Back in January it was announced Tajiri would be out of action with a knee injury when he teamed up with Shinsuke Nakamura against Bobby Roode and Samoa Joe at an NXT taping. Tajiri took to Twitter earlier today to give an update an his situation. Please note, this is roughly translated from Japanese.
Tajiri said he did have a knee injury, which wasn’t too big of an issue, but at his age (46) the company considered it risky to put him back in the ring. While he was waiting for clearance from the doctor, he did some coaching in NXT. After being in the WWE for about four months, he’s returning to Japan with no regrets. He thanked Triple H, William Regal, and the WWE for giving him another chance in the company.
Tajiri was initially brought back to the WWE for their 32-man Cruiserweight Classic tournament that took place last June. He was eliminated from the tournament by Gran Metalik in the Round of 16.