AEW Dynamite Results 8/28/24

Fresh off the heels of a tremendous PPV, let’s see how AEW can keep the momentum rolling

  • Ricochet vs. Kyle Fletcher
  • Jamie Hayter vs. Harley Cameron
  • The Conglomeration & Hook vs. The Learning Tree & Roderick Strong
  • Tomohiro Ishii vs. Hangman Page

Make sure to keep refreshing the page as the most recent results are below!

AEW Dynamite 8/28/24

A video package of Bryan Danielson and Swerve Strickland kicks off the show.

Live from the State Farm Center in Champagne, Illinois! Tony Schiavone, Excalibur, and Taz are on commentary and here’s Jon Moxley with his Deathrider music from New Japan. Tony Schiavone grabs a mic and walks to the ring. Tony Schiavone asks Moxley how he’s doing, and Moxley says he’s been doing a lot of thinking. Moxley wants to have a talk with a man that’s not here tonight, and that man is Darby Allin. It’s about time Darby and Moxley had a talk, and he won’t be hard to find.

Moxley goes to leave but he comes back in and says it’s going to take some time for people to understand, but “it’s not your company anymore.”

Renee is in the back with The Conglomeration and Hook, and Willow, who may or may not be members? I’m not sure anymore. But it’s a Mark Briscoe promo so watch it.

Match #1. Hangman Page vs. Tomohiro Ishii

As expected, both dudes start the match by throwing roughly a hundred elbows at each other. Ishii gets whipped into the corner and fires back with a shoulder block. Page wants a Death Valley Driver but Ishii holds on to the ropes and lands on the apron, so Page decides on a double jump clothesline. DDT on the apron by Page and Ishii is frozen in place, upside down. Back in the ring, a leaping clothesline by Page and a backbreaker for two. Ishii comes back with a headbutt and a back suplex. Two count. Hard clothesline in the corner by Ishii as he sets Page up on the top rope. Jumping headbutt by Ishii! Superplex by Ishii gets two. Death Valley Driver by Hangman. German suplex by Ishii! Stereo rolling elbows and both guys are down. Elbow party, baby. Both guys trade heavy leather now but Page brings Ishii down into a crossface. Ishii finally works his way to the bottom rope as we go to commercial break. Back from break and both guys meet in the middle with clotheslines. Page looks for Deadeye but Ishii blocks with a German suplex, but Page lands on his feet! German suplex by Page! Page rolls to the apron for the Buckshot but Ishii counters with a Deadeye of his own! Lariat by Ishii! One, two, thre-no! Discus lariat by Page. Lariat by Ishii. Discus lariat by Page! Double clothesline. Another. Buckshot lariat! That’ll do it.

Winner: Hangman Page

Rating: ***1/2. HOSS FIGHTTTTTT. Two guys just beating the daylights out of each other and it was great. Ishii in AEW has been awesome.

WHO’S HOUSE?! Here’s the former AEW World Heavyweight Champion! Swerve says he should stomp Page into a bloody mess, but instead, he wants to tell Page he feels sorry for him. Page is the one that’s become a petulant little child, getting further and further away from success. Swerve may not have the title right now, but he’ll always be referred to as a World Champion. This will always be… who’s house?

Page says Swerve is not a champion of anything, he’ just a piece of shit. He broke into Page’s house, and he could never beat him on his own. Swerve says let’s lock everyone else out, and lock them in. All Out. Steel cage match. Swerve said after Revolution, he drove ten minutes up the road to Page’s house and watched him escort his pregnant wife down the stairs. That’s when Swerve realized, that’s the man that Hangman was supposed to be. Swerve realized he wanted to be champion, and in order to do so, he had to beat the best. What kind of man does Hangman want to be? Hangman storms out, and we don’t have an answer for next week yet.

Match #2. Jamie Hayter vs. Harley Cameron

Quick jawbreaker and a headkick by Cameron. Slip by Cameron and a big boot by Hayter. Cameron rolls to the outside as Hayter and Saraya face-off, briefly. Back in the ring and Cameron looks for Soul Food but Hayter hangs on. Hayte Breaker. Make that two. Hayterade and this one is over.

