WWE SmackDown Results 9/6/24

WWE SmackDown Results 9/6/24
Rogers Place
Edmonton, Canada

You can follow me on Twitter @TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves) 

Ring Announcer: Alicia Taylor

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Cody Rhodes & Solo Sikoa Segment 

Cody Rhodes: So, Edmonton, what do we want to talk about? Wow, this is an extremely large crowd. If are you up there, say hello to our friends down here. Our friends down here, say hello to them up there. At Bash In Berlin, I was victorious, a hell of an outing by Canada’s own, Kevin Owens. I didn’t get to do this last week, because of the language barrier, but folks, we’ve got to welcome him back. The voice of the WWE, Michael Cole is back on SmackDown. I could go on further, but I have done this gig long enough to know, it is very likely, in any moment, I am going to be interrupted. Before I’m interrupted, however, allow me just to extend an invitation to The Bloodline.

Solo Sikoa: Well, I’m happy to see you guys, too. Cody, are you done? Are you done running your mouth to these people? Are you doing playing around? Are you ready to defend that Undisputed Title against a real challenger, like me? Because everybody knows it. You know it, and I know it. I could’ve been the champion. I had you beat at SummerSlam, if it wasn’t for Roman Reigns. So, I deserve a rematch.

Cody Rhodes: Certainly, the season premiere of SmackDown next week, there should be an Undisputed WWE Championship match. You, the formidable athlete. You, the effective and unhinged. You, truthfully, the number one contender in my book. You, the man who stepped outside the shadow of The Tribal Chief, a Tribal Chief that was trying to keep you down. You do indeed deserve a WWE Championship match. I’m not talking to you. I am talking to you, Jacob Fatu. Step up. I guess it was worth a shot, I mean, I’m crazy to wrestle any one of you, that’s for sure. But Solo, you believe it, don’t you? Every second, every minute, every hour, you indeed get better. And you sir are wearing the Ula Fala, which means The Bloodline revolves around you. But me, this, right here, the WWE Championship, the WWE revolves around this. And perhaps, one day, I will be looking up at those lights, courtesy of that iron thumb of yours. But I’ll tell you this, it sure as hell ain’t going to be next week.

Solo Sikoa: I see what you’re trying to do, right there. You’re trying to get my enforcer to turn on me. I see what you’re trying to do, okay? Cody, you want me next week? Guess what? You’re on. But we don’t have to wait till next week.

The Bloodline had a huge standoff with DIY and The Street Profits.

Nick Aldis: Woah, woah, woah. That’s enough, unless you want to be fined and suspended, I suggest you take a step back and simmer down. And that would be now. Bloodline, Profits, DIY, I know you want to tear each other apart. And guess what, you can, in the 8-Man Tag Team Match, in the main event of SmackDown, tonight. But not a moment sooner. Now, speaking of main events, next week, it’s Solo Sikoa and Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship. But Cody, I think you and I are on the same page, this whole Bloodline numbers game thing, it’s starting to get a little old, bad for business. So, I got a solution I think that’s best for business. That’s why, next week, Solo Sikoa, Cody Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Championship, in a Steel Cage.

– Pretty Deadly tries to hype up Tiffany Stratton ahead of her match with Bayley. They also take time to promote their upcoming musical. Nia Jax joins the conversation. The whole locker room is talking about how Tiffany was thinking about cashing in her MITB Briefcase, which is so stupid according to Nia. Tiffany says that she wouldn’t do that to her queen. She just wanted to help Nia. Chelsea Green is the one who continues to push that narrative. She’s jealous of their friendship. Nia knows that Tiffany would never lie to her. Nia would like to return the favor and help Tiffany during her match.

– Don’t forget, SmackDown will be returning to the USA Network next week.

First Match: Bayley vs. Tiffany Stratton w/Nia Jax 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Stratton backs Bayley into the turnbuckles. The referee calls for a clean break. Quick shoving contest. Strong lockup. Bayley rolls Stratton over for a two count. Bayley applies a wrist lock. Bayley hammers down on the left shoulder of Stratton. Stratton reverses the hold. Bayley applies a hammerlock on the middle rope. Bayley plays around with Stratton’s hair. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Bayley applies another wrist lock. Stratton with a gut punch. Stratton pulls Bayley down to the mat. Stratton sends Bayley to the corner. Bayley kicks Stratton in the face. Bayley with a Flying Arm-Drag. Bayley with The Sliding Lariat for a two count. Stratton reverses out of the irish whip from Bayley. Bayley with The Middle Rope Stunner. Stratton has Bayley perched on the top turnbuckle.

