Date: November 19, 2015
Location: Thompson-Boling Arena, Knoxville, Tennessee
Commentators: Booker T., Jerry Lawler, Rich Brennan
It’s the final show before Survivor Series and the big draw tonight is the four semifinalists in the WWE World Title tournament appearing on MizTV. For some reason I have a feeling this winds up in a tag match, even though the heels should walk out on it immediately to prevent too much damage before this Sunday. Let’s get to it.
In Memory of Nick Bockwinkel.
The announcers preview the semifinals and the tag match is indeed happening.
It’s time for MizTV to open things up with the title in the ring. Miz sums up the tournament but Owens interrupts him. Miz isn’t pleased but this is now the Kevin Owens Show. Owens promises to win the title and have two championships at once.
Del Rio and Colter interrupt to call Miz a hater who wants a gotcha question. Miz says this isn’t how that’s going to go but Colter compares this to Blue’s Clues. Owens is not better because he must have ice skated across Lake Michigan one night. Del Rio offers Owens the job of cleaning the pools in MexAmerica but Kevin’s big comeback is saying no one missed Del Rio while he was gone.
Now it’s Ambrose interfering and telling Miz to sit down. Dean gets right to the point by getting in Del Rio’s face and saying take your best shot but here’s Reigns to interrupt Miz as well. Miz tries to calm things down but here’s R-Truth for no logical reason. After asking what’s up, Truth says he’s been the underdog his whole life but he’s always been a survivor.
At Survivor Series he’s going to survive again and become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Miz: “You’re not in the tournament.” Truth: “What did you say?” Miz: “It’s been going on for two weeks and you’re not in it.” Truth: “Well ain’t that something. University of Tennessee, this one’s on me.” He wishes Reigns and Ambrose and leaves. Miz yells about how this whole thing has been going wrong and wants to really preview the tournament. Roman says Miz is the director and needs to say action. Miz: “ACTION!” Dean knocks him out with one punch and we’re done.
Post break Miz is still in the ring and says his match should be canceled. Here’s what he gets instead.
The Miz vs. Cesaro
Miz gets in some left hands to start but Cesaro headscissors him into the Crossface for the submission in 48 seconds.
Result: Cesaro b. The Miz – Crossface (0:48)
Cesaro goes to leave but gets cut off by Stardust and the Ascension. It’s still not time for this feud to go anywhere though as Stardust lets Cesaro pass.
Neville/Dudley Boyz vs. Stardust/Ascension
Viktor and Neville start as the announcers immediately want tables. It’s quickly off to Stardust for some right hands in the corner but Neville does all of his flips until Konnor opens the ropes to send him crashing to the floor. Neville can barely get up so Stardust sends him face first into the announcers’ table. Konnor kicks Neville in the face and we take a break.
Back with Viktor putting Neville in a chinlock. Stardust stomps him down as Booker calls this the learning tree. A Tree of Woe doesn’t work on Neville as he’s still able to kick Stardust in the face, allowing the hot tag to Bubba. Viktor takes the Rock Bottom and Stardust gets the Flip Flop and Fly (Bubba: “THIS IS FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM!”). What’s Up keeps Konnor down and it’s table time because the Dudleyz have no regard for law and order. Stardust kicks Bubba down but Neville kicks him in the head. 3D puts Viktor away at 9:24.
Result: Neville/Dudley Boyz b. Stardust/Ascension – 3D to Viktor (9:24)
Video on the Wyatts vs. the Brothers of Destruction.
Tyler Breeze vs. Zack Ryder
Before the match Breeze rips on Ryder’s fashion sense (“That’s 1980s NEVER!”) before going on about Summer wanting an upgrade over Ziggler. The world wanted one too and they got perfection. Summer says this Sunday, Ziggler will come up short all over again. Of course this brings out Ziggler to take over Summer and Tyler’s VIP area, freaking Summer out. Ryder can’t get anywhere working on the arm and a quick Unprettier puts him away at 1:15
Result: Tyler Breeze b. Zack Ryder – Unprettier (1:15)
Ziggler charges in and superkicks Tyler’s head off post match.
Here are the druids in sheep masks followed by the Wyatts. Bray wants it to be known that he is an honest man. The Brothers of Destruction are not whole because a piece of them still lives in Bray. They will fail this Sunday but the question is how. Will they fall at the hands of Erick Rowan? A man tossed aside like a piece of unwanted garbage.
Maybe it’s Luke Harper, a man with a moral code which allows him to create destruction. Or could it be the black sheep himself? Strowman promises to shatter Kane and Undertaker’s bones and bring the apocalypse. Undertaker appears on screen and says Bray thinks he has all the cards but it’s really a dead man’s hand. Kane burns a sheep mask before Undertaker promises that the Wyatts will rest in peace.
Long clip of Charlotte and Paige’s exchange on Monday.
Brie Bella vs. Charlotte
Non-title. Charlotte goes for the leg to start but gets caught in a headlock takeover. Back up and Charlotte’s figure four neck roll knocks Brie silly, setting up a rollup for two. Brie comes back with her running knee and a dropkick for two of her own. The YES Kicks have Charlotte in trouble but a double clothesline puts them both down. Charlotte makes her comeback with a WOO and a big boot for two more. The spear and Figure Eight take care of Brie at 4:36.
Result: Charlotte b. Brie Bella – Figure Eight (4:36)
Paige says she isn’t responsible for Monday.
Kalisto vs. Big E.
Before the match, New Day wants to know why Kalisto was in the tournament but not any of them. Ryback couldn’t even hold their unicorn horn. Kalisto, Big E.’s opponent tonight, is a luchador in an ugly man in an ugly mask. Kalisto handsprings around to start and scores with a few kicks to the head. The hurricanrana driver is followed by a dive to take out Woods and Kingston but Big E. runs him over. A Warrior Splash puts Kalisto away in 1:19.
Result: Big E. b. Kalisto – Warrior Splash (1:19)
New Day stays on Kalisto post match and takes out Sin Cara as well until Ryback makes the save.
Clip from Paige and Miz’s Santa’s Little Helper.
Ziggler vs. Breeze is official for Sunday.
Reigns and Ambrose say they’re on the same page tonight but they’ll fight on Sunday if they have to. Both guys are cool with doing what they have to do and they’ll jump off that bridge together.
Kevin Owens/Alberto Del Rio vs. Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose
Ambrose and Owens start things off and it’s Reigns quickly coming in to clear the ring as we take an early break. Back with Reigns shoving Alberto out of the corner and making the tag off to Ambrose for a running forearm. Del Rio gets in a kick to the head and sends Ambrose into the steps as we’re now into the tag team formula. Back to Owens for a chinlock and some corner choking.
Owens calls Brennan an idiot and tells Del Rio to come in and go nuts. The running enziguri knocks Dean even sillier and we hit an Alberto chinlock. A Backstabber gets two but Dean blocks the superkick and makes the hot tag to Reigns. A bunch of kicks to the face and the corner clotheslines until Alberto makes a save. Everything breaks down and Ambrose knocks Del Rio over the announcers’ table. Del Rio takes a Superman Punch and it’s a double countout at 11:55.
Result: Alberto Del Rio/Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns went to a double countout (11:55)
Post match Reigns and Ambrose clean house to end the show.
Quick Results
Cesaro b. The Miz – Crossface
Neville/Dudley Boyz b. Stardust/Ascension – 3D to Viktor
Tyler Breeze b. Zack Ryder – Unprettier
Charlotte b. Brie Bella – Figure Eight
Big E. b. Kalisto – Warrior Splash
Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio/Kevin Owens went to a double countout