The Wiseman, Paul Heyman. Then I took out Roman Reigns. Not only did I take out Roman Reigns, I took his Ula Fala, I took the rights to be called The Tribal Chief, I took ownership of this family. Now, imagine if I done this to my own family, imagine what the four of us are going to do to the four of you. Cody Rhodes, Kevin Owens, I don’t give a damn which one of you wins, because whoever the champion is after tomorrow, The Tribal Chief is coming for you.

– SmackDown returns to the USA Network on September 13th.

Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens Segment 

Nick Aldis: I’ll tell you what, ladies and gentlemen, it feels so good to be here with you all, live in the beautiful Uber Arena in Berlin for SmackDown. Now, in 24 hours, superstars from both Raw and SmackDown will compete in matchups that have the potential to change the future of the WWE, forever, as we present to you our latest premium live event, Bash In Berlin. Bash In Berlin is the culmination of what’s been an unbelievably successful European Tour for the WWE, take a look. On behalf of SmackDown, and the entire WWE, thank you all so very much. Now, let’s get down to business. One of the most important matchups happening tomorrow night, hold up, what am I saying? I’m the SmackDown General Manager. THE most important matchup happening tomorrow night is for the Undisputed WWE Championship. So, at this time, allow me to introduce to you the challenger. Please welcome, Kevin Owens. And now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Undisputed WWE Champion, Cody Rhodes. Gentlemen, best of luck to both of you, tomorrow night. The floor is yours.

Kevin Owens: So, Cody, what do you want to talk about? You get it, because you say that all the time?

Cody Rhodes: This championship right here, the North Star in our sport, and in sports entertainment alike, and the fact that you and I, Kevin Owens, one-on-one, superstar versus superstar, sold out here in Berlin, Germany, for the Undisputed WWE Championship.

Kevin Owens: Yeah, we can talk about that, it’s pretty huge. There’s something I would like to talk about, not sure if you want to, though. Do you want to talk about the tour you guys just had this week, more specifically, do you want to talk about what happened to your knee during that tour?

Cody Rhodes: No. Nothing happened to my knee. My knee is fine. Knee is good. And in the spirit of a friendly conversation, let’s talk about last week. You and I defeating two of WWE’s biggest future superstars, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory, it was great. However, what happened at the end is what leaves me paused. You handed me this WWE Championship, but to a lot of people, it looked like, had I not turned, right when I turned, that you were going to hit me right in the back with it. And I am not accusing you, but you brought it up yourself, with your track record, I’m just asking.

Kevin Owens: Look, okay, you want to talk about this stuff, man? Come on, Cody, are you kidding me? The track record, the history. Listen, I get it, but like I said last week, that video Waller showed, all those guys, I whatever you want to call that I turned on and stabbed in the back, I told you, they pretty much deserved it, except for Kofi. Kofi, once again, I’m so sorry, buddy. But everyone else had it coming. But that doesn’t matter. You and I have never had that type of relationship. You and me have always been close since the moment we met, and even before we met. You know the relationship I had with your dad, so how can you think that I would ever do that to you? Why would I do that to you?

Cody Rhodes: Why, indeed, Kevin. Gosh, we never spoken about this, now seems like it’s good as time as ever. I don’t know, Kevin, maybe you’re a little angry with me. 2015, 2016, when I went out into the world, I walked into a lot of rooms that you walked into, I walked to a lot of people that you walked with, and the whole change, the revolution, the whole renaissance that’s happening in our industry. I feel like Kevin Owens doesn’t get enough credit, and perhaps I get too much. I’d be mad about it, too.

Kevin Owens: That’s very nice, but I don’t even know what to say to that. Like, you know why I would never do that to you? I don’t need to hit you with a cheap shot, you know why? Because it’s what I was trying to talk about earlier, and that’s your knee, and what’s happened to it during this tour. Look, man, I know you’re hurt, I know you got hurt. And do you know how I know that? Because every night after the shows, I get text messages from backstage telling me, hey, Cody’s limping really bad, Cody’s in the trainer’s room, he’s staying there for an hour at a time. I know you’re hurt. So, if you’re not coming into this match tomorrow night at 100%, I don’t think it’s a good idea.

Cody Rhodes: Kevin, let me stop you. 100%, my knee, what is all this? This is pure sabotage, man. Are you just trying to do what you did three weeks ago, when I asked you for this match in the first place, and you didn’t want it then. Kevin, do you still think that you don’t deserve this match?

Kevin Owens: You know what? It has nothing to do with that. First of all, if your knee is fine, how come you didn’t take a knee like you always do during your entrance earlier? And you want to know why I don’t think it’s a good idea to have this match when you’re not at 100%? Let me tell you. Because yesterday, yesterday marked 8 years since the night I won the Universal Championship. And you know, I remember that night like it was yesterday, and I remember what happened when I won. I won the title, I should’ve been on top of the world, and instead what I got was people telling me, you don’t deserve to be the champion, the only reason you won the title is because of Triple H. And that tainted that reign, forever. To this day, I’m still bitter. So, let me ask you this, you walk in tomorrow night, not at 100%, if you get into this match with only one good leg, what’s going to happen when I beat you and I become champion?