Bayley blocks The Alabama Slam. Bayley goes for a Sunset Flip, but Stratton counters with a Running Knee Strike. Stratton with a Running Basement Dropkick on the ring apron. Stratton has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Bayley with heavy bodyshots. Forearm Exchange. Stratton with a hair pull takedown. Stratton with a Double Back Handstand Elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Bayley avoids The Running Double Foot Stomp. Bayley with a quick rollup for a two count. Stratton with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Bayley drops Stratton with a Big Lariat. Stratton blocks The German Suplex. Stratton dropkicks Bayley into the ropes. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack for a two count.

Stratton repeatedly wraps the left shoulder of Bayley around the steel ring post. Bayley drives Stratton face first into the ring post. Bayley with a Draping Vertical Suplex on the floor. Bayley rolls Stratton back into the ring. Bayley with two clotheslines. Bayley with The Saito Suplex. Bayley follows that with a Running Knee Strike for a two count. Bayley drags Stratton to the corner. Bayley with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley gets distracted by Nia Jax. Stratton denies The Bayley To Belly. Stratton attacks the left shoulder of Bayley. Stratton hits The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. Stratton is displaying her frustration. Bayley fights out of the fireman’s carry position. Bayley goes for The O’Connor Roll, but Stratton holds onto the ropes. Bayley delivers The Bayley to Belly. Bayley lands The Suicide Dive. The referee gets distracted by Nia. Stratton with the backslide cover for a two count. Bayley connects with The Rose Plant to pickup the victory.

Winner: Bayley via Pinfall 

– Kevin Owens runs into A-Town Down Under in the backstage area. Austin Theory implies that Kevin is a loser just like the Edmonton Oilers. The only way Kevin can get a championship is buying one on WWEShop.com. Maybe Kevin proved himself right at Bash In Berlin. He wasn’t out there to help Cody Rhodes with The Bloodline. Maybe they’re no longer friends. Kevin says that Waller and Theory are both stupid. Second of all, they’re morons. A-Town Down Under are in a good page, right? Kevin had a good idea. Certainly, Waller and Theory wouldn’t have a problem competing against each other. Here’s the idea, Owens versus Waller vs. Theory. As Wayne Gretzky would say, tonight is a good night for a Triple Threat. Kevin snatches the replica Oilers Title away from Waller, and he’s going to see if Nick Aldis will make this match official. Theory tells Waller that he has nothing to worry about.

– Legado Del Fantasma Vignette.

Second Match: Giovanni Vinci vs. Apollo Crews

The referee decides to ring the bell as Vinci takes forever to take his jacket off. Crews connects with The Rolling Crucifix to pickup the victory.

Winner: Apollo Crews via Pinfall 

– We had back to Nick Aldis’ office as Chelsea Green starts complaining about how she was being treated at NXT this week. She pokes fun at Nick’s pocket square. Michin joins the conversation. Chelsea says that it’s fitting that Michin lost her match last week, since she also resembles trash. Michin says that she’s ready to whoop that pancake, right now. Maybe that’s what she’s asking for. Nick actually agrees with Michin and makes the match official.

– We got a video package highlighting the best moments of SmackDown as this is the final broadcast on FOX.

Third Match: Kevin Owens vs. Austin Theory vs. Grayson Waller In A Triple Threat Match 

Owens dumps A-Town Down Under out of the ring. Owens with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the ring apron. Owens tosses Theory around the ringside area. Owens punches Waller in the back. Owens clears the announce table. Waller with a running forearm smash. A-Town Down Under drives Owens chest first into the ringside barricade. Waller sets up a table on the floor. Waller scores a right jab. Owens blocks The Vertical Suplex. Owens kicks Waller in the gut. Owens PowerBombs Waller through the table. Theory regains control of the match during the commercial break. Theory transitions into a corner mount. Owens is throwing haymakers at Theory. Owens repeatedly stomps on Theory’s chest. Theory scores the elbow knockdown. Theory checks on Waller. Theory goes for The Roll Through Dropkick, but Owens counters with The DDT.

Owens with a chop/haymaker combination. Owens is lighting up Theory’s chest. Theory reverses out of the irish whip from Owens. Owens kicks Theory in the chest. Owens ducks a clothesline from Theory. Owens with an Inside Out Lariat. Owens with a Running Senton Splash. Owens follows that with a Running Cannonball Strike. Owens with The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Waller transitions into a ground and pound attack. Owens rocks Waller with a forearm smash. Theory with a southpaw haymaker. Theory drops Owens with The Roll Through Blockbuster for a two count. Waller starts arguing with Theory. A-Town Down Under are putting the boots to Owens.

