Impact Wrestling Creative Consultant to Head of Creative Dutch Mantel, Matt Hardy and Matt’s wife, Reby, were involved in a Twitter spat this afternoon. It started with the message below with Mantel quoting a tweet that read, “If Matt knew he had a case he’d be trying to get this in front of a judge ASAP. If Anthem was avoiding court, Reby would let us know.”
Finally…somebody who GETS IT!! Yes if there was a case to be had, it would already be there.@EdNordholm @RealJeffJarrett
— Dr. Zeb Colter (@DirtyDMantell) May 19, 2017
This prompted the Twitter exchange below with Matt, Dutch and Reby with Reby explaining why they haven’t gone to court over the “Broken” gimmick, as seen below:
Someone please tell me if this is this MFer’s actual twitter.
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
So I should let our attorneys know TNA is ready & eager to go to court NOW. And I assume YOU’LL be picking up court cost$ for TNA’s team ? ??
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
As cute as it is to watch @DirtyDMantell play into the naivety of most fans, no; it is not smart – financially or otherwise to take…
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
…ANYTHING “straight to court” without trying to reach resolution by other means first. @DirtyDMantell, maybe you should STFU before you…
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
…COMPLETELY ruin any chance of a deal being made by the lawyers your dumbass company pays VERY HANDSOMELY per hour for @DirtyDMantell
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
***OR*** We can “get in front of a judge” right tf now because fcking Dutch Mantel is legal counsel all of a sudden LMAO ????
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
! @EdNordholm, might wanna check ya boy @DirtyDMantell out here making ur uphill battle even steeper ?? I won’t even charge u for that advice
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
Oh @RebyHardy. Be nice. Calm down. Think of your baby. Love you guys. ????????@WWE
— Dr. Zeb Colter (@DirtyDMantell) May 19, 2017
Of course, a guy like you *would* try to level me down as only being able to focus on a baby as your only response. With heart emojis.
— Reby Hardy (@RebyHardy) May 19, 2017
Incorrect, Jeff Jarrett puppet. I know you’re a minion following his childish orders to “bash” The Hardys..Is that what u want, @EdNordholm?
— #TheTruthTeller MMH (@MATTHARDYBRAND) May 19, 2017
Now more than EVAH, I appreciate the INCREDIBLE & UNPARALLELED professionalism that @WWE treats its athletes, performers & employees with.
— #TheTruthTeller MMH (@MATTHARDYBRAND) May 19, 2017
Don’t get all hot about it!! Calm down. Be nice. Love you guys. ???????? @WWE @EdNordholm@IMPACTWRESTLING @RealJeffJarrett
— Dr. Zeb Colter (@DirtyDMantell) May 19, 2017
All I can say is: Sometimes you don’t always get what you want. @EdNordholm@RealJeffJarrett @WWE @JeremyBorash
— Dr. Zeb Colter (@DirtyDMantell) May 19, 2017
Good thing I’ve learned how to DELETE people. It does come in handy. Thanks @RebyHardy@RealJeffJarrett @EdNordholm @WWE @IMPACTWRESTLING
— Dr. Zeb Colter (@DirtyDMantell) May 19, 2017