– Nikki Bella gives fans a look at her resort room as they film some footage for Total Divas in Cabo. Nikki says Alexa Bliss is her roommate for the trip and would like to wrestle her for the title one day.
[su_note note_color=”#f3f3ef” text_color=”#f7f5f5″]”Gosh, I would just love to go against her [Alexa Bliss] at SummerSlam. Actually, I’m so excited for her and Bayley, it gonna be incredible, but that’s a dream, one day, to go against Alexa Bliss for the title.”[/su_note]
– Adam Cole spoke with ESPN on a number of wrestling topics. Adam Cole spoke on Studying CM Punk’s promos.
Studying CM Punk’s promos:
“Nine times out of 10 the promo stuff that I watched was all CM Punk. Just the way that he spoke, the cadence that he had, the confidence that he had, the look in his eyes was so believable. Punk was so smart with his promos. He talked intelligently, to where you thought he was an intelligent guy and you thought this was a fresh idea, but it wasn’t so over-the-top or so over your head that you didn’t understand it. He was very, very good at carrying himself in promos. He was definitely a guy that I studied quite a bit and still study going forward and cutting promos.”