Kurt Angle replaced Roman Reigns in the 3-on-5 Handicap Tables, Ladders & Chairs match at WWE TLC 2017, due to illness of Roman Reigns. But The Shield may continue to be short-handed in the weeks ahead until Survivor Series.
Pro Wrestling Sheet reported that Reigns is tentatively scheduled to return a little before the Survivor Series pay-per-view, which is Nov. 19 in Houston.
Fans can probably count on another match of The Shield. Reigns’ illness robbed the WWE Universe of a true Shield reunion. Reigns resuming his singles career and Rollins and Ambrose going back to defending their Raw tag team titles. If that’s the case, then the company may be reticent about altering its long-term plans.
Not having Reigns for at least the next few weeks won’t exactly help build toward another Shield match, though.
Either way, returning ahead of Survivor Series will allow Reigns to get himself involved in the show—be it as one-third of The Shield or in a headlining singles match.