WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted a new blog entry over at his website where he gives his thoughts on last night’s episode of RAW and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship tournament. Here is an excerpt from that blog:
I like the fact that this is a 16 man tournament but still single elimination IE a sudden death type format inasmuch that the winners advance and the losers take a seat. That part I like.
The presentation of the WWE Title tournament did not feel special to me. I was let down by how it was presented which affects how it is going to be perceived. What’s more important in WWE than the WWE Heavyweight Title? NOTHING!!
The tournament has some unique entrants that likely would have not have been there if not for injuries and the number of stars that work part time or have to be protected as it relates to being entered in the tournament. I’d have thought that every healthy body would have wanted to throw their name in the tourney hat.
Brock Lesnar will be waiting. Still of the mindset that Reigns is the guy to put in that position. Lots of great heat can be derived between November to April along with roadblocks for Lesnar and Heyman.
You can read the entire blog here.