On the latest edition of the Jim Ross Report, J.R. gives his opinion on current WWE champion Kofi Kingson, calling him a great talent. Ross does suggest that the New Day member shift his demeanor to a more serious tone, as he is now the top guy on the brand, and a marked man.
Owens is a much better heel than a babyface. He’s a big time talent in my view. So is Kofi. Somebody needs to tell Kofi that hopping to the ring carefree, happy, smiling…I don’t know if that fits the champion..especially when you’re a marked man. The days of the six-man tags with New Day…it’s a different ballgame now. You’re the man. Everybody’s going to give you their best shot, which they should right? So the happy, carefree demeanor may be fun for children, you can laugh at or with the antics, not so much I think for the older fans. Just saying that maybe somebody that’s producing Kofi might want to suggest and figure out how you’re received.
Check out the full podcast below.