Winner: Jamie Hayter

Rating: NR

A video package of MJF and Will Ospreay is shown.

Here’s MJF. MJF is suffering neck and back pain from the Tiger Driver, and he’s in no mood. MJF denounces his American citizenship because nobody had his back. The only part of the country that matters is Long Island. MJF says AEW without MJF is a circus, and speaking of a circus… Will Ospreay. MJF says Ospreay cheated like a gutless little worm, and this isn’t over by a longshot. One day Ospreay may come close to winning the greatest prize in this sport, and MJF will cut you out at the knees with a smile on his face (remember this promo). MJF wants to talk to the worst of all, Daniel Garcia, and if he ever shows his face…

Here’s Danny Garcia! Garcia blasts MJF from behind and chokes him unconscious with a guillotine! Garcia picks up MJF for a piledriver but decides better of it and puts MJF on the top turnbuckle. Garcia looks for the avalanche piledriver but security makes the stop, and MJF blasts Garcia from behind. Security is finally able to pull both guys apart as Garcia grabs a mic. Garcia says he’s the one that stole the Dynamite Diamond Ring and he pawned it in Buffalo and used it to get to All In to ruin his night. Garcia says ruining MJF’s life is all he thinks about, especially when his own mother watched him wheeled out on a stretcher. Ruining MJF’s life is Garcia’s fetish, and he’s got MJF at All Out in a week and a half.

A video package of Ricochet is shown, and it’s just the first day of his journey here at AEW.

Match #3. The Learning Tree & Roderick Strong vs. The Conglomeration & Hook

Kitchen sink by Kyle and a PK by Cassidy to Keith. Two count. Briscoe gets the tag and it’s a suplex to Keith. All eight men quickly enter the ring and it’s a melee. Jericho lays in some body shots on Hook on the outside as Strong lays out Kyle. In the ring, Jericho locks a Full Nelson on Cassidy, who tries to go pocket hands… and does! Cassidy frees himself and delivers a shotgun dropkick. Strong and Briscoe get the tag and Strong lays in some heavy chops to Briscoe, before backing him up into the Learning Tree corner. Kyle gets the tag and it’s axe and smash to Strong. Keith gets back suplexed and Kyle looks for a straight ankle lock, but Bill is here with the big elbow. Bossman Slam to Cassidy and Bill is standing tall. Kyle is in trouble the entire commercial break but manages to low bridge Big Bill. Hook gets the hot tag and it’s flying clotheslines to everyone. Hip toss to Strong but Bill blocks a T-Bone suplex. Bill posts himself and Hook T-Bones him. Northern Light’s suplex to Strong. Keith breaks up the pin. Kyle boots Keith in the face and Keith hits an exploder on Cassidy. Jericho fakes a dive but gets blasted by Hook. T-Bone to Jericho. Lungblower by Strong to Hook but Kyle is here with a PK. Running knee off the apron by Kyle takes out Jericho. Suicide dive by Cassidy to Strong. Briscoe launches himself off the chair and takes out Bill. Strong stacks up Hook for a two count. Strong wants End of Heartache but Hook frees himself and locks in RedRum. Strong gets his foot on the bottom rope but the referee doesn’t see it as he taps out.

Winners: The Conglomeration & Hook

Rating: ***. What you’d expect from this one, lots of chaos and it was tough to keep up at times, but it seems we’ve got Hook moving on from Jericho, which is a good thing.

After the match, the rest of the Undisputed Kingdom hit the ring and beat down Hook. Strong holds the FTW title over his head in triumph.

Mercedes Mone is here to celebrate her victory. Private Party is here, because it is a party after all. Isiah Kassidy tries to put the moves on Mercedes Mone, but Kamille is here to prevent that, and so is Okada. Sayonara, bitches.

Tony Schiavone welcomes Mariah May to the stage. May says the celebration has been postponed, because she’s not doing it… in this town. May knows it’s called Champagne, but it should be renamed “Flat, Stale, Piss Warm Beer.” May then runs down all the women in the audience, and this town needs some Glamour. May says she’s going to take her robe off now and show everyone their new AEW Women’s World Champion. May disrobes briefly, and then throws back to the announce desk.