Cody Rhodes: When you beat me? Are you hearing yourself? Tainted victory, when you beat me? Kevin, my knee is 100% rock solid, prizefighter. I am ready for you, tomorrow. And you’re talking, and it sounds like to everybody else that you’re talking with confidence, but I know what that is, it’s anger. Angry because you knew what it meant for me to coming back to this company. It meant that I was going to blaze a path that I was going to leave people in the rear-view mirror, my friends included, I couldn’t take everybody with me. You knew, Kevin. WrestleMania 38, when I came back, the biggest night of your career, you versus Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the next day you had to share the spotlight with me. I’d be angry, too, Kevin. Let me tell you something. I love you, dude. I absolutely do. I don’t have many friends in this business. I consider you one of them. Somebody stood across the ring from me and asked me the same thing that I’m about to ask you, because tomorrow at Bash In Berlin, Kevin, I am going to defeat you, nothing will be tainted about it. And when it’s over, Kevin, will we still be friends?

Kevin drops the microphone, whispers something into Cody’s ear and proceeds to leave the ring to close this segment.

– Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews had a backstage confrontation with A-Town Down Under.

Giovanni Vinci Promo 

Inspire, rise above, and win with honor. This is my purpose. This is not my return. It’s my arrival. Soon, everyone will remember my name. Vinci, Giovanni Vinci.

Third Match: Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade El Idolo 

Rockers Punches. Idolo kicks Hayes in the face. Idolo dumps Hayes out of the ring. Idolo with The Corkscrew Plancha. Idolo with a knife edge chop. Idolo rolls Hayes back into the ring. Idolo whips Hayes across the ring. Hayes with The Springboard Clothesline. Haye gets tied up in the tree of woe. Idolo with The Flying Double Foot Stomp into the ring apron. Hayes repeatedly stomps on Idolo’s chest. Idolo blocks The Figure Leg Lock. Idolo sends Hayes face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Idolo with forearm shivers. Idolo scores the elbow knockdown. Idolo with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Hayes. Idolo with a flying forearm smash. Idolo pops back on his feet. Idolo with The Double MoonSault for a two count.

Idolo plays to the crowd. Hayes nails Idolo with The First 48. Hayes mocks Idolo. Hayes with The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Hayes is lighting up Idolo’s chest. Hayes blocks The Three Amigos. Idolo with The Roll Through PowerBomb for a two count. Idolo repeatedly stomps on Hayes chest. Hayes SuperKicks Idolo for a two count. Idolo stops Hayes in his tracks. Idolo hits The SpringBoard Reverse Spanish Fly for a two count. Idolo has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Chop Exchange. Idolo with The Fallaway Slam/MoonSault Combination for a two count. Palm Strike/Forearm Exchange. Standing Switch Exchange. Idolo blocks The O’Connor Roll. Idolo drops Hayes with The Discus Back Elbow for a two count. Idolo with two overhand chops. Idolo has Hayes perched on the top turnbuckle. Hayes dumps Idolo face first on the exposed steel. Hayes connects with Nothing But Net to pickup the victory.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes via Pinfall 

– Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill Vignette.

Fourth Match: Nia Jax (c) vs. Michin In A Street Fight For The WWE Women’s Championship 

Michin ducks a clothesline from Jax. Michin with a flurry of kendo stick shots. Jax snatches the kendo stick away. Michin sticks and moves. Michin drives Jax face first into the steel ring post. Michin with another kendo stick shot. Michin with a Hurricanrana in the ropes for a two count. Michin flings multiple weapons into the ring. Michin pulls out a table from under the ring. Jax repeatedly whips Michin with the kendo stick. Jax puts the table back under the ring. Michin with The Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Michin blasts Jax with The PK. Michin brings the table back out. Michin has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Michin continues to whip Jax with the kendo stick. Jax with The Uranage Slam onto the ring apron. Jax places the table in the corner. Michin blinds Jax with the fire extinguisher. Michin delivers The Missile Dropkick.

Jax drives Michin sternum first through a garbage can. Michin attacks Jax with two trash can lids. Michin drops Jax with The Swinging DDT on the trash can lids for a two count. Michin throws another garbage can into the ring. Jax attacks Michin from behind. Jax HeadButts Michin. Jax with a chair shot across the back of Michin. Jax lays Michin flat on the table. Jax climbs up to the middle turnbuckle. Michin denies The Annihilator. Michin PowerBombs Jax through the table. Tiffany Stratton attacks Michin with her Money In The Bank Briefcase. Tiffany was thinking about cashing in the briefcase. Tiffany drags Jax on top of Michin. Michin kicks out at the count of two. Bayley storms into the ring to make the save. Bayley clotheslines Tiffany. Bayley and Tiffany starts brawling in the crowd. Michin rolls Jax over for a two count. Michin with Two Roundhouse Kick. Jax responds with The Samoan Drop through the table. Jax drags Michin to the corner. Jax puts the garbage can over Michin’s head. Jax connects with The Annihilator to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE Women’s Champion, Nia Jax via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 428 of The Hoots Podcast

The post WWE SmackDown Results 8/30/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol