AJ Styles likened the seemingly imminent pro wrestling debut of former UFC champion and Olympic bronze medalist Ronda Rousey to that of Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle. Angle signed with WWE in 1998 as a highly-touted prospect and earned a reputation as a fast learner, rising quickly to main events.
When asked by TMZ how he thought Rousey would do in WWE, Styles replied, “Let me tell you about someone who came in [to WWE] kind of like Ronda did, and learned like that,” Styles said, snapping his fingers. “Kurt Angle.”
“I don’t know if you remember Kurt coming in like that and [he] just went straight to the top.”
Styles noted a difference is Rousey, who debuted at the Royal Rumble in January, has even more name recognition coming into the company than Angle did.
“Now, [Angle] was an Olympic champion but he still didn’t have the name recognition that Ronda has. Ronda, though, she’s an athlete, man. She can adapt. That’s what she does. She’ll learn quick. She’ll be a sponge,” Styles said, and added that he thinks she’ll have great success in WWE.
“And she’ll be up there with the Kurt Angles and everybody else that’s went on to the Hall of Fame.”
While no opponent has been named yet, it’s been rumored Rousey will wrestle at WrestleMania on April 8. It’s been reportedshe may be paired with Stephanie McMahon. Styles said he’s excited to see her possibly compete at WrestleMania.
“If she’s ready, let’s get her in the ring, man.”
As for her opponent at WWE’s biggest event of the year:
“Personally? You put her up against Charlotte Flair, she’s going to have an unbelievable match. You put in there with Asuka, you’re going to have an unbelievable match. Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks. I mean we got tons of people, ladies, that you can throw her in there — women’s revolution, are you kidding me? Throw her in there with anybody.”
Styles was also asked who had the better hair, Rousey or himself.
“Ronda Rousey,” he admitted. Why? “It’s longer.”
Source: TMZ