The Grizzled Young Veterans send a message to the entire AEW tag team division, including the Bucks. When you see the GYV coming… grit your teeth! See ya soon, lads.

Highlights of Konosuke Takeshita’s G1 Climax matches is shown, and we’ll see him take on Mortos, Komander, and Lio Rush in a four-way match on Rampage.

Match #5. Ricochet vs. Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis

Ricochet sends Fletcher outside early but Fletcher beats him in the ring and catches him with a leg lariat. Tope suicida by Fletcher and a big boot in the corner sends Ricochet into the front row. Fletcher charges but Ricochet springboards off the barricade into a Meteora! In the ring, Ricochet tries a springboard but Fletcher catches him with a spinning Side Effect for two. Fletcher is in control throughout the commercial break. Half-nelson… something, as Ricochet lands awkwardly and both guys are on different pages there. Fletcher sets Ricochet up on the top but headbutts him off. Enziguiri by Ricochet and a springboard clothesline. Handspring back elbow by Ricochet. Enziguiri by Ricochet and a Northern Light’s suplex, right into a deadlift spinning suplex. Running Shooting Star Press gets two. Hard chops by Ricochet but Fletcher runs through a clothesline and follows up with a lariat. Two count. Rolling Thunder Shotgun dropkick by Ricochet and a suicide dive by Ricochet. Ricochet comes off the top but eats a pair of boots to the face. Running boot in the corner by Fletcher and a brainbuster! Long two count. Fletcher wants a powerbomb but Ricochet lands on his feet and lays in some elbows. Pump kick by Ricochet and a Death Valley Driver. Two count. Vertigo by Ricochet! One, two, three.

Winner: Ricochet

Rating: ***1/2. Fun stuff here as you would expect, but I don’t think these two had the greatest chemistry, unfortunately. Really fun for what it was, and a good introduction to Ricochet in AEW.

Will Ospreay is here! Ospreay stands at the top of the ramp and looks to say something to Ricochet, but Pac is here out of nowhere with a Poisonrana on the stage!

Pac tells Ospreay not to overlook him, and welcomes Ricochet to AEW. Pac picks up Ospreay and tells Ricochet to get to the back of the line, because Ospreay belongs to Pac.

Jon Moxley is caught by a cameraman, and says we could really use a lesson in humility. Moxley tosses a security guard into some plunder and Marina Shafir is here to hip toss a bunch of people. Well now.

Bryan Danielson is here. After trying, and failing, and trying, and failing… Bryan Danielson is the AEW World Heavyweight Champion. Danielson’s daughter said that was the best day of her life, and Danielson knew it when he got to the back… it was his favorite moment of his entire career. Danielson then got the… “what’s next?” Danielson’s contract with AEW expired on August 1st, and he’s going to be needing neck surgery sooner rather than later, and his family is ready for him to come home. So Danielson has done a lot of thinking, and AEW is awesome. Danielson has loved pro wrestling his entire life and the fact that AEW even exists makes wrestling, and Danielson’s life… better. Danielson realized… it’s probably time for him to go home…





Jack Perry is shown on the tron. Perry punched Tony Khan. Buried Darby Allin. And yet, Perry had still beat Danielson. Perry’s future and the future of AEW are one in the same. Perry’s future.. is behind him. Perry blasts Danielson from behind and then hits him with the Regal Knee.

Final Thoughts: Was it the best wrestling show of all time? Absolutely not. Did AEW reset and show us where they’ll be heading in a variety of ways after All In? Absolutely. Even though the wrestling wasn’t as strong as we are accustomed to, sans the main event, there was a lot to like about this show. Danielson isn’t going anywhere just yet, Swerve and Hangman, MJF and Garcia, Jon Moxley’s promo has me intrigued, GYV add some life to the tag team division, Ricochet being Ricochet… good stories tonight. 7.5/10.

The post AEW Dynamite Results 8/28/24 appeared first on Wrestling Headlines.

Author: logan wol