American Football

Your 2024 AFC East Predictions!


Miami Dolphins v Buffalo Bills
Photo by Kevin Sabitus/Getty Images

Last week, I highlighted that while our Miami Dolphins have had long stretches of success in the past, the last couple of decades have been rather bleak, especially when it comes to winning the AFC East. I then asked the following question-

With the Patriots still down, the Jets being the Jets, and Buffalo seemingly in the midst of some sort of short-term rebuild, is this the season that the Dolphins return to the top of the mountain in the AFC East? If not the Dolphins, then who do you see taking the division and why? Additionally, in what order do you see each of the AFC East four teams finishing the 2024 season?

Below are some of your thoughts and answers-

Call_for_the_Priest’77 sees the Dolphins winning the division if they have their squads well-prepared by the time week one comes around.

I think we win the division if we first ‘win’ the offseason. This does not necessitate a clean sweep of the preseason games or mean we make the best player personnel moves out of anybody. Far from it. What I mean is that we have our squads the best prepared for success right out of the gate!

Last year we finished the preseason with a loss to Jacksonville (ironically our RS week #1 opponent in 2024) due to horrific defense. I said at the time this was a bad omen and sure enough we followed that game with another defensive embarrassment against the Chargers for which we luckily escaped with a win. Sure Fangio and his system were new but that was never meant to excuse those kind of performances. Lord knows we can’t afford them now either with Weaver coming in new.

Defeating Buffalo twice this year would be such a boon to our divisional chances. Getting Buffalo early (week #2) will be an enormous opportunity to lay the first half of this foundation. And no doubt, the early part of our schedule will be a good time to stock up on some Autumn insurance against one or two tough December losses. Getting out of the gate fast and effectively is the way to do this. And the way to blast off the mark is to get people ready during the summer.

Dolfan88 has the Dolphins finally breaking through this coming season.





Miami7 has Miami winning a tiebreaker over the Jets!

I’m gonna go ahead & go WAAAAY out on that limb the Dolphins seem so intent on snappin’ off prematurely EVERY year and say

Miami 11-6

Jets 11-6 (we win the tiebreaker)

Bills 10-7

Pats 6-11

finfanfromsiam believes that until someone proves otherwise, the Bills will still rule the division.

Bills(until we beat them and take it from them), Phins, Jests, Paytoilets.

Dolfanjoe says he will get back to you on that at the end of the season!

i truly believe the east is wide open and it will come down to that last game again!

SlayerNation1 sees Miami finally getting it all together and rising to the top while others fall behind and crumble.

Jets have the inside track due to their 3rd place schedule. They will crumble under their own hype, Hackett won’t make until Halloween as A-Rod turns turns the organization into a circular firing squad.

This is the breakthrough year for Miami. The Defense will be flying around and galvanized. McD will come into his own. Tua making another offseason of improvements, get the contract distraction out of the way.


jmworacle is so positive!

We might as well call the season off and just give rhe Jets the Lombardi Trophy.

phinette agrees with Clark!

It’s the Bills until someone dethrones them. We have to find a way to win the big games.

cyberflea says ditto!

Like others have said…it’s Buffalo’s division until someone dethrones them. It’s Buffalo, Miami and Jets all having a shot at the division and the Patsies last. The article says that the Jets being the Jets, however they will be no push over with Rodgers back and one of the better defenses in the league.

TheRoo1 lays out a few scenarios.

With Diggs gone, Make Josh play hero ball, and beat the stuffing out of him every play.

ARod will likely falter and Jest will be Jest.

Brett Favre couldnt get them past 9-7

Why expect more out of Rodgers? When last year he only lasted 3 plays.

Many of us see the Dolphins finally stepping up and taking the division, with others saying that it’s the Bill’s division until someone else steps up and proves otherwise. Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to participate and answer our questions of the day. We will return tomorrow evening with the VOTW post.

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