They put Owens on the top turnbuckle. Owens blocks The Double SuperPlex. Owens with a flurry of haymakers. Meeting Of The Minds. Theory with a running haymaker. Owens responds with The Avalanche Rolling Senton for a two count. Waller drives Owens back first into the turnbuckles. Waller puts Owens on the top turnbuckle. Owens with The Avalanche Fisherman’s Buster for a two count. Theory goes for The A-Town Down, but Owens lands back on his feet. Owens shoves Theory towards Waller. Theory blocks The Stunner. Owens blasts Waller off the ring apron. Theory rolls Owens over for a two count. Owens connects with The Stunner to pickup the victory. After the match, Waller attacks Owens from behind. Owens dumps Waller out of the ring. Theory rocks Owens with a forearm smash. Theory delivers The A-Town Down. Waller plants Owens with The Roll Through Flatliner.

Winner: Kevin Owens via Pinfall 

LA Knight, Carmelo Hayes, Andrade El Idolo Segment 

LA Knight: Let me talk to you. What are we, just a little over 30 days into this US Title Reign, and we’re already talking two successful title defenses, hit it, and quit it, YEAH! I’m crossing borders with this thing. As a matter of fact, what, I went from DC, I went to Berlin, to right here in the Big E. YEAH! And no matter where you go, it’s always the same statement, everybody looking is gunning for this thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s open challenges, it might be number one contenders, part-timers, world class athletes, cross-eyed halfwits, incels, all alike. But Nah-Nah. Nobody comes out with this, because I won’t let you, and that’s the way it’s got to be, because I made it that way.

Carmelo Hayes: Hold on, you’re really out here bragging about two successful title defenses? Come on. If anybody should be bragging, it should be me. Because I’ve been putting SmackDown on my back for the last couple of weeks, match of the night, stealing the show, effortless. And you, what you’ve been doing, LA Knight? You’ve been doing what you’ve always been doing, and that’s running your mouth. Now, instead of running your mouth, what you should’ve been doing is checking out the scoreboard, because you’d realize, that I’m up two strikes on Andrade. And by default, that means that I’m next in line for that United States Championship.

LA Knight: By the way, I just wanted to point out, the reason that the two title defenses is important, because it’s already as many in one month in ten months for my predecessor, YEAH. But also, while you’re standing here worrying about having the match of the night, I’ve never had to worry about match of the night. You know what I worry about? I worry about winning, which is why I’m a champion, and you’re not, YEAH!

Carmelo Hayes: Well, the good news is, there’s only one guy you should be worrying about, and I’m HIM.

Andrade El Idolo: Melo, Melo, Melo. Take it easy. Tranquillo. I know you beat me, yes, I know, twice. But remember, I also beat you, twice, too.

Carmelo Hayes: Well, you know what’s crazy, nobody remembers you beating me, twice, Andrade.

Andrade El Idolo: Hey, I remember, and everyone remembers. So, I have a question for you. Do you think you deserve an opportunity for the United States Championship? Do you think I deserve it?

LA Knight: Boys, I don’t know if you’d notice, but I’m a bit of a busy man, I don’t think I got time to hear you two have a tiff out here, okay? So, look, here’s what I want you to do. He beat you, twice. You beat him, twice. Whatever. If you guys want to fight over who’s going to get dropped on their head next by me, then go ahead and be my guess. It doesn’t make a difference to me.

Andrade El Idolo: Hold on. Wait. The championship was mine before.

LA Knight: I don’t know a word you just said, but you better fix your tone. Use your inside voice before I put your keester on the outside.

Andrade El Idolo: Did you understand what I said?

Andrade shoves Melo into Knight. Melo avoids The Discus Elbow. Knight hits The BFT. Melo talks smack to Andrade. Knight plants Melo with The BFT to close this segment.

– A-Town Down Under tells Nick Aldis that they want to have a tag team match next week against Kevin Owens and a partner of his choosing.

Fourth Match: Chelsea Green w/Piper Niven vs. Michin 

Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Michin with three arm-drags. Michin ducks a clothesline from Green. Michin with a Running Dropkick. Green uses the referee as a human shield. Green kicks Michin in the gut. Green whips Michin across the ring. Green with The Kitchen Sink. Green kicks Michin in the back. Green stands on Michin’s back. Following a snap mare takeover, Green with a running basement dropkick for a two count. Green applies a bodyscissors hold. Michin with two sharp elbow strikes. Michin transitions into a ground and pound attack. Green punches Michin in the ribs.

