Date: December 2, 2015
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Corey Graves, Byron Saxton, Rich Brennan
Takeover: London is in two weeks and the card is mostly set. That leaves us with two shows to firm up the build, which means we could be in for some entertaining nights leading up to the next big show. The cliffhanger from last week saw Nia Jax throw her had in to the ring for the Women’s Title shot and Bayley doesn’t have an opponent for London yet. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Baron Corbin vs. Tye Dillinger
Some chops earn Dillinger a throw across the ring and Corbin chokes on the mat. Corbin is in his full slow mode here and it’s working as always. Dillinger comes back with a clothesline and a superkick for two, only to come off the middle rope and right into the End of Days for the pin at 2:52.
Result: Baron Corbin b. Tye Dillinger – End of Days (2:52)
Apollo Crews is ready for Corbin at Takeover and is ready to team up with Finn Balor to face Corbin and Samoa Joe next week.
Tommaso Ciampa says Joe is dangerous, but Ciampa is even more dangerous because he has nothing to lose. When he pins Joe tonight, everything changes.
Nia Jax vs. Blue Pants
Pants has a modified version of the Price is Right theme. Jax takes her down by the arm to start and stomps on the hand. A toss by the head keeps Blue in trouble and her kicks have no effect. Some elbow drops and a Samoan drop set up the big leg to squash Pants for the pin at 2:10.
Result: Nia Jax b. Blue Pants – Legdrop (2:10)
Adam Rose vs. James Storm
Rose orders his music cut off because this is serious business. Storm starts with a shoulder but Rose gets in some shots to the back to take over. A chinlock doesn’t get Adam anywhere as Storm comes back with his forearms and running neckbreaker, followed by the Last Call for the quick pin at 2:38.
Result: James Storm b. Adam Rose – Last Call (2:38)
The Vaudevillains are disappointed that they lost last week but they’re going to win here tonight.
Video on Sami Zayn winning the NXT Title a year ago.
Vaudevillains vs. Jason Jordan/Chad Gable
Gable takes Gotch to the mat to start but Simon grabs the arm, only to have Chad easily flip out. It’s off to Jordan to take English to the mat with ease and Aiden’s leapfrog is countered into an atomic drop. The fans say this is wrestling as English counters an Irish whip into the corner by standing on the middle rope and posing. Gable comes back in and goes after English’s bad leg but gets backdropped out to the floor for a big crash. Not that it matters as Chad slides over and makes the tag off to Jason for a bunch of dropkicks. The Grand Amplitude puts Gotch away at 5:28.
Result: Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Vaudevillains b. Grand Amplitude to Gotch (5:28)
Gable and Jordan offer a handshake but the Vaudevillains walk away.
Emma and Dana Brooke are ready for Asuka in London.
We get another song from what appears to be Elias Sampson.
Liv Morgan vs. Emma
Morgan is formerly known as Marley and Gionna Daddio. Emma doesn’t seem impressed and grabs the Dilemma followed by the Emma Sandwich. Morgan comes back with a quick guillotine choke and a dropkick. That’s it for the jobber offense as Emma drops her again and gets the win with the Emma Lock at 3:48.
Result: Emma b. Liv Morgan – Emma Lock (3:48)
Emma is in the ring when Asuka pops up on screen, beating the fire out of a punching bag. She’ll see Emma in London.
Bayley says she’s ready for all challengers, including Nia Jax. This brings up Nia, who stares at the title. Bayley says she’ll accept anyone who comes at her, so Jax knocks her through a door.
Tommaso Ciampa vs. Samoa Joe
Ciampa isn’t scared as Joe drives him into the corner and works on a wristlock before no selling a chop. Joe stays on the arm until Ciampa tries another chop. That just ticks Joe off so he forearms Ciampa’s head half off. They start slapping the taste out of each others’ mouths with Joe getting the better of it until Ciampa grabs a rollup and stomps on Joe’s arm.
More hard strikes stagger Joe and a guillotine choke has him in even more trouble. Make that a Kimura but Joe drives him into the corner again for the break. The enziguri knocks Ciampa half cold and a scoop powerslam makes it even worse. Joe Facewashes him in the corner and the release Rock Bottom drops Ciampa again. The fans are behind Joe until the Muscle Buster and Koquina Clutch end Ciampa at 6:37.
Result: Samoa Joe b. Tommaso Ciampa – Koquina Clutch (6:37)
Quick Results
Baron Corbin b. Tye Dillinger – End of Days
Nia Jax b. Blue Pants – Legdrop
James Storm b. Adam Rose – Last Call
Jason Jordan/Chad Gable b. Vaudevillains – Grand Amplitude to Gotch
Emma b. Liv Morgan – Emma Lock
Samoa Joe b. Tommaso Ciampa – Koquina Clutch