Green goes for The Kitchen Sink, but Michin rolls her over for a two count. Michin kicks Green in the face. Michin with a Hurricanrana. Michin clotheslines Green. Michin SuperKicks Green. Michin with The Shotgun Dropkick. Michin with a blistering chop. Michin follows that with The Draping CodeBreaker. Michin prepares for The Styles Clash. Michin gets distracted by Piper Niven. Green rolls Michin over for a two count. Michin kicks Green in the gut. Green denies Eat Defeat. Michin blocks The Unpretti-HER. Michin dumps Green out of the ring. Michin lands The Suicide Dive. Michin rolls Green back into the ring. Niven continues to run interference. Green with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Niven delivers with a Running Senton Splash on the floor. Niven rolls Michin back into the ring. Green connects with The Unpretti-HER to pickup the victory.

Winner: Chelsea Green via Pinfall 

– Next week on SmackDown, Carmelo Hayes will battle Andrade El Idolo.

Fifth Match: The Bloodline vs. The Street Profits & DIY w/B-Fab In A 8-Man Tag Team Match 

Pier Six Brawl after the bell rings. Fatu with clubbing shoulder blocks to Ciampa. Gargano with a forearm smash. Gargano decks Fatu with a JawBreaker. Double Dropkick to Fatu. The Bloodline regroups on the outside. Dawkins ducks a clothesline from Loa. Dawkins unloads a flurry of right jabs. Loa reverses out of the irish whip from Dawkins. Dawkins leapfrogs over Loa. Dawkins with a leaping corkscrew elbow. Dawkins tags in Ford. Dawkins whips Loa across the ring. Dawkins drops down on the canvas. Ford drops Loa with a shoulder tackle. Assisted MoonSault. Ford blasts Loa with The PK. Ford taunts Tonga. Ford with The Standing Frog Splash for a one count. Ford kicks Loa in the back. Loa sends Ford to the corner. Loa with a running clothesline. Loa tags in Tonga. Double HeadButt. Tonga with a clubbing sledge. Tonga transitions into a ground and pound attack. Tonga goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Ford lands back on his feet.

Ford applies a waist lock. Tonga decks Ford with a back elbow smash. Gargano tags himself in. Gargano with a back elbow smash. Gargano with The Slingshot Spear. Gargano chops Tonga. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Running Knee/Apron Enzuigiri Combination to Tonga. Ciampa with The Ripcord Elbow. Fatu made the blind tag. Fatu scores the elbow knockdown. Fatu is raining down haymakers. Fatu with The Gourdbuster on the top rope. Fatu dumps Ciampa out of the ring. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Sikoa slams Ciampa’s head on the announce table. Sikoa launches Ciampa over the announce table. The Bloodline poses for the crowd. The Bloodline has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Fatu drives Ciampa back first into the turnbuckles. Ciampa sends Fatu shoulder first into the steel ring post. Loa stops Ciampa in his tracks.

Ciampa with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Loa tags in Tonga. Ciampa with a Counter Vertical Suplex. Tonga tags in Sikoa. Ciampa repeatedly kicks Sikoa in the face. Ciampa made a double tag to Gargano and Dawkins. Forearm/Enzuigiri Combination. Gargano with a Corner Meteora. Dawkins with The 360 Stinger Splash. Assisted Dropkick. SuperKick Party. Ford lands The SomerSault Plancha. Gargano with a Suicide Dive to Tonga. Dawkins hits The Silencer for a two count. Dawkins tags in Ciampa. Dawkins delivers The Pounce. Ciampa goes for a Running Knee Strike, but Sikoa counters with The Spinning Solo for a two count. Sikoa tags in Tonga. Dawkins pulls Sikoa out of the ring. Tonga gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Ciampa chops Tonga. Ciampa wipes out the calvary with The SuperPlex to the outside. Ford rolls Tonga back into the ring. Ciampa tags in Ford. Ford with The 450 Splash for a two count. Fatu drives Ford shoulder first into the ring post. Fatu drags Tonga to their corner and tags himself in. Fatu SuperKicks Gargano. Fatu with The Pop Up Samoan Drop. Fatu SuperKicks Dawkins. Fatu levels Ford with The Body Avalanche. Fatu connects with The Impaler DDT. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Sikoa plants Ford with Two Samoan Spikes to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Bloodline via Pinfall 

Checkout Episode 429 of The Hoots Podcast 

The post WWE SmackDown Results 9/